off-topic: visual kei again - Forums

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"off-topic: visual kei again" , posted Sat 27 Oct 11:22post reply

so I discovered by accident that Kozi's solo stuff is ridiculously awesome. Does anyone know where to get it? I need to get noir fleurir too...did the bassist ever do solo stuff? Ironically I like his voice way better than the main guy.

New Buck-Tick - didn't continue on from the last album, and didn't seem to have any real new hook either...kind of disappointing to me.

Just rediscovering Art Marju Duchain, which is kind of like the VK equivalent of Limbonic Art or mid-period Mortiis. If you don't know who any of those are, I guess you might be a well adjusted person.

Seriously, Kozi is kicking my ass.

What hidden gems do you know of (along with where I can get them)?


678th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(1):off-topic: visual kei again" , posted Sat 27 Oct 16:16post reply

so I discovered by accident that Kozi's solo stuff is ridiculously awesome. Does anyone know where to get it? I need to get noir fleurir too...did the bassist ever do solo stuff? Ironically I like his voice way better than the main guy.

New Buck-Tick - didn't continue on from the last album, and didn't seem to have any real new hook either...kind of disappointing to me.

Just rediscovering Art Marju Duchain, which is kind of like the VK equivalent of Limbonic Art or mid-period Mortiis. If you don't know who any of those are, I guess you might be a well adjusted person.

Seriously, Kozi is kicking my ass.

What hidden gems do you know of (along with where I can get them)?

I'm no Malice Mizer fan so I although I know is differet, I haven't gotten into Közi's stuff. I've got a friend who likes him a lot. What are you looking for, his solo stuff or from Eve of Destiny? I can ask my friend for recommendations depending in your input.

As for Buck-Tick, if you're that dissapointed is because you haven't read interviews with Imai and Sakurai on the new albums' direction and what they wanted to do. But you could already get that from the singles anyways (Although I have to admit that Alice in Wonder Underground and the PV was confusing in that sense XD).

I really liked the album, minus the first song. It's not awesome but it has it's gems.

Noir Fleurir, I've never listened to them seriously, always thought of them as a funny bad band, but Omocha no miisha is just classic! Being a Spanish sevillanas influenced Visual Kei band was a plus as well.


4026th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):off-topic: visual kei again" , posted Sat 27 Oct 18:03:post reply

I'm no Malice Mizer fan so I although I know is differet, I haven't gotten into Közi's stuff. I've got a friend who likes him a lot. What are you looking for, his solo stuff or from Eve of Destiny? I can ask my friend for recommendations depending in your input.

As for Buck-Tick, if you're that dissapointed is because you haven't read interviews with Imai and Sakurai on the new albums' direction and what they wanted to do. But you could already get that from the singles anyways (Although I have to admit that Alice in Wonder Underground and the PV was confusing in that sense XD).

I really liked the album, minus the first song. It's not awesome but it has it's gems.

Noir Fleurir, I've never listened to them seriously, always thought of them as a funny bad band, but Omocha no miisha is just classic! Being a Spanish sevillanas influenced Visual Kei band was a plus as well.

Kozi - here's a bit - I'm looking for his solo stuff...try Que Sera Sera on that page.

No, I haven't read interviews about the new buck-tick, but I don't think it'd change my opinion. I know they always shed their skin, but this song just doesn't have anything different in it - reminds me of some of their old songs that I didn't like much, heh.

noir fleurir - yeah, well right now I'm finding those old bad bands quite a bit more entertaining than the new direction of VK that I've seen. Sooooooo yeah. Just scraping the archives.

as far as Kozi check this too - don't watch the video, just the song.

[this message was edited by exodus on Sat 27 Oct 18:05]

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(3):off-topic: visual kei again" , posted Sat 27 Oct 23:56post reply

Kozi's Catharsis album is superior than his Lokin roll album. But overall he has done great stuff. Really catchy.

I have almost everything by both bands ( Kozi and Noir Fleurir). So if you want, just ( and we can do buisness.

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679th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(4):off-topic: visual kei again" , posted Sun 28 Oct 05:58post reply

Regarding Buck-Tick, of course reading now the interviews is not going to change your opinion, but you would have been warned, or you would have known what was it going to be like. At least it wouldn't be a such a dissapointment.

Regarding Közi, good to know we've got someone in the know on board! You're always very helpful on the matter Evenor. I just tend to listen to more normal japanese rock bands, I don't know that many VK bands. Whatever, back on topic. That Curious Nuance song is actually very good! I heard Que sera sera too, that myspace link you gave doesn't work by the way. I liked Honey Vanity, don't remember if it was the original one, I guess that was it. At the same time I usually dislike artists singing with filterd or distorted voices, like trying to hide the fact they don't sing well, but Közi is actually decent when singing live!

Anyways, I think I've gotta check him out seriously.