Contra 4 - Forums

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Red Falcon
5983th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Contra 4" , posted Thu 15 Nov 11:41post reply

Incredibly cool and great soundtrack, but quite easy. Glad it isn't as silly as the site or manual "in-game"... more comments later.

Best site EVER:Link Here


58th Post

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"Re(1):Contra 4" , posted Thu 15 Nov 12:39post reply

Incredibly cool and great soundtrack, but quite easy. Glad it isn't as silly as the site or manual "in-game"... more comments later.

Are you playing on Normal or Hard?

Hagen de Merak
969th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):Contra 4" , posted Thu 15 Nov 13:29post reply

Incredibly cool and great soundtrack, but quite easy. Glad it isn't as silly as the site or manual "in-game"... more comments later.

send me the soundtrack, boy.

1289th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Contra 4" , posted Thu 15 Nov 13:40post reply

Incredibly cool and great soundtrack, but quite easy. Glad it isn't as silly as the site or manual "in-game"... more comments later.

I'm interested to hear too since I was so sceptical! And don't think I've forgotten our promised (?) duel at whatever arcade/LAN center exists in the DC area. 覚悟!


60th Post

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"Re(2):Contra 4" , posted Fri 16 Nov 03:03:post reply

send me the soundtrack, boy.

4 tracks can be downloaded right here.

[this message was edited by sfried on Fri 16 Nov 04:19]

Hagen de Merak
970th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(3):Contra 4" , posted Fri 16 Nov 04:30post reply

send me the soundtrack, boy.

4 tracks can be downloaded right here.

Good work.

56th Post

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"Re(1):Contra 4" , posted Fri 16 Nov 06:57post reply

Incredibly cool and great soundtrack, but quite easy. Glad it isn't as silly as the site or manual "in-game"... more comments later.

Sorry, Falcon, but I know you. You're a professional killer, as far as Contra is concerned. So I'm willing to bet that whatever you consider "Easy" translates to "will happily & utterly ream you several times up the rectum" for any lesser player. ;)

But any way, I've been enjoying the game so far. I like how they give you basically two slots for weapons, and you can stack weapons for even more kick-ass. If there's anything that ticks me off, it's pretty much what I expected: the dual screens give you a lot more to watch out for, and it can get annoying until you learn some patterns and layouts better.

Otherwise...quality game. I hope this game sells well enough, so that Konami will be interested in doing more business with WayForward in the future. Me wants a REAL Castlevania, with manly, Herculean-style Belmonts again! ^_^

Dokuganryu wa Date jya ne you see?

61th Post

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"Re(2):Contra 4" , posted Sat 17 Nov 11:31:post reply

Contra 4 comic pages by Atsushi Tsujimoto are up:

[this message was edited by sfried on Sat 17 Nov 17:45]

Burning Ranger
1532th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):Contra 4" , posted Sun 18 Nov 12:15post reply

Incredibly cool and great soundtrack, but quite easy. Glad it isn't as silly as the site or manual "in-game"... more comments later.

Wow! I missed the release of this game!!! Now I just have to figure out when I'll get it. Hmmmmm...

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

601th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):Contra 4" , posted Sun 18 Nov 22:30post reply

Will this game come out in Japan?

62th Post

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"Re(2):Contra 4" , posted Sun 25 Nov 02:27post reply

Haha, I considered myself a contra nut, but this game definitely took me by surprise. It will be more than challenging enough for the average gamer.

Burning Ranger
1538th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(3):Contra 4" , posted Sun 25 Nov 15:25post reply

Haha, I considered myself a contra nut, but this game definitely took me by surprise. It will be more than challenging enough for the average gamer.

This game is challenging. I'm almost tempted to say its annoyingly challenging. But it has the same classic gameplay and even has homages to the original game.

One more annoying thing:

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
It has a goddamn "SF2" message after finishing Stage 7 on easy mode. Play on a harder mode to see the last stage and the ending. :(

End of Spoiler

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

333th Post

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"Re(4):Contra 4" , posted Mon 26 Nov 23:41post reply

Outside of what people may think about Hard Corps this is the most brutally difficult Contra ever made. It's got nice extras and all, but the challenge factor is made into something like NES Battletoads because of the second screen. The gap in between screens along with a lot of enemies having random rather than defined AI patterns bosses included makes you rely more on luck rather than reflex.

Red Falcon
5984th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Contra 4" , posted Tue 27 Nov 00:52post reply

The gap in between screens along with a lot of enemies having random rather than defined AI patterns bosses included makes you rely more on luck rather than reflex.

While the gap between screens was (and still is) definately annoying, all the enemies do have patterns or tells that indicate what they are going to do. It's still all memorization, just play it a few times and you'll one CC it.

Best site EVER:Link Here

6th Post

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New Customer

"Re(6):Contra 4" , posted Tue 27 Nov 08:00post reply

Finally got to play it. Those guys at WayForward did an amazing job with this game. And while I don't think the gap between screens as a flaw, it did lead me to some dull mistakes at first. Still, it's kinda funny how the game suddenly gets easier after the first levels, specially after you get used to the gameplay.

Also, has anyone played Co-op yet? Impressions?

1451th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(7):Contra 4" , posted Tue 27 Nov 09:50post reply

Finally got to play it. Those guys at WayForward did an amazing job with this game. And while I don't think the gap between screens as a flaw, it did lead me to some dull mistakes at first. Still, it's kinda funny how the game suddenly gets easier after the first levels, specially after you get used to the gameplay.

Also, has anyone played Co-op yet? Impressions?

Co-op is sometimes very slightly laggy... but the real nuisance is when you mysteriously lose connection and then it's instant and irrevocable game over for both players.

That aside, co-op adds as much to Contra 4 as it adds to any other Contra.

That and griefing the other player with the tram thing in stage 1 is great. I'm not just talking about shooting down the platforms he's about to jump onto, it seems you can kill him OUTRIGHT by shooting him.

69th Post

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"Re(8):Contra 4" , posted Tue 27 Nov 14:47:post reply

Another track (the pre-release music heard in the videos/official website) has now been made available via Mark Bozon's blog (brother of the head of WayForward).

[this message was edited by sfried on Tue 27 Nov 15:16]