Absinthe - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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128th Post

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"Absinthe" , posted Sat 28 Jul 14:12:post reply

There's got to be at least one other hard drinker on this forum. Looking to try some of this stuff. Just curious to see what brands are preferred amongst the madman elite.

[this message was edited by simonbelmont on Sat 28 Jul 14:52]


276th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(1):Absinthe" , posted Sat 28 Jul 14:57:post reply

There's got to be at least one other hard drinker on this forum. Looking to try some of this stuff. Just curious to see what brands are prefered amongst the madman elite.

Have you tried incredible hulks? They aren't to bad if your into hypnotiq and such but then again it is usually drowned out by the cognac. Personally I don't drink as much seeing I have to stay in good condition for sports, college, and such but if it is a special occasion, go hard or go home! I like vodka straight. If I had to give an option of what vodka I like it would have to be Vox, I'm usually a grey goose drinker but Vox went down smooth plus mixes very nicely with other beverages like rasberry and Vox.

Try 7 on 7 or crown on 7 that isn't so bad for casual drinking. If you really hate yourself try Four horsemen, on my 21st that had me going, at first I thought I liked it, key word "like" but the next morning was horrible like mint listerine.

Long island's aren't bad very nice drink right there. I remember on friend's birthday I had some Filipino moonshine of some sort brought in from the Philippines that was 80 proof, wish I remember the name it started with a L. It was a bit smooth like scotch but went down just right and still strong.

[this message was edited by Catalyst on Sat 28 Jul 15:14]

196th Post

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"Re(1):Absinthe" , posted Sat 28 Jul 15:33post reply

There's got to be at least one other hard drinker on this forum. Looking to try some of this stuff. Just curious to see what brands are prefered amongst the madman elite.

You know thats funny I've been drinking it more this summer, and I usually only bring it out for occasions cause it cost so much to import.(USA) I'm starting to prefer it to my mainstays liqueors because the buzz is just noticeably better. Your in very "clear" inebriation.

Anyway with others or ppl who just want to try it. I like this swiss stuff called Le Beue Clandestine. Its very very smooth with a good taste. Strong but not super strong like the 70+ proof stuff. But there is a higher proof version also if you want it. It goes down a little too easy actually, and can sneak up on you. Unfortunately it costly like 10~20 dollars more than other stuff. You'll know the bottle cause it has a picture of a creepy old man on it.

Other ones that are 70+ strong that are good are the called Amer and Strong 68.

I tried preparing it a couple times the right way with sugar cubes and such but it just takes too long. I take improper: as shots or in a lowball straight or mixed.

8073th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Absinthe" , posted Sat 28 Jul 16:10post reply

There's got to be at least one other hard drinker on this forum. Looking to try some of this stuff. Just curious to see what brands are preferred amongst the madman elite.

Toxico, where are you...

I only drink rum, and sometimes sweet wine from the south of France or Italy.
Absinthe is so poseur, if you know what I mean.
On the other hand, there is a place in Paris called La Fée Verte (the green fairy) which is totally frequentable.

Oh, and hey...

580th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(2):Absinthe" , posted Sat 28 Jul 17:16post reply





805th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Hayato's spirits of choice" , posted Sat 28 Jul 18:06post reply

I'd recommend you Northern Spain's white Orujo, whose alcoholic percentage varies between 35 and 60 (it depends on the brand).Quite tasteless, albeit fragant to the nostrils and relatively easy to swallow, it's one of my prefered spirits. Experienced customers usually o for home-made ones, but if I were you, I'd go for "Sierra del Oso", which also comes into 2 other variations (mixed with honey or mint herbs).

Kao-Liang (around 65-70% vol.), the Chinese cousin of our Orujo is pretty good as well, although getting a fine brand may be an almost impossible task, at least here in Spain (it's hard to get, out of chinese restaurants).

Oh, and in case you are given the chance, don't hesitate to try Stroh, the Austrian Spirit. Here I have a small bottle of this wonderful beverage, well-kept (i.e. out of my father's reach) in a cupboad of my PC desktop, and its dark orange label reads as follows :


Sebastian Stroh Klagenfurt

STROH <<80>>

0.2 l ------- 80% vol

Since 1832

The Spirit of Austria

Well, I ought to warn everyone who is interested on trying it: this is a bitch of a bewerage, only suitable for those who don't care about petty details like smell or flavour, as Austrians left them aside centuries ago. To be more exact, this STROH is a dark-brown fluid (pretty similar in tone to Kikkoman's soy sauce), which stinks like petrol and tastes accordingly. I don't know where this spirit is distilled from, and I think this is for the better. Try to swallow the stuff straight if you appreciate your sense of taste (otherwise you'll lose it for almost half an hour) and drink it on moderate doses if you don't want to end in hospital (1 or 2 tequilla glasses should be enough for an average person to get soaked).

All these 3 spirits make wonders on women (at least on the ones I know), so now you know what to purchase to make them go wild...

And remember dudes : party hard, but safe!!!!

895th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):Absinthe" , posted Sat 28 Jul 18:13post reply


Oh, and hey...

Don't leave us again!

Anyway, I enjoy...basically everything. I'm classy so I enjoy 40s and cheap champagne a lot. I don't mind most types of liquor, but I am a lightweight so I don't go for really strong stuff most of the time. I'm really not that picky. Whatever does the job, really.

I would, however, recommend Sparks (energy drink AND alcohol you say?) to anyone who tends to get sleepy. Never have more than two in a night, though. Your life will be miserable.

ワンダフル! ビューティフル! エキサイティング!

165th Post

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"Re(2):Absinthe" , posted Sat 28 Jul 18:47post reply

I remember on friend's birthday I had some Filipino moonshine of some sort brought in from the Philippines that was 80 proof, wish I remember the name it started with a L. It was a bit smooth like scotch but went down just right and still strong.



972th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(3):Absinthe" , posted Sat 28 Jul 19:34post reply

I remember on friend's birthday I had some Filipino moonshine of some sort brought in from the Philippines that was 80 proof, wish I remember the name it started with a L. It was a bit smooth like scotch but went down just right and still strong.

absinthe is crap, used to be a notorious drinker ;p, i'd kill my stuff and everyone elses at the table in 5 seconds

but now, i've calmed down, and just sip around

usually ice wine by myself, and out at a pub bacalemon or absolut

276th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(3):Absinthe" , posted Sat 28 Jul 23:41post reply

I remember on friend's birthday I had some Filipino moonshine of some sort brought in from the Philippines that was 80 proof, wish I remember the name it started with a L. It was a bit smooth like scotch but went down just right and still strong.

Thank you very much! That what it was!

Dr Orochi
510th Post

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"Re(1):Absinthe" , posted Sat 28 Jul 23:49post reply

There's got to be at least one other hard drinker on this forum. Looking to try some of this stuff. Just curious to see what brands are preferred amongst the madman elite.

This is the absinthe you're going to want to try...

Red Falcon
5945th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Absinthe" , posted Sun 29 Jul 00:46post reply

There's got to be at least one other hard drinker on this forum. Looking to try some of this stuff. Just curious to see what brands are preferred amongst the madman elite.

This is the absinthe you're going to want to try...

Whoa, Doctor Orochi. Haven't seen you around here in years. And Carrera too, what a treat!


Best site EVER:Link Here

290th Post

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"Re(1):Hayato's spirits of choice" , posted Sun 29 Jul 01:38post reply



Oh~! So many beatiful memories from my childhood!

But I still want to quench your thirst.
Because I am the one that put you into the desert.

291th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(2):Hayato's spirits of choice" , posted Sun 29 Jul 01:42post reply



Oh~! So many beatiful memories from my childhood!

The record was set by one of my dearest friends, who managed to swallow up to four consecutive shots of this beverage before vomiting blood.

But I still want to quench your thirst.
Because I am the one that put you into the desert.

1203th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Harlock's hard drinks" , posted Sun 29 Jul 02:27post reply

I was always unclear about the different types of Absinthe...I gathered there was a tamer variety and then the actual vaguely hallucinagenic kind. Maybe not?

Guiness and wine here, all the time.


973th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):Harlock's hard drinks" , posted Sun 29 Jul 03:49post reply

I was always unclear about the different types of Absinthe...I gathered there was a tamer variety and then the actual vaguely hallucinagenic kind. Maybe not?

Guiness and wine here, all the time.

ah i used to enjoy me a good round of guiness

bass too

806th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(2):Harlock's hard drinks" , posted Sun 29 Jul 18:17post reply


Guiness and wine here, all the time.

ah i used to enjoy me a good round of guiness

bass too

Well, wine and beer are pretty much out of the question here. I wouldn't even dare to include them on any hard drinks list (save for, perhaps EKU 28 beer...), as they are to me what water or Coke or are to usual people (not that I'm a heavy, experienced drunkard, but I tolerate beer quite well and consume it on a regular basis).

1354th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):Harlock's hard drinks" , posted Sun 29 Jul 23:36post reply

Can someone set this straight. I have thought for years Absinthe was illegal in the USA yet I noticed Van Gogh Absinthe starting to trickle into our liquor stores. This fake stuff or real?

197th Post

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"Re(4):Harlock's hard drinks" , posted Mon 30 Jul 03:22post reply

Can someone set this straight. I have thought for years Absinthe was illegal in the USA yet I noticed Van Gogh Absinthe starting to trickle into our liquor stores. This fake stuff or real?

Absinthe legally for sale in the US is made without wormwood. Wormwood is what gives it that unique kick. Unfortunately US absinthe leaves ppl a bad impression about it. Plus it doesn't help that the general impression of absinthe is that of a yuppie drink with the snobbery talk and preparations and such. I usually just take it straight in shots or on rocks in a lowball.

Another good drink is Goldschlager. Fairly strong and tastes great. One great mix is Liquid Cocaine. Mix Goldschlager equally with an overproof rum(151+) and Jagermeister.

Another liquer I liking alot is Bombay Sapphire, it makes much better martinis than say tanqueray. Strong yet smooth gin. The way I like it.

149th Post

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"Re(5):Harlock's hard drinks" , posted Mon 30 Jul 08:20post reply

Can someone set this straight. I have thought for years Absinthe was illegal in the USA yet I noticed Van Gogh Absinthe starting to trickle into our liquor stores. This fake stuff or real?

Absinthe legally for sale in the US is made without wormwood. Wormwood is what gives it that unique kick. Unfortunately US absinthe leaves ppl a bad impression about it. Plus it doesn't help that the general impression of absinthe is that of a yuppie drink with the snobbery talk and preparations and such. I usually just take it straight in shots or on rocks in a lowball.

Another good drink is Goldschlager. Fairly strong and tastes great. One great mix is Liquid Cocaine. Mix Goldschlager equally with an overproof rum(151+) and Jagermeister.

Another liquer I liking alot is Bombay Sapphire, it makes much better martinis than say tanqueray. Strong yet smooth gin. The way I like it.

Around here if you ask for a Liquid Cocaine, they'll serve ya Jager with pineapple juice and malibu or midori. For those long party nights you can't go wrong with Jager bombs (Jager and red bull) or Irish Car Bombs (a shot of Jager dropped into a pint of Guinness - this is the only time I'll drink a beer other than Yuengling or Singha).

Wither Blister Burn + Peel

Dr Orochi
511th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(3):Absinthe" , posted Mon 30 Jul 10:31post reply


Whoa, Doctor Orochi. Haven't seen you around here in years. And Carrera too, what a treat!


Hehe, Thanks! Yeah, I'm mostly a lurker now... I'm glad to see that most of the same goons have stuck around after all this time.

On topic, I have yet to try absinthe... with or without wormwood. I'm afraid it won't live up to the "hype".

135th Post

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"Re(1):Harlock's hard drinks" , posted Mon 30 Jul 11:55post reply

I was always unclear about the different types of Absinthe...I gathered there was a tamer variety and then the actual vaguely hallucinagenic kind. Maybe not?

Absinthe made the traditional way has a chemical called "thujone" in it that is structurally similar to THC, which sounds neat, but in reality it does not activate the same receptors in the brain and there are no hallucinogenic effects from consuming it. It is however still extremely high proof and will get you real f***ed up real quick.

I tried some in Spain where it is still legal to purchase. It tasted like lawn clippings and was somewhat unremarkable save for its beautiful color. It basically tasted the same as Pastis, a drink made with star anis, which i would recommend over Absinthe (cheaper, easier to find and sweeter).

It's fun to call Absinthe a "poseur" drink, but you know, it's also fun to find out what it's like for yourself. It can make you feel closer to Van Gogh and Arthur Rimbaud and other cool madmen.

Kinda like how drinking Bai Jiu makes me feel closer to kungfu heroes.

Iron D
2772th Post

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"Bah!" , posted Mon 30 Jul 15:15post reply

So the Cafe is, in reality, just a bunch of stinkin' drunks?



292th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(1):Bah!" , posted Mon 30 Jul 18:52post reply

So the Cafe is, in reality, just a bunch of stinkin' drunks?


Why don't you just come join us and relax~? *¬*

But I still want to quench your thirst.
Because I am the one that put you into the desert.

8075th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Bah!" , posted Mon 30 Jul 19:33:post reply

I'll hijack this depressing thread to mourn about this depressing death : the depressing Ingmar Bergman died today.

And what best way to deal with depressing news than depressingly drown in a bottle.

[this message was edited by Iggy on Mon 30 Jul 19:34]

136th Post

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"Re(3):Bah!" , posted Mon 30 Jul 22:43post reply

I'll hijack this depressing thread to mourn about this depressing death : the depressing Ingmar Bergman died today.

My god, he was so good that I assumed he was already dead (like the recently deceased Kurt Vonnegut or Gabriel Garcia Marquez).

The Seventh Seal has always stuck with me ever since i saw it as a kid. The story and the imagery are unforgettable. It was the movie that turned me into a film snob!

He will be severely missed.

8075th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Bah!" , posted Tue 31 Jul 00:29post reply

The Seventh Seal has always stuck with me ever since i saw it as a kid. The story and the imagery are unforgettable. It was the movie that turned me into a film snob!

I think I saw the 7th seal too late, I couldn't really feel in the movie... My first Bergman was Cries and Whispers, and I can still feel that shiver down my spine when I just watch the DVD box.

Scenes from a Marriage, The Silence, Saraband... If I had enough time, I would declare this week Bergman week and watch one every day.
Instead, I'll force my friends to watch them with me and listen to the lamentations of their women.

2897th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Bah!" , posted Tue 31 Jul 03:38post reply

The Seventh Seal has always stuck with me ever since i saw it as a kid. The story and the imagery are unforgettable. It was the movie that turned me into a film snob!

The Seventh Seal will be remembered for so much that it brought to the world of cinema, up to and including paving the way for Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey. Whether the late Bergman should be congratulated or pitied for having that as part of his legacy is up to the individual viewer to decide.

138th Post

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"Re(6):Bah!" , posted Tue 31 Jul 04:12:post reply


The Seventh Seal will be remembered for so much that it brought to the world of cinema, up to and including paving the way for Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey.

Haha, i like how his contributions to cinenema plateau at Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey aka Bill and Ted go to Hell.

*edit, i just noticed my mispelling of "cinema" although, i think it's better i leave it that way.

Also, if this is to be Bergman week don't forget to watch Persona, Fanny and Alexander and Wild Strawberries.

[this message was edited by nobinobita on Tue 31 Jul 04:16]

1355th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(6):Harlock's hard drinks" , posted Tue 31 Jul 05:06post reply

or Irish Car Bombs (a shot of Jager dropped into a pint of Guinness - this is the only time I'll drink a beer other than Yuengling or Singha).

Funny, where I am an Irish Car Bomb is a shot of Irish whiskey dropped in Guiness WITH Baileys Irish cream mixed in.

953th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(7):Harlock's hard drinks" , posted Tue 31 Jul 07:32post reply

Funny, where I am an Irish Car Bomb is a shot of Irish whiskey dropped in Guiness WITH Baileys Irish cream mixed in.

Either way, letting the irish cream sit is not a great idea. Where I'm from, the shot was half Baileys, half Jameson. Jager is never part of an Irish Car Bomb unless your bartender is severely mentally handicapped.

this is the only time I'll drink a beer other than Yuengling or Singha

Please, drink more good beer. I mean, don't get me wrong. I'm from NEPA, I love Yuengling, it was the first beer I ever had and I still enjoy it a great deal, it's a damn good beer and all... but there's so much better out there. Please make an effort to find it, you won't be sorry.

The other day a guy told me he wouldn't join us in pounding Key Light (in the interest of getting drunk on a hot day and not paying much money) because he was a "beer snob."

"Oh? What do you drink?"

This is a good one. What does he say to me? "Molson Ice."

I wanted to slam my head through the table.

I know, I know... drink what you like. But I feel like a lot of people don't have a damn clue about half of what's out there. I can still pound cheap beers (after all, I still don't have my degree yet), I can enjoy PBR or High Life in a dive bar, and I can enjoy Delirium Tremens, La Fin Du Monde, hell, last night a friend and I split a bottle of Sam Adams Triple Bock... now THAT is an interesting beer.

A site like beeradvocate.com is a good place to start, and a valuable resource so long as you don't get caught up in snobbery. When people say "I don't drink beer" I feel like the have a specific and narrow image of what beer is, when there are styles so wildly different they don't resemble each other in the slightest, besides that they are both liquids with some alcoholic content. There is a (probably several!) beer for everybody!

974th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(8):Harlock's hard drinks" , posted Tue 31 Jul 15:44post reply

Funny, where I am an Irish Car Bomb is a shot of Irish whiskey dropped in Guiness WITH Baileys Irish cream mixed in.

Either way, letting the irish cream sit is not a great idea. Where I'm from, the shot was half Baileys, half Jameson. Jager is never part of an Irish Car Bomb unless your bartender is severely mentally handicapped.

this is the only time I'll drink a beer other than Yuengling or Singha

Please, drink more good beer. I mean, don't get me wrong. I'm from NEPA, I love Yuengling, it was the first beer I ever had and I still enjoy it a great deal, it's a damn good beer and all... but there's so much better out there. Please make an effort to find it, you won't be sorry.

The other day a guy told me he wouldn't join us in pounding Key Light (in the interest of getting drunk on a hot day and not paying much money) because he was a "beer snob."

"Oh? What do you drink?"

This is a good one. What does he say to me? "Molson Ice."

I wanted to slam my head through the table.

I know, I know... drink what you like. But I feel like a lot of people don't have a damn clue about half of what's out there. I can still pound cheap beers (after all, I still don't have my degree yet), I can enjoy PBR or High Life in a dive bar, and I can enjoy Delirium Tremens, La Fin Du Monde, hell, last night a friend and I split a bottle of Sam Adams Triple Bock... now THAT is an interesting beer.

A site like beeradvocate.com is a good place to start, and a valuable resource so long as you don't get caught up in snobbery. When people say "I don't drink beer" I feel like the have a specific and narrow image of what beer is, when there are styles so wildly different they don't resemble each other in the slightest, besides that they are both liquids with some alcoholic content. There is a (probably several!) beer for everybody!

screw you beer drinkers this thread is for hard liquor only

150th Post

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"Re(7):Harlock's hard drinks" , posted Wed 1 Aug 00:11post reply

Crazymike - that sounds great! I'll have to try it.

Grave - if that's the case, then the 'tenders at EVERY bar I go to are retarded. Must be a Florida thing.

Wither Blister Burn + Peel

927th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(8):Harlock's hard drinks" , posted Wed 1 Aug 03:34post reply

I've been getting into scotch and bourbon lately. Glenfiddich and such. I need to learn more about brandy and other interesting drinks. Lots of fun 'underground' bars in SF to enjoy :)

Play to win.

957th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(9):Harlock's hard drinks" , posted Wed 1 Aug 06:01:post reply

I've been getting into scotch and bourbon lately. Glenfiddich and such. I need to learn more about brandy and other interesting drinks. Lots of fun 'underground' bars in SF to enjoy :)

Hooray scotch drinkers! Laphroaig rocks my world. Only had the chance to have the 15 year a few times, but it was excellent.

As for bourbon, I'm digging Knob Creek, but I'm told Bulleit is very good. Must try.

Grave - if that's the case, then the 'tenders at EVERY bar I go to are retarded. Must be a Florida thing.

Well, considering how many jackass bartenders seem to think vodka is analogous to gin and try to slip a vodka gimlet to me, I wouldn't be surprised if they were all retarded.

I just don't get the very concept of how Jager ended up in someone's "irish car bomb" when half the appeal of the drink was in the lumping together of irish ingredients blah blah blah, and the other half was in the fun of pounding it before the irish cream curdles. Plus it tastes really, really good.

Also, Oroch: you can lecture me when you learn how to spell Guinness! Count 'em, two Ns! Really, it's not that hard. I don't know why people have to struggle with it.

[this message was edited by Grave on Wed 1 Aug 06:07]

975th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(10):Harlock's hard drinks" , posted Thu 2 Aug 19:19post reply

I've been getting into scotch and bourbon lately. Glenfiddich and such. I need to learn more about brandy and other interesting drinks. Lots of fun 'underground' bars in SF to enjoy :)

Hooray scotch drinkers! Laphroaig rocks my world. Only had the chance to have the 15 year a few times, but it was excellent.

As for bourbon, I'm digging Knob Creek, but I'm told Bulleit is very good. Must try.

Grave - if that's the case, then the 'tenders at EVERY bar I go to are retarded. Must be a Florida thing.

Well, considering how many jackass bartenders seem to think vodka is analogous to gin and try to slip a vodka gimlet to me, I wouldn't be surprised if they were all retarded.

I just don't get the very concept of how Jager ended up in someone's "irish car bomb" when half the appeal of the drink was in the lumping together of irish ingredients blah blah blah, and the other half was in the fun of pounding it before the irish cream curdles. Plus it tastes really, really good.

Also, Oroch: you can lecture me when you learn how to spell Guinness! Count 'em, two Ns! Really, it's not that hard. I don't know why people have to struggle with it.

blah blah blah, yea the harp is backwards too blah blah blah

128th Post

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"Re(2):Absinthe" , posted Mon 6 Aug 05:41post reply


You know thats funny I've been drinking it more this summer, and I usually only bring it out for occasions cause it cost so much to import.(USA) I'm starting to prefer it to my mainstays liqueors because the buzz is just noticeably better. Your in very "clear" inebriation.

Anyway with others or ppl who just want to try it. I like this swiss stuff called Le Beue Clandestine. Its very very smooth with a good taste. Strong but not super strong like the 70+ proof stuff. But there is a higher proof version also if you want it. It goes down a little too easy actually, and can sneak up on you. Unfortunately it costly like 10~20 dollars more than other stuff. You'll know the bottle cause it has a picture of a creepy old man on it.

Other ones that are 70+ strong that are good are the called Amer and Strong 68.

I tried preparing it a couple times the right way with sugar cubes and such but it just takes too long. I take improper: as shots or in a lowball straight or mixed.

Thanks for the advice! I really do want to try this even if it doesn't live up to the hype. The creepy old man bottle sounds great. Especially since I'll be one of those in the future if I live that long. The sugar cube method sounds tedious. I'd rather through it in a shaker and mix it. What do you mix the stuff with anyway? Thunderbird? Mad Dog 20/20? Nightrain?

Off topic: Anyone here like limoncello? I like the cream variety better. I've heard it's really easy to make too...

977th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(3):Absinthe" , posted Mon 6 Aug 08:22post reply


You know thats funny I've been drinking it more this summer, and I usually only bring it out for occasions cause it cost so much to import.(USA) I'm starting to prefer it to my mainstays liqueors because the buzz is just noticeably better. Your in very "clear" inebriation.

Anyway with others or ppl who just want to try it. I like this swiss stuff called Le Beue Clandestine. Its very very smooth with a good taste. Strong but not super strong like the 70+ proof stuff. But there is a higher proof version also if you want it. It goes down a little too easy actually, and can sneak up on you. Unfortunately it costly like 10~20 dollars more than other stuff. You'll know the bottle cause it has a picture of a creepy old man on it.

Other ones that are 70+ strong that are good are the called Amer and Strong 68.

I tried preparing it a couple times the right way with sugar cubes and such but it just takes too long. I take improper: as shots or in a lowball straight or mixed.

Thanks for the advice! I really do want to try this even if it doesn't live up to the hype. The creepy old man bottle sounds great. Especially since I'll be one of those in the future if I live that long. The sugar cube method sounds tedious. I'd rather through it in a shaker and mix it. What do you mix the stuff with anyway? Thunderbird? Mad Dog 20/20? Nightrain?

Off topic: Anyone here like limoncello? I like the cream variety better. I've heard it's really easy to make too...

dont tell me you actually drink that shit...

129th Post

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"Re(4):Absinthe" , posted Mon 6 Aug 08:47post reply


You know thats funny I've been drinking it more this summer, and I usually only bring it out for occasions cause it cost so much to import.(USA) I'm starting to prefer it to my mainstays liqueors because the buzz is just noticeably better. Your in very "clear" inebriation.

Anyway with others or ppl who just want to try it. I like this swiss stuff called Le Beue Clandestine. Its very very smooth with a good taste. Strong but not super strong like the 70+ proof stuff. But there is a higher proof version also if you want it. It goes down a little too easy actually, and can sneak up on you. Unfortunately it costly like 10~20 dollars more than other stuff. You'll know the bottle cause it has a picture of a creepy old man on it.

Other ones that are 70+ strong that are good are the called Amer and Strong 68.

I tried preparing it a couple times the right way with sugar cubes and such but it just takes too long. I take improper: as shots or in a lowball straight or mixed.

Thanks for the advice! I really do want to try this even if it doesn't live up to the hype. The creepy old man bottle sounds great. Especially since I'll be one of those in the future if I live that long. The sugar cube method sounds tedious. I'd rather through it in a shaker and mix it. What do you mix the stuff with anyway? Thunderbird? Mad Dog 20/20? Nightrain?

Off topic: Anyone here like limoncello? I like the cream variety better. I've heard it's really easy to make too...

dont tell me you actually drink that shit...

I do. It's great for the underage girls!