Question to Resident Evil Fans - Forums

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"Question to Resident Evil Fans" , posted Thu 25 Oct 13:18post reply

Recently I've been bit by a zombie and finally getting back into Resident evil series again.

I had a small tiny question if anyone could answer but by any chance is Resident Evil Outbreak 1 or 2 cannon to the Resident Evil 2/3 storyline?

When I get some money saved up I plan on getting that 3 pack resident evil set and I never heard of Outbreak until now.

Thanks for the help


4435th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Question to Resident Evil Fans" , posted Thu 25 Oct 15:30post reply


When I get some money saved up I plan on getting that 3 pack resident evil set and I never heard of Outbreak until now.

Thanks for the help

Instead of getting that 3 pack you should get all the Gun Survivor games instead. I feel those games really define what Resident Evil is all about.



think well your answer

Juke Joint Jezebel
3597th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Question to Resident Evil Fans" , posted Thu 25 Oct 16:23post reply

Recently I've been bit by a zombie and finally getting back into Resident evil series again.

I had a small tiny question if anyone could answer but by any chance is Resident Evil Outbreak 1 or 2 cannon to the Resident Evil 2/3 storyline?

When I get some money saved up I plan on getting that 3 pack resident evil set and I never heard of Outbreak until now.

Thanks for the help

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333th Post

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"Re(2):Question to Resident Evil Fans" , posted Thu 25 Oct 23:08post reply


When I get some money saved up I plan on getting that 3 pack resident evil set and I never heard of Outbreak until now.

Thanks for the help

Instead of getting that 3 pack you should get all the Gun Survivor games instead. I feel those games really define what Resident Evil is all about.



Actually! I have one of the gun survivor games!

The one for ps1 the one with Ark Thompson fellow.
I actually kind of like the game

i want to cum on your avatar

Fire away dude just fire away lol

2024th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Question to Resident Evil Fans" , posted Wed 14 Nov 07:05:post reply

I had a small tiny question if anyone could answer but by any chance is Resident Evil Outbreak 1 or 2 cannon to the Resident Evil 2/3 storyline?

Majority of the RE games are canon, give or take RE remakes and so forth, which essentially tell the same story anyway.

Resident Evil Gaiden for the Gameboy color is a maybe right now because it was created by M4 Limited, not Capcom who just outsourced it and RE4 doesn't mention it's events even though both games feature Leon. And of course "Gaiden" sometimes means side story / not canon besides. So if you'd ask me right now, IMHO I'd say that it isn't canon but you never know when someone is going to come along over at Capcom and say otherwise, but it's hella doubtful.

The Outbreak games are canon and take place during 2 and 3.

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!

[this message was edited by Sano on Wed 14 Nov 07:15]

338th Post

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"Thanks, and Umbrella Chronicles anyone?" , posted Wed 14 Nov 07:14post reply

Thanks a lot man I appreciate it for sure.

By any chance did you pick up RE umbrella chronicles for Wii? Looking at the reviews at game trailers it feels exactly like house of the dead 4 just with more weapons. Looks like fun, I can't wait to pick it up.

This song is so true

2024th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Thanks, and Umbrella Chronicles anyone?" , posted Wed 14 Nov 07:21post reply

Thanks a lot man I appreciate it for sure.

By any chance did you pick up RE umbrella chronicles for Wii? Looking at the reviews at game trailers it feels exactly like house of the dead 4 just with more weapons. Looks like fun, I can't wait to pick it up.

I don't have a Wii, just a PS3 for next gen right now and if Mega Man isn't announced for Super Smash Bros. Brawl I don't know if I'll wind up getting a Wii lol! If I do get a Wii Umbrella Chronicles will be on the top of my list.

Ryu and Chun-Li forever!