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Ikari Loona 199th Post
Regular Customer
| "Days of Memories at the hospital?" , posted Tue 24 Jul 20:05
Since I managed to finally get KoF XI + KoF MI2 + Metal Slug Anthology for PS2 in one go yesterday, yet haven't been near the console yet since then, I decided to give a look at some character articles on wikipedia, and Ninon's mentioned she was in a Days of Memories game I hadn't heard of - some brief investigation later, and here it is for those who didn't know about it:
So far I recognize: Malin, Elisabeth, Louise, Alice (obscure Garou series artwork), Ninon, Momoko, Mignon. Shion and Magaki are also there, and there's a cameo with a Rose doll.
I don't recognize: the nun (Athena?...), mask girl, the short-brownish-hair nurse with a peculiar gaze and teh girl with the piggytails (Kaoru?)
Any guesses/translations/names?
"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"
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YeldellGW 534th Post
New Red Carpet Member
| "Re(1):Days of Memories at the hospital?" , posted Wed 25 Jul 13:47
quote: Since I managed to finally get KoF XI + KoF MI2 + Metal Slug Anthology for PS2 in one go yesterday, yet haven't been near the console yet since then, I decided to give a look at some character articles on wikipedia, and Ninon's mentioned she was in a Days of Memories game I hadn't heard of -
Wow! It feels rather nice when something you contributed to actually gets enough attention to be referenced.
quote: So far I recognize: Malin, Elisabeth, Louise, Alice (obscure Garou series artwork), Ninon, Momoko, Mignon. Shion and Magaki are also there, and there's a cameo with a Rose doll.
I figured Alice was from the FF slot machine game. Pretty sad that damn near every pre-MOTW character makes an appearance in some form or fashion except Alfred and the Wild Ambition exclusives. I guess Tsugumi Sendo has as much a chance of appearing in another SNKP game as K9999.
quote: With as popular as the DOM games seem to be it must be rough on the game makers since most of the female SNK roster must have been used by this point.
Not quite. There's still Janne and Ryoko from the WH series as well as the chicks from Ninja Masters, the Ninja girl from Ninja Commando and probably some other female characters from ADK games that I'm not aware of (Kisarah was the only ADK character used so far, if I'm not mistaken.).
Charlotte and Cham Cham were among the few female SS characters that weren't in the SS edition of DOM (Nor was Hazuki Kazama now that I think about it.). Also, considering how the SS timeline was obviously not taken into account for the game, I'd have to wonder why the 4 Last Blade gals weren't included.
Fio's also the only MS gal that was used so far.
And if Regulation A's any indication, I wouldn't be surprised if FH gals were to show up in a future DOM title.
I'd say there's still quite a few for them to use.
Ikari Loona 202th Post
Frequent Customer
| "Re(7):Days of Memories at the hospital?" , posted Wed 25 Jul 18:28:
quote: What is Alice from? "Garô Densetsu". The pachislo version, that is. Obscure! IIRC Alice was in a Fatal fury game as well. In one the the FF real bout. Don't remeber if it was in a win quote or in the ending gags, but you can see a blonde girls that run in a Kim Kaphwan kimono...
Will post a pics later... Edit: here's the pics of the girl named Alice Krysler...Dunno if they are suposed to be the same character...
I think she was mentioned in a group of Garou series illustrations that Cain Highwind ripped and made available some months ago, but I think the name "Alice" was as far as it went identification-wise - where did you get the "Krysler" bit?
As for more characters yet to be used, there's still the Fuun series (Rosa and Carol), the rest of Metal Slug (Eri, the new girl from 4 with the pink hair (Nadia?), and maybe even that backpack girl - Rumi Aikawa, I think).
From the more mainstream SNK series I don't think they've used Vice, May Lee, Angel and Lilly Kane properly so to speak, or other MI girls like Nagase, Lien and Chae Lim... and it certainly surprises me that they've reduced Vanessa's role in this one to a nurse with no proper profile on the website...
If they further expand beyond Kisarah to the series they've adquired, I certainly hope Ryoko Kano > Ryoko Izumo - but then again, they're both underaged...
As for the comment about another Girls Side DoM game, they still have to burn through the Benimaru, Andy and Robert rank characters, I guess, since they're pretty much done with the protagonists.
"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"
[this message was edited by Ikari Loona on Wed 25 Jul 18:38] |
NARUTO 3574th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(8):Days of Memories at the hospital?" , posted Thu 26 Jul 17:59
quote: The one that was in the pachislo game (and now in this mobile one) is named "Alice Garnet Nakata", so one would think they're supposed to be different characters...
Alice Chrysler (sp?) was the character they once considered replacing Kim with, in "Garô Densetsu 3". She was supposed to be one of his students. She probably is the cameo girl that appeared in "Real Bout Garô Densetsu Special".
Now, an "Alice" is also mentioned in Chae Lim's "KOF Maximum Impact 2" story, but it's kinda hard to tell which one she's supposed to be, as she's both one of Kim's students and a fan of Terry's. Confusing much?
Maybe the name "Chrysler" was never made "official", and they simply changed it to "Garnet Nakata"... in which case, they would indeed be the same character after all? ^^;
I see... Well I just rember an alice in the FF story that was all. And Well when you see the art, and the Alice Cameo in FF they doesn't look that similar... Now falcoon isn't know for respecting things like "original look".
As you said the 2nd one could be a "evolution" of the 1st Alice which look too close from Kim... And maybe one day, when the videogame gods, will make MOTW2, then a new characters called alice with a move list that mixes Kim and terry will be available....
Fortes fortuna juvat...