Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
quote: hey idiot, get AIM
quote: hey idiot, get AIM My computer is dying!
quote: hey idiot, get AIM My computer is dying! My computer died, and my X-Box 360 saw the red ring of death...
quote:My computer died, and my X-Box 360 saw the red ring of death...
Red Carpet Regular Member++
quote:arregla tu computadora cabron.
Gold Customer
quote: arregla tu computadora cabron. Necsito una computadora nueva, esta ya valio madres...
Red Carpet Premium Member+
quote: Blame Butterkunt.
quote: Blame Butterkunt. What's the point in buttering a Kunt? Aren't they supposed to be wet enough?
quote: Blame Butterkunt. What's the point in buttering a Kunt? Aren't they supposed to be wet enough? they don't come wet, you have to get it wet ;)
quote: Blame Butterkunt. What's the point in buttering a Kunt? Aren't they supposed to be wet enough? they don't come wet, you have to get it wet ;) This thread is locked.
quote:This thread is locked.