Hey Bata Kun! - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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3677th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Hey Bata Kun!" , posted Fri 10 Aug 23:45post reply

I'm trying to learn japanese, can you give me any pointers?

Arigato gosaimasu!


147th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(1):Hey Bata Kun!" , posted Sat 11 Aug 16:09post reply

Bata-kun seems to be away from his desk for a moment, so allow me to step in and reply:

Step one: Learn kanji.

Step two: Keep a Mead Composition notebook with you at all times, in which you write tick marks every time you truly master a new kanji.

Step three: When you've learned exactly two hundred and fifty kanji, post a personal ad (in English) on one of various friend-finding services catering to relationships between J-people and non-J-people; at the end of the personal ad, be sure to include the words "I speak Japanese" (this is crucial)

Step four: get a Japanese girlfriend

Step six: (step five is omitted for reasons of taste) Scream "SHORYUUUUKEN"

Step seven: if she doesn't get the reference, then it has nothing to do with your unmastery of Japanese -- she's just not interesting enough to keep as a girlfriend :(

8094th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Hey Bata Kun!" , posted Sat 11 Aug 16:52post reply

Step one: Learn kanji.

Step three: When you've learned exactly two hundred and fifty kanji, post a personal ad

THAT explains a lot.
Step four: Brag about how you totally had sex with more japanese girls living beings than your audience (composed exclusively of twenty something nerds so it shouldn't be difficult) and now you're the king of Japan and all your fans could be if they follow your steps, except your forgot to mention how much you had to pay for each whore you nailed


2324th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Hey Bata Kun!" , posted Sat 11 Aug 16:59:post reply




[this message was edited by Pollyanna on Sat 11 Aug 20:47]

Bata kun
3083th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Hey Bata Kun!" , posted Sun 12 Aug 08:19post reply

Bata-kun seems to be away from his desk for a moment, so allow me to step in and reply:

Step one: Learn kanji.

Step two: Keep a Mead Composition notebook with you at all times, in which you write tick marks every time you truly master a new kanji.

Step three: When you've learned exactly two hundred and fifty kanji, post a personal ad (in English) on one of various friend-finding services catering to relationships between J-people and non-J-people; at the end of the personal ad, be sure to include the words "I speak Japanese" (this is crucial)

Step four: get a Japanese girlfriend

Step six: (step five is omitted for reasons of taste) Scream "SHORYUUUUKEN"

Step seven: if she doesn't get the reference, then it has nothing to do with your unmastery of Japanese -- she's just not interesting enough to keep as a girlfriend :(

Ha ha ha!

Yeah, learn kanji little by little and watch live series. The Japanese there is more standard than if you let's say, play a game. Hope that helps.


3678th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Hey Bata Kun!" , posted Sun 12 Aug 09:24post reply


Ha ha ha!

Yeah, learn kanji little by little and watch live series. The Japanese there is more standard than if you let's say, play a game. Hope that helps.

I've been watching tons of anime lately, they are so sugoi! Any anime recomendations for learning japanese?
I know you're fluent in Japanese, can you give me a list of the most used words?
I appreciate your help tomodachi!


3679th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Hey Bata Kun!" , posted Sun 12 Aug 09:28post reply

Bata-kun seems to be away from his desk for a moment, so allow me to step in and reply:

Step one: Learn kanji.

Step two: Keep a Mead Composition notebook with you at all times, in which you write tick marks every time you truly master a new kanji.

Step three: When you've learned exactly two hundred and fifty kanji, post a personal ad (in English) on one of various friend-finding services catering to relationships between J-people and non-J-people; at the end of the personal ad, be sure to include the words "I speak Japanese" (this is crucial)

Step four: get a Japanese girlfriend

Step six: (step five is omitted for reasons of taste) Scream "SHORYUUUUKEN"

Step seven: if she doesn't get the reference, then it has nothing to do with your unmastery of Japanese -- she's just not interesting enough to keep as a girlfriend :(

Wow! Very good avice!
Is it possible to get a girlfriend even if I'm an otaku? I've had very bad luck with women , any advice on that? Should I get an otaku girlfriend ? Or should I let homosexuality take over ?
Please help .

Arigato gozaimasu mina san!

Bata kun
3084th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Hey Bata Kun!" , posted Sun 12 Aug 11:54post reply


Ha ha ha!

Yeah, learn kanji little by little and watch live series. The Japanese there is more standard than if you let's say, play a game. Hope that helps.

I've been watching tons of anime lately, they are so sugoi! Any anime recomendations for learning japanese?
I know you're fluent in Japanese, can you give me a list of the most used words?
I appreciate your help tomodachi!


Watching anime is just as bad as playing a game. There are not really any series that you can watch that will help you out in regards of standard Japanese. Ghibli movies are probably your best bet, but even then, I still wouldn't use them as sources.

A list of often used words. That'd take forever and I doubt you'd want a real long list. You saw Tim and I say "kanji". That's one word that's said quite often.


929th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(5):Hey Bata Kun!" , posted Mon 13 Aug 06:49post reply

Learning Kanji is more fun than memorizing the phone book, and about as logical.

If you think about it like that, it's not that tough at all!

Play to win.

1223th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"ode to Onslaught" , posted Mon 13 Aug 07:23post reply

re: Onslaught's hilarious thread and others' response to it besides Iggy's


Onslaught is surely the most underappreciated genius of this board. But I understand you, 'tomodachi.' Heheheh


1393th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):ode to Onslaught" , posted Mon 13 Aug 11:25post reply

I love you Onslaught

Undead Fred
2910th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Hey Bata Kun!" , posted Mon 13 Aug 18:06post reply

I'm trying to learn japanese, can you give me any pointers?

Arigato gosaimasu!

Go that way. REALLY fast. If something gets in your way... turn.

Dr Orochi
513th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(3):Hey Bata Kun!" , posted Tue 14 Aug 00:54post reply

Or should I let homosexuality take over ?
Please help .


3986th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):ode to Onslaught" , posted Tue 14 Aug 11:27post reply

re: Onslaught's hilarious thread and others' response to it besides Iggy's

listen man

humor is hard ok :(

1225th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):ode to Onslaught" , posted Tue 14 Aug 11:46post reply

Smiling often reflects a sense of humour and amusement

I hear


8097th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):ode to Onslaught" , posted Tue 14 Aug 16:59post reply

humor is hard ok :(

typing is hard :(

1394th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):ode to Onslaught" , posted Wed 15 Aug 01:43post reply

humor is hard ok :(

typing is hard :(

why's everybody getting hard in here :(

1226th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):ode to Onslaught" , posted Wed 15 Aug 02:30post reply

gettin' hot in here


3988th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):ode to Onslaught" , posted Wed 15 Aug 08:53post reply


why's everybody getting hard in here :(

it is, how you say, sausage festival?

3680th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):ode to Onslaught" , posted Thu 16 Aug 09:11post reply

You scared my mentors away.
Have you no shame?

Bata Kunt, please come back!

Domo arigato!

Hagen de Merak
1053th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(6):ode to Onslaught" , posted Sun 28 Feb 07:21post reply

You scared my mentors away.
Have you no shame?

Bata Kunt, please come back!

Domo arigato!

Mr. Roboto?