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Pollyanna 2309th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(7):Resident Evil 5 extended trailer" , posted Fri 27 Jul 21:18
quote: I can see the purists already, though. They were pissed enough at what RE4 did. They're going to end up calling the fervor of this game as being indicitave of it having definitively become a full-fledged "action" game. But I see it the other way around. The cranked up energy justifies the sense of fear even more.
I would say 4 was already a full-fledged action game.
But my "problem" with 4 wasn't so much that it added action elements as it eliminated other elements. It was a game constructed of many, very short levels. No puzzles, no mazes, very little exploration. No sense of conservation, no sense of "I have to survive", just "I have to kill everything on the screen".
In fact, I found myself dying on purpose frequently, because every time you died, you were set back maybe 5 minutes at most. I would say "let's see if I can do this part without getting hit", die on purpose and try it again. There was no sense of tension, and nothing was at stake. It was like an extended mission mode with plot sequences.
Of course, the more competent your character is, the less frightening the game will be, but judging by the video of 5, it looks like the odds are stacked against you enough for it to be a bit intimidating, and certainly intense (which I agree is a very good word for it).
It sounds like I really didn't like BH4, but that's not the case. I enjoyed it a lot and even though I complain that it seemed "mission based", the "missions" were all fun and well designed. It was just a different kind of fun. Ideally, I'd like to see the good points of 4 and the older games combined, but I wouldn't mind another 4 either.