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Sensenic 1583th Post

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Re(3):Final Fantasy IV DS" , posted Fri 14 Sep 01:08
Bump for a quite interesting new Jump scan.
Not only it shows the new look, both CG render and in-game model, of Rydia (grown up... Spoiler! And: did Yuna just dye her hair green?) and Yang, whose blond hair makes him look a little less tough to me...
But what's more important, on the rectangle down there an interesting piece of news appears: If I got it right, apparently they created a new system to compensate for the game's plot-forced team members... "Decant ability system" (or wutever) allows you to pick the abilities from the characters that left the party and put them into any other! And of course, other new abilities available through other ways can be obtained too, as bonus for this version yadayadayada.
Does this mean redeemed paladin Cecil will still be able to use that dark attack of his? Will all of your party characters be able to mesmerize the enemy by singing a beautiful choral song as bards? Will Rosa get Yang's abilities and kick some butt Princess Fiona style?
And more... It's quite obvious from the screenshot in the middle: Back into a Square game from the chrono saga (well, maybe they were in another one for all I know ^_^; ), seems we will have team techniques once again!
Argh, they're making me reconsider getting this game! >.<
Like the wind...
 "When the finger points to heaven the idiot looks at the finger." -A kid from Amélie.
Sensenic 1586th Post

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Re(4):Re(10):Final Fantasy IV DS" , posted Thu 15 Nov 00:46
quote: And Porom turned out really cute. ^_^
That face doesn't fit her at all, it's too adult... The rest are OK, though.
Too adult? I don't see it as such... Maybe her expression is kinda uh... "calm" or "mature", but then again, that's her character in the game.
It's a pity I already bought FFIV for GBA, I won't buy this one now, considering that aside from the face-lift, is the same game I've played already twice.
Although it's not just an aesthetical (sp?) face-lift, there are gameplay changes such as "stealing techniques from the dead" (as Iggy put it) and coop techniques, I agree. In fact that's the first thing that came to my mind when this was announced, it was quite the slap at face of the GBA version owners.
Damn shameless milking. ó_ň
Like the wind...
 "When the finger points to heaven the idiot looks at the finger." -A kid from Amélie.
Time Mage 2612th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(5):Re(10):Final Fantasy IV DS" , posted Thu 15 Nov 01:10
quote: Although it's not just an aesthetical (sp?) face-lift, there are gameplay changes such as "stealing techniques from the dead" (as Iggy put it) and coop techniques, I agree. In fact that's the first thing that came to my mind when this was announced, it was quite the slap at face of the GBA version owners.
Damn shameless milking. ó_ň
Yeah, not exactly just a technical revamp, but the additions are just gimmicks. They don't change the fact that FFIV is the FF with the simpler gameplay since FFI.
However, if they do another remake like this for FFV... Damn, I'll have to buy it. I'm a fan of the job system, and having 100 different pretty 3D models to look at (5 characters*20 jobs)would be something difficult to avoid.
And yeah, her face is too adult. Not "chubby" enough for a little kid, and the proportions (not size) of the body are pretty adult-like, too.
Dragon Kick your ass into the Milky Waaay~~ (Milky Waaaay)