Capcom flavored Linux OS - Forums

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New Red Carpet Member

"Capcom flavored Linux OS" , posted Thu 25 Oct 07:56:post reply

I would pay good money for something like this. Just the menus alone would be kickass. Design it from the ground up like a game.

Isn't asia countries like decided upon a joint venture to make their own blend of linux?


Oh ya it could come loaded with capcom classics built in. Charge ilke 100 bucks.

I should forward this to capcom of jpn.

Click this webpage

also chek out

[this message was edited by bootation on Thu 25 Oct 07:58]


481th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(1):Capcom flavored Linux OS" , posted Thu 25 Oct 17:43post reply

You have myspace? Let's be myspace friends!
I would pay good money for something like this. Just the menus alone would be kickass. Design it from the ground up like a game.

Isn't asia countries like decided upon a joint venture to make their own blend of linux?


Oh ya it could come loaded with capcom classics built in. Charge ilke 100 bucks.

I should forward this to capcom of jpn.

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

995th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):Capcom flavored Linux OS" , posted Wed 31 Oct 15:00:post reply

You have myspace? Let's be myspace friends! I would pay good money for something like this. Just the menus alone would be kickass. Design it from the ground up like a game.

Isn't asia countries like decided upon a joint venture to make their own blend of linux?


Oh ya it could come loaded with capcom classics built in. Charge ilke 100 bucks.

I should forward this to capcom of jpn.

if you know linux its not terribly hard to do this yourself, hell even if you don't know linux its not terrible hard

[this message was edited by Oroch on Wed 31 Oct 15:02]

23th Post

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New Customer

"Re(3):Capcom flavored Linux OS" , posted Fri 2 Nov 01:46post reply
