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IkariDC 634th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Re(8):First fighting game you've every played" , posted Tue 17 Jul 04:07
quote: My favourite SNK game was Windjammers though...
But that's not from SNK, it was made by Data East!
I know... I meant on an SNK platform...
Ok, sorry about that!
Also, I remembered about these games:
Uchimata on MSX, it was way too complex and they say it's utter crap, but I can't remember that.
If that wasn't the first one I played, it would have been Bronx, at a friend's place on Spectrum.
And later I played the MS-DOS version of Budokan. In this one, I just loved that, if you waited a bit at the screen when entering the tournament, you can see Godzilla appearing in the background!
Maese Spt 378th Post

Silver Customer
| "Re(7):First fighting game you've every played" , posted Thu 19 Jul 14:31
I'm not that unique, so my first fighting game was good ol' SF World Warrior. I was an E.Honda player. Those were the times...
However, for "normal" sidescrolling beat'em ups, my pedigree gets much better, since I began with Kung Fu master/Spartan X. Never got to pass through the second knife-throwing bastard, tough ;_;
From those "golden" times I also remember with certain degree of tenderness World Heroes 1 & 2, the first Samurai Spirits and Art of Fighting. Mike Haggar's exploits in the original Final Fight rocked my world pretty hard as well.
After that, I discovered Tekken and his cousin Sould Edge, and my life changed forever. I became a converse to 3D fighting religion. Oh, and I can't forget to mention the totally awesome Dinamite Deka/Die Hard Arcade, which is, ght after Final Fight, my favourite beat'em up from all time.
Damn you, this thread makes me feel SO OLD.
 マツケン サンバ!!!!