The game most Americans are playing right now - Forums

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Burning Ranger
1515th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"The game most Americans are playing right now" , posted Sat 29 Sep 22:53post reply

It's been a few days since the release of *that game*--oh hoek, I'll just say it--Halo 3. There have been a barrage of coverage in the mainstream and video game mass media--something that hasn't been equalled by anything except for the release of consoles.

Anyway, there hasn't been mention of the game here which leads me to a question:

Is anyone here playing Halo 3?

For the record--I'm not. I played through Halo 2 but got turned off by the online lameness long ago. Still haven't played the very first one (my brother lent it to me).

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger


188th Post

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"Re(1):The game most Americans are playing rig" , posted Sat 29 Sep 23:32post reply

It's been a few days since the release of *that game*--oh hoek, I'll just say it--Halo 3. There have been a barrage of coverage in the mainstream and video game mass media--something that hasn't been equalled by anything except for the release of consoles.

Anyway, there hasn't been mention of the game here which leads me to a question:

Is anyone here playing Halo 3?

For the record--I'm not. I played through Halo 2 but got turned off by the online lameness long ago. Still haven't played the very first one (my brother lent it to me).

I haven't played it..yet,,cause I haven't playet Halo 2, which is sitting there. Anyway, c'mon people, it's ok to talk about halo here, nobody is gonna judge you.

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

537th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):The game most Americans are playing rig" , posted Sat 29 Sep 23:33post reply

Never was my genre, whatever it is. Never played any Halo game and doubt I ever will.

Been busy with getting all A ranks in Sonic Heroes and Shadow the Hedgehog and playing some old school Neo Geo games like Samurai Shodown II and World Heroes 2 to even pay attention to the Halo 3 hype.

1258th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):The game most Americans are playing rig" , posted Sat 29 Sep 23:55post reply

Shadow the Hedgehog

I don't like Halo at all, but the music is absolutely amazing, so I've got to give it that. "Truth and Reconciliation Suite" is superb.


459th Post

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"Re(3):The game most Americans are playing rig" , posted Sun 30 Sep 01:56post reply

Ahm too wee todd did, sofa king wee todd did, for first person shooters games such as Halo 3.

So to answer your question: no.

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

Undead Fred
2923th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):The game most Americans are playing rig" , posted Sun 30 Sep 02:54post reply

I guess I'll be the only one to come forward and admit to playing it... I like first-person shooters (although, yeah, I'm starting to get sick of MILLIONS of FPS' releasing right now... I'm really looking forward to some other games).

When the original Halo came out and I didn't have an XBox, I kept hearing people getting way too excited about it and going on and on about it... I finally watched a little bit of the trip into the Library and really couldn't see what all the fuss was about. I eventually got the game with Christmas money ("Might as well take their word for it") and I finally saw what they were talking about. So I loved Halo 1. BUT... then Halo 2 came out. I was just getting spazzed all over by my cousin and doused in tons and tons of hype and got sick of the game before it was even out. Plus, the changes to the weapons turned me off to the game really quick: they chucked the most-used weapon in my arsenal out the window (assault rifle) and castrated my second most-used weapon (pistol) and were REALLY trying to force that stupid Battle Rifle on everyone. And I knew pretty much immediately that dual-wielding was gonna be mandatory in online play. And then there was the massive cheating issue that came up. So I didn't even get Halo 2 until late last year, and didn't play through it until Halo 3 had released (glad I didn't... that ending was some horrible Soul Reaver "got your money, see you in a few years!" endings).

Now Halo 3's out and I've started playing it. I was actually interested in playing it since the beta, since it looked like all of the things I didn't like about Halo 2's gameplay had been balanced or otherwise fixed, so I'm enjoying the game again. I do feel the game's still on that Star Wars level of obnoxiousness in terms of the fans of the game and the hype levels souring the experience for me, but at least I can enjoy 3.

460th Post

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"Re(5):The game most Americans are playing rig" , posted Sun 30 Sep 03:28post reply

Sounds definitely like Xbox360's software line up, definitely.
...I'm starting to get sick of MILLIONS of FPS' releasing right now...

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

598th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(6):The game most Americans are playing rig" , posted Sun 30 Sep 04:24post reply

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -

End of Spoiler

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35th Post

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"Re(7):The game most Americans are playing rig" , posted Sun 30 Sep 05:00post reply

Heh...I wonder if that means it will become the new running gag that will get recycled through the years to come...much like how a certain FF7-related spoiler was done as such for years on end.

Any way...I could care less about Halo 3. To me, the only FPSes worth my time are the likes of Unreal Tourney and Team Fortress. Between those two, what reason do I have to care about Halo?

Dokuganryu wa Date jya ne you see?

Burning Ranger
1516th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(5):The game most Americans are playing rig" , posted Sun 30 Sep 05:20post reply


Plus, the changes to the weapons turned me off to the game really quick: they chucked the most-used weapon in my arsenal out the window (assault rifle) and castrated my second most-used weapon (pistol) and were REALLY trying to force that stupid Battle Rifle on everyone. And I knew pretty much immediately that dual-wielding was gonna be mandatory in online play. And then there was the massive cheating issue that came up. So I didn't even get Halo 2 until late last year, and didn't play through it until Halo 3 had released (glad I didn't... that ending was some horrible Soul Reaver "got your money, see you in a few years!" endings).

Did you original get Halo 2 for the Player-vs-player component? I got it partly for that reason--but at that time, I was also looking for games that weren't fighting games. Thusly, I never cared about the weapons so much, though my brothers did. He kinda has the same complaints about Halo 3 (he laments the Sniper Rifle not being all-powerful anymore). I liken it to fighting games where certain characters are changed so that they are toned down (or less abusable).

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

154th Post

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"Re(1):The game most Americans are playing rig" , posted Sun 30 Sep 05:58post reply

My roommate just got the game. I was never interested in the last 2 because the graphics and gameplay never intersted me, but I can say at the very least that Halo 3 has far superior art to the last 2, and most FPS games for that matter.

The character designs are improved (though still somewhat blah), but the evironments look much much better than before. The environs look very complete and have some very nice lighting and matte paintings. I don't just mean they're technically advanced, they actually look nice from an artistic standpoint. Like, areas that are sunlit actually look sunlit and the skies are subtly different for each level. For instance, the snow level has a really nice deep blue convincing winter sky. The forrest levels are also nice and organic and more convincing than any other forrest levels I've seen in a game.

The game also seems to have a million gameplay modes so its probably very replayable. Not my sorta game, but other people seem to be having tons o fun with it.

Undead Fred
2924th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):The game most Americans are playing rig" , posted Sun 30 Sep 07:21post reply

Did you original get Halo 2 for the Player-vs-player component? I got it partly for that reason--but at that time, I was also looking for games that weren't fighting games. Thusly, I never cared about the weapons so much, though my brothers did. He kinda has the same complaints about Halo 3 (he laments the Sniper Rifle not being all-powerful anymore). I liken it to fighting games where certain characters are changed so that they are toned down (or less abusable).

I used to play Halo 1 locally only. I was pissed about Halo 2 since those weapon changes did affect the campaign mode (I hated being stuck with wimpy dual-wield-purposed SMG's and having the Battle Rifle as the default loadout and half of the weapons you find in the game). I still only really played 2 on local head-to-head matches, but I was complaining about the dual wielding stuff since I knew that if I ever did get online to play, it would just cause frustration (I didn't have Live at the time, but I was considering it). Like I said, though, I had tried the Halo 3 beta and really liked how it felt to play it. So, it's actually fun this time.

2346th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):The game most Americans are playing rig" , posted Sun 30 Sep 07:22post reply

I haven't played any Halo game, but I'm hoping a friend will get Halo 3, so I can give it a shot. It doesn't -seem- to appeal to me, but it isn't offensive either, and I'd really like to see what the big deal is. I don't like FPS games, but I enjoyed what (little) I played of Bioshock, so...yeah...I'd like to try it.

593th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(3):The game most Americans are playing rig" , posted Sun 30 Sep 09:02:post reply

I wish I could play Halo 3... but I can't just yet. I sold my XBox 360 before I moved to Japan. Now, I want to get another XBox 360 system, but I am going to buy an American one because I want to play VF5 as well (there's no confirmation that it will be released in Japan).

Oddly enough, all I did was play the multi-player all the time. I watched my friends beat Halo 1 and never saw the whole story with Halo 2. I have very little idea what is going on in the actual storyline... I figured that was an afterthought because FPS games, like fighting games, really don't concentrate on great stories. The only exception I saw was Half-Life... but I never got to finish the original game. I am interested in picking up the 360 version of HL2 Orange Box...

[this message was edited by EddyT on Sun 30 Sep 09:05]

202th Post

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"Re(4):The game most Americans are playing rig" , posted Sun 30 Sep 10:03:post reply

A friend of mine got Halo 3. Its a very well done, fairly intuitive game, but seemed like it was over too fast. There are no stages, things just keep happening and you just keep moving on. Its very easy to put in 4+hrs in one sitting and before you know it its over. Also the atmosphere is for starship troopers/stargate crowd.

I'm playing Metroid 3 and loving it. I've never played 1&2 so fresh to me. But if you've played the others you'd know what to expect. The control is fun and 2nd nature.

[this message was edited by Black_Hayato on Sun 30 Sep 10:04]

2347th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):The game most Americans are playing rig" , posted Sun 30 Sep 10:06post reply

Now, I want to get another XBox 360 system, but I am going to buy an American one because I want to play VF5 as well (there's no confirmation that it will be released in Japan).

That's not true. It's coming out in December.'s like the 4th or 7th or something. It's called something a little different (VF5 Network something something), but it's definitely coming out. I have a Japanese system, so that was a major concern of mine as well.

That's gonna be like...the best week of my life. Smash Bros and Lost Odyssey come out then, too.

593th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(5):The game most Americans are playing rig" , posted Sun 30 Sep 15:54post reply


That's not true. It's coming out in December.'s like the 4th or 7th or something. It's called something a little different (VF5 Network something something), but it's definitely coming out. I have a Japanese system, so that was a major concern of mine as well.

That's gonna be like...the best week of my life. Smash Bros and Lost Odyssey come out then, too.

Oh... really? I didn't know VF5 was slated for Japanese release... that's cool to hear, although it's odd to see that it will be released over a month after the US version.

I still fear the red rings of death, though... which is why I am wary of buying a Japanese version. I figured that the 360 is selling so poorly here, I won't be able to get the new units with HDMI and the Falcon chipset.

16th Post

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"Re(1):The game most Americans are playing rig" , posted Sun 30 Sep 23:51post reply

I don't know just from hearing my co workers right now, I'd say Halo 3 hype will die down. There's just way too much love and interest for Gears of Wars.

just to anwer the question.

Im gonna go for Gears of wars as the game most americans are playing. with halo 3, madden 08 (if it's already out, don't know, don't follow it up a lot) and guitar hero following up.

155th Post

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"Re(2):The game most Americans are playing rig" , posted Mon 1 Oct 05:38post reply


Im gonna go for Gears of wars as the game most americans are playing. with halo 3, madden 08 (if it's already out, don't know, don't follow it up a lot) and guitar hero following up.

Halo 3 is doing incredibly well. It's the biggest launch for an entertainment product ever, grossing more in its first day than any other game or movie. I believe within 24 hours of the game's release, Xbox live had more users logged on than ever before too.

I think it's safe to say that it's the game most Americans are playing at the moment and it doesn't look like it will slow down.

Gears of War is still cooler though.

1259th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):The game most Americans are playing rig" , posted Mon 1 Oct 05:45post reply

It's the biggest launch for an entertainment product ever, grossing more in its first day than any other game or movie.

So the American newspapers are saying, but is this the case worldwide? Do we know how many copies on the first day/two days? I was wondering if it's beaten the (Japanese) Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest launches in the past.


2348th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):The game most Americans are playing rig" , posted Mon 1 Oct 06:51post reply


So the American newspapers are saying, but is this the case worldwide? Do we know how many copies on the first day/two days? I was wondering if it's beaten the (Japanese) Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest launches in the past.

Well, there are a lot more people in America, and the US game market has grown large enough that you can't say "but more people in Japan play games" anymore. Because of that, I don't think DQ and FF Japanese launches are really relevant anymore.

156th Post

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"Re(5):The game most Americans are playing rig" , posted Mon 1 Oct 07:02post reply

Well, I was just talking about the US, and I was only referring to games that gamers would consider proper videogames.

There's alot of horrible skewed statistics out there.

For instance, when they say that there are hundreds of millions of online gamers out there and half of them are women, they are counting people playing free cell and poker and pictionary and flash games to pass the time.

Also, I wouldn't call Japanese launches irrelevant, but maybe i see what you mean. The US now has at least as big of a market as Japan does. It's probably bigger by now, though I don't have any proper research to back up that statement.

It is kinda weird though right? I mean, it used to be cool and neat and weird to hear about how even Japanese Adults and WOMEN line up to buy Dragon Quest!

Now you see the same thing happening here in the states (well, here for me, I know this is an international board, and I do understand how annoying it must be for everyone when people assume that the internet is just the United States).

158th Post

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"Re(4):The game most Americans are playing rig" , posted Mon 1 Oct 07:03:post reply


So the American newspapers are saying, but is this the case worldwide? Do we know how many copies on the first day/two days? I was wondering if it's beaten the (Japanese) Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest launches in the past.

Actually, that is a very good point. There were tens of millions of Super Famicoms sold, and those carts used to cost over a hundred bucks. I wonder if Halo really did break international records or not. Anyone feel like looking into this?


OK here's what I could find for Japanese sales records:

According to that site, Dragon Quest 3 sold 3.8 million copies in all. I dunno how much of that was on the first day, but it looks like Halo 3 probably sold more upon launch and will eventually out sell Dragon Quest.

It's not really a measure of quality though, so much as Microsoft just did everything in their power to make sure this game would break records. There are just more people in the world today, and also, companies like Microsoft have much closer, more sophisticated and measured relationships with retailers nowadays.

[this message was edited by nobinobita on Mon 1 Oct 07:13]

8177th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):The game most Americans are playing rig" , posted Mon 1 Oct 07:15post reply

As long as no newspaper asks the most important question (being : how many customers are satisfied with their purchase) everybody wins. Maybe.

1420th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(6):The game most Americans are playing rig" , posted Mon 1 Oct 07:38post reply


It is kinda weird though right? I mean, it used to be cool and neat and weird to hear about how even Japanese Adults and WOMEN line up to buy Dragon Quest!

Well, I think that now we're those adults, so it isn't quite so amazing anymore :D

989th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):The game most Americans are playing rig" , posted Mon 1 Oct 14:03post reply

It's been a few days since the release of *that game*--oh hoek, I'll just say it--Halo 3. There have been a barrage of coverage in the mainstream and video game mass media--something that hasn't been equalled by anything except for the release of consoles.

Anyway, there hasn't been mention of the game here which leads me to a question:

Is anyone here playing Halo 3?

For the record--I'm not. I played through Halo 2 but got turned off by the online lameness long ago. Still haven't played the very first one (my brother lent it to me).

i'm playing crysis


117th Post

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"Re(2):The game most Americans are playing rig" , posted Mon 1 Oct 22:21post reply

I like FPSs
I've played both Halo 1 and 2, and they sure are the best XBox FPS.
None of them can compare to the big names for the PC.
See ? I'm not a fanboy ;)

I bought Halo 3 knowing it's not the huge game the media want you to think it is.
I've played 4 chapters of the campaign, and it's getting better and better.
I've played a few online match and it's really pleasant. The maps are nice, and the gameplay is tight. I need to play more to make up my mind but for now, H3 is a good game, not the best game ever.

I finished The Darkness just before starting Halo. I'll remember this game ! So much details ! It realy puts you into the head of the character you play...the story is basicaly a vengence story, but I've never been so motivated to kill the bad guy !
And the ending is just great.
Add nice graphics, perfect voice overs, mafia, demons and sneak kills...

Bioshock is a good game too, but having played system Shock 1 and 2 probably lessens the wow factor of the game. And I miss SHODAN ! :)

315th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(3):The game most Americans are playing rig" , posted Tue 2 Oct 00:26post reply

I like FPSs
I've played both Halo 1 and 2, and they sure are the best XBox FPS.
None of them can compare to the big names for the PC.
See ? I'm not a fanboy ;)

I bought Halo 3 knowing it's not the huge game the media want you to think it is.
I've played 4 chapters of the campaign, and it's getting better and better.
I've played a few online match and it's really pleasant. The maps are nice, and the gameplay is tight. I need to play more to make up my mind but for now, H3 is a good game, not the best game ever.

I finished The Darkness just before starting Halo. I'll remember this game ! So much details ! It realy puts you into the head of the character you play...the story is basicaly a vengence story, but I've never been so motivated to kill the bad guy !
And the ending is just great.
Add nice graphics, perfect voice overs, mafia, demons and sneak kills...

I wish I had a chance to give Halo 3 a try but the only games on Xbox360 that have interest me are that, Gears of War and ninja gaiden 2. Not a strong enough conclusive decision to go out and buy one with not having enough money.

FPSers for me are nice I like as a once in a while dose not an every bit of a time, the last game I got to play for an FPS was Black, Black was fun to play along with Medal of Honor for PS3.

Samson if you like The Darkness, check out the comic the first volume is pretty cool. Not a big fan of the second volume, didn't like it at all. But it is a pretty awesome comic

1421th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):The game most Americans are playing rig" , posted Tue 2 Oct 02:26post reply

The Darkness, check out the comic

I have a strange memory of "The Darkness". About a decade ago, I saw a TV show that discussed some comics that came out recently. One was "The Darkness", which the show said was kinda typical and gave it a rating of like 3/5. They followed that with something that was called "USA" (or something like that), which actually looked pretty cool and featured as the main character an old man named Uncle Sam, and said that the comic was amazing in terms of art and story: 5/5.

I can no longer remember what that show was, nor can I find that comic, because the combination of "uncle sam" "usa" and "comic" on google gives a gazillion results, none of which resemble what I saw. The Darkness, otoh, seems to have come back in the past few years, even though I remember hearing it ended in the 1990's.

Bioshock: this game teaches you that in a world gone mad, the unstoppable and relentless undead force is you. Nothing else in the game gets killed over and over again only to come back endlessly to chase down its victims with a wrench. Nevermind the gameplay, I think the game will be worth going through just to experience the sights, scripts, and story... and unlike RPGs, you don't have to spend 30 hours leveling.

Halo: Halo to me has always been a well-made FPS that worked without having to have to fuss with your drivers and such (as long as you're playing on Xbox). There's nothing inherently BAD about the game or its mechanics, and the game runs and plays well. It's just that to veterans of the PC FPS experience, it just feels like a well-made FPS and nothing terribly revolutionary.

158th Post

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"Re(5):The game most Americans are playing rig" , posted Tue 2 Oct 04:51post reply

It's just that to veterans of the PC FPS experience, it just feels like a well-made FPS and nothing terribly revolutionary.

From what I'm told by the more articulate Halo fans out there, the amazing thing about Halo is how well it works on a console. It isn't meant to simulate the precision of the keyboard/mouse combo. The game isn't about head shots and perfect aiming, but seems to be more about running and gunning with an emphasis on melee weapons and grenades which seem to work well with a d-pad.

317th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(2):The game most Americans are playing rig" , posted Tue 2 Oct 13:43:post reply


i'm playing crysis


How is crysis if I may ask?

I can no longer remember what that show was, nor can I find that comic, because the combination of "uncle sam" "usa" and "comic" on google gives a gazillion results, none of which resemble what I saw. The Darkness, otoh, seems to have come back in the past few years, even though I remember hearing it ended in the 1990's.

Yeah they have been trying to reboot the whole darkness comic or start a new volume now that I think bout it. I mean it has the potential to be a pretty cool comic but personally they keep dropping things and have inconsistencies that it gets irritating fast.

[this message was edited by Catalyst on Tue 2 Oct 13:46]

990th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(3):The game most Americans are playing rig" , posted Tue 2 Oct 14:42post reply


i'm playing crysis


How is crysis if I may ask?

it's an multiplayer beta only right now

it just opened up to the public - sign up @

been testing it out for about a month now,

visually its extremely beautiful, multiplayer needs some fixing up but it'll be nice i think

single player is definately a charm ;) and i think this game will be a good base for some amazing mods as well - if crytek can play this right this game could end up being a big milestone like halflife was.

159th Post

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"Re(4):The game most Americans are playing rig" , posted Tue 2 Oct 15:59post reply

if crytek can play this right this game could end up being a big milestone like halflife was.

I read that you have to have Windows Vista in order to run Directx 10, which is what you need to play this game. Is this true?

1565th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(4):The game most Americans are playing rig" , posted Tue 2 Oct 16:06post reply

Halo 3 is brilliant and worthwhile for playing 4 person online co-op alone. Then you have online custom matches with your own tweaked game types on your own tweaked maps. Then you have ranked matches, which are basically shit, and you only play for the achievements. Playing with random people is just not any fun at all.

So adding in future DLC this is going to be a highly played game in the US and some of Europe for a long time to come.

991th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(5):The game most Americans are playing rig" , posted Wed 3 Oct 05:04post reply

if crytek can play this right this game could end up being a big milestone like halflife was.

I read that you have to have Windows Vista in order to run Directx 10, which is what you need to play this game. Is this true?

nah it runs just fine with dx9 and xp

it has executables for both dx10/9

still looks just as good on a 9 system

2023th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):The game most Americans are playing rig" , posted Wed 10 Oct 04:05:post reply

I played about a good half hour of Halo 3 at the New York Digital Life show. It's okay, the graphics and the AI have improved a lot from part 2. Not my cup of tea though just like Halo 2. I'm more into action games, fighters and RPGs for the most part.

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

[this message was edited by Sano on Wed 10 Oct 04:06]

4427th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):The game most Americans are playing rig" , posted Wed 10 Oct 04:13post reply


think well your answer

3685th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):The game most Americans are playing rig" , posted Thu 11 Oct 15:55post reply

They followed that with something that was called "USA" (or something like that), which actually looked pretty cool and featured as the main character an old man named Uncle Sam, and said that the comic was amazing in terms of art and story: 5/5.

I think you might be refering to "Uncle Sam" a Vertigo mini series painted by Alex Ross.

Burning Ranger
1528th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Have to ask this too..." , posted Wed 24 Oct 09:57post reply

Is anyone playing Team Fortress 2? I tell you what: I am enjoying this game--probably the most fun I've had playing an FPS in a long time (maybe since Half-Life 2 or F.E.A.R.).

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

44th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(1):Have to ask this too..." , posted Wed 24 Oct 10:28post reply

Is anyone playing Team Fortress 2? I tell you what: I am enjoying this game--probably the most fun I've had playing an FPS in a long time (maybe since Half-Life 2 or F.E.A.R.).

I would probably say the same thing, except it's Portal, not Team Fortress 2.

If anything, Portal deserves recognition: No weapons (save for Portal "gun"), no enemies (save for a few turrents), crazy level puzzles, and a few hours of solid fun plus suprise twist. What more could I ask for in a game? Well, more levels would do... (also has bonus levels, but I want zanier puzzles)

Screw HL2:Episode 2, Bioshock, and Halo 3. This is the only FPS that has managed to bring something to the table.