Pepsi NEX flash - Forums

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Pepsi NEX flash" , posted Fri 17 Aug 08:23post reply

Yet another time eating cancer!


152th Post

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"Re(1):Pepsi NEX flash" , posted Fri 17 Aug 09:04post reply

Yet another time eating cancer!

I miss Pepsiman.

Wither Blister Burn + Peel

1229th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Pepsi NEX flash" , posted Fri 17 Aug 13:03post reply

Yet another time eating cancer!

I miss Pepsiman.

Seriously, now there was a reason to play Fighting Vipers, even to this day.


2909th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Pepsi NEX flash" , posted Sat 18 Aug 00:19post reply

Forget work, I'm dedicating my day to putting this poor man's Jason Statham through his paces in order to earn his daily supply of Pepsi. Thanks for the link, I think.

While the game where he runs face-first into an ice wall is comedy gold the typing game is surprisingly intense. Whoever it was who programmed that and the annoying Breakout game must have decided that they weren't going to make some simple cola ad tie-in. That, or I guess you are supposed to be hopped up on Pepsi NEX when you are playing.

Now that I think about it how far down the ladder do you have to be when you're the one they call when they can't get Jason Statham? That must be rough.

2402th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(1):Pepsi NEX flash" , posted Sat 18 Aug 00:59:post reply

Yet another time eating cancer!

Don't forget about the BEST GAME nEVER!!
It's like the whole town is out to get him /video3

Hey, Nice Flash game! "Poor man's Statham" seems to be just the right words for describing the guy. He does a good hook when you punch at the right timing tho'. YAAAAAAAY!! YESSSS!!

[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 18 Aug 01:26]

983th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(5):Ask Bata-kun." , posted Sat 18 Aug 01:15post reply

Yet another time eating cancer!

18th Post

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New Customer

"Re(2):Pepsi NEX flash" , posted Tue 28 Aug 11:21post reply

Yet another time eating cancer!

I miss Pepsiman.

I just saw him last week-end, dancing with some of the locals here in Okinawa. I think he's getting fat. He needs to slow down on sugar and caffiene.

12 max mentol 11 stork candy 10 chupa chups 9 tortillas chippy 8 pancit canton 7 Magi noodles6 hamonado... 5 long credit list..... 4 pandesal 3 Chocobot 2 Nano-Nano and a Sofdrinks in a plastic!" WIDTH=256 HEIGHT=96>