I now reveal...my TRUE FORM! - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums
Original message (2391 Views )
1347th Post
Red Carpet Executive Member
"I now reveal...my TRUE FORM!" , posted Wed 18 Jul 04:19:
Since the staple of any good 1990s 16-bit RPG was to have a final boss who went from human to being...something else, I ask any here to reveal their true selves to the world!
[this message was edited by crazymike on Wed 18 Jul 04:20]
1192th Post
Red Carpet Premium Member+
"Re(1):I now reveal...my TRUE FORM!" , posted Wed 18 Jul 04:26
How very timely, avatar-wise. Zophar sez: "Lie down before me and await your destruction. There is nothing left to save you now."/「愚かな人間どもよ、滅びるがいい!」
quote: Since the staple of any good 1990s 16-bit RPG was to have a final boss who went from human to being...something else, I ask any here to reveal their true selves to the world!