Shin Megami Tensei online - Forums

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Shin Megami Tensei online" , posted Sat 28 Jul 16:38post reply

Seeing that we had lots of megaten fans here... Guy spent 100,000 yen and still couldn't get his rare items and tried to sue company but failed and burnt his face as a form of protest.

His blog, pictures included

You megaten fans better stay away from me!


581th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):Shin Megami Tensei online" , posted Sat 28 Jul 17:27post reply

Seeing that we had lots of megaten fans here... Guy spent 100,000 yen and still couldn't get his rare items and tried to sue company but failed and burnt his face as a form of protest.

His blog, pictures included

You megaten fans better stay away from me!

That's not funny; my brother died that way.


2311th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Shin Megami Tensei online" , posted Sat 28 Jul 18:00post reply

I guess he got the tickets and tried to get the 7 Sisters uniform or something?

Does anyone else play this? I really enjoy it! Well, in moderation. I haven't played in a while. I think I'm level 18 or something?

1390th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):Shin Megami Tensei online" , posted Sun 29 Jul 19:59post reply

I guess he got the tickets and tried to get the 7 Sisters uniform or something?

Does anyone else play this? I really enjoy it! Well, in moderation. I haven't played in a while. I think I'm level 18 or something?

Yeah the persona 2 uniforms

Man I really wanted to play the game before it started, but when it officially started I ended up never actually touching the game

2312th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Shin Megami Tensei online" , posted Sun 29 Jul 21:50post reply


Man I really wanted to play the game before it started, but when it officially started I ended up never actually touching the game

Is it too late now? You can still sign up, right?

It's nice because you have to pay a little more attention than a normal online RPG. I mean, there's a level of skill involved and some crazy hotkey management.

The world is really small, so it's not especially catered to playing for extended hours, but I prefer it that way. Also, the demons, dungeons and expert systems alleviate the sense of "grinding".

I wish there were more clothes, though. They make a small enough difference that you can pretty much wear what you want. If I had friends playing the game, maybe I'd fork over the (real) money to buy the "If" uniform (which I always thought was cute).

3971th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Shin Megami Tensei online" , posted Tue 31 Jul 02:42post reply

Seeing that we had lots of megaten fans here... Guy spent 100,000 yen and still couldn't get his rare items and tried to sue company but failed and burnt his face as a form of protest.

His blog, pictures included

You megaten fans better stay away from me!

holy crap. people! MMOs! Internet! all weird.