Advance Wars: Days of Ruin - Forums

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Juke Joint Jezebel
3600th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Advance Wars: Days of Ruin" , posted Wed 7 Nov 16:58:post reply

Let's get more info here! Hut! Hut! Hut! Hut!

There's a trailer on IGN, along with some gameplay videos.

I spot new units and new artwork (finally). I'm wondering who survived the meteors (see trailer) if anyone did, or even if this takes place in the same world.

Also, a better version of the trailer.

And a very lovely review.

[this message was edited by Juke Joint Jezebel on Wed 7 Nov 17:32]


Time Mage
2607th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Advance Wars: Days of Ruin" , posted Wed 7 Nov 18:15post reply

Ah! Good to see another one excited about this.

For all the info compiled, go to Advance Wars Net. It has pretty detailed info on all the known new units, story, COs, etc.

It will have online battles! Now a 200% more life-consuming!

Dragon Kick your ass into the Milky Waaay~~ (Milky Waaaay)

1284th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Advance Wars: Days of Ruin" , posted Thu 8 Nov 12:22:post reply

Woah, wait, more ~ Wars? I think I played Game Boy Wars and Advance Wars and maybe even DS Wars, if it exists. I'm pretty sure it was always the same, in an awesome way, except each time with more cute avatar characters or something. And the last one I played had special limit break attacks or something. Gettin' murky. It was fun, though.

edit: woah, wait, again. What's with these depressing, realistic backgrounds and serious-looking helicopters? Whatever Wars I have played, it was the cartoony stuff I liked, sort of the antidote to all the grim American Command and Conquer-type strategy games. Hmmmmm.


[this message was edited by Maou on Thu 8 Nov 12:25]

1445th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):Advance Wars: Days of Ruin" , posted Thu 8 Nov 12:57post reply

Whatever Wars I have played, it was the cartoony stuff I liked, sort of the antidote to all the grim American Command and Conquer-type strategy games. Hmmmmm.

That's the way it was for the 3 more recent games (AW, AW2, AWDS), and then they decided to go for a change.

Actually, it's been pretty comical for a long time, but those never came out around here.

1285th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):Advance Wars: Days of Ruin" , posted Thu 8 Nov 13:05:post reply

Actually, it's been pretty comical for a long time, but those never came out around here.

So wait, the cartoony Wars have never been to the US? I don't know if I've played any of these in English (did the original Game Boy Wars even come out except in Japan?) so I don't know what's what...though I could have sworn I once played a GBA Advance Wars in English. When I think of this series, I think of cute li'l cartoon tanks, plus cartoon Generals who would pop on screen to gloat or cry when you attack more recently on GBA/DS. I have never owned any of them but played them a lot, which accounts for a bit of my hazy memory for what was on what platform.


[this message was edited by Maou on Thu 8 Nov 13:05]

1446th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(5):Advance Wars: Days of Ruin" , posted Thu 8 Nov 15:15post reply


So wait, the cartoony Wars have never been to the US?

Bad english on my part.

There HAVE BEEN cartoony Wars games that we haven't gotten, and those Wars games are indeed old... we're talking Famicom Wars (which is the first one in the series, I think) and Super Famicom Wars here.

Check out Super Famicom Wars... the intro alone is goofier than anything in any of the GBA/DS Wars games, and the way building capturing is presented is pretty awesome, too.

Juke Joint Jezebel
3600th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Advance Wars: Days of Ruin" , posted Fri 9 Nov 10:58post reply

The whole "Everyone is dead. This is not a fun and cartoony game anymore," kind of depresses me. Actually, it depresses me a lot. It takes away from the charm that led so many of us to this series in the first place. Unless this game takes place on a completely different world.

Either way, I wish they changed the name of it (like DS Wars or something similar) to address the difference, but I guess it'd be harder to attract people to a new game that's basically the old game with a different name. I guess.

If it does take place on the same world, I'm hoping to see some (unlockable) survivors appear throughout the story. Sonja leading the remnants of the Yellow Star army. Things like that. Little glimmers of hope in a dark new world.

However, the online battles sounds awesome. And I'm going to have to fight several of you with this new addition.

Juke Joint Jezebel
3601th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Advance Wars: Days of Ruin" , posted Fri 9 Nov 10:59post reply

The whole "Everyone is dead. This is not a fun and cartoony game anymore," kind of depresses me. Actually, it depresses me a lot. It takes away from the charm that led so many of us to this series in the first place. Unless this game takes place on a completely different world.

Either way, I wish they changed the name of it (like DS Wars or something similar) to address the difference, but I guess it'd be harder to attract people to a new game that's basically the old game with a different name. I guess.

If it does take place on the same world, I'm hoping to see some (unlockable) survivors appear throughout the story. Sonja leading the remnants of the Yellow Star army. Things like that. Little glimmers of hope in a dark new world.

However, the online battles sounds awesome. And I'm going to have to fight several of you with this new addition.

3600th Post 4LIFE

1286th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(7):Advance Wars: Days of Ruin" , posted Fri 9 Nov 11:02:post reply

The whole "Everyone is dead. This is not a fun and cartoony game anymore," kind of depresses me. Actually, it depresses me a lot.

yeah, I kinda agree. I feel like I get that so much already, especially in strategy games that aren't Civilization (which is to say, military strategy games). The ruined world setting's getting even more tiresome for me because of all the shooters for Xbox360, and this gloomy (and derivative as hell) post-apocalypse setting seems to be the weapon of choice for US game design. Blah. It was cool when used sparingly...the second half of Final Fantasy VI was the last cool post-apocalypse I saw, and that was 13 years ago.

3600th Post 4LIFE


[this message was edited by Maou on Fri 9 Nov 11:03]

1447th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(8):Advance Wars: Days of Ruin" , posted Fri 9 Nov 11:21post reply

It was cool when used sparingly...

While I too think it's a bit of a radical change, when I think of all the Advance Wars games, this is like... 1/4 of the set. But I don't find myself so off-put by the change simply because I wouldn't want to see AW stagnate. The core gameplay needs to be kept the same, so they've got to change other things, like the story.

Actually, it'd be really funny if it seemed like the post-apocalyptic setting was going to be grim, but it turns out just as cheery as any other Advance Wars. Apocalypse extravaganza in the crazy times, or some such.

Actually, I really just want mohawked thugs riding the new units, especially the motorcycle.

1286th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(9):Advance Wars: Days of Ruin" , posted Fri 9 Nov 12:09post reply

Actually, I really just want mohawked thugs riding the new units, especially the motorcycle.
If everyone can look like Johnny of the Robo Biker Gang in Chrono Trigger, I might still play this.


Time Mage
2610th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Advance Wars: Days of Ruin" , posted Fri 9 Nov 18:43post reply

While I too think it's a bit of a radical change, when I think of all the Advance Wars games, this is like... 1/4 of the set. But I don't find myself so off-put by the change simply because I wouldn't want to see AW stagnate. The core gameplay needs to be kept the same, so they've got to change other things, like the story.

Yeah, I agree with that. I was really disappointed too when I realized the cheery mood was going to disappear, but I know that deep inside, I play AW for the gameplay, so a change in the story and mood is not THAT bad.

In fact, I think they're trying to go in th Fire Emblem direction, with a bit more emphasis in the story, more "realism" in the setting, and more serious characters.

And JJJ, in an interview I don't remember its link (it's somewhere in Advance Wars Network, though), it was made pretty much clear that none of the old CO's would appear, even as unlockables. It's areal pity, and I will miss Sami A LOT, but well, at least all CO's will be new, meaning lots of things to adapt to, learn and use.

Dragon Kick your ass into the Milky Waaay~~ (Milky Waaaay)