Help me I'm in hell - Forums

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177th Post

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"Help me I'm in hell" , posted Tue 21 Aug 06:54post reply

Ive been playing video games since the beginning of the earth, now I work and I can afford any console or game. I currently own a ps2, a ds, and the 360. However, I can't find any pleasant game. I don't know if im getting old, if im too old school or what, but I just can't get hooked up to a game as I used to.
I have this theory that if I buy a wii with a copy of zelda I will regain my video games love, but Im not sure if thats gonna be the case.
I feel really old when I realize that all these 360 first person shooters bore me to death, im so tired about war games and guns and stupid monsters that you have to shoot at. Even if the game has awesome graphics, I just don't care because the art design is too boring.
Maybe I should buy Final Fantasy XII for PS2?
Even shadow of the colossus bores me. I feel Im trying too hard.

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"


1366th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Help me I'm in hell" , posted Tue 21 Aug 07:27post reply

Well I was in the same situation, but then you discover there are better things out there like...women and sex.

All jokes aside, very few new games interest me. I just play old school games on my modded Xbox.

1231th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Help me I'm in hell" , posted Tue 21 Aug 07:27post reply

Even Colossus bores you? This may require desperate measures. Maybe instead you could go for reverse treatment and play something old and genius...why don't you pick up Final Fantasy VI or something?


Red Falcon
5954th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Help me I'm in hell" , posted Tue 21 Aug 10:22post reply

Go for something "classic", and keep FF 12 at arm's length (or preferably further, think of it as a dead marmot or something...) if you're looking to avoid boredom.

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1367th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Help me I'm in hell" , posted Tue 21 Aug 10:22post reply

Even Colossus bores you? This may require desperate measures.

Indeed....the most desperate of measures...

1232th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Help me I'm in hell" , posted Tue 21 Aug 10:32post reply

Go for something "classic", and keep FF 12 at arm's length (or preferably further, think of it as a dead marmot or something...) if you're looking to avoid boredom.

Yeah, hate to say it, but XII will do nothing for you if you're losing patience with games, despite its beauty and its rather fun political story, simply because it's dragged down by the need to level up (to avoid messy death. More brutal than V) and fetch-quest in the way that has probably made you tired of games in the first place. Assuming you liked RPG's to begin with, of course. Seventy hours in, the death battle on the Big Bridge with you-know-who did kind of rekindle my spirit for new RPG's, but still.


2328th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Help me I'm in hell" , posted Tue 21 Aug 11:31post reply

Go for something "classic", and keep FF 12 at arm's length (or preferably further, think of it as a dead marmot or something...) if you're looking to avoid boredom.

I agree. A good solution/compromise is Blue Dragon, which is an excellent mix of new and old sensibilities. I felt a "revival" playing it, myself. I play games in small doses these days, even if I love them, but Blue Dragon was one game I couldn't pry myself away from.

Well, that is, assuming you like old school RPGs.

I just got a wii with Zelda myself. I'm not a Zelda fan, but I've told myself that if I stop thinking about winning the game and think more about enjoying the world, then I'll have a good time. So far it's working.

179th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(3):Help me I'm in hell" , posted Tue 21 Aug 11:33:post reply

Go for something "classic", and keep FF 12 at arm's length (or preferably further, think of it as a dead marmot or something...) if you're looking to avoid boredom.
Yeah, hate to say it, but XII will do nothing for you if you're losing patience with games, despite its beauty and its rather fun political story, simply because it's dragged down by the need to level up (to avoid messy death. More brutal than V) and fetch-quest in the way that has probably made you tired of games in the first place. Assuming you liked RPG's to begin with, of course. Seventy hours in, the death battle on the Big Bridge with you-know-who did kind of rekindle my spirit for new RPG's, but still.

Well, you are so right about everything you said..I used to like RPGS with passion..till FFX,,then dont know what happened.
Ive been playing old school for years now..I go back to everything I used to play and tears fill my eyes, but then I think "Whats wrong with me!!" I feel like Simpson Grandpa and Im only 25 years old..
Well, to be honest, I remember that Valkyre Profile made me feel like I used to feel before, for some strange reason. I also loved Xenogears, but thats old too.

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

[this message was edited by Tai-Pan on Tue 21 Aug 11:35]

1233th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):Help me I'm in hell" , posted Tue 21 Aug 12:48post reply

I kinda know the feeling...I was listening to my Chrono Trigger soundtrack the other day and it always brings tears to my eyes, the map themes in particular and the utter joyfulness of the Galdia Kingdom Millenial Fair track. At any rate, I'm no retro snob but some nostalgia is indeed warrented, especially for the RPG crowd which has not progressed in ways that it should. Like recent articles by ToastyFrog and Rogers made me realize, Chrono Trigger might still be the most cohesive and solidly excellent hour-per-hour RPG ever. No fluff, all seamless, all heart. Compare it with trash like Chrono Cross and it's easy to become disenchanted with the modern gaming age if you're like me and only play RPG's and fighters. At least I've still enjoyed all even-numbered Final Fantasy's up until now. But the RPG I'm most looking forward to playing if I have time: my Sega Ages copy of Phantasy Star II. Plus Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey if I ever buy a 360.

Truly creative and artful games like Katamari and Colossus still keep me going, so Colossus' failure to amaze and instill wonder might be a sign of serious problems, on the other hand...


202th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(5):Help me I'm in hell" , posted Tue 21 Aug 15:47post reply

Only play multiplayer games with friends. It doesn't matter what game.

Just last weekend, I played the arcade Double Dragon with a friend. Arcade Double Dragon does not hold up well against current games. At all. I might even go so far as to say the game kind of sucks.

But it was still a blast.

8102th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Help me I'm in hell" , posted Tue 21 Aug 16:58:post reply

As much as I respect Colossus, you have to admit : it is a boring game. At least after the 5th guy.

I don't understand the hate for FFXII : after all, it's the same thing RPG have always been, killing countless low level monsters so you're powerful enough to run through the rest of the game and laugh at the bosses. The only differences are that the fights are significantly faster, and the absence of random encounter is really fantastic. It's the only RPG I played in 2 years that didn't feel like the same old formula repeated over and over again without any glimpse of originality (hello Blue Dragon).
And most of all, it is the exact opposite of FFX. You have to respect that

Sengoku Basara 2 is dead stupid and fun. Not really challenging, but really entertaining.. Plenty of things to unlock if you feel like it, and great also for quick casual sessions when you come home and the dinner isn't ready

Ôkami might be boring, because it's outrageously easy, but it's a real enchantment. It iyashi-s you to the bone.

PS3, 360, Wii... maybe next year. AGAIN.

[this message was edited by Iggy on Tue 21 Aug 16:59]

Undead Fred
2912th Post

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"Re(6):Help me I'm in hell" , posted Tue 21 Aug 17:02post reply

Just last weekend, I played the arcade Double Dragon with a friend. Arcade Double Dragon does not hold up well against current games. At all. I might even go so far as to say the game kind of sucks.

But it was still a blast.

You're talking about the old 80's Double Dragon, right? I don't think it's really fair to say it doesn't hold up... it's old. It came out before Final Fight and Streets of Rage and the other games that defined what we think of as a beat-em-up these days... but it's still fun to play. I guess it's just a matter of expectations. It's old and very arcadey, so it's probably gonna be fairly shallow. If you know that going in, you can still have fun... which I guess you did anyway. So I don't know what my point is.

That's a way to refresh yourself a little, I guess... go back and play old favorites on your NES and Genesis and all that. Put River City Ransom or Earthworm Jim on or something like that... re-visit some of the old games you loved that you haven't played in a while and take a break from the games you're tired of. I know there's a rash of FPS' right now, but since I actually like them, I can't really complain. There are some good games coming out, though... I keep getting excited like a kid at Christmas over the Beautiful Katamari banners on Live.

156th Post

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"Re(7):Help me I'm in hell" , posted Tue 21 Aug 17:18post reply

Go play Final Fantasy IV to get you ready for the DS remake!

Wither Blister Burn + Peel

2329th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Help me I'm in hell" , posted Tue 21 Aug 17:47post reply

FFXII embodies what I think is wrong with gaming today. It's disjointed. It has a clever system that's poorly implemented, enjoyable characters that they can't seem to fit into the story and a collection of good ideas that fail to come together properly. The consensus among people I know is is: "there's nothing really BAD about it, but it's not Final Fantasy, it's somehow boring, and I can't bring myself to finish it."

Blue Dragon is the complete opposite. There's nothing revolutionary about it at all, but it's lovingly executed. It was made by a huge team, but it feels like it was made by one person. I felt that the player was considered in the making of the game, rather than being lost in its sea of ideas and systems.

I don't want all RPGs to be like Blue Dragon, but I wish more RPGs were as well-constructed as Blue Dragon. It's a very bad game for someone looking for something new and exciting, but a good one for someone disgruntled with the games of today that has warm feelings toward old RPGs.

140th Post

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"Re(1):Help me I'm in hell" , posted Tue 21 Aug 18:15post reply

I have two words for you:

Odin Sphere.

It's the only game I've played in years that I enjoy as much as classic SNES games. Booting that game up reminded me of playing Actraiser for the first time. It brought a tear to my eye (really!).

Also, don't put so much pressure on yourself, especially regarding your leisure activities. I don't mean to pry too deeply, but perhaps you have other worries in life that are preventing you from enjoying games like you used to? It almost sounds like you are depending on gaming to pull you out of your funk, and although games are great and sometimes even uplifting, they're probably not the best cure for persistent depression.

141th Post

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"Re(7):Help me I'm in hell" , posted Tue 21 Aug 18:20post reply


You're talking about the old 80's Double Dragon, right? I don't think it's really fair to say it doesn't hold up... it's old.

I agree. Also, were you playing at an arcade or at home? When your quarters are on the line, then it makes all those old games that much more fun and intense. It's something you just can't get from emulation.

8102th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Help me I'm in hell" , posted Tue 21 Aug 18:57post reply

It has a clever system that's poorly implemented, enjoyable characters that they can't seem to fit into the story and a collection of good ideas that fail to come together properly.

You're harsh, but I have to agree that the good points aren't polished (but then, the production of the game was not polished either).
On the other hand, even if the scenario kinda falls down towards the end, even if the system could have been more polished... I'd rather have that than all those games
* with a moronic scenario without any development that just rely on some ridiculous flashbacks to flesh out the characters and the story
* and those that either just use the same systems we've played hundreds of times, or those with extremely complicated systems that are just the embodiment of unfun (Hello Persona 3)

But yeah, I like Siren and Kawazu, so what do I know.
"it's not Final Fantasy"

For someone who loathed all FF except 6 (and maybe 5 for a while) it's just perfect. I'd rather have a good game than a good FF.
But I know I'm in a minority.

2207th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Help me I'm in hell" , posted Tue 21 Aug 19:00post reply

Ah, that. Most of us know what that's like by now.

Instead of going with the new release wave or playing old games that you've already played a thousand times, I would suggest going back and trying to find old games that you never played when they were new. Maybe they looked bad to you or you were prejudiced or maybe it was a reason that is now irrelevant like price. Anyway everyone has at least a few of those; just dig into your memory, suppress your pride a bit and you'll probably find something. That's my suggestion.

2330th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Help me I'm in hell" , posted Tue 21 Aug 19:34post reply

I'd rather have a good game than a good FF.

I don't even know what FF IS anymore.

I'm really not trying to say FFXII is a bad game (it's pretty good, I think), just that it's an unbalanced one. I wouldn't recommend it as a cure for "the video game blues", because as I said, I think it embodies a lot of the things that are wrong with the industry today. Although I think maybe the Suikoden and Silent Hill series are the real posterboys for that.

I used to think that I valued innovation most of all, but so many games these days have left me with the impression of "did you actually think that someone would be PLAYING this? Did you consider THEIR feelings?" and "Is there any communication between departments, or did you all just do your own thing, then smash them together into one "game" at the end?"

Now, I don't know if I want solid uninteresting games, or interesting sloppy games.

I shouldn't give Blue Dragon quite so much credit, though, as Mother 3 did it better and first.

424th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):Help me I'm in hell" , posted Tue 21 Aug 23:30post reply

I'm not sure if it's your kind of game, but Guitar Hero got me hooked to my ps2 for more than a year and a half (and even if GHII wasn't released, I would still be playing the first one). These days, I only play twice or 3 times a week, but it's still the game that has my ps2 running.


4424th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"you are old and in hell!" , posted Wed 22 Aug 00:21post reply

I also loved Xenogears, but thats old too.

Just replay Xenogears. Franz just recorded some hot sounds.

think well your answer

931th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):Help me I'm in hell" , posted Wed 22 Aug 00:22post reply

I have two words for you:

Odin Sphere.

It's the only game I've played in years that I enjoy as much as classic SNES games. Booting that game up reminded me of playing Actraiser for the first time. It brought a tear to my eye (really!).

Odin Sphere is fun for the first 15 hours, and then you realize that it's going to repeat the same thing over and over again with only minute variations. I love item management and fusion gameplay, but not enough to sit through the same environments and bosses over and over again.

If that game had been capped at 20 hours, I would have loved it. But now I can't seem to get up the urge to play. Ugh.

Honestly, there are some good games out there, just few and far in between. I'm playing Metal Gear Solid 1, Zelda DS (must buy, excellent game), and Monster Hunter 2 Freedom. Also working on PSP FFTactics, but I haven't been able to find time. PS3 will be busy this fall though.

Play to win.

1395th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):Help me I'm in hell" , posted Wed 22 Aug 03:08post reply

I'm pretty sure you'd start thinking you aren't suitable for gaming anymore if you're having trouble finding fun games and you play Odin Sphere...

I'm not even sure what I can recommend at this point, the last really awesome game that rekindled my gaming love was Mother 3, and I don't have a 360 so I don't know how Blue Dragon is like. There have been quite a bit of good games released over the past few years though, so it might work to look for old-but-not-so-old games like what Gojira suggested.

Iron D
2777th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):Help me I'm in hell" , posted Wed 22 Aug 03:50post reply

I'm not sure if it's your kind of game, but Guitar Hero got me hooked to my ps2 for more than a year and a half (and even if GHII wasn't released, I would still be playing the first one). These days, I only play twice or 3 times a week, but it's still the game that has my ps2 running.

Oh man, Guitar Hero is crack in videogame form. Everytime I pick the game up I can't put it down for at least two hours.

Having played the game for as long as you have, is it safe to assume that you've mastered expert?


1410th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):Re(10):Help me I'm in hell" , posted Wed 22 Aug 09:51post reply

I know exactly what you mean. I have the money to not need to pirate games, and I already own 2 of the 3 "new" systems... and I will probably get a PS3 once something loony for it comes out. That said, I feel very little excitement on the whole for them. I've felt some excitement from games here and there lately on the DS (Rocket Slime) and PS2 (God Hand), but I haven't felt that from either the wii or the 360 yet. I think the last few/several games on the PC that I was really excited about were doujin games.

I don't think I've ever felt as excited for anything as I have since the days when the SNES was new and new stuff was popping into the arcades all the time.

I do know that after the internet made every game instantly available, and money made everything else available (like not having to have to make hard decisions about where to put your 50 cent arcade allowance), some of the magic was lost. I just feel like there's a saturation of stuff in front of me all the time. Back then, every game that you got or got a moment to play was savoured, even if the game was bad. Now I'm always thinking about all the games I want to play and how I'll never get around to playing X if I keep taking my time with Y.

All that said, whenever you hit a game that really makes you genuinely smile, everything that I wrote above falls away if only for a moment. There are honestly not many games like that, and ones which did it for me might not do it for you.

In conclusion, go play Cave Story if you haven't yet.

1368th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):Help me I'm in hell" , posted Wed 22 Aug 09:58post reply


and fetch-quest in the way that has probably made you tired of games in the first place.

Irk this is what gets me about many modern games. Companies drive to make everything so expansive you spend more time running around then you do tapping your buttons and playing.

284th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(1):Help me I'm in hell" , posted Wed 22 Aug 12:10post reply

Ive been playing video games since the beginning of the earth, now I work and I can afford any console or game. I currently own a ps2, a ds, and the 360. However, I can't find any pleasant game. I don't know if im getting old, if im too old school or what, but I just can't get hooked up to a game as I used to.
I have this theory that if I buy a wii with a copy of zelda I will regain my video games love, but Im not sure if thats gonna be the case.
I feel really old when I realize that all these 360 first person shooters bore me to death, im so tired about war games and guns and stupid monsters that you have to shoot at. Even if the game has awesome graphics, I just don't care because the art design is too boring.
Maybe I should buy Final Fantasy XII for PS2?
Even shadow of the colossus bores me. I feel Im trying too hard.

I'm kinda in the same boat you are. I recently just got a wii, well not me but my dad forced me to stand in line to go get him one [not that i'm complaining I just like to sleep] but after playing Rayman Raving Rabbids for maybe 2 or 3 days I just didn't feel like playing with the wii after that.

I thought it would be some what a revival of my SNES days when I first got one and the whole family is excited to give it a try but didn't really catch me as strong as I thought it would. I'm with spoon when he says a magic is some what lost in today's games.

Probably for both of us we just have to play the waiting game, i'm sure all hope isn't lost for future games that will catch us and pull us into a game heavily. That and were older our taste changes. Good Luck to you though dude.

4397th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"jaded empire" , posted Wed 22 Aug 13:33post reply

I have a PS2 with MGS3, Transformers, Odin Sphere, FFXII, Xenosaga III, and such sitting in my library...and yet I'm only playing Fatal Fury Battle Archives.

Do I need therapy?

441th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(4):Help me I'm in hell" , posted Wed 22 Aug 14:36post reply

When Final Fantasy X was just in development, I was not impressed by the main character design and news of voice acting integrated into the game. I think that was what made me steer clear of PS2 Final Fantasy games.
I used to like RPGS with passion..till FFX,,then dont know what happened.

Hey, Tai-Pan, you are still in Florida right?

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

426th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(4):Re(10):Help me I'm in hell" , posted Wed 22 Aug 23:13:post reply

Oh man, Guitar Hero is crack in videogame form. Everytime I pick the game up I can't put it down for at least two hours.

Having played the game for as long as you have, is it safe to assume that you've mastered expert?

I mastered expert in the first 2 weeks I got it... (I'm a guitar player, so that helps).

I think I've reached my best though... there's no way in hell I can finish Jordan in Expert (I can survive to around 47-55% but that solo is too darn long), and I guess with a lot of practice I could finish "Six" (Effin' too fast), but I just don't have the time for that yet.
I really wish I had money for a PS3 to get Rock Band later, but I need to buy me a HD TV first (what'd be the point of having a PS3 without one... I'm not even sure you can plug the thing in a SD TV, elitist crap), so yeah, Rock Band will happen for me in about $2,500...
At least I'll get GHIII for the Wii (or PS2, depending on what the Wii version offers that the PS2 one doesn't).


[this message was edited by Mokona on Wed 22 Aug 23:16]

2912th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Help me I'm in hell" , posted Wed 22 Aug 23:27post reply

Ive been playing video games since the beginning of the earth, now I work and I can afford any console or game. I currently own a ps2, a ds, and the 360. However, I can't find any pleasant game. I don't know if im getting old, if im too old school or what, but I just can't get hooked up to a game as I used to.
I have this theory that if I buy a wii with a copy of zelda I will regain my video games love, but Im not sure if thats gonna be the case.
I feel really old when I realize that all these 360 first person shooters bore me to death, im so tired about war games and guns and stupid monsters that you have to shoot at. Even if the game has awesome graphics, I just don't care because the art design is too boring.
Maybe I should buy Final Fantasy XII for PS2?
Even shadow of the colossus bores me. I feel Im trying too hard.

You probably are trying too hard. If you're actively hunting for a game that will make you feel like you're 12 years old again odds are you're going to be disappointed. Remember, video games are just another form of entertainment and should be viewed as such. Instead of recommending any specific game to try I would say that the best thing to do is to wait and see if something comes along that piques your interest. If you find one, great. If not, then don't worry about it.

This is only a side point to your topic, but I wouldn't get too bothered by the proliferation of FPS games. It's a fairly popular genre that the current systems can do well so there ends up being too many of them on the market. It's a similar situation to the time that the SNES was clogged with piss-poor platformers. As soon as the next big thing comes along I'm sure will get a glut of that as well.

179th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(5):Re(10):Help me I'm in hell" , posted Thu 23 Aug 03:33post reply

I know exactly what you mean. I have the money to not need to pirate games, and I already own 2 of the 3 "new" systems... and I will probably get a PS3 once something loony for it comes out. That said, I feel very little excitement on the whole for them. I've felt some excitement from games here and there lately on the DS (Rocket Slime) and PS2 (God Hand), but I haven't felt that from either the wii or the 360 yet. I think the last few/several games on the PC that I was really excited about were doujin games.

I don't think I've ever felt as excited for anything as I have since the days when the SNES was new and new stuff was popping into the arcades all the time.

I do know that after the internet made every game instantly available, and money made everything else available (like not having to have to make hard decisions about where to put your 50 cent arcade allowance), some of the magic was lost. I just feel like there's a saturation of stuff in front of me all the time. Back then, every game that you got or got a moment to play was savoured, even if the game was bad. Now I'm always thinking about all the games I want to play and how I'll never get around to playing X if I keep taking my time with Y.

All that said, whenever you hit a game that really makes you genuinely smile, everything that I wrote above falls away if only for a moment. There are honestly not many games like that, and ones which did it for me might not do it for you.

In conclusion, go play Cave Story if you haven't yet.

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

1236th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(6):Re(10):Help me I'm in hell" , posted Thu 23 Aug 12:59:post reply

Ishamel is right on about the boring FPS glut being a mirror of the boring platforming glut of yesteryear (late 16-bit was a bad time, outside of RPG's). Though I don't own one, I've meant to buy a DS like three times in the past year. I think of all the newer platforms it has the biggest concentration of clever, well-made games that sort of make you excited like the SFC did. Ouendan, the best handheld Dracula/CV's (I hear), Sonic Rush, New Super Mario Brothers, DS Advance Wars, GBA's excellent 2D library like Metroid...

Meanwhile, like I sorta thought above, RPG's aren't making it easy for you to love them anymore, either, what with the insane back-and-forth and grinding disguised as "longer play time." 16 bit masterpieces like FFVI and Chrono were from an era that had finally figured out how to cut that heinous filler out of RPG's, yet now we see it flooding back in again in otherwise good games like XII, Odin Sphere, and Tales of the Abyss (Polly, I dig this game mostly and got it on your recommendation, but that unbelievably poor 5 hour stretch 28-30 hours in where you literally hop back and forth between like 8 towns and mountain ranges with no story god).


[this message was edited by Maou on Thu 23 Aug 13:01]

2331th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Re(10):Help me I'm in hell" , posted Thu 23 Aug 14:28post reply


Tales of the Abyss (Polly, I dig this game mostly and got it on your recommendation, but that unbelievably poor 5 hour stretch 28-30 hours in where you literally hop back and forth between like 8 towns and mountain ranges with no story god).

NO KIDDING. I loved the game to death, but that stopped me from playing through it again. I was really excited about playing it on a higher difficulty level (putting the game on "hard" for bosses was so much fun!), but there's getting around that. I found myself saying "I just want to play the damn game!" quite a few times, actually.

Personally, I would not put New Mario Bros and (especially) Sonic Rush on a list of excellent DS games. Just because they emulate good games, doesn't make them good. Sonic Rush in particular had extremely poor level design and needlessly lengthy, boring dialogue abound. I liked the Sonic characters more when they didn't talk.

I guess I don't have a feeling of "those were the days" with video games in general, but I do think that numerous good series have gone down the crap hole.

1237th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re: Help me I'm in the Abyss" , posted Fri 24 Aug 02:49:post reply

Seriously...that game (and XII) needed an editor like no RPG I've seen since the early 16-bit days. Did someone seriously think all the stuff with Van and the clever worldview (Sephiroth pillars etc) wouldn't tide people over, so they introduced a worthless town of airship inventors who took you five game hours to build an airship? You're right, not enough games today are made with the player's enjoyment in mind, it seems.

PS: oh, and with Sonic Rush, I haven't even gotten to play it (looking forward to it if I ever buy a damn DS), but Naganuma Hideki is my god. This is What You Need.

PPS: realized that Van would lead to XII confusion. XII also needed an editor to splice out the online RPG disasters of "go on a quest through that forest, then through the desert beyond the forest, then through the mountains beyond that, and maybe you'll meet someone who has something to do with our wonderful political story that we should have put more focus on."


[this message was edited by Maou on Fri 24 Aug 03:32]

933th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):Re: Help me I'm in the Abyss" , posted Fri 24 Aug 04:26post reply


PPS: realized that Van would lead to XII confusion. XII also needed an editor to splice out the online RPG disasters of "go on a quest through that forest, then through the desert beyond the forest, then through the mountains beyond that, and maybe you'll meet someone who has something to do with our wonderful political story that we should have put more focus on."

I love FF12, but if they had been able to fix the flaws with the story and some combat issues, it would have been even more amazing. It's really unfortunate :(

Play to win.

181th Post

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"Re(6):Re(10):Help me I'm in hell" , posted Fri 24 Aug 11:04post reply

I know exactly what you mean. I have the money to not need to pirate games, and I already own 2 of the 3 "new" systems... and I will probably get a PS3 once something loony for it comes out. That said, I feel very little excitement on the whole for them. I've felt some excitement from games here and there lately on the DS (Rocket Slime) and PS2 (God Hand), but I haven't felt that from either the wii or the 360 yet. I think the last few/several games on the PC that I was really excited about were doujin games.

I don't think I've ever felt as excited for anything as I have since the days when the SNES was new and new stuff was popping into the arcades all the time.

I do know that after the internet made every game instantly available, and money made everything else available (like not having to have to make hard decisions about where to put your 50 cent arcade allowance), some of the magic was lost. I just feel like there's a saturation of stuff in front of me all the time. Back then, every game that you got or got a moment to play was savoured, even if the game was bad. Now I'm always thinking about all the games I want to play and how I'll never get around to playing X if I keep taking my time with Y.

All that said, whenever you hit a game that really makes you genuinely smile, everything that I wrote above falls away if only for a moment. There are honestly not many games like that, and ones which did it for me might not do it for you.

In conclusion, go play Cave Story if you haven't yet.

Well, about what you said..coulnd't agree more with it.
Thanks for the Crave Story tip, i really didn't know about that game, and looks like...FUN!! I guess that's gonna be my path..doujin games. I wonder where can I start looking for good doujin games.

Well digital still in south florida..which, for me, is just a biiiiig place populated with shallow people and ultra expensive beautiful cars that nobody can afford. I feel that my old little town back in Argentina had the same depth as this place...well, maybe it's just me..maybe I gotta find some interesting people around here. America is...weird...

What I wanted to know, can anybody that has played Xenogears (and liked it) and the Xenosaga games tell me if there are any similarities between them? Do they share anything else beside robots? Cause I loved Xenogears, and if any of the Xenosaga games resemble the classic, that's what im gonna start playing for sure.

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

2334th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Re(10):Help me I'm in hell" , posted Fri 24 Aug 11:21post reply


What I wanted to know, can anybody that has played Xenogears (and liked it) and the Xenosaga games tell me if there are any similarities between them? Do they share anything else beside robots? Cause I loved Xenogears, and if any of the Xenosaga games resemble the classic, that's what im gonna start playing for sure.

Hrmmm...well, yes, there are a LOT of similarities. Almost like, returning characters and while I don't think it "legally" exists in the same world, it might as well. The battle system is extremely similar as well, and much like Xenosaga, it's very talky with a strong plot. The first game soundtrack is also done by Mitsuda, if that counts for anything (it did for me).

However, I thought Xenosaga was a pain in the ass to play, despite its excellent story. The fights are TOO SLOW among other things. The second game is an absolute mess (with an annoying dub that's too slow in English or Japanese), and the third...I'm not done with yet, although it isn't giving me much to complain about.

I've seen a LOT of Xenogears fans feel really betrayed by Xenosaga, so I would look at the game just as a game, not as a prequel and ask yourself "does this look interesting to me". If it does, then go for it, but if you're thinking "this isn't enough like Xenogears!" already, then you're going to suffer.

1239th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(8):Re(10):Help me I'm in Xenogears" , posted Fri 24 Aug 14:24:post reply

Xenosaga was a pain in the ass to play, despite its excellent story. The fights are TOO SLOW among other things.
See also: Xenogears.

Never has there been a story I enjoyed more (with such good music and character design) that I have less intention of ever playing again. In my crazed early teens I actually replayed it (!), strange considering I had a life and am not especially insane, and actually got the story better, which is rather moving. Too bad the system is so weak (boring mech fights, intolerable action jumping...Babel Tower still evokes a knowing grimace from anyone who played this game).

This too is a semi-modern RPG in desperate need of editing, though it's more of a story editing than a superfluous dungeon/fetchquest editing. Which really means that Billy, Rico, and Chuchu should never have been the game, leaving us with a solid Elley/Fei/Bart/Shitan cast and a more driven story. Tai-Pan, I think fatigue might have set in because there have been TOO many RPG's like Xenogears whose good story potentials are drowned in non-concise, poorly edited final products.


[this message was edited by Maou on Fri 24 Aug 14:28]

809th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(9):Re(10):Help me I'm in Xenogears" , posted Fri 24 Aug 14:58post reply

Xenosaga was a pain in the ass to play, despite its excellent story. The fights are TOO SLOW among other things. See also: Xenogears.

Never has there been a story I enjoyed more (with such good music and character design) that I have less intention of ever playing again. In my crazed early teens I actually replayed it (!), strange considering I had a life and am not especially insane, and actually got the story better, which is rather moving. Too bad the system is so weak (boring mech fights, intolerable action jumping...Babel Tower still evokes a knowing grimace from anyone who played this game).

This too is a semi-modern RPG in desperate need of editing, though it's more of a story editing than a superfluous dungeon/fetchquest editing. Which really means that Billy, Rico, and Chuchu should never have been the game, leaving us with a solid Elley/Fei/Bart/Shitan cast and a more driven story. Tai-Pan, I think fatigue might have set in because there have been TOO many RPG's like Xenogears whose good story potentials are drowned in non-concise, poorly edited final products.

Yeah, good old Xenogears... what a wonderful game would it be, hadn't the developers run out of founds in the end. I agree with you about the story being one of the best sci-fi/ space opera plots ever made for a videogame with brilliant approaches to themes such as God's true nature and human evolution.

I also think dull mecha combats were out of place and completely ruined the gaming experience, so in case of a remake, i'd leae them off, along with some ludicrously long and pointless dungeons such as the Sewers one... I hope we get a Xenogears remake someday, as it deserves more love than it ever had.

105th Post

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"Re(10):Re(10):Help me I'm in Xenogears" , posted Fri 24 Aug 23:41post reply

Didn't like Xenogears? What's the matter, too DEEP for you?!

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2210th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Re(10):Help me I'm in Xenogears" , posted Sat 25 Aug 00:20post reply

And here I thought I was the only one on the internets who thought that Xenogears was incredibly overrated. Nice story but bad game.

There were times I actually liked Xenosaga for what it removed from the Xenogears formula; for example, it divoced that shotgun wedding of random battles and unnecessary platforming which made Xenogears so annoying. Unfortunately, enjoyment is still dependent on the story presentation, which is just not as good.

1240th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):Help me I'm in Xenogears" , posted Sat 25 Aug 03:47:post reply

Didn't like Xenogears? What's the matter, too DEEP for you?!

Gahhaah, I'm glad you show up every so often to offer me hilarious tidbits. Sorta like highlandcattle. I like the other pictures on that site, too. [edit: I'm always reminded of the insane managing editor Bill Donohue in the best American game magazine of all time when I see that handle of yours]

And yeah Gojira, people were kind to it when it came out, but I think the retrospective on Xenogears pretty much tends to be that it's a great story/music/charas that is unplayable thanks to the battles and jumping dungeons. [EDIT: and the LOADING. Oh goddddd]

Still, the good things about that game...remember the amazing towns??! There was nothing like that on 32 bit. Ave, the accordion (?) accompanied market streets where tent vendors would call out to you and you could ignore their dialogue like in Chrono, or Shevat, which of course was Zeal but was even better? Just...amazing. If I could just go through the cities and story of that game and NEVER have to play it again, it would be amazing. Come to think of it, glad I have a bunch of save files in random locations.


[this message was edited by Maou on Sat 25 Aug 03:55]

183th Post

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"Re(8):Re(10):Help me I'm in hell" , posted Sat 25 Aug 05:48post reply


The battle system is extremely similar as well, and much like Xenosaga, it's very talky with a strong plot. The first game soundtrack is also done by Mitsuda, if that counts for anything (it did for me).

Well, thats all I need to know, enough for me.
And yes, I remember the boring battles and stupid jumping sequences, but the music, the towns, and the whole mood of the game were really worthy for me..

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

Bata kun
3088th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Therapy" , posted Sat 25 Aug 06:31:post reply

I am so not giving my PS2 love. These days, it's all about my DS. It's not that I don't like touching my PS2. It's that the DS generally is more accessible for the lack of a better word.

Oh! Games. I have a younger sister that is enjoying "Touch Detective". I find it fun and all, but my sister is more brighter than I am because I'm having trouble with that game.

I used to find myself playing "Pearl". (I picked Pochama by the way.) It has its moments and I still play it, but when it becomes competitive all of a sudden, it becomes more of a bother than a fun session because you want the perfect pokemon and you have to train it the right way. So, think real hard before you get "Pearl" or "Diamond".

If you want a game, get "Panel de Pon DS". (I forget what is its alternate name.) Yes, the fairy theme is not there for the most part, but the base still is. I play it once in a while and I am having fun with it. I wouldn't call myself an expert, but I am having fun with it.

I plan on getting "Ultimate Match" because it's "1998", which means that my PS2 will actually get time again. (By the way, is it actually out yet?) I am guessing that within three months, there will be an announcement of "Pink Sweets" being on the PS2. Never the less, I will definitely get that. In regards of the PS2 game to get, look below.

I have a PS2 with MGS3, Transformers, Odin Sphere, FFXII, Xenosaga III, and such sitting in my library...and yet I'm only playing Fatal Fury Battle Archives.

Do I need therapy?

Not really. In fact, I find this a good thing.


[this message was edited by Bata kun on Sat 25 Aug 06:32]

9th Post

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"Re(1):Help me I'm in hell" , posted Mon 27 Aug 09:31post reply

I was never into the games you named (RPGs) but I know what you mean. For years I didn't really play any games, until the Nintendo DS came around. I'm totally hooked and eventhough I see how other people feel different about it, it outdoes the PSP or any modern console to me. After the Dreamcast with all its crazy controllers and stuff I just felt disappointed by the other consoles. There are bad DS games but the overall quality and most of all originality is very high (ignoring most of the brain trainers). I don't know if that is any help but you should try to find some DS games in your fav genres.

4398th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"doc" , posted Wed 29 Aug 01:37post reply

Rented God of War II and ICO last weekend...enjoyed ICO more.

Does that make me crazy? Possibly?

427th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(1):doc" , posted Wed 29 Aug 01:42post reply

Rented God of War II and ICO last weekend...enjoyed ICO more.

Does that make me crazy? Possibly?

I finally found ICO a couple of months ago in the bargain bin at EBGames and got it. I had wanted to get it since playing Shadow of the Colossus and adoring every second of it.

I can't believe this is almost a launch title for the PS2, it's really good. The design is incredible. The music is less dominant than in Colossus (which had an incredible score), but it's good.

Then again, I never played God of War, so I might be biased in my comment... (I plan on getting God of War 1 some time, since it's really cheap).


1720th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"good thread" , posted Fri 31 Aug 14:51post reply

A very nice thread.

I feel like I half agree and half disagree with everyone regarding everything.

There's definitely a common wavelength, though.

/ / /

Iron D
2779th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):Help me I'm in Xenogears" , posted Fri 31 Aug 15:17post reply


Gahhaah, I'm glad you show up every so often to offer me hilarious tidbits. Sorta like highlandcattle. I like the other pictures on that site, too. [edit: I'm always reminded of the insane managing editor Bill Donohue in the best American game magazine of all time when I see that handle of yours]

Ah, Gameplayers. That magazine was awesome. Not specifically because of the reviews (at one point they were great), but because of the most eclectic and hilarious staff of reviewers any gaming magazine has ever had. They were just awesome...until they became Ultra Gameplayers. Then the magazine took an absolute nosedive.

They were funny enough that I was able to overlook a few of their more glaring problems (like complete a preview for SFIII they claimed that Alex was based on and played like Guile) and their complete bias for 3d over 2d (at one point they straight up said that SFEX was better than SF3...because it was 3d).


Iron D
2780th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Re(10):Help me I'm in hell" , posted Fri 31 Aug 15:27post reply

Oh man, Guitar Hero is crack in videogame form. Everytime I pick the game up I can't put it down for at least two hours.

Having played the game for as long as you have, is it safe to assume that you've mastered expert?

I mastered expert in the first 2 weeks I got it... (I'm a guitar player, so that helps).

I think I've reached my best though... there's no way in hell I can finish Jordan in Expert (I can survive to around 47-55% but that solo is too darn long), and I guess with a lot of practice I could finish "Six" (Effin' too fast), but I just don't have the time for that yet.
I really wish I had money for a PS3 to get Rock Band later, but I need to buy me a HD TV first (what'd be the point of having a PS3 without one... I'm not even sure you can plug the thing in a SD TV, elitist crap), so yeah, Rock Band will happen for me in about $2,500...
At least I'll get GHIII for the Wii (or PS2, depending on what the Wii version offers that the PS2 one doesn't).

Impressive. I keep asking people who play guitars if knowing how to play guitars helps your GH skills at all, and I've gotten a good mix of responses with some saying it does and others saying it doesn't (with their evidence being that while the GH controller is based on real guitars, the way the buttons and whammy bar are set up are nothing like a real guitar).

I'm currently a little over halfway to completing hard, and I've gotten only 3 stars on everything except Strutter (5 *s), War Pigs and Message in a Bottle (4 *s each).


185th Post

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"Re(6):Re(10):Help me I'm in hell" , posted Sat 1 Sep 04:47post reply


Impressive. I keep asking people who play guitars if knowing how to play guitars helps your GH skills at all, and I've gotten a good mix of responses with some saying it does and others saying it doesn't (with their evidence being that while the GH controller is based on real guitars, the way the buttons and whammy bar are set up are nothing like a real guitar).

I'm currently a little over halfway to completing hard, and I've gotten only 3 stars on everything except Strutter (5 *s), War Pigs and Message in a Bottle (4 *s each).

Im a guitar player, not sure if I find guitar hero easy because I play guitar or not. What I can say is that the fake guitar is not even close to a real guitar (just the shape).

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"