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Digitalboy 492th Post

Gold Customer
| "Re(5):KOF Xl U.S release ps2" , posted Thu 15 Nov 20:24
Oh, yeah, you are in Texas. I just remembered that. But damn, think about the parties we could have had.quote:
rofl, nah
Hagen and i went to a Gamestop here in Houston and the employees gave us a MYSTERIOUS NUMBER to call, saying that the people at this number had a copy of KOF XI. i called it, asking where they were. they gave me some street name. i asked what city, and they sounded puzzled. then i asked what state, and they thought it was a prank call
i want a copy of KOF XI, that's all
I don't know how to live But I've got alot of toys...
Juke Joint Jezebel 3605th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "<HATE MODE>" , posted Mon 19 Nov 16:08
quote: Variable Savior's lovely rant
truth. well, for the most part
in my opinion (and remember, my opinion's about as valuable as a pile of shit), Gamestop/EB breeds a type of asshole that you can only find working at their stores. how many times have i been yelled at for not preordering a game?
me - hey do you guys have [obscure game]? them - (after looking up the item) nope. -- oh wait, did you preorder it? me - no them - well, then! that's what happens! should've preordered it!
i've preordered countless games, so i can get whatever shitty item that comes with preordering, or so i can make sure that i can have a copy of a game, or for whatever other reason. and countless times, i've had my preordered game or my shitty item given away or sold. if my preordering doesn't reserve the item for me, then why am i wasting my fucking time?
how many times have i been talked down to or fed bullshit information about games? i know, i honestly feel for Gamestop/EB employees too, or at least i did at one point in my life. i know they're only human like you and me, or at least they once were. these idiots think they have all this fucking power, they think that they've inherited the knowledge of the gods simply because they work at a game store. fuck that
Variable Savior is right. i would so much rather tear apart a Best Buy or Circuit City with my bare hands to look for a game than deal with a Gamestop/EB employee
i've only met two or three Gamestop/EB clerks that have been genuinely nice or useful to me, so this obviously doesn't apply to all of them. but i guess if you rummage through enough shit, you'll eventually find a diamond or two. i guess
Undead Fred 2934th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):<HATE MODE>" , posted Tue 20 Nov 11:35
quote: It's not just EB Clerks though. The workforce seems to turn everyone (for instance waiters) into hateful assholes.
Well, it's not like they're making any money or have any benefits... if you're working one of those minimum wage jobs and aren't living with your parents, odds are you're also working at least one other crappy job somewhere else to pay for your run-of-the-mill apartment. I honestly don't care if people aren't grinning from ear to ear when I walk in the door at Walgreens because I've worked their job before, and it sucked. Just as long as they're not a giant dick and help me find whatever I've wandered into the store for, then I'm satisfied. I have the softest spot for waiters since they only make $2.13 an hour and the rest of their income is a Russian Roulette game in the hands of the customer. "Oh, I didn't know 10% was a horrible tip... I thought tip was already added to the check... You should have brought me my ranch dressing faster... I'm sorry, I knew I was going out to eat, but I didn't bring money to tip you..."
I don't depend on Gamestops and so forth for pretty much the reasons here. If I'm not getting a less-than-popular game, I can go to a Best Buy instead. I just about never pre-order since the games they harp on for pre-orders are popular enough to be found anywhere else. The bonuses I'm supposed to get are hardly ever there when I get my game (I was shocked that I got my Helena figure for pre-ordering DOAXVB 2). You've just gotta remember- unless there's something cool you MIGHT be getting in return for a pre-order other than the game, just ignore them and get it anywhere you like. They're basically just trying to guarantee a sale at their store and nothing more. You're not gonna have any issues digging up Bioshock on release day in any given store.
kofoguz 568th Post

New Red Carpet Member
| "Re(6):my advice to all" , posted Wed 28 Nov 09:31
quote: Magaki never gave me any trouble, but to me, SNK bosses are usually "hit or miss". Like, I've heard people complain about Omega Rugal, who I find tremendously easy, but hear very few complaints about Krizalid, who I find unbearably annoying (thanks to that damn suction axe kick).
Then you have just about every Samurai Spirits boss, who I find completely impossible unless I just jump up and down in the corner.
Krizalid is so easy, even if you only use fast Jumd+CD attack. That was my easiest kof boss ever. On the other hand Igniz. He is a total nightmare to me. He eats much more coins of mine than Mario would get from "everywhere is coin" stages, just for one ending.