The Dracula X Chronicles Thread - Forums

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Dr Orochi
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New Red Carpet Member

"The Dracula X Chronicles Thread" , posted Wed 24 Oct 02:11:post reply

Comes out this week (US). Post your thoughts/opinions, etc. when you get your copy (or post your thoughts on the game anyway). I was hoping it might arrive today but it looks like I'll be getting it tomorrow. Woot.

[this message was edited by Dr Orochi on Wed 24 Oct 02:12]


Burning Ranger
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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):The Dracula X Chronicles Thread" , posted Wed 24 Oct 07:11post reply

Comes out this week (US). Post your thoughts/opinions, etc. when you get your copy (or post your thoughts on the game anyway). I was hoping it might arrive today but it looks like I'll be getting it tomorrow. Woot.

I will admit that I am not the most seasoned game player: I have never played a Castlevania game. I mean, I've tried it once or twice but I never actually "played" it. I've been mulling over getting Dracula X... you all will have to let me know how it is.

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

Hagen de Merak
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"Re(1):The Dracula X Chronicles Thread" , posted Wed 24 Oct 07:40post reply

Comes out this week (US). Post your thoughts/opinions, etc. when you get your copy (or post your thoughts on the game anyway). I was hoping it might arrive today but it looks like I'll be getting it tomorrow. Woot.

Makes me mad that all 2-d games nowadays are always on handhelds

1277th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):The Dracula X Chronicles Thread" , posted Wed 24 Oct 07:49post reply

I love the original to death, and it's surely the best Dracula game (at least of the 2D variety) of all I've played (which is basically all of them except Dracula 2~The Cursed Seal). The 2.5D remake seemed unnecessary and ugly from what I saw, but if you can just suffer through it and unlock the truly stellar original I'm sure you'll be fine. A soundtrack that's top-class even for a Dracula game, which were invariably great at least up through the Playstation Dracula X, splitting levels, a billion secrets, difficult but not cheap, just the right amount of story...

I've taken to playing a Dracula game every year around Halloween, and this year it'll probably be the SFC one since I did Dracula X last year, but what a good way to pass the witching hours in October.


677th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):The Dracula X Chronicles Thread" , posted Wed 24 Oct 15:37post reply

I played a 75% completed build demo at the Games Convention and I have to say that they translated the game properly to 3D, I know there are some changes later in the game, but everything felt the same in terms of gameplay etc. like the original. The demo let you play the first 2 levels, including the secret one.

I played the demo inside out. It showed it was a 75% completed build, there were some little details to be polished.

It's a decent update, but it would have been better if it was a hi-res 2D remake. The graphical update is not breathtaking, it just works. It feels a bit like this remake isn't neccesary but the bottomline is that it really is! Forget the abusive eBay auctions of the PCE original, now you've got the best old school Castlevania in the series in it's former 2D glory as an unlockable and a 3D remake with new cutscenes and arranged music, plus symphony of the night with extras!

Not gonna buy a PSP for this one alone, but if I had one, and maybe I end with one, I would buy it right away.


Dr Orochi
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"Re(3):The Dracula X Chronicles Thread" , posted Thu 25 Oct 00:03:post reply

Some game sites are reporting small graphical and sound problems (ex: 1 Up Review ) with the emulated Rondo and SOTN. I've heard/read that the main problem is ghosting.
I'll be submitting a small first impression review later today.

EDIT: Here's my fist impression. I'll do a more detailed review later. Please contribute your own reviews.

I just picked up my copy about an hour ago. The game is worth every penny. The 2.5 remake is better than I expected (the finished game looks better than the videos that have been all over the net) and play wonderfully. The sound and fx are top notch (as usual) and I am really digging the score (gotta get the OST).

I'll go ahead and say that there are emulation problems as noted on some websites. Ghosting does occur, but does not ruin the game. There are also vertical lines present in SOTN (I haven't unlocked Rondo yet) at the beginning of the game and in the darker areas.

So far my only complaint would be the emulated games running in a window (and in SOTN's case running in a window within a window...).

I'll post more thoughts as I progress and play a little more. I think that for the price this is a must own and if it can help secure more wonderful Castlevania games in the future, please do buy it!

[this message was edited by Dr Orochi on Thu 25 Oct 02:48]

Red Falcon
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"Re(4):The Dracula X Chronicles Thread" , posted Thu 25 Oct 07:41:post reply

I actually really want to get this, even though it's a remake. Guess I'll have to buy a PSP sooner or later, sigh.

Edit: Oh yes, I heard somewhere that... there is some third party object or modification or something that allows one to hook the PSP up to a TV, does anyone else know anything about this? I'm much too busy (and lazy) to look in to it myself if I don't HAVE to, but I REALLY dislike handheld screens.

Best site EVER:Link Here

[this message was edited by Red Falcon on Thu 25 Oct 07:42]

Dr Orochi
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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(5):The Dracula X Chronicles Thread" , posted Thu 25 Oct 09:16:post reply

Yo Red. The new PSPs (slim) have av out. So you don't have to deal with that mess.
That's something else I would like to note... the motion blur on all three games on the PSP is annoying. From what I understand, the av out solves these problems.

[this message was edited by Dr Orochi on Thu 25 Oct 09:17]

332th Post

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"Re(6):The Dracula X Chronicles Thread" , posted Thu 25 Oct 13:21post reply

Question Dr orochi!

I'm not a seasoned Castlevania player but I have gotten a chance to play the original Dracula X game.
Is the remake just as a tough as the original? Or is it predictable in any means or quite fair when playing the remake?

Awesome that you got the game though, did you get a chance to reserve for that Simon Belmont figure Gamespot was offering?

Dr Orochi
522th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(7):The Dracula X Chronicles Thread" , posted Thu 25 Oct 13:38post reply

Question Dr orochi!

I'm not a seasoned Castlevania player but I have gotten a chance to play the original Dracula X game.
Is the remake just as a tough as the original? Or is it predictable in any means or quite fair when playing the remake?

Awesome that you got the game though, did you get a chance to reserve for that Simon Belmont figure Gamespot was offering?

Yeah. I got the figure and it's pretty neat. No big deal but if you hold onto it it may be quite collectible down the road...

As for the game, it's just as hard IMO. Some people are claiming it's harder but that's because even if you're a seasoned Dracula X vet. they've changed some of the rooms a little and added extra stuff. Also, adjusting from 2 to 2.5d is interesting.

I've unlocked all three games and I have to say that the shortcomings of the emulation does not make for a deal breaker.
Compared to the investment that is the Duo/PCE version and a copy of SOTN on the PS $30 with an included remake is a pretty sweet deal !

So far I'm really enjoying playing all three games. It's nice to play SOTN again, Dracula X is a new experience for me (since I've never been able to shell out the bucks for the PCE version and I will not pirate it) and the remake is good fun. I'm impressed with it and recommend this as a purchase.
The soundtrack, as I have mentioned, is quite awesome.

I do prefer the original dub of SOTN though. So wonderfully bad.... ah...

8218th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):The Dracula X Chronicles Thread" , posted Thu 25 Oct 17:49post reply

I do prefer the original dub of SOTN though. So wonderfully bad.... ah...

So they changed the American voices ? Has the terrible translation been redone as well ?

It would be sad if they had. Kinda like the remake of Bio Hazard 1 on GC.

329th Post

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"Re(9):The Dracula X Chronicles Thread" , posted Thu 25 Oct 22:37post reply

I do prefer the original dub of SOTN though. So wonderfully bad.... ah...

So they changed the American voices ? Has the terrible translation been redone as well ?

It would be sad if they had. Kinda like the remake of Bio Hazard 1 on GC.

Yeah all the voices were changed, some better some worse. Alucard easily qualifies for the latter. And instead of our miserable little pile of secrets we get a cesspit of hatred and lies. Other than that bit quite a bit of text remains the same as before. Even the old monster names remain, so no Unes or Alura Unes.

Dr Orochi
523th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(10):The Dracula X Chronicles Thread" , posted Fri 26 Oct 00:06post reply


Yeah all the voices were changed, some better some worse.

Old man. LAWL.
