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Pollyanna 2287th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(7):First videogame you were addicted to" , posted Tue 17 Jul 18:01
I play a lot of games, but I never really play any ONE game a whole lot. If I play a game over 100 hours, then that's quite a while for me. When I was young, I would usually rent a new game every weekend, and play until I won it.
I was pretty big on Super Mario Bros when it came out, and I went through Final Fantasy 4 quite a few times (with pretty long sessions each time). When Biohazard came out, I played that all day and all night for several days, until I won it. (but never touched it after that)
I spent countless weekends playing Vampire Hunter with my friends, and I've probably clocked well over 100 hours on numerous fighting games. The first game I "broke the clock" on was DOA2.
I may have spent the most time altogether playing Persona, but it's hard to say.
Mokona 419th Post

Gold Customer
| "Re(9):First videogame you were addicted to" , posted Wed 18 Jul 00:03:
quote: For me it was Bubble bobble...the 1st video games I've played for hours, and who gives me the video game passion.
Ditto on Bubble Bobble (on my Atari 520 ST), I'd play some mean 2-players games with my cousins and brother, but the furthest we went in the game was around level 75 I think... which goes to say how much time we put into that game.
Soccer games in general were also a big commitment for my cousins and I. We'd spend our holidays playing Kick-off 2.
I also had a healthy addiction with Lode Runner, building impossible levels for my brother (spending around 5 or 6 hours building one, then around 4 hours play-testing it to make sure it was at least possible to finish, and then watch him for days try and make something of it, eh eh)
Those were the days... And what about the good old times building legos on the floor for days, or playing some Risk... (not to mention, during the summer holidays, we'd play at least a couple hours of soccer every day) we didn't even need videogames then...
[this message was edited by Mokona on Wed 18 Jul 00:04] |
Arngrim 269th Post

Copper Customer

| "Re(2):First videogame you were addicted to" , posted Wed 18 Jul 01:10
At first I grow really addicted to the little quantity of NES cartridges I had. I used to spend countless hours playing games like Super Mario Bros, Super Mario Bros 3, Megaman 3, The NewZealand Story or Chip'n'Dale.
Years after, I discovered emulation and I entered a "beat any 16-bit RPG in English" spree. That was fruitful stage.
Funny that, far from being isolated by playing that much rpgs, I managed to drag my friends along on that spiral, with the result of about 10 people playing the same game at home and then comparing results with the others (however, I must admit that we got a little apart from the mainstream by doing that).
Apart from that, FF7 and FF8 also became big time-spenders (with +100h each, which is quite a lot under my point of view).
Story of my life!
 But I still want to quench your thirst. Because I am the one that put you into the desert.
Maou 1192th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member+
| "Re(4):First videogame you were addicted to" , posted Wed 18 Jul 01:13:
re: Saga
Yeah, I was in love with the idea of seven overlapping scenarios and it probably would have been an addiction if the game weren't out to get you, plus having to punch 100 times until it randomly produced a new move made me suicidal. Oddly enough, it was first Red who I beat the game with (nothing like an ending that simply blacks out the last boss screen and says, "The End," arghgh), then with that monster boy. So maybe it was an addiction in that I played another whole scenario after that in search of my money's worth...!
quote: Apart from that, FF7 and FF8 also became big time-spenders (with +100h each, which is quite a lot under my point of view).
Yeah Arngrim, I'd say that counts, though they weren't my first, but still...I broke the clock on my first play of VII trying to kill Weapons in the US version of that game (a huge mistake in retrospect, as I like to burst through the story on the first play and then if I ever replay, then I can be perfectionistic, which I no longer am anyway). I must have hit 80 hours in my beloved VIII, too, but fortunately it was the second playthrough, where I got everyone's best weapons, killed Omega, and (foolishly and pointlessly) got every single Triple Triad card. Your reward: a star by the Card menu. Never again....
[this message was edited by Maou on Wed 18 Jul 01:19] |
Pollyanna 2288th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):First videogame you were addicted to" , posted Wed 18 Jul 10:25
quote: I was the same with Siren. It was the first game that seriously pissed me off. But I would always return to try to beat that days mission. I think I stuck through it because the actual act of completing a scenario and the thrill of running for your life was so satisfying. That's why I love (and respect) the game.
Probably one of the few games I use to play everyday was King of fighters '99 ( 98 really ) on Dreamcast. During my middle school days I would play for hours, messing around with different characters. Before that, I use to religiously force my friend to play Super Puzzle fighter II Turbo for the PS.
Yeah, I love games like that (Siren) where it's pain pain pain, but when you're finished, you really feel like you've accomplished something. Of course, I prefer games that are fun fun fun, then make you feel like you've accomplished something (God Hand), but pain is nice, too.
I never finished Siren, though...mostly because it took too much brain power for me, and I had to play with several other people.
I forgot about KOF 98. I used to play that almost every day, for probably 2 years. I didn't play a LOT every day, but I'd do a game or two. It was the same way with DOA2, where I would do time attack, and win the game 3 times in less than 15 minutes.
HAYATO 791th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(6):First videogame you were addicted to" , posted Wed 18 Jul 15:15
Well, for me, everything began with Sega Genesis/Mega Drive when I was 9. I spent countless hours playing "Sonic" , "Last Battle" (the censored version of "Hokuto no Ken 2") before I even knew about HnK's existence, "Toe Jam and Earl" and "Strider". I can't tell wich one hooked me most, for many years have passed since then, but I'm sure those were the first games that marked me forever...
About Arcade games... I recall spending about 1000 pesetas (6€ now/ 40 credits then) in a row playing Konami's "TMNT" when I was 7. Suddenly, while fighting Krang, my mother appeared by my side, dragged me out of the arcade center and beated the crap out of me for being such an asshole... the worst thing of all is that I couldn't finish my play!!!
Maese Spt 379th Post

Silver Customer
| "Re(9):First videogame you were addicted to" , posted Thu 19 Jul 15:08
Yet another thread wto make me realize how old I am and how I have wasted most of my youth playing videogames... ;_; Oh well, who cares. Here I go.
- 1st addiction: Super Pang. That arcade totally got me totally hooked up for good one year and a half when I was a 12 years old brat. I used to play it on a bar my parents were specially fond of. Only could manage to finish it on MAME, many years later, tough.
- 2nd addiction: SF2 World Warrior. Super Pang paved the way, but this one was the reason I actually started liking videogames.That summer I spent more time in front of any crappy 2 button SF2 machine I could find than in the beach or wherever. After that, I decided to get a Super NES, and this lead me to the perdition...
... - 3rd addiction: Super Mario World: man, this was totally INSANE. I bought a Super NES only to play SF2, but then it came with SMW in the same pack, and in two days I had ditched Ryu and Co. and played Mario as if it were no tomorrow. My very first videoconsole addiction. The bitch still can get addictive today, if I don't handle the doses with proper care.
Honor mentions:
- Legend of Zelda: a link to the past. This is not a game, this is cocaine. My parents even tried to hide the cartridge from me. I can't blame them. Even today I am still an addict. Damn you, Shigeru. Give me back my puberty.
- Tekken (1): never played in the arcade, but on PSX I must have spent like 200 hours or so. It was my first 3D fighting game, and ir amazed the crap out of me.
- Sould Edge: THE GAME OF MY LIFE. During two years I played religiously at least one credit (50 pesetas at first, the second year only 25) every single day when coming back home from high school. I started skipping classes on a regular basis mainly thanks to because of this game. After that, the PSX version came out, and I can't possibly count how many hours I spent with it. I remember beating it several times on a friend's house, on a PC monitor with the image switched off and having the sound as our only guide. Totally insane. Even when Soul Calibur came out I still kept playing my good ol' PSX Soul Blade. I also went to the arcade from time to time to remember old times, even having the PSX version at home. It was such a sad day when they finally ditched the Sould Edge cabinet (to allocate a pirate ISS Pro boot >_<)... I guess my life can not be understood without having into account the impact this game had on me back then.
- Ridge Racer: for 6 months it was the only game I had for my PSX, but I didn't care cuz I totally LOVED it. The only racing game I've ever liked.
- Die Hard Arcade: other of my high school times religions. Played every single day after (or even during!) class. Who needed weed having this?
- Gensou Suikoden (I): so fucking fun, so fucking addictive. I played at late night when my brain hurted for playing Soul Edge for so many hours (and, thus, I wasn't able to pull out combos anymore).
Soul Calibur and Tekken 3 got me for a long time too, and beating FF VII about 3 or 4 times can be considered as somewhat addictive too. Oh, and Ocarina of Time became pretty obsessive as well. Being a Zelda, it does not surpise me.
Hmm, quite a mental disorder historial we have here...X_x
 マツケン サンバ!!!!
Cain Highwind 767th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(10):First videogame you were addicted to" , posted Thu 19 Jul 15:32
Well I replayed the hell out of all my NES games back in the day. But the one that sticks out is definitely the ORIGINAL Final Fantasy. I played it over and over again trying out different combinations, which as a 9 year old, just blew my mind.
I beat it several times legitimately, but I would also use a Game Genie to give my characters insanely high evade making them practically invincible.
It was also the first game (along with Mario and Megaman) where I really appreciated game music. I had stuck something into the "vents" of the TV causing the Sound to completely cut out. I was without sound in my games for a good year or two (but I deserved it).
I had just an NES for a LONG time, from 89 to about 97 when I FINALLY saved up enough to buy those remodeled SNES's. I was totally out of the gaming loop for many years because I was lucky to get a new game from my folks, but a new system was completely out of the question.
But I played Mario RPG and THAT became my big addiction for a while, and then after all my crazy FFI playing, I got my hands on "Final Fantasy III" and my mind was turned upside down (as you can imagine, going from NES to SNES, namely FFI to FFVI was completely mindblowing)