New Marvel fighting game from EA Chicago - Forums

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1416th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"New Marvel fighting game from EA Chicago" , posted Sun 2 Sep 01:58post reply

I just watched the first two segments and this game definitely has potential.

My only worry is that this whole game will be centered around I hit your guy 100 feet, you hit my guy 100 feet, rinse and repeat. That might get old after you played through all the levels and might be abusable like the haymakers from Fight Night.

But right now it looks exponentially better than Nemesis.

I really don't like that Juggernaut design, there better be comic skins in this game. Dr. Doom looks pretty good, it seems to have this slight original Iron Man look to it though.

It also looks like they are focusing on the power characters. Hopefully we have a chance to see characters like Deadpool who don't have the over the top strength of some of the other Marvel characters.


443th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(1):New Marvel fighting game from EA Chicag" , posted Sun 2 Sep 02:15post reply

LINKS! Damn you, I need links to a website for this game. I am just too lazy at work to be searching for it through a search engine.
I just watched the first two segments and this game definitely has potential.

My only worry is that this whole game will be centered around I hit your guy 100 feet, you hit my guy 100 feet, rinse and repeat. That might get old after you played through all the levels and might be abusable like the haymakers from Fight Night.

But right now it looks exponentially better than Nemesis.

I really don't like that Juggernaut design, there better be comic skins in this game. Dr. Doom looks pretty good, it seems to have this slight original Iron Man look to it though.

It also looks like they are focusing on the power characters. Hopefully we have a chance to see characters like Deadpool who don't have the over the top strength of some of the other Marvel characters.

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

1417th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"New Marvel fighting game now with link" , posted Sun 2 Sep 03:27post reply

LINKS! Damn you, I need links to a website for this game. I am just too lazy at work to be searching for it through a search engine.

Link Here

Sorry, I thought I put it in.

444th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(1):New Marvel fighting game now with link" , posted Sun 2 Sep 05:40post reply

LINKS! Damn you, I need links to a website for this game. I am just too lazy at work to be searching for it through a search engine.

Link Here

Sorry, I thought I put it in.

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

171th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(2):New Marvel fighting game now with link" , posted Sun 2 Sep 11:17post reply

LINKS! Damn you, I need links to a website for this game. I am just too lazy at work to be searching for it through a search engine.

Link Here

Sorry, I thought I put it in.

im not that impressed. looks kinda recycled.

2219th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):New Marvel fighting game now with link" , posted Sun 2 Sep 11:33post reply

Definitely not impressed. Rise of the Imperfects was terrible and this looks remarkably similar. No, actually worse.

1418th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Interview with Marvel interactive." , posted Tue 4 Sep 15:06post reply

Done by our friendly neighborhood Brandon Sheffield Link Here

The biggest coverage this interview has gotten is the reference to the Marvel vs Capcom series where the guy talks about the possibility of getting the series on console digital download services.

2926th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Interview with Marvel interactive." , posted Wed 5 Sep 00:04post reply

I really hope there is something to the game that the preview isn't touching on because at the moment it looks like a half-assed knock-off of War of the Monsters. The abilities of the characters and the world they inhabit would, I thought, provide plenty of grist for any number of enjoyable games. Instead the best EA can seem to do is to have the Hulk and Captain America kick each other.

dr baghead
3713th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Interview with Marvel interactive." , posted Wed 5 Sep 07:39post reply

It'd be kinda fun if they took a lot less from MvC and instead took from Def Jam.... I think a wrestling style life bar (one that you need to use a finishing move or a stage hazard to end a round) would be a lot better suited for a superhero fight then "each character has xx amount of health, they will fit until one has reached 0" (actually that kinda life bars would be fun in a lot of fighting games, like the Vampire Savior lifebars only better)

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)
my silly little drawin's