Paper Mario GC -- PIT OF 100 TRIALS - Forums

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Juke Joint Jezebel
3582th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Paper Mario GC -- PIT OF 100 TRIALS" , posted Wed 25 Jul 14:41post reply

so, anyone ever get to the bottom of this thing?

wow! i have an astounding headache


3673th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Paper Mario GC -- PIT OF 100 TRIALS" , posted Wed 25 Jul 14:47post reply

so, anyone ever get to the bottom of this thing?

wow! i have an astounding headache

The last mario that was fun to play was Super Mario World.

Juke Joint Jezebel
3583th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Paper Mario GC -- PIT OF 100 TRIALS" , posted Wed 25 Jul 14:50post reply

so, anyone ever get to the bottom of this thing?

wow! i have an astounding headache

The last mario that was fun to play was Super Mario World.

there goes that tumbleweed again

3674th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Paper Mario GC -- PIT OF 100 TRIALS" , posted Wed 25 Jul 19:17post reply


there goes that tumbleweed again

I remember Tumblepop, such a fun game.

437th Post

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"Re(1):Paper Mario GC -- PIT OF 100 TRIALS" , posted Thu 26 Jul 05:44post reply

so, anyone ever get to the bottom of this thing?

wow! i have an astounding headache

I keep meaning to try, it doesn't seem like it'd be too hard to finish, since 10 levels didn't take terribly long.

Juke Joint Jezebel
3585th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Paper Mario GC -- PIT OF 100 TRIALS" , posted Thu 26 Jul 10:08:post reply

I keep meaning to try, it doesn't seem like it'd be too hard to finish, since 10 levels didn't take terribly long.

i don't want to spoil too much, but i'll start off with it's insanely hard. at least compared to the other challenges in the game. the first time i attempted it, i spent two hours getting to about level 65, then i was killed. two hours gone to waste

my advice to you is to at least get to level 50, then get the hell out. at that level, you'll get a sack that doubles your item space. imo, that's the best thing you can get out of that pit

if you plan to go any deeper, come equipped with a ton of Life Shrooms, like half a dozen. i came with four and i used them all up at very bottom, where a monster awaits. speaking of the very bottom,

honestly, i don't think completing the whole thing was worth it, other than for bragging rights. i wish i hadn't wasted so much time down there, and i could've gone without the badge that just makes me even more more powerful than i was before. (i like a challenge. i haven't even collected all my crystal stars yet. it makes me sad knowing that the final boss is probably gonna be a pushover for me.) but good luck to you or whoever else decides to try it out!

ah, just realized the badge you get doesn't half all direct damage done to you, it does half the damage done to you back to the enemy. i guess that's not so bad. i'd rather have that (which is the equivalent of a permanent Spite Pouch) instead of some Superman armor. yes, i'm a bit strange, rejecting power when it's offered to me

[this message was edited by Juke Joint Jezebel on Fri 27 Jul 15:42]

438th Post

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"Re(3):Paper Mario GC -- PIT OF 100 TRIALS" , posted Thu 26 Jul 14:00post reply

I see. Yeah, it always seemed dumb to me when a game has some sort of apparently insane challenge and all you do is get something that makes you stronger. Like, if you were tough enough to do it in the first place, what stops you from pounding on the lesser baddies?

then again, I didn't have as much trouble thanks to still being used to Super Mario RPG and getting 100 super jumps. The bosses were never hard once you got it in TYD.