Movies that would have turned to great vgs - Forums
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279th Post
Copper Customer
"Movies that would have turned to great vgs" , posted Fri 20 Jul 00:47
Following the recent games trend and taking into account how boring are being today's last hours at my workplace, I present you a new simple game:
Name movies that would have turned out to be great videogames and viceversa.
Movie that would have turned into a great videogame: Kill Bill
Videogame that would have turned into a great movie: Killer7
But I still want to quench your thirst. Because I am the one that put you into the desert.
Just a Person
940th Post
Red Carpet Regular Member++
"Re(1):Movies that would have turned to great " , posted Fri 20 Jul 00:54
Movie that would have turned into a great videogame: The NeverEnding Story (and Kill Bill as well, but you already said that one)
Videogame that would have turned into a great movie: God of War (I don't even like this game, but it does have a potential for movies)
I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!
Red Falcon
5929th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(1):Movies that would have turned to great" , posted Fri 20 Jul 01:10
The Great Escape! And "Those Magnificent Men in their Flying Machines". Or maybe I'm insane?
"Re(2):Movies that would have turned to great" , posted Fri 20 Jul 01:35
enter the dragon!
2882th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(3):Movies that would have turned to great" , posted Fri 20 Jul 03:30
I always thought the Ghostbusters franchise would make for an interesting action/RPG. Perhaps it might work or perhaps not but at least it has the potential to be better than the previous lame games that have used that license.
As far as games into other media goes, Tron Bonne needs her own show.
dr baghead
3698th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(1):Movies that would have turned to great " , posted Fri 20 Jul 04:16
Movie that would have turned into a great videogame: Fight Club (yeah, i know there is a Fight Club game, but I mean someone could have made a badass GTA style Project Mayhem game w/ a Def-Jam style fighting game sub-quest using the license but instead we got crap.)
Videogame that would have turned into a great movie: Elite Beat Agents (I imagine it as being parody scenes of other movies wherein the character calls out for help, and then RANDOM DANCING!!!)
Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny) my silly little drawin's
ecchi 165th Post
Regular Customer
"Re(2):Movies that would have turned to great" , posted Fri 20 Jul 05:23
Movie to videogame: Sin City. I wouldn't want GTA-esque free-roaming gameplay, but it's hard to not imagine it in such a way. Still, the visual style of the graphic novels could look spectacular cel-shaded (though the monochromatic color scheme may damage your opticals from extensive play...)
Videogame to movie: Justice Gakuen. The opening anime sequence really made me fantasize of an anime OVA, and if anyone has seen WanSanGo (Volcano High) then it's easy to see a live-action movie based on the game.
GAME OVER?? But I beat the game!
nobinobita 134th Post
Regular Customer
"Re(4):Movies that would have turned to great" , posted Fri 20 Jul 07:56
quote: I always thought the Ghostbusters franchise would make for an interesting action/RPG.
I don't remember it playing well, but i do remember it had some cool monsters. But then I'm a sucker for proper old school SD proportions (i refuse to use the word "chibis").
721th Post
Red Carpet Regular Member
"Re(1):Movies that would have turned to great" , posted Fri 20 Jul 11:39
quote: Movie that would have turned into a great videogame: Kill Bill
Videogame that would have turned into a great movie: Killer7
Movie: Apollo 13. Do it Maniac Mansion-style (or maybe Zack McKracken is more accurate).
Game: Bad Dudes.
I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard. I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee. "Dink-a-dink-a-dink-a-do."
800th Post
Red Carpet Regular Member+
"Re(2):Movies that would have turned to great" , posted Fri 20 Jul 23:36
From movie to game:
Storm Riders could give birth to a great hack'n slash or even a decent vs fighting game...
I'd choose "Bloodsport" or "Kickboxer" to create some vs. fighting games and Tony Jaa's "Tom Yun Goong" for a new, classic style beat'em up pretty much like "Final Fight" or "Streets of Rage".
From game to movie :
Xenogears' plot would be the perfect choice to make a blockbuster space opera series a la "Babylon 5" or "Star Trek".
Warzard would be great for a Conan-like adventure film.
Oh, and "Pitfall, the Mayan Adventure" and "Earnest Evans" for some Quartermain/Indiana Jones-type flicks.
421th Post
Gold Customer
"Re(3):Movies that would have turned to great" , posted Sat 21 Jul 00:23
quote: Movie to videogame: Sin City. I wouldn't want GTA-esque free-roaming gameplay, but it's hard to not imagine it in such a way. Still, the visual style of the graphic novels could look spectacular cel-shaded (though the monochromatic color scheme may damage your opticals from extensive play...)
Actually, I've read somewhere on Kotaku that there is a Sin City game in the works...
I don't remember it playing well, but i do remember it had some cool monsters. But then I'm a sucker for proper old school SD proportions (i refuse to use the word "chibis").
I always thought the term "super-deformed" nicely summed up the line between cute and grotesque that particular style of art strattles.
When you mentioned the play issues with the game it made me wonder; has there ever been a movie game that is really great?
Ikari Loona 197th Post
Regular Customer
"Re(6):Movies that would have turned to great" , posted Sat 21 Jul 08:52
Movie to game: Kung Fu Hustle
Game to movie: ... tricky... the SNK fanboy in me says Fatal Fury, evenif it means compressing FF1, 3 and RB1 into a single plot, perhaps with hints to AoF and Garou; yet another part of me thinks of the LucasArts adventure games, but I think there are already Sam&Max short animations (and their not even game-spawned characters), and Pirates of the Caribeean makes it very very hard to bring Monkey Island to the big screen. I just got a terrible mental picture of Rob Schneider playing Larry Laffer... >_<
"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"
4275th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(7):Movies that would have turned to great" , posted Sat 21 Jul 10:33
Movie to game -> The 13th floor: Parallel dimensions traveling can always have potential
Game to movie -> Rygar: and old school barbarian movie like any of the Conan saga would have been nice... It's almost hard to remember that once upon a time action movies have proper "movie atributes" instead of a bunch of random explosions for people to "whooaaaa" at.
Just a Person
941th Post
Red Carpet Regular Member++
"Re(7):Movies that would have turned to great" , posted Sat 21 Jul 11:01
quote: yet another part of me thinks of the LucasArts adventure games, but I think there are already Sam&Max short animations (and their not even game-spawned characters), and Pirates of the Caribeean makes it very very hard to bring Monkey Island to the big screen. I just got a terrible mental picture of Rob Schneider playing Larry Laffer... >_<
What about Maniac Mansion/Day of the Tentacle? I guess the first game may generate an interesting movie, mixing horror and comedy (although most horror movies today are comical - but that's not intentional, I guess), and it wouldn't cost much to make it, I guess. The only problem is that the DotT movie would probably be quite more expensive...
Or both movies could be made in animation. DotT particularly is very "cartoony", so it would fit.
I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!
1396th Post
Red Carpet Executive Member
"Re(8):Movies that would have turned to great" , posted Sat 21 Jul 11:20:
Movie to game - Robocop in a GTA sandbox form. If done right it would be fun to drive around and shoot rapists in the balls and fight the occasional drug fueled giant robot. I know that there was a Robocop game just a few years ago, but that didn't look interesting.
Game to movie - As stupid as it may sound, Final Fight. I like B movies like "They Live" and I think this would will the niche. Get me Don 'The Predator' Fryeand a good choreographer and I would be set.
[this message was edited by GekigangerV on Sat 21 Jul 11:21]
281th Post
Copper Customer
"Re(9):Movies that would have turned to great" , posted Sat 21 Jul 21:47
It's nice to see this thread going on. So another one:
Movie to videogame: A Scanner Darkly (Linklater, 2006).
Videogame to movie: The Oneechanbara!
But I still want to quench your thirst. Because I am the one that put you into the desert.
968th Post
Red Carpet Regular Member++
"Re(1):Movies that would have turned to great " , posted Sat 21 Jul 22:21
quote: Following the recent games trend and taking into account how boring are being today's last hours at my workplace, I present you a new simple game:
Name movies that would have turned out to be great videogames and viceversa.
Movie that would have turned into a great videogame: Kill Bill
Videogame that would have turned into a great movie: Killer7
Movie that would have turned into a great videogame: Ghost in the Shell Videogame that would have turned into a great movie: Hitman Codename 47
436th Post
Gold Customer
"Re(2):Movies that would have turned to great" , posted Sun 22 Jul 09:28
Movie to game: The Transporter (I'd hate to see it as a GTA clone, but it fits it so well)
Game to movie: Beyond Good & Evil
Undead Fred
2907th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(2):Movies that would have turned to great" , posted Sun 22 Jul 17:07
quote: The Great Escape!
Actually, that HAS been made into a game... I remembered reading an article about it years ago.
1576th Post
Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member
"Re(2):Movies that would have turned to great" , posted Sun 22 Jul 23:46
quote: Videogame that would have turned into a great movie: Hitman Codename 47
The first one has a very nice cover and excelente anime cutscenes but the game wasn't very good.
The second one is actually very nice, although it could have been much better.
Haven't played the third one.
ok ok my choices were totally wrong
movie -> game : chronicles of riddick, the second movie would make a perfect game.
game -> movie : wing commander, it would make a good space opera if it was fleshed out correctly.
1649th Post
Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member
"Re(9):Movies that would have turned to great" , posted Wed 25 Jul 05:14
quote: game -> movie : wing commander, it would make a good space opera if it was fleshed out correctly.
I thought there was one.
Movie -> Game: Sky Captain & The World of Tomorrow. That would have been awesome on today's hardware with a mix of flight shooting and adventure/RPG sequences.
Game -> Movie: Burning Rangers. The anime sequences within show the makings of a decent story. Add some extra flashbacks and such and it would be great.
1650th Post
Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member
"Re(10):Movies that would have turned to great" , posted Wed 25 Jul 05:29
quote: game -> movie : wing commander, it would make a good space opera if it was fleshed out correctly.