First fighting game you've every played? - Forums

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Iron D
2757th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"First fighting game you've every played?" , posted Sun 15 Jul 13:09post reply

I'm guessing it's safe to assume that not everyone here played SFII first.

For me personally it wasn't SFII, but SFII: Champion edition. Ah, awesome memories. I remember seeing the original SFII both in arcades and on SNES and thinking that the characters select box area looked a little small.

So what about the rest of you?



Red Falcon
5916th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):First fighting game you've every played" , posted Sun 15 Jul 13:15post reply

Karate Champ. Didn't like it at the time.

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Undead Fred
2899th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):First fighting game you've every played" , posted Sun 15 Jul 13:26post reply

Karate Champ. Didn't like it at the time.

Heh heh heh. Yeah, I think that was my first as well.... didn't realize it counted.

4274th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):First fighting game you've every played" , posted Sun 15 Jul 14:37:post reply

Street fighter 2: world warriors
was the only fighting game in the arcades at the time.

[this message was edited by Toxico on Sun 15 Jul 14:45]

The Droogo
268th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(4):First fighting game you've every played" , posted Sun 15 Jul 14:54post reply

Double Dragon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you are asking about fight,there´s nothing much better to beat your partener holding his head and giving him a good ration of knee on to his nose and if you feel bad for your opponent´s death you can suicide throwing yourself over a field of spearheads!
Double Dragon is better than any opera soap ever!!!

O ra o ra!

1187th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(5):First fighting game you've every played" , posted Sun 15 Jul 15:10post reply

Street Fighter Zero 2. Embarrassingly late, of course, and it really did take Sakura to grab my young attention, but I've made up for it since. It was so colorful and cool and unlike the pics of old-style SF I'd seen in magazines before...


2282th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):First fighting game you've every played" , posted Sun 15 Jul 15:48post reply

Karate Champ for me, too...I think. That was kind of a long time ago, though.

I remember some old arcade game that was...kinda like a fighter...I wanna say it was Hokuto no Ken? Your first opponent was a fat guy. Maybe that was first...

161th Post

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"Re(7):First fighting game you've every played" , posted Sun 15 Jul 18:44post reply

a bit offtopic
sorry i dont want to start a new thread just for this

who drew CFJ's in game chracter portraits? was it shinkirou?

Time Mage
2577th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):First fighting game you've every played" , posted Sun 15 Jul 18:47post reply

I think it's Yie Ar Kung-Fu, MSX version. I'm not 100% sure that I played it before SFII WW, but yes, I think it is.

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2185th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):First fighting game you've every played" , posted Sun 15 Jul 20:01post reply

Can't remember whether it was Yie Ar Kung Fu or Karate Champ.
Might even have been Punch Out! if that counts.

563th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(8):First fighting game you've every played" , posted Sun 15 Jul 20:58post reply

I'd say I'm in the Yie Ar Kung-Fu camp as well, and it sounds like that's the game Polly is thinking of as well.



967th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):First fighting game you've every played" , posted Sun 15 Jul 21:08post reply

Karate Champ. Didn't like it at the time.

first game as well, i liked alot for some reason though

Just a Person
937th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(3):First fighting game you've every played" , posted Sun 15 Jul 22:33post reply

Mine was Street Fighter II: Champion Edition.

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2283th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):First fighting game you've every played" , posted Sun 15 Jul 23:49post reply

I'd say I'm in the Yie Ar Kung-Fu camp as well, and it sounds like that's the game Polly is thinking of as well.


Yes! Of course, my memory has somehow distorted that game to be Hokuto no Ken, but that's definitely it. I remember it was by Konami as well, now that I see it.

I was probably 4 when I played it...didn't get too far.

3947th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):First fighting game you've every playe" , posted Mon 16 Jul 00:59post reply

if karateka counts, then it's that.

otherwise, SF II CE.

1383th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Re(10):First fighting game you've every" , posted Mon 16 Jul 03:12post reply

My early days were all Karateka, Karate Champ and Yie Ar Kung Fu.

I can't actually remember which came first.

Iron D
2758th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):First fighting game you've every" , posted Mon 16 Jul 05:05post reply

I didn't realize that so many people got started so early. I guess I'm a late bloomer myself.


2284th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):First fighting game you've every" , posted Mon 16 Jul 07:28post reply

I didn't realize that so many people got started so early. I guess I'm a late bloomer myself.

My mom was a big Atari fan before I was even born, so thanks to her, I probably played games before I learned to walk.

I would list Karateka as well, but I thought that was more like a beat em up? Or did you just fight one person at a time as you advanced?

251th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(1):First fighting game you've every played" , posted Mon 16 Jul 07:41post reply

If double dragon, Kung Fu, or Mike Tyson's punch out count then either one of those 3 for me would be my starter most likely double dragon though. If not I'd say Street Fighter 2

"My name? If you knew that you'd be as clever as me." - Layer Cake

268th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(2):First fighting game you've every played" , posted Mon 16 Jul 07:52post reply

Yier-ar Kung Fu, MSX

But I still want to quench your thirst.
Because I am the one that put you into the desert.

148th Post

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"Re(3):First fighting game you've every played" , posted Mon 16 Jul 08:07post reply

If the Double Dragon type games count, then mine was River City Ransom :) Otherwise SFII:tWW.

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1345th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):First fighting game you've every played" , posted Mon 16 Jul 08:33post reply

Still have fond memories begging my dad to take me to the 'cade to play Street Fighter: WW

590th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(5):First fighting game you've every played" , posted Mon 16 Jul 08:37post reply

Pong counts, right? Especially if I ended up beating the crap out of the other player if I lost in it...

All kidding aside, Yie-Ar-Kung-Fu was the first for me. I don't really count Double D as a fighter... that's a beat-em-up.

252th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(6):First fighting game you've every played" , posted Mon 16 Jul 11:49post reply

Pong counts, right? Especially if I ended up beating the crap out of the other player if I lost in it...

All kidding aside, Yie-Ar-Kung-Fu was the first for me. I don't really count Double D as a fighter... that's a beat-em-up.

What about the 1p vs 2p at the end of Double D? =x, though you make a good point the big majority of it is a beat em up.

"My name? If you knew that you'd be as clever as me." - Layer Cake

Iron D
2759th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):First fighting game you've every played" , posted Mon 16 Jul 12:42post reply

Yeah, to be clear I'm specifically talking about fighting games, NOT beat 'em ups. I was actually giving those that listed Double Dragon as a fighting game the benefit of the doubt and assuming that they were talking about one of the three Double Dragon fighting games.

But no, I'm not talking about beat 'em ups.


2286th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):First fighting game you've every played" , posted Mon 16 Jul 13:31post reply

I'm not trying to legitimize Double Dragon as a fighting game, but didn't it have a 1 on 1 vs mode in the NES version?

253th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(9):First fighting game you've every played" , posted Mon 16 Jul 13:41post reply

I'm not trying to legitimize Double Dragon as a fighting game, but didn't it have a 1 on 1 vs mode in the NES version?

yes it did with various characters enemies and good guys.

"My name? If you knew that you'd be as clever as me." - Layer Cake

Iron D
2760th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):First fighting game you've every playe" , posted Mon 16 Jul 14:37post reply

I'm not trying to legitimize Double Dragon as a fighting game, but didn't it have a 1 on 1 vs mode in the NES version?

yes it did with various characters enemies and good guys.

Well now I feel like I'm needing to get too specific with definitions. The vs. mode aspect of Double Dragon was not it's main focus.

I'm not meaning to sound pissy or anything, but I'm sure you guys all know what is a fighting game and what isn't; especially now that I've said that I'm not counting beat 'em ups.


3560th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):First fighting game you've every" , posted Mon 16 Jul 17:29post reply

It was karaté champ for me... After if beat them up counts, it was Golden axe. And only far after SF.

Fortes fortuna juvat...

1571th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(3):First fighting game you've every played" , posted Mon 16 Jul 19:48post reply

I think it's Yie Ar Kung-Fu, MSX version. I'm not 100% sure that I played it before SFII WW, but yes, I think it is.

Yier-ar Kung Fu, MSX

Keeping the Yie Ar Kung Fu monopoly for Spain.
But in my case it was the Amstrad CPC 6128 version.

But that's strictly the first one. I wouldn't get into videogames until many years later. And into fighting games, not earlier than this century...

Like the wind...

"When the finger points to heaven the idiot looks at the finger."
-A kid from Amélie.

2584th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):First fighting game you've every played" , posted Mon 16 Jul 23:01post reply

Does Attack of the Phantom Karate Devils count? It's for the C64 and it's really crap. I was just sorting through my elecronic graveyard yesterday and remembered that I had this.

416th Post

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"Re(5):First fighting game you've every played" , posted Mon 16 Jul 23:41:post reply

Probably Yie Ar Kung-Fu on my neighbour's Amstrad CPC 464 (or was it a 6128... anyway, it was in color mind you, that was kinda awesome at the time for me).
For arcade, I can't remember that well... I know I played a mean first match of SFII: World Warriors (and won by button mashing) against the same neighbour during a ski trip (ah the memories). But I went an awful lot to arcades before that and I might have played an early SNK fighting game before that and not remember it. My favourite SNK game was Windjammers though...


[this message was edited by Mokona on Mon 16 Jul 23:45]

633th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(6):First fighting game you've every played" , posted Tue 17 Jul 03:22post reply


My favourite SNK game was Windjammers though...

But that's not from SNK, it was made by Data East!

Back on topic: Well I guess that Kung Fu Master/Spartan X doesn't count, so although I knew about Yie Ar Kung Fu through MSX magazines, back then Konami carts were mighty expensive for a kid like me. Unless I'm forgetting any other game, SFIIWW was the first one.


416th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(7):First fighting game you've every played" , posted Tue 17 Jul 03:43post reply


My favourite SNK game was Windjammers though...

But that's not from SNK, it was made by Data East!

I know... I meant on an SNK platform...


634th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(8):First fighting game you've every played" , posted Tue 17 Jul 04:07post reply


My favourite SNK game was Windjammers though...

But that's not from SNK, it was made by Data East!

I know... I meant on an SNK platform...

Ok, sorry about that!

Also, I remembered about these games:

Uchimata on MSX, it was way too complex and they say it's utter crap, but I can't remember that.

If that wasn't the first one I played, it would have been Bronx, at a friend's place on Spectrum.

And later I played the MS-DOS version of Budokan. In this one, I just loved that, if you waited a bit at the screen when entering the tournament, you can see Godzilla appearing in the background!


2878th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):First fighting game you've every played" , posted Tue 17 Jul 04:19post reply

Like a lot of people in the thread I remember earlier fighting game efforts such as Yie Ar Kung-Fu, Karate Champ and so on. I also have vague memories of the first Street Fighter but it wasn't until SF2 that I began to actively follow the genre.

As a related question to this discussion, what is recognized as the first fighting game? Some long forgotten boxing title?

1135th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(9):First fighting game you've every played" , posted Tue 17 Jul 04:35post reply

Yie Ar Kung-Fu on Amstrad CPC
later, Street Fighter I on Atari ST
still later, International Karaté + on Atari ST

418th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(9):First fighting game you've every played" , posted Tue 17 Jul 04:52:post reply

As a related question to this discussion, what is recognized as the first fighting game? Some long forgotten boxing title?

After a quick search, even though most people say it is Vectorbeam's Warrior (1979),it seems to actually be Heavyweight Champ (by Sega). 1976, wow, I wasn't even born!


[this message was edited by Mokona on Tue 17 Jul 04:52]

922th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(10):First fighting game you've every playe" , posted Tue 17 Jul 07:17post reply


Play to win.

4395th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"ko" , posted Tue 17 Jul 08:57post reply

Probably Urban Champion, but it was at a friend or relative's house and I played a bunch of random NES stuff (including the short-lived Power Pad).

3949th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Re(10):First fighting game you've every" , posted Tue 17 Jul 11:02post reply


I would list Karateka as well, but I thought that was more like a beat em up? Or did you just fight one person at a time as you advanced?

as far as I remember, it was one at a time...
but I've been wrong before!

575th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(6):Re(10):First fighting game you've every" , posted Tue 17 Jul 11:10post reply

Original arcade SFII.

I use to play with Blanka and Chun Li religiously because they were the only characters I could do special moves with.


719th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(1):First fighting game you've every played" , posted Tue 17 Jul 13:01post reply

Street Fighter 2: The World Warrior.

I saw it at a Fuddruckers of all places; not surprisingly that's also where I first played World Heroes and Samurai Shodown. At a flippin' Fuddruckers. I wonder if the place is still around.

I remember taking a liking to Dhalsim because of his stretchy-ness. I remember having a huge amount of trouble trying to do a Yoga Flame. I was a noob and used his Fierce Punch and Yoga Fire a lot.

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

254th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(2):First fighting game you've every played" , posted Tue 17 Jul 13:36post reply


I saw it at a Fuddruckers of all places; not surprisingly that's also where I first played World Heroes and Samurai Shodown. At a flippin' Fuddruckers. I wonder if the place is still around.

Same here dude, Fuddruckers is still around actually but personally I prefer 59 diner here in Houston. I can't remember if it was 2 or 1 I played of Samurai showdown but yea! Fuddruckers of all places haha. Good food too.

"My name? If you knew that you'd be as clever as me." - Layer Cake

576th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(3):First fighting game you've every played" , posted Tue 17 Jul 14:23post reply


I hated the food there but when my family went I always would BEG for change. They had so many random fighting games! I distinctly remember playing World Heroes and Samurai Shodown any chance possible during our meal.


888th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(4):First fighting game you've every played" , posted Tue 17 Jul 14:58post reply


I hated the food there but when my family went I always would BEG for change. They had so many random fighting games! I distinctly remember playing World Heroes and Samurai Shodown any chance possible during our meal.

Add me to that list. While the first fighting game I played was SNES Street Fighter II, I have distinct memories of playing Art of Fighting, SFII Turbo and that one weird Spiderman arcade game there.

ワンダフル! ビューティフル! エキサイティング!

1188th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(5):First fighting game you've every played" , posted Tue 17 Jul 15:20post reply

Not my first by any means, but I think I've played more SNK games in the game rooms aboard ferry boats on the US East Coast than anywhere else, strangely enough. Aside from Pacman etc., they always have an SNK multi-machine with SS and Metal Slug. Big (nausea-inducing) fun aboard the high seas!


794th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(6):First fighting game you've every played" , posted Thu 19 Jul 01:32post reply

Mines were :

vs games -> "Street Fighter 2: The World Warrior". I still remember those arcaica cabinets with only 3 buttons... you were lucky enough if both roundhouse attacks were available, otherwise you were dead meat. In fact, I still play Street Fighter games using mostly the 2 strongest buttons, (save for SFIII3rd, whose despicable throwing system forces me to do otherwise)

beat'em ups -> "Double Dragon II : The Revenge". I became quite competent in that game but now, whenever I play it on MAME the goonies beat the crap out of me. How true is that "Any distant, past time was better than present"...

Undead Fred
2901th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"On topic..." , posted Thu 19 Jul 12:59post reply

I just looked on the Live Arcade, and I noticed Yie Ar Kung Fu is available. I hadn't heard of it before this thread... so time to try the demo out. Also, I noticed someone else mentioned Golden Axe- that's up too.

Maese Spt
378th Post

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"Re(7):First fighting game you've every played" , posted Thu 19 Jul 14:31post reply

I'm not that unique, so my first fighting game was good ol' SF World Warrior. I was an E.Honda player. Those were the times...

However, for "normal" sidescrolling beat'em ups, my pedigree gets much better, since I began with Kung Fu master/Spartan X. Never got to pass through the second knife-throwing bastard, tough ;_;

From those "golden" times I also remember with certain degree of tenderness World Heroes 1 & 2, the first Samurai Spirits and Art of Fighting. Mike Haggar's exploits in the original Final Fight rocked my world pretty hard as well.

After that, I discovered Tekken and his cousin Sould Edge, and my life changed forever. I became a converse to 3D fighting religion. Oh, and I can't forget to mention the totally awesome Dinamite Deka/Die Hard Arcade, which is, ght after Final Fight, my favourite beat'em up from all time.

Damn you, this thread makes me feel SO OLD.

マツケン サンバ!!!!