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shindekudasai 173th Post
Regular Customer
| "Re(1):X-men:CotA" , posted Tue 13 Nov 21:40
quote: I'd really like to own this game for a home system. I've heard that all of the home versions for this game suck, in that they are missing a lot of the animation from the arcade version.
The version I'd be most likely to get is the Saturn version. Can anyone confirm if the Saturn version is worth getting or not? I am concerned about missing frames of animation, but if the Saturn version has enough of them intact, I'm thinking it might still be worth getting. In particular, how are things like Sentinel's fighting stance and Magneto's "shadow-hands".
And lastly, this game doesn't have any compatibility with the 4 mg memory expansion cart, right/
Never had this one on a console, but I did own the PC version and I don't remember it being any different than the arcade. I wish I still had it to compare, tho ... I'll see if I can find a torrent tonight, and get back to you.
Wither Blister Burn + Peel
Iron D 2806th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):X-men:CotA" , posted Sat 17 Nov 19:07
quote: Come to think of it, does MSH suffer from the same animation loss when it was brought over to home systems? I also wouldn't mind revisiting those games but I wouldn't want the home experience to be too jarring.
Well I use the RAM cart with my copy of MSH, and with that the animation is great, but there is still A LOT of slowdown. Definitely way more than there was in the arcade version. I still love the game though, and am just glad to have it on a home system.
And although the questions regarding it have been answered, I'll repeat that MvC2 was DEFINITELY missing frames of animation on characters from older games. The most obvious example of this would be Sentinel. Just look at his neutral stance. He's also missing his air down+roundhouse and his air down+fierce from X-men: CotA, which I suspect is due to animation limits as well.
So....the verdict here would be that the Saturn version won't satisfy an animation frame junkie like myself? If I can tolerate the amount of animation missing from the PSX ports of SFA2, SFA3, Vampire Saviour/Darkstalkers 3 and Pocket FIghter, but NOT the amount of animation missing from the PSX ports of the VS. games, can I tolerate the Saturn version of X-men: CotA?
JJWE 567th Post

New Red Carpet Member
| "Re(4):X-men:CotA" , posted Sat 17 Nov 22:21
quote: So....the verdict here would be that the Saturn version won't satisfy an animation frame junkie like myself? If I can tolerate the amount of animation missing from the PSX ports of SFA2, SFA3, Vampire Saviour/Darkstalkers 3 and Pocket FIghter, but NOT the amount of animation missing from the PSX ports of the VS. games, can I tolerate the Saturn version of X-men: CotA?
If you can tolerate the PSX cuts to Darkstalkers 3, then I definitely think you'll be able to stomach the Saturn port of CoTA.
As for the cuts in the latter VS games, they were definitely running out of storage space. Which was, as was already mentioned, the reason for the two different versions of Vampire Savior 2 and Vampire Hunter 2.
And when it comes to MVC2, I'd say that they kept the previous characters as is (ie. Spider-man retained his frame cuts from previous VS games) and the "new" characters got toned down where needed due to RAM limitations so they could fit all six of 'em in memory at once.
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CharlesProphony 48th Post

Rare Customer

| "Re(2):X-men:CotA" , posted Fri 30 Nov 00:23:
Makes me wonder why Marvel Super Heroes, with it's compatibility with the 4 meg cart, has so much slowdown in comparison. There's barely any slowdown in X-men: CotA.
One thing I think is : Lazy Job. The CotA was possibly totally reprogrammed to the systems, so the ram problem is a lesser problem because some extra tricks went to graphics transfer between the cd and the main graphics system. As for MSH, yes, it requires more memory to house those extra sprites and effects of the current fight, but doesn't explain the slowdowns, because with the extra memory of saturn, the game has all the sprites loaded already, and for a system which supports something like panzer dragoon rpg with all those textures floating around(saturn doesn't have a native power for 3d, so just think the 3d as lots and lots of 2d sprites being distorted and modified in real time(well, 3d is no more than this, but for the horse power of the saturn... it was a great barrier)... and there is the explaination of lots of game developers saying it was hard to make game to saturn.). Maybe the 4megRam was a new thing to capcom, and they rushed for this extra build...
[this message was edited by CharlesProphony on Fri 30 Nov 00:49] |