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Maese Spt 384th Post

Silver Customer
| "Re(1):The designated Sengoku BASARA X thread" , posted Fri 27 Jul 17:08
From the other thread:
quote: Maese, it's awesome that you made it to the loketest but, why didn't you try to play it at least once? Come on, as you say, chances are you had to face a schoolgirl, you wouldn't have to bite the dust, wouldn't you?
Let's not get things wrong: there were a lot of young girls, but not schoolgirls. More like mid-twenties college girls. And no, kogyaru wouldn't play fighting games. How could they? It would ruin their 50,000 yen vinyl nails! There were kogyaru going back and forh the Capcom Plaza, but they were confined to their natural habitat, i.e. the purikura section.
But enough of idle chatter. These comments about young & fashionable japanese girls coming en masse to an arcade parlor can make for a fascinating topic. As Ishmael noted on the other thread (and Brandon hinted in IC as well), it seems Campcom hit the nail in the head with Basara. Maybe there is light at the end of the tunnel. I myself want to believe, at least.
But I disagrre in one point. I don't think Capcom is planning to just appeal to yaoi fandom.
I mean, on the loketest of Arcana heart there was only a bunch of 5 or 6 nerds who seemed as if they had just escaped from the pages of Genshiken. On the contrary, at yesterday's loketest there were a vast array of different people: some geeks, a lot of fangirls, a bunch of middle-aged sarariman, the usual 2D fighter fans, even some cool Shibuya-type guys. The fact Capcom choosed Kichijouji for the presentation, a somewhat "trendy" zone of Tokyo, is quite symptomatic, I guess. They don't want just the usual otaku niche, they want to (at least try to) open their scope. And maybe, just maybe, they are on the right track.
 マツケン サンバ!!!!
Pollyanna 2308th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):The designated Sengoku BASARA X thread" , posted Fri 27 Jul 17:25
I'm going to "support" the new thread by replying to IkariDC's post here. Let's hope he gets it.
quote: But HnK's music is just like that, "fake" digital rock, right? And until GGXX arrived, it was just like that as well, except guitars in the original GG.
There is an uncrossable chasm between digital guitar and real guitar, and unless you're on the "real guitar" side, it's isn't rock. And even though I hate digital drums, and they're absolutely no replacement for the real thing, I think it's a stretch to call the GG and GGX soundtracks "fake digital rock".
But I made a mistake. I plugged in Basara 2, and it does have some real guitar...so my point made in reference to that is completely irrelevant.
Hahaha, but when I listen to it, I think "this is NOT rock music!", so I would still have to call it "fake rock". Like "if you call this rock music, you don't know rock". Although that's an opinion more than any kind of valid argument.
But I still think if they redid the soundtrack with a little more "rock" leanings it would be better. I'm thinking like Baiken's theme from GG, which sounds better on both the "traditional Japanese end" and the "rock" end.
I realize not everyone likes rock as much as I do, and I'd be happy if they could redo the fake orchestra tracks (which the game has plenty of) with real orchestra music, but that's just not practical, and it doesn't say "Basara" or "fighting game" to me.
Time Mage 2587th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):The designated Sengoku BASARA X thread" , posted Fri 27 Jul 18:23
quote: Maese, it's awesome that you made it to the loketest but, why didn't you try to play it at least once? Come on, as you say, chances are you had to face a schoolgirl, you wouldn't have to bite the dust, wouldn't you?
Eh, whether you face schoolgirl or not, you should give it a try. Bring a pair of binoculars and watch while you wait, if you must, but a first hand impression would be nice.
Cool! Now I guess I can finally start acting like the internet celebrity I am, making sassy replies to your puny comments and calling you "fella", "buffon" and the like. But Brandon could at least have corrected the typos when he quoted me... :(
I almost died laughing, hahaha!
Dragon Kick your ass into the Milky Waaay~~ (Milky Waaaay)
Red Falcon 5943th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):The designated Sengoku BASARA X thread" , posted Fri 27 Jul 22:51
quote: On the contrary, at yesterday's loketest there were a vast array of different people: some geeks, a lot of fangirls, a bunch of middle-aged sarariman, the usual 2D fighter fans, even some cool Shibuya-type guys. The fact Capcom choosed Kichijouji for the presentation, a somewhat "trendy" zone of Tokyo, is quite symptomatic, I guess. They don't want just the usual otaku niche, they want to (at least try to) open their scope. And maybe, just maybe, they are on the right track.
Well, if anyone wants to make SERIOUS money off of a fighting game again, they HAVE to accomplish this. I wish them luck!
Best site EVER:Link Here
TreIII 6th Post

New Customer
| "Re(3):The designated Sengoku BASARA X thread" , posted Sat 28 Jul 01:11
Site's updated!
This time, with a bit more clarification on the "Engun" (Striker Assist) system.
As some of us surmised, the Assist continually just levels up as time goes on, for a max of 100. When you think it's charged up enough (or you just want some help immediately), press the Engun button, and your dudes will come running out to the background, ready to assist you.
Attack power, recovery speed and in some instances, who may be the one to actually help you (if you got two supports) all depend on the level you let the Engun get to. That might be why Shingen isn't as quick to help Yukimura as Sasuke seemingly is...you may have to charge up to a decent level before Shingen will lend his kobun a hand.
During normal situations, pressing the Engun button will result in usual support attack. Pressing it at the same time while being damaged/thrown will result in support counter. Pressing it while doing a special/super will result in support assist to go along with that attack.
Thanks to BlackKite over at KoeiWarriors for translation help.
In any case, I'm liking the sound of this. Obviously, if you're quick to rely on Assists, you'll get access to it quicker, but they won't be as good as if you were willing to abstain for a while, and then possibly have a powerful assist that can turn a round around in no time flat. A nice "you reap what you sow" mechanic, it sounds like, which could be a good thing to add to the meta-game of any worthy fighter, in my opinion.
Dokuganryu wa Date jya ne you see?
IkariDC 646th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Re(2):The designated Sengoku BASARA X thread" , posted Sat 28 Jul 22:24
First of all, I refrained from replying here because what I said was off-topic.
quote: I'm going to "support" the new thread by replying to IkariDC's post here. Let's hope he gets it.
But HnK's music is just like that, "fake" digital rock, right? And until GGXX arrived, it was just like that as well, except guitars in the original GG.
There is an uncrossable chasm between digital guitar and real guitar, and unless you're on the "real guitar" side, it's isn't rock. And even though I hate digital drums, and they're absolutely no replacement for the real thing, I think it's a stretch to call the GG and GGX soundtracks "fake digital rock".
Ok, I called it fake because it was rock without being it played with real instruments. So what I meant is, GGX (the arcade soundtrack) is digital rock, or synth rock or whatever you want to call it, because it's all programmed, there aren't real instruments there. This is what happens with HnK, I thought it was a pity that it doesn't have at least real guitars.
Grave 952th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(3):The designated Sengoku BASARA X thread" , posted Tue 31 Jul 03:54
Ok, I called it fake because it was rock without being it played with real instruments. So what I meant is, GGX (the arcade soundtrack) is digital rock, or synth rock or whatever you want to call it, because it's all programmed, there aren't real instruments there. This is what happens with HnK, I thought it was a pity that it doesn't have at least real guitars.
This synth GGX soundtrack is one of the worst things I've ever heard. It sounds like someone heard the home version album with live instruments and decided to make bad MIDIs of them. Since the home versions had the proper soundtrack, I didn't hear the arcade one til years later, and it shocked me that they'd do that, being that it was a giant step back from GG1, even.
It bears a striking resemblance to the GBA GGX soundtrack. Seriously. If they were aiming to make it sounds like the arcade version, they did a pretty damn good job! Both make my ears hurt.
I've never heard the music in HnK (only played it in very loud places) but I'm disappointed to hear that it's more synth garbage. Oh well.
Pollyanna 2313th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):The designated Sengoku BASARA X thread" , posted Tue 31 Jul 08:09
quote: I've never heard the music in HnK (only played it in very loud places) but I'm disappointed to hear that it's more synth garbage. Oh well.
I had totally forgotten about that. I wouldn't even begin to compare the HnK soundtrack to the GGX garbage, though. It's at least higher-end synth.
Actually, although that doesn't disqualify my last statement, I think I'm completely mistaken here. In the arcade HnK fooled me into thinking it was a mix of real and digital, but at home, I thought it sounded "funny", like they had sampled a guitar, then played its notes like a keyboard.
I guess my memory was bad, because I thought that only applied to some songs (like Toki's), but not others (like Souther's).
Although I don't have either soundtrack handy, I suppose that would indeed put Basara and HnK on the same level.