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TreIII 40th Post

Rare Customer

| "Re(6):The Samurai Spirits Sen thread" , posted Tue 23 Oct 13:42
quote: Well, this is assuming it's anything like the previous games at all. I don't know if comparing it to Tenka is relevant or not.
Not really comparing. Just saying there better be some lag on moves this time around.
Well, considering it's K2 (or otherwise known as Galapagos Team, the guys who were responsible for the first few games, before they got on their Tenchu track), I would think that, since they're back in the saddle for the series they created, they'll probably do more to direct the game as they think is proper.
Personally, I'm actually interested in this title very much. I haven't really been able to get into the series that much since SS4 (personal fave), and would really like to see if K2 can do something to inject life into the game formula, in a way that I think Yuki failed to do, despite their titles being mostly alright. If it turned out to be a stylish re-telling of the 64 title(s), complete with Shiki and Ashura being in the mix, so much the better.
Oh, and I'm also hoping for a return of the "Shura/Rasetsu" (Slash/Bust) system; preferably as it was done in SS64-2. I'd rather for the roster to be shortened, and for characters to be restored to the S/R split dynamic, as opposed to filling up the roster with clones like Rera, Rasetsumaru, Enja and Suija. I mean, why would I want any of those losers, when I could have Enja-Kazuki, a la SS64-2/SS2!, who was much more awesome than Enja could ever hope to be any way?
Dokuganryu wa Date jya ne you see?
NARUTO 3590th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(7):The Samurai Spirits Sen thread" , posted Tue 23 Oct 15:56
quote: Oh, and I'm also hoping for a return of the "Shura/Rasetsu" (Slash/Bust) system; preferably as it was done in SS64-2. I'd rather for the roster to be shortened, and for characters to be restored to the S/R split dynamic, as opposed to filling up the roster with clones like Rera, Rasetsumaru, Enja and Suija. I mean, why would I want any of those losers, when I could have Enja-Kazuki, a la SS64-2/SS2!, who was much more awesome than Enja could ever hope to be any way?
I'm with you on this one...
 Fortes fortuna juvat...
Ishmael 2974th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(7):The Samurai Spirits Sen thread" , posted Tue 23 Oct 23:58
quote: Oh, and I'm also hoping for a return of the "Shura/Rasetsu" (Slash/Bust) system; preferably as it was done in SS64-2. I'd rather for the roster to be shortened, and for characters to be restored to the S/R split dynamic, as opposed to filling up the roster with clones like Rera, Rasetsumaru, Enja and Suija. I mean, why would I want any of those losers, when I could have Enja-Kazuki, a la SS64-2/SS2!, who was much more awesome than Enja could ever hope to be any way?
Personally I was never a fan of having that all encompasing Slash/Bust system. With the returning cast I felt that some of the characters were given alt. versions not because the programmers had new and wonderful ideas for how they should play but because they were obligated to create the variations due to the game design. The new characters fared even more poorly. One of the things that defines a character for me is their moves. Because the new characters were introduced with two versions I never really felt like I knew what the "true" version of the character was. It sounds silly to complain that a diffused moves list made it hard for me to warm up to some characters but personal preference is rarely logical. It's funny, I don't mind EX versions of characters or some lame plot twist to explain an evil twin but having the system standardized is not something I am interested in.
Toxico 4304th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(8):The Samurai Spirits Sen thread" , posted Wed 24 Oct 01:23
quote: Because the new characters were introduced with two versions I never really felt like I knew what the "true" version of the character was.
The main problem with the shura/rasetsu thing was that; to put it simple, the two modes where fairly different in strategies and such; the usefulness of the modes was fairly different; so, the more "seriously" you played the game, the more evident that it became that one mode, was useless next to the other.
Also, we have the problem that some modes where almost identical to each other except for three, two; and in some cases, even one move; wich easily made you think that instead of wasting energy on changing very little for a character, they should rather instead focus in giving the "base character" more variety; and a four color pallete swap; and, if the difference of modes was too huge, then create an alternative character..... and that's exactly what they did.
The only evil of the word is the one in the hearth of mens
TreIII 42th Post

Rare Customer

| "Re(9):The Samurai Spirits Sen thread" , posted Wed 24 Oct 02:30
But you see, what you both describe would probably be quite valid arguments, if we were talking about the S/R system, circa SS3 and SS4.
However, in the 64 games (moreso 64-2), the two "sides" of the characters were much more than just a palette/model swap with a changed move here and there, they were actually VASTLY different characters, cosmetically and dynamically. And more than likely, such a thing was only made possible in the realm of 3D, because 2D has its limits in that area.
And that, in a nutshell, is what I would like to see happen here. The S/R system tightened the roster up in the way of superfluous characters, while also offering plenty in the way of variety too. And I would assume, with proper testing, we could have it such that things like "Bust Hanzo being an unstoppable ninja of mass destruction" would not be an issue, as was the case with SS64-2.
With SEN taking the series in a new direction, I would hope it would also be the time that they can actually use to clean up the roster and such. I'm expecting that the likes of Iroha and Mina won't be going any where, but I continually question the necessity of characters like Rera and the demons, because they really don't do any thing besides just give an excuse to fill another slot to make the game roster seem bigger.
Dokuganryu wa Date jya ne you see?
Iggy 8217th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(7):The Samurai Spirits Sen thread" , posted Wed 24 Oct 03:37:
quote: inject life into the game formula, in a way that I think Yuki failed to do, despite their titles being mostly alright.
Just to clear things up : you like Amakusa Kôrin, and dislike Zero/Sp, amarite?
quote: I'd rather for the roster to be shortened, and for characters to be restored to the S/R split dynamic, as opposed to filling up the roster with clones like Rera, Rasetsumaru, Enja and Suija.
There, there, you're talking nonsense. Who would want to play with that retarded Sôgetsu and his lame seiyû, while Suijasama is one of the best character ever created? As much as I like I like Kazuki, Enja is cuter. Every game needs a mascot. As for the others, Rasetsumaru or Yumeji open interesting areas for the scenario, but as you mentioned, the 2D limitations of the system prevents them from being really developed. I think Rasetsumaru had a real potential to become what KOF Yamazaki fails to be, if done properly as a totally different character with the only appearance of Haô◎, not his moves.
But I suppose most of the Yuki characters will disappear anyway, if only Mina (good riddance), Yunfei (he wouldn't transfer well in 3D either) and Gedô (too difficult to modelize properly). I have hopes for Yoshitora, and I fear Iroha will come back. From an Imoya point of view, a game with Nakoruru, Rimururu, Shiki and Iroha together is the only chance to drag the Arcana players...
I really liked the concept of Iroha, but her execution and her playstyle were... meh.
[this message was edited by Iggy on Wed 24 Oct 03:45] |
TreIII 43th Post

Rare Customer

| "Re(8):The Samurai Spirits Sen thread" , posted Wed 24 Oct 22:37
quote: FYI,
Rera comes from the Nakoruru adventure game that was released on the PC and Dreamcast some time ago. She was accompanied by a wolf, just like she is in the fighters. Despite the fact that she's the new Bust Nako, she's still her own character so to speak.
Yeah, I remember that much. But again, they ended up just using her as a way to dump Nakoruru's Rasetsu moveset onto her, and again, just goes along with what I was talking about.
So, more or less, I'll just say this: if the likes of Rera and Rasetsumaru could be made into more distinctive characters, then sure, whatever. But if they're just going to be used as was the case for the last 2.5 games, then I would rather them to be just taken out.
quote: And I'm still waiting on a valid reason as to what was so great about Suija and Enja in the 3D games besides their designs. I happen to like Enja/Bust Kazuki from SS4 gameplaywise.
Because they basically played vastly different from the Shura versions of the Ninja bros. Compared to the Rasetsu/Demons from the 2D games, it's "No Contest".
If you really want to learn more though, then just find a means to learn about it for yourself. There are FAQs on the 64 games. I believe Red Falcon talked to me about having videos of the game online at one point or another, maybe you can ask him about that. Or, if you just want more of a hands-on approach, go play SS2! for the NGPC. It basically is a 2D, toned down version of SS64-2, but the overall concepts of the Slash/Bust system apply in that game, right down to how Bust Kazuki and Sogetsu were radically different beasts.
For example, if you thought that SS4-Bust/Enja's little "air combo smash that requires precise timing" was cool, then you would only need to bear witness to his much more complex, DBZ-like air combination, to get an idea of why I'm so adamant about the concept as I am.
quote: Just to clear things up : you like Amakusa Kôrin, and dislike Zero/Sp, amarite?
You are correct, sir.
Honestly, I just didn't like the Yuki games as much as I hoped I would. In both cases, the "feel" just was not my cup of tea. And this is coming from a guy who accepted the notion that pretty much every game in the series (besides the first two) are vastly different from each other.
Top it off with the fact that I really didn't like a number of the characters that were introduced (besides save, Yoshitora and Gaoh), and that was more or less the reason why I wasn't enthused with the Yuki games. Which I think is sad, as SS is basically among the first fighting games that I fell in love with, and I would like to continue supporting it. Thus, why I'm hoping that SEN will turn out for the best.
quote: From an Imoya point of view, a game with Nakoruru, Rimururu, Shiki and Iroha together is the only chance to drag the Arcana players...
Is he STILL in charge of this outfit?
I would hope not. Trying to compete with AH should be the last thing that they're worried about, compared to more pressing matters, like, y'know, actually making sure the game is GOOD.
Dokuganryu wa Date jya ne you see?
YeldellGW 541th Post

New Red Carpet Member

| "Re(9):The Samurai Spirits Sen thread" , posted Thu 25 Oct 06:16
quote: Yeah, I remember that much. But again, they ended up just using her as a way to dump Nakoruru's Rasetsu moveset onto her, and again, just goes along with what I was talking about.
So, more or less, I'll just say this: if the likes of Rera and Rasetsumaru could be made into more distinctive characters, then sure, whatever. But if they're just going to be used as was the case for the last 2.5 games, then I would rather them to be just taken out.
I fail to see the point of that arguement. Capcom's done the same thing for years with SF. From Ryu we got Ken, Akuma, Sean and all those other guys with similar movelists. By that logic, Galford should've been dropped long ago since he's just a slightly different Hanzo.
quote: For example, if you thought that SS4-Bust/Enja's little "air combo smash that requires precise timing" was cool, then you would only need to bear witness to his much more complex, DBZ-like air combination, to get an idea of why I'm so adamant about the concept as I am.
If that's what I'm missing, then from my POV I'm not missing much. Don't care for anything that's an overblown juggle, which is what that's sounding like.
Red Falcon 5974th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(10):The Samurai Spirits Sen thread" , posted Thu 25 Oct 07:20:
quote: I fail to see the point of that arguement. Capcom's done the same thing for years with SF. From Ryu we got Ken, Akuma, Sean and all those other guys with similar movelists. By that logic, Galford should've been dropped long ago since he's just a slightly different Hanzo.
Naaah, Galford is PRETTY different than Hanzo in pretty much every SS with maybe the exception of just plain ol' Samurai Spirits... From Shin onwards they diverged more and more. On a similar note, I don't think comparing Gouki and Ken in, say, ST or 3S is really appropriate. Although there are similarities, one is a LOT better than the other in both cases (although they swap positions, ha ha ha.. uh oh, that sounds lewd!) and you can't use the same tactics with both charas with equal effectiveness. Just like Galford is generally kind of crappy and Hanzo is generally not particularly crappy.
quote: If that's what I'm missing, then from my POV I'm not missing much. Don't care for anything that's an overblown juggle, which is what that's sounding like.
No, it's just a really complicated super that launches you in to the air and ends with... a big watery burst thing, I don't know how to explain it. I forget the input for the super exactly, I haven't dug out Asura Zanmaden in a while, but it was something like.. QCF + BC, QCF, A, QCF B, QCF C, QCF C, QCF B, QCF A, ABCD... or something along those lines. Just like Kazuki/Enja's... rokudorekka or whatever its name was, just much longer and more difficult to complete properly, as the timing on it is really strict.
ANYWAY, I'm pulling for the return of Yuga as a boss (not going to happen) Tetsuban or Karakuri Hanma as playable charas (also not going to happen) Gaira as a chara (not going to happen) or Zankuro as a normal playable chara like in Tenka (this isn't going to happen either...) Wait, why am I hopeful about this game again?
Best site EVER:Link Here
[this message was edited by Red Falcon on Thu 25 Oct 07:27] |
TreIII 44th Post

Rare Customer

| "Re(2):Re(10):The Samurai Spirits Sen thread" , posted Thu 25 Oct 12:45
quote: I forget the input for the super exactly, I haven't dug out Asura Zanmaden in a while...
And THAT, was something that I was hoping you'd change months ago! You gotta bring that back out again... ^_^
quote: ANYWAY, I'm pulling for the return of Yuga as a boss (not going to happen) Tetsuban or Karakuri Hanma as playable charas (also not going to happen) Gaira as a chara (not going to happen) or Zankuro as a normal playable chara like in Tenka (this isn't going to happen either...) Wait, why am I hopeful about this game again?
Because there's always a possibility. Like I said before, K2/former Team Galapagos is in charge again, for like the first time in close to a decade.
If there's any body that I would trust with SS taking possibly a different direction altogether (well, some what different, if it doesn't just dredge up the 64 games verbatim), then it would be K2.
I can't say it enough...we need more of the Shiki/Asura storyline. Re-telling, or sequel that ret-cons PSX WR out of existence...I don't care.
Dokuganryu wa Date jya ne you see?
TreIII 45th Post

Rare Customer

| "Re(3):Re(10):The Samurai Spirits Sen thread" , posted Fri 26 Oct 13:19
quote: Also, we can hope for a pretty interesting roster with their general dislike of moe character. I think this will be the only fighting game in years to have new characters that aren't magical lolicrap or a beautiful and ambiguous 15-year-old boy who has somehow become one of the most powerful warriors in the world on a quest to both save the world and somehow redeem himself from a past he doesn't remember. The question is : will Imoya let them do what they want to do ?
I think it probably boils down more to the question of "Who needs who more?", and possibly "Who holds the upper hand?"
K2 LLC may not be exactly rolling in the dough, but they DO have their own, fairly regular series to attend to, through Tenchu. Therefore, I don't think K2 was exactly knocking down the doors of SNK's offices, begging and pleading for the chance to work on a Samurai Spirits game. More than likely, SNK extended the invitation to them because they needed K2, especially with the fact that Yuki flew the coop years ago, and has no more need to do business with SNK.
With that said, I think it would be safer to believe that possibly a few compromises would have to be made, but K2 would have to have the power to run the show as they see fit, or else they'd probably just as easily call any deal off.
So, in the end, we can only wait and see. But, considering that I think it's SNK who's more in need of K2, as opposed to the other way around, I would think it would be more of a thing that K2 gets to have more of a say of how they want to do their game. And seeing how there is a rather tell-tale spatter of blood in the logo of SEN itself, it may be a sign...
Dokuganryu wa Date jya ne you see?
TreIII 46th Post

Rare Customer

| "Re(5):Re(10):The Samurai Spirits Sen thread" , posted Fri 26 Oct 22:53
quote: Wasn't Tenchu bought from them years ago? And some of the original team separated to make that other ninja game whose name I forgot?
The split is true. I can verify that much.
But as for the series being bought from them, lock, stock and ninjatou? I can't really confirm that one way or the other. While it's true that From Software has been heading the series for the last few years, K2 was still bought in, at least, for the sake of Tenchu Z (360), Tenchu: Time of the Assassings (PSP) for the last two years, while From Software seemed to handle the DS game by themselves.
So, it's my opinion that it may not be such a thing that the series was bought from them, but that From Software can pretty much do with it as they please, with or without K2 being commissioned for the job. Thus, probably was what lead to K2 being free to take up this opportunity in the first place.
In any case, again, we'll see how this all goes again, ideally, starting with tomorrow's loke tests.
Dokuganryu wa Date jya ne you see?
Professor 2419th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Video, Moves List & Prelim reports" , posted Sat 27 Oct 17:30:
Beta Test video 1 Beta Test video 2
Scans of the moves list are also floating around. I've mirrored them here for convenience's sake.
The artwork on the moves list is definitely Senri Kita. She also did the artworks for Nintendo's recent Fire Emblem titles as well, so I guess she moved out of Capcom.
There's no in-depth reports yet but here's some info from Japanese forums. Kind of surprizing that there were reportedly around 50 people at the test, considering Tokyo's being hit with a throughout the whole day.
Returning characters Haohmaru, Genjuro, Ukyo, Nakoruru, Hanzo, Galford, Kyoshiro, Wanfu, Kazuki, Sougetsu, Charlotte.
New characters (Spellings may be incorrect) Gallows (looks like a Viking) Kim (ancestor of Kaphwan? must be, determening from his move names) J (Afro Samurai) Angelica (Short haired ethnic-looking female.) Varta (Armored knight.) Black Hawk (Looks like a native American, fights with two Axes) Yaibei? (Old man, name is probably incorrect) Chiyo (Youngster with a wooden sword.) Suzuhime (looks like a Japanese princess)
Controls A- Side slash B- Vertical slash C- Kick R- Extra moves (throw, deflect attacks, etc)
A+B Feirce- Side slash B+C Feirce- Vertical slash
 (let go)- Step-in
 (hold on)- Dash
 - Backstep
+ R- lower deflection
+ R- upper deflection Neutral Neutral- move downwards on Z axis Neutral Neutral- move upwards on Z axis
-Basically, they've based the roster on Samurai Shodown 2 and filled half of the game with new characters.
-Reportedly, the game plays something inbetween Soul Calibur and Tekken.
-Galford has no dog. Nakoruru doesn't have her hawk.
-No selectable fighting modes (meaning Shura, Rasetsu, etc)
-Single hits don't take away half the life bar like in previous SS releases. It's become more combo oriented like other 3D games. Float the opponent, hit them around.
[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 27 Oct 19:24] |
Iron D 2800th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):Video, Moves List & Prelim reports" , posted Sat 27 Oct 19:51
quote: Beta Test video 1 Beta Test video 2
Scans of the moves list are also floating around. I've mirrored them here for convenience's sake.
The artwork on the moves list is definitely Senri Kita. She also did the artworks for Nintendo's recent Fire Emblem titles as well, so I guess she moved out of Capcom.
There's no in-depth reports yet but here's some info from Japanese forums. Kind of surprizing that there were reportedly around 50 people at the test, considering Tokyo's being hit with a throughout the whole day.
Returning characters Haohmaru, Genjuro, Ukyo, Nakoruru, Hanzo, Galford, Kyoshiro, Wanfu, Kazuki, Sougetsu, Charlotte.
New characters (Spellings may be incorrect) Gallows (looks like a Viking) Kim (ancestor of Kaphwan? must be, determening from his move names) J (Afro Samurai) Angelica (Short haired ethnic-looking female.) Varta (Armored knight.) Black Hawk (Looks like a native American, fights with two Axes) Yaibei? (Old man, name is probably incorrect) Chiyo (Youngster with a wooden sword.) Suzuhime (looks like a Japanese princess)
Controls A- Side slash B- Vertical slash C- Kick R- Extra moves (throw, deflect attacks, etc)
A+B Feirce- Side slash B+C Feirce- Vertical slash
 (let go)- Step-in
 (hold on)- Dash
 - Backstep
+ R- lower deflection
+ R- upper deflection Neutral Neutral- move downwards on Z axis Neutral Neutral- move upwards on Z axis
-Basically, they've based the roster on Samurai Shodown 2 and filled half of the game with new characters.
-Reportedly, the game plays something inbetween Soul Calibur and Tekken.
-Galford has no dog. Nakoruru doesn't have her hawk.
-No selectable fighting modes (meaning Shura, Rasetsu, etc)
-Single hits don't take away half the life bar like in previous SS releases. It's become more combo oriented like other 3D games. Float the opponent, hit them around.
So basically it's Soul Calibur with Samurai Showdonw characters?
I mean geez, the "deflect" sounds just like guard impacts.
Not that I'm crapping on the game yet (at least, not completely), but the system doesn't sound at all like a SamSho game. Well, besides pressing two buttons for the more powerful slashes.
Iggy 8224th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):Video, Moves List & Prelim reports" , posted Sat 27 Oct 20:53
Bonus track Kyôshirô his SSS one (GJ!). Wanfu has his sword, not his pillar (maybe in an alternate outfit?) The old characters have a lot of new moves. Most (all?) projectiles have disappeared. Galford has his regular personality (not rasetsu-polysamu), but most of his moves are new. Throws kunai, teleports... Kim has a spear (might be reminiscent of Suil ?) Varta (Armored knight.)=> Walter ? has a huge armor that cover all his body, beside the head. Big sword and shield. Angelica is an assassin, reminds of Berserk's Caska. Yaibei? looks like Samon from the PS1 game. The faces of the character try to be realistic, which might explain Rimururu's absence (in the scenario, she follows her sister... Maybe she's there as a hidden character?).
There are 4 empty character spaces left. http://hey.chu.jp/up/source3/No_8648.jpg http://www.imgup.org/iup490549.jpg
The ikari gauge is just the ikari character growing bigger and bigger. Genjûrô has his super listed as a normal move, so maybe the super have disappeared ?
After the character selection, a small text run to explain his scenario, fully voiced. Some voices are new (Kazuki, at least). Genjurô's voice seems even more OOC than in Tenkaichi. The era of the game is not clear, but Kazuki lives with Hazuki. He sees Suzuhime being abducted, and trys to help her. The game seems to revolve around a strange ship.
The game looks nice, and the motions are clean. The game looks far better than KOFMIA. The music and the ambiance feel really Japanese. It's like the first games (lots of non-japanese characters), but in a modern engine. Tenka makes a lot more sense now.
I'm hyped about a combo-SS game. Oh god.
Iggy 8227th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Video, Moves List & Prelim reports" , posted Sun 28 Oct 04:26
Chaz : indeed, they are in charge of Tenchû since the third one (which means they didn't work on the first and arguably best games of the series.) Also, they worked on KOF 94 and 95, but even if it's the same team, I don't think they are the same people stricto sensu.
Either way. Suzuhime has a huge sword, bigger than herself, and drags it beside her. Several of her moves remind of Calibur's Nightmare. Her voice is quite high (think Devillot) and annoying on purpose. I like.
There are no alternate costume, just a second color. People really question the presence of the two ninja brothers, who are totally different characters without any of their signature moves (even the normal ones like Sôgetsu's crouching strong slash).
Black Hawk has a special stance. And there is no hanafuda card even during Genjurô's super-that-is-not-a-super-anymore-because there-is-no-supers.
Abster 331th Post

Bronze Customer
| "Re(4):Video, Moves List & Prelim reports" , posted Sun 28 Oct 05:24
Hey Abster where are you at? This thread is calling you.
Well, SNKP's moral ethnic group to ensure softness of another chapter of a formerly tough and concentrated series is really the least of my problems. Since 0 Sp they've trended towards small combos to do the bulk of damage of opponents. The graphics and animations are great, and I'm glad at least some of the seiyuu issues will be resolved here, but aside from a rage gauge and a more Japanese feel I fail to see any differences between the gameplay here compared to Soul Calibur. The intros, final hit replays, and a couple of the new character designs scream SC. Also, you gotta admit, even in SS64-1 Galford and Nakoruru had their trademark pets, and SS was unique back then for having characters with attacking pets, so in throwing them out they get rid of part of what defines their characters.
Gojira 2246th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(8):Video, Moves List & Prelim reports" , posted Sun 28 Oct 11:54
2D developers have been trying so long to make 3D games without compromising 2D design, that I think they've more or less given up on it. Despite how I hate it, MK is the only formerly 2D game I can think of that had a relatively successful translation to 3D. Street Fighter, KoF, FF, SS have all tried and failed. The primary difference is that MK was blatantly trying to imitate a 3D game while the others tried too hard to "keep to their roots" and simply translate 2D ideas to 3D.
The main problem I see though, is not the exclusion of the old, but rather the lack of anything to make up for it. I'm not expecting long-range bird-and-dog projectile combat in it, but there needs to be more close-range enhancements to ensure that I won't find myself as bored playing it as I am watching these videos. Any SC player can tell you that there's far more to SC than just attack, dodge and parry. I know SS is not SC, but right now it's not SS either, so...
Iggy 8228th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(7):Video, Moves List & Prelim reports" , posted Sun 28 Oct 18:30
quote: I was wondering.. any mention about losing your weapon in the game?
None. The game feels really... how could I say that... "dry" (no alternate costumes, very simple system...) but I don't mind if it plants the roots of another series. I like what I saw (and several people say the general reaction of the players at the location test was more positive than to any SNKP game test ever) and I like the cast. Real new game, half of the cast new AND looks interesting, the two new females seem much more than just fapping material, courageous choices have been made... Of course, the game can fall apart when in it will reach its final version, but for now, everything seems fine.
Haômaru has difficult imputs on most of his moves : forward, NEUTRAL, down, down-forward.
There was a question "what character do you want to see in this game ?". So maybe the four remaining squares are not decided yet. Also, Kazuki and Sôgetsu HAVE some powers, namely when they counter (enmetsu (explosion) and water teleport). The explosion doesn't deals any damage, it's just a teleport. Nakoruru's 2nd color is purple, but her expression doesn't seem to change.
d`cloud 179th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(9):Video, Moves List & Prelim reports" , posted Sun 28 Oct 20:09:
quote: 2D developers have been trying so long to make 3D games without compromising 2D design, that I think they've more or less given up on it. Despite how I hate it, MK is the only formerly 2D game I can think of that had a relatively successful translation to 3D. Street Fighter, KoF, FF, SS have all tried and failed. The primary difference is that MK was blatantly trying to imitate a 3D game while the others tried too hard to "keep to their roots" and simply translate 2D ideas to 3D.
The main problem I see though, is not the exclusion of the old, but rather the lack of anything to make up for it. I'm not expecting long-range bird-and-dog projectile combat in it, but there needs to be more close-range enhancements to ensure that I won't find myself as bored playing it as I am watching these videos. Any SC player can tell you that there's far more to SC than just attack, dodge and parry. I know SS is not SC, but right now it's not SS either, so...
thats good then. it shouldnt be an sc clone and it shouldnt be like the old SS. what we should worry about is the jap -> US translation.. LOL. Victoly? or MIA dubbing? also.. fuck! no blood! :(
[this message was edited by d`cloud on Sun 28 Oct 20:12] |
Professor 2421th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(8):Video, Moves List & Prelim reports" , posted Sun 28 Oct 20:59:
I checked out SamuraiSen's beta test for a short time, the game looked pretty good. There was a pretty large amount of spectators crowding around the machines, but not too many on line to actually play it. There were constantly around 10 people on line for the single player machines and about 6 on the two player machine. It's 70 percent complete in development and it runs on a Taito Type X2 arcade console.
Graphics wise, the game is pretty nice. It runs on a high-res LCD screen, very crisp. The game has way better quality than Tekken 5's graphics.
It's hard to say whether SamuraiSen has better graphics than Tekken 6 though. Well, it definitely has better backgrounds than tekken 6. Most of the objects in SamuraiSen's background are rendered in 3D, whereas Tekken 6 uses a lot of flat bitmaps for objects far away. On the other hand, Tekken 6 seems like it may have a bit more polygon count on the characters. SamuraiSen probably has less, considering how much they've used on the backgrounds. Most things- like Nakoruru's baggy pants, look very smooth and natural. But some other parts- like Kyoshiro's hair, looks like they need some extra polygons to moove smoother.
Samurai Sen's characters look very realistic overall, which fits prefectly with its new gameplay. Especially the faces of the male characters. They look very ferocious. As for the female characters.... it's probably best not to take a direct look at their faces. They're not realistic. In fact, they look as fake as antique dolls.
As the youtube videos probably showed, SamusaiSen plays nothing like the previous 2D installments. It plays very much as a standard 3D game with a lot of influence from Soul Calibur and Tekken. You're constantly engaged in close-up combat, and you can do a lot of damage by floating the opponent in the air and comboing. In other words, if you've played those two Namco games, you'll probably get accustomed to SamuraiSen very quickly.
On the other hand, it's nothing like KOF:MIA, which may be fun, but terrible in terms of physics (you're totally defying gravity if you fly all the way to the edge of the screen, and then bounce back as though you've hit rubber).
And as Iggy shortly mentioned, there's no flashy superhuman moves in SamuraiSen, like being able to shoot projectiles out of your sword.
I don't think there's any ring outs. As far as I've seen, all the stages are squared with obstacles, functioning as walls.
Funny thing, the game seems to be overly inspired by Namco's 3D fighters and there's some really striking resemblences in terms of the game's presentation. In between round 1 and round 2, there's a short intermission where the winner is in a fighting pose while the opponent wakes up... just like Tekken. When you KO an opponent and they're still standing, you can slash them around some extra times until the replay starts, just like in Soul Calibur. Or if you KO an opponent and make them fall, they'll cramp/spasm after they hit the ground (like in Tekken).
There's no super meter, but you can go into Ikari mode by pressing all four buttons simultaneously after you've been hit enough times and the Ikarai icon is flashing. The Ikari burst can usually be done about once per round (unlike the previous SS games, the icon doesn't disappear from the system once you've burst it).
The characters still have some of their special moves, though they've been toned down to look more realistic. Hanzo had his mozu otoshi throw and a teleport move where he puffs and appears in the back of the opponent. Charlotte had her Power Gradation, though she didn't jump as high as the 2D games. Genjuro had either his Sankusatu or Gokouzan, which surprizingly looked the same as the 2D games- he lifted the opponent into air and slashed them with Hanafuda effects.
A few notes on the characters.
Angelica- Looks kind of like Elena from SF3. Fights with a spear.
Jinbei- The old guy's correct name (not Yaibei). Seems to be a vassel working for Suzuhime. Fights with a three-headed spear like Gaoh from SSTenka.
Nakoruru- Looks more like a teen than a kid. 2P color is purple costume, long hair. Her hawk only appears as a part of her victory sequence.
Charlotte- Each of her shoulderpads are as big as her upper body. She wears overknee stockings and has slits on the side of her long skirt, so you can see some, as the Japanese term goes, Zettai Ryouiki.
Kim- Definitely Kaphwan's ancestor. He hates evil. He has a double-sided spear (heads on both ends), and he seems to fight rather similarly to Kirik from Soul Calibur.
Also, there were four slots on the character select screen that were locked during the beta test.
In terms of stages, I've seen Haohmaru's SS1 stage and Genjuro's SS2 stage. Each stage seems to be shared by 2 characters. Other stages included a Japanese shrine (Kyoshiro, Kim), a garden inside a Japanese castle (Jinbei, Chiyo), a middle-eastern looking town with a camel and a temple in the background (Angelica), an old-time western town (BlackHwak, Galford), and a ship docked on a town with other ships and a light tower in the distance (all rendered in 3D).
Overall, SamuraiSen looked pretty solid, and it had somewhat of an SS1 ~ SS2 atmosphere to it, albeit without flashy looking moves. One thing I noticed however, is that the game doesn't offer anything really unique. I kind of wonder about its lifespan after it hits the arcades.
[edit: fixed some typos]
[this message was edited by Professor on Mon 29 Oct 02:19] |
TreIII 50th Post

Occasional Customer
| "Re(3):Re(10):Video, Moves List & Prelim repor" , posted Mon 29 Oct 09:56:
quote: Not without a significant drop of quality. Also, since MIA2 is on its way, it would make more sense to keep the cheap (and lame) series on a dying system, and move SSS (if the game is successful) to the next gen consoles.
Ya sure about that? Even going by Prof's report, I still don't think it goes too far beyond the realm of Tekken 5, and that was able to be done on the System 256/PS2 hardware, certainly. The animation quality for the 3D models doesn't look like too much beyond MI2, either, specifically in the area of animations.
I'm being honest, I just don't expect SNK, or any of their devs/affiliates to really put the Taito X2 through its paces for real, until at least another 2 years. Not only because they probably need the time to get the stuff better, but because that's part of what SNK is. Couple that with the fact that they probably stand to make the most money following through with their continued PS2/Wii (and DS) support, and I think that's all the more reason to expect that SNK probably is not going to have too many ventures on the "real" next gen stuff just yet.
After all, wasn't "MI3" supposed to be their first PS3-generation game...?
Dokuganryu wa Date jya ne you see?
[this message was edited by TreIII on Mon 29 Oct 10:14] |
Professor 2421th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(6):Re(10):Video, Moves List & Prelim repor" , posted Mon 29 Oct 20:13
quote: Any news on whether the normal blocking is done by holding back? If so, SSS's deflecting compared to SC's guard impacts will be like Garou's Just Defending compared to SF3's parrying - not having to press Forward to defend in a different is a bit more forgiving.
Ikari Loona- Guarding is done by holding back on the joystick, just like in 2D games. There's no guard button. Deflecting is a bit different than Just defending since you still need to press the R button together with holding back on the stick, and it makes the character do a motion.
quote: Sorry for the question professor, but did you have any infos about the solo mode. I mean did we know how the game run, stoyline scenes boss(es) or such, or did the game just stops when you have beaten everyone....?
Naruto- Solo mode has a narrative in the beginning which decribes the situation why your character is going on the battle (a bung of text comes out from the left and scrolls out to the right of the screen, and it's all voiced by the narrator). But that was about it. No middle-boss or story sequences between the matches. That might change of course when the full product comes out, though I think it's unlikely that they'd add scenematics after 70% development. The 1p mode ended after the 6th opponent in this beta test version, so we didn't get to see the boss.
quote: And in any case, I probably won't be able to touch this game until a console port arrives...think this one can be ported back to the PS2, a la Reg A, too? :D
TreIII- IMO, chances of SamuraiSen on PS2 is low. If the game hits the arcades before summer of 08, it'll probably come out for the home around winter~spring 09, kind of late for a current-gen console.
Ultima 438th Post

Gold Customer
| "Re(9):Video, Moves List & Prelim reports" , posted Mon 29 Oct 22:51
Well, I've officially lost interest. They took one of their best series and turned it into Soul Calibur Shodown. Seriously, when I saw one of the loketest vids on another forum, I actually thought someone had posted a Soul Calibur test vid in the wrong thread at first. :(
I mean, almost all projectiles have been removed and as well as removing virtually everything that made the characters unique, like Galford's dog, Nakoruru's bird, Kazuki and Sogestu's elemental attacks? WHY?
You don't out-do SC by cloning SC. You out-do SC by making sure you do your own thing really well. You'd think SNK would have learned this lesson by now, since they only started to get noticed once they stopped trying to out-SF SF. Ironically, it was Samurai Shodown that was their first true successful "Not trying to out-do SF" project by going in a different direction. And now look at it. What a waste.
-- Ultima - The Right arm of Scrub Voltron http://uramble.com/index.html - U's Rambling Page
TreIII 51th Post

Occasional Customer
| "Re(7):Re(10):Video, Moves List & Prelim repor" , posted Mon 29 Oct 23:45:
quote: TreIII- IMO, chances of SamuraiSen on PS2 is low. If the game hits the arcades before summer of 08, it'll probably come out for the home around winter~spring 09, kind of late for a current-gen console.
You would have a good point, were that it was not for some other notable examples who aim to be doing the same thing...
Bandai-Namco (and Capcom)'s "Gundam vs. Gundam". Game looks PS2 quality, but that's because the game is still on the 256, and because everyone involved wants the game to be readily available for the PS2(Wii?) fanbase, so that they can get the most amount of money.
Capcom and ASW's "Sengoku BASARA X" (which unfortunately has now been delayed to April 08). Also a game that's not only on the 256, but also is 2D. It's eventual PS2 status has already been practically confirmed, with a probable Wii port on the way too, if BASARA 2/Heroes sells well on that console.
Ecole, French Bread and Type Moon's Melty Blood: Actress Again. Yet another update to the MB game series, which will again appear on the Naomi. Of course, we can probably expect PS2 and PC ports to probably be in order soon enough.
All of these titles are slated to be coming out Spring 08 or there-abouts. Both are pretty much slated to get PS2 ports some where in the Summer-Winter 08 range. All of parties involved in both camps seem to truly care less that they're still utilizing PS2/PS2-based/PS2-friendly hardware into 08 and possibly beyond.
If these guys, which include some of SNK's most notable rivals in the business (Capcom, ASW, French Bread?) are exercising this same type of business plan, what more could be said for SNK? SNK is probably is in a similar predicament as either of these two, if not arguably worse, since they don't have the kind of bank, nor wide-spread franchises that do exceptionally well world-wide, like Capcom does. Hell, I often am left to wonder if the likes of Guilty Gear and Melty Blood have more pull overall than some SNK franchises.
So, I'm not ruling out the possibility that SNK will eventually have to leave the PS2 some day. But my thoughts are, again, if Bandai-Namco, Ecole, Capcom and ASW are basically getting away with riding the PS2's lap for all he's worth, what's stopping SNK for doing the same, especially since they seem to STILL be doing it (multiple collections and such)?
That's why, it's my general opinion that this game will probably follow right in line with SNK's other trends. It will probably be available on PS2, with some "waggle-friendly" type things on the Wii. Try as it might, SS Sen is not going to be able to out-weigh SC4 in the way of graphical quality and being an established franchise in this line of work. So, why not stick with the fanbase that at least stands to recognize SNK, and the consoles that are still selling the best (PS2 and Wii)?
Just would make more sense in my eyes. Of course, I could stand to be wrong, but that's just how I see 'em.
Dokuganryu wa Date jya ne you see?
[this message was edited by TreIII on Mon 29 Oct 23:51] |
Professor 2423th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(8):Re(10):Video, Moves List & Prelim repor" , posted Tue 30 Oct 01:46
quote: So, I'm not ruling out the possibility that SNK will eventually have to leave the PS2 some day. But my thoughts are, again, if Bandai-Namco, Ecole, Capcom and ASW are basically getting away with riding the PS2's lap for all he's worth, what's stopping SNK for doing the same, especially since they seem to STILL be doing it (multiple collections and such)?
You have some good points. All those games are pre-designed for current-generation consoles though. If SNKP decide they want this game on the PS2 though, they're going to really need to shave things off.
Personally, I prefer not to make predictions. We'll just have to wait and see.
TreIII 51th Post

Occasional Customer
| "Re(9):Re(10):Video, Moves List & Prelim repor" , posted Tue 30 Oct 03:56
quote: You have some good points. All those games are pre-designed for current-generation consoles though. If SNKP decide they want this game on the PS2 though, they're going to really need to shave things off.
I just question: how much, so? Is the game really pushing the hardware to its limits, or are they just prettying it up a bit? Nothing about the game, at least from what I've seen, has shouted out quality in the camp of VF5, Tekken 6 and SC4. And I'm sure SNK and K2 both recognize that facet. They can't hope to compete with those games in the same arena, so they obviously have to try another angle: stick with the low-end consoles, where the profit is. It worked for them staying fairly low-end for Reg A, I'm sure it could work out just as well for SEN, if that is what they choose.
My thing is, I can't imagine that this game is being crafted with the PS3 and 360 in mind. I'd even be surprised if the Wii was. I just couldn't imagine that SNK, doing all that they're doing now to support the PS2 (and Wii), would then be all brand new and say basically, "HEY! You liked all that stuff we gave you on the PS2 and Wii? Well, now you're going to have to dish out for a 360/PS3 if you want to keep on playing games like that! LOL! XD". I just can't imagine them going through all that trouble to build a sizable following on the two low-end consoles, just to spurn them just as quickly by jumping ship. That wouldn't be conducive to business, and they'd probably end up losing just as many fans as they may have gained over the last year and some change. I'm sure SNK doesn't need that. Not in this era where they are FINALLY trying to do more to pick up where they left off, back before Bankruptcy.
Personally, I prefer not to make predictions. We'll just have to wait and see.
And in the end, that's all we can do. Wait and see. It's just that I have my own reservations that pretty much just have the "best fit" in my overall opinion. The market more or less made their choices clear, when the PS2, Wii and DS are the systems occupying the top spots, and I don't think that SNK is going to be making too many ventures beyond what will give them success.
Dokuganryu wa Date jya ne you see?
TreIII 52th Post

Occasional Customer
| "Re(5):Re(10):Video, Moves List & Prelim repor" , posted Tue 30 Oct 10:33
quote: Consider me a pessimist perhaps, but I don't expect SNK, or any of their devs/affiliates, to yet put the PS2 through its paces for real either. I still just don't see SBK-Playmore as the kind of company that can or does coax hardware (and knows where to cut) as much as Namco or Sega bothers to do.
Heh, and you also bring up a good point.
I mean, let's face it: when the PS2 was pushed to its upmost (through say, the likes of VF4, the Tekkens, Soul Caliburs, God of Wars and ICO team games), the games could easily give stock GC/Xbox games a run for its money in graphical quality. A solid choice in art direction usually helps to accentuate that.
If SNK/K2 were finally able to use the Taito X2 as a means to up their personal ante to VF4/Soul Calibur 3 levels, that would already be something to demonstrate that they're trying to go to the next level, while it could still end up being a PS2/Wii-quality game.
Dokuganryu wa Date jya ne you see?
Ikari Loona 220th Post

Frequent Customer
| "Re(10):Video, Moves List & Prelim reports" , posted Tue 30 Oct 21:09
quote: I mean, almost all projectiles have been removed and as well as removing virtually everything that made the characters unique, like Galford's dog, Nakoruru's bird, Kazuki and Sogestu's elemental attacks? WHY?
A lot of major characters never had pets or projectiles, the latter being mostly a SF2 influence back when the first game was released - no big deal, especially with the 3D environment making them easier to avoid anyway. Heck, KoF lost a lot of projectiles in 96 and in a lot of ways it made the game more interesting.
quote: You don't out-do SC by cloning SC. You out-do SC by making sure you do your own thing really well. You'd think SNK would have learned this lesson by now, since they only started to get noticed once they stopped trying to out-SF SF. Ironically, it was Samurai Shodown that was their first true successful "Not trying to out-do SF" project by going in a different direction. And now look at it. What a waste.
Maybe SS as we know it turned out the way it did because it was released in the age of SF2's updates - the fact that it started as a 6-button game in a 4-button body was certainly no coincidence, and with things like big jumps, specials, projectiles and combos it managed to feel familar to SF2 players while including its own neat touches, some of which borrowed from SNK's experiences in FF and AoF. Heck, SS1 converted me to SNK.
Still, the game can still maintain an identity without many of those things that were prevalent in that age - if it meant contemplating people used to the likes of SC so be it, at least most of the movement and motions are still classic 2D - more intuitive than SC's at that. Blocking and deflecting seem to be simpler, and rage mode seems quicker to put into practice than SC's soul charging - I prefer that, personally, and maybe so will a lot of people who'd never bother with 2D SS but don't like SC's controls.
Ah, Wan-fu's music seems to have cleared from my head... Now where is the samurai, where is Jubei?
"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"
TreIII 53th Post

Occasional Customer
| "Re(2):Re(10):Video, Moves List & Prelim repor" , posted Wed 31 Oct 00:05
quote: A lot of major characters never had pets or projectiles, the latter being mostly a SF2 influence back when the first game was released -no big deal, especially with the 3D environment making them easier to avoid anyway.
Heck, KoF lost a lot of projectiles in 96 and in a lot of ways it made the game more interesting.
That much is indeed true. When KOF and a number of other SNK series dropped a number of the long-range projectile dynamics from their games, it definitely served to make it much more interesting overall.
But you neglect to mention the other facet that made it so interesting. It was not always a case that people lost projectiles, so much they gained different properties. And it became more accentuated as the games went on.
For instance, while Joe and King did lose their singular, long range projectiles, they did gain a total of two that went medium distance. Terry and Andy eventually earned their stuff from Real Bout, where they got an additional "projectile" that actually served a more interesting thing of being situation specific, rather than something spammable. Yamazaki only got a projectile if he was able to reflect one from an enemy correctly. And etc., etc.
But basically, what I'm getting at was that, in my opinion, the best thing that came about through 96 and beyond was that they were willing to do more interesting things with projectiles beyond what the book of Capcom taught through Hadoukens. It was partially a hope of mine that K2 would have at least tried to do something similar with this game, especially since the Pets, projectiles and other "over the top" attacks are part of what made SS such a great series, and it just won't be the same without them.
On another note, I'm still choosing to believe that the only reason we haven't seen the likes of Poppy, Mamahama and possibly other pets/assists may be because they just haven't had the time to implement such things yet. Game is basically like 70% complete, right? Maybe they just need the time.
After all...I could have sworn that people cried foul in a similar fashion when play-testing for SS3 began, and people were wondering where the hell Poppy and Mamahama were at. Those fears were later dealt with by a later loke test, when those pets were "put back in". Maybe history is due to repeat itself...
quote: Maybe SS as we know it turned out the way it did because it was released in the age of SF2's updates...
Still, the game can still maintain an identity without many of those things that were prevalent in that age
Honestly, that's what I'm hoping too. In fact, one (unconfirmed) report that I remember reading about a number of years ago talked about this very aspect; supposedly, Galapagos wanted to do more to make SS a truly stylish kendo simulator, and less in the way of "Street Fighter with Swords". If they had it their way from the start, and less pressure from on high, who knows? But the more I look at this game, the more it looks like that this game may be possibly more in line with what their original vision for SS could have been. It'll definitely be interesting to see if K2/Galapagos had the right idea from the start...
Now where is the samurai, where is Jubei?
Good question. I could say the same for some other peeps who I think need to be present for this party, like Shiki, Asura, Shizumaru, Gaira and maybe Yoshitora (one of very few Yuki-era characters I liked).
Dokuganryu wa Date jya ne you see?
Baines 209th Post
Frequent Customer
| "Re(2):Re(10):Video, Moves List & Prelim repor" , posted Wed 31 Oct 10:27
quote: A lot of major characters never had pets or projectiles, the latter being mostly a SF2 influence back when the first game was released - no big deal, especially with the 3D environment making them easier to avoid anyway.
Pets actually have a pretty good reason to be somewhat homing. Even semi-autonomous.
You should be able to get a pretty decent 3D fighter with careful thought to such ideas, and the SamSho cast has plenty of characters with either pets or well-controlled separate entities. (Nak's hawk, Rera/Nak's wolf, Galford's dog, Mizuki's demon, Rimururu's ice crystal, Sogetsu's control of water, Nicotine's elemental animals... You could even get spiritual with something like Basara's weapon, or magical with Amakusa's abilities...)
Spoon 1443th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(5):Re(10):Video, Moves List & Prelim repor" , posted Thu 1 Nov 01:20
I figure it might be tricky to get the new guy in the full armour suit to bleed (head hits only?...), let alone get cut to pieces... Unless, of course, such things are added later on and are character-specific, to contemplate the protections each of them have or lack...
I predict generic gibs on death by super, hooray!
I wouldn't mind seeing something with a greater sense of locational damage and overall lethality, though I know that such a thing might turn into a Bushido Blade run-circles-around-each-other-looking-for-a-thrust fest or a Garouden "hit one spot until it breaks, and then keep hitting that broken spot because it causes more stagger/hitstun". Mind you, I'm not exactly sure what high-level Garouden play constitutes, or if it even exists.
The more I think about it, the more I think that such a system needs a different control scheme in order to be both fun for prolonged play and not too simple (like Karnov's Revenge, where if you hit one spot it'd break something and dizzy the guy, but most combing hits will hit any spot, so it breaks no matter what anyway).
Combo damage needs to be kept in check. Sure what we've seen done in the loketest vids doesn't compare to what damage is possible with even just the basics in SSIV or Tenka's groove that allows for chain combos, but we all know how 3D fighter juggle systems inevitably get figured out and abused.
Ktallguy 952th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(7):Re(10):Video, Moves List & Prelim repor" , posted Fri 2 Nov 03:22
Wow, I just found the vids.
Looks like it has potential. It would be cool if they could somehow mix 2D zoning into a 3D fighter. The projectiles would help with that.
Do we know if the dodging up and down work well (like VF, maybe)? I would love to see the R button also be used for rolling and dodging like in SS0, but I imagine that's a lot to ask for a 3D fighter. Also, is there only one throw (if so, that's horrible).
I think that the lack of pets is a shame, because they really do help make SS feel unique. Even if they're not really autonomous, if they're just used as a projectile it could be neat. At the same time, zoning in close up 3D fighters is really hard to implement effectively, because of the limited air movement. That's why it would be great to see the R button used for dodging, flipping forward, etc. But hmm, I really want to try this now.
Play to win.
Professor 2424th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(9):Re(10):Video, Moves List & Prelim repor" , posted Mon 26 Nov 23:03
quote: So, I'm not ruling out the possibility that SNK will eventually have to leave the PS2 some day. But my thoughts are, again, if Bandai-Namco, Ecole, Capcom and ASW are basically getting away with riding the PS2's lap for all he's worth, what's stopping SNK for doing the same, especially since they seem to STILL be doing it (multiple collections and such)?
You have some good points. All those games are pre-designed for current-generation consoles though. If SNKP decide they want this game on the PS2 though, they're going to really need to shave things off.
I'm changing my thought a bit on this. Tekken 6 came out in the arcades today and I've had a better look at it up close. It definitely looks more next-gen than Samurai Sen, especially in terms of texture. I'd still say that Samurai Sen can't be ported directly to the PS2, but albeit with downgrading, it seems possible.