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TreIII 58th Post

Occasional Customer
| "Re(7):Random news : winter thread" , posted Sun 18 Nov 05:04:
quote: Also, in today's Basara X location test, all characters were usable. FINALLY.
A new loke test? And all characters?
Where was this? And more importantly...where have I been...?
My question though, is...does this mean that the game is still on schedule, or is that Spring release that am-net reported like a month ago still in effect? I mean, if it will make for a better game, then go right ahead, ASW. But all the same, the rest of us mere mortals who don't stand to get a chance to play the Arcade release will be left to wait for the PS2 port, and that can take any where from 6-12 months down the road...
Dokuganryu wa Date jya ne you see?
[this message was edited by TreIII on Sun 18 Nov 05:20] |
Iggy 8249th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(8):Random news : winter thread" , posted Sun 18 Nov 06:45:
quote: Where was this? And more importantly...where have I been...?
There. I don't know about the second part of your question, though.
quote: My question though, is...does this mean that the game is still on schedule, or is that Spring release that am-net reported like a month ago still in effect?
EDIT for clarity : I think spring is a reasonable date.
Either way, Tadakatsu is the same monster as it was in the last test (well, except the bug), but somehow Uesugi grossly overpowers him. He hits hard, fast, and freezes. Some guy had over 100 straight wins with him, and finally got beaten by... another Uesugi, for another endless string of ownage. At least they took care of the swarm of Yukimura fangirls. Ichi sucks. Maybe she needs a lot of practice ? I don't know what hidden magical one-button-win move could make her survive 15 seconds against Hondam or Kenshinsama. Maybe her counter move? Doubtful. Oda is nothing to write home about, beside an insanely powerful super antiair. Toyotomi is a joke.
Oh, and the cryptic yusa nikki somehow seems to indicate the statuquo about 98UM is finally resolved, and an arcade version of the game could be released...? Hard to read through it. To say the least, there is no PS2 version coming before the end of January.
I've heard pretty bad things about Capcom's Fate game, but what was I doing talking to Fate ota anyway.
[this message was edited by Iggy on Sun 18 Nov 06:47] |
exodus 4031th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(6):Random news : winter thread" , posted Fri 23 Nov 16:41
quote: I dunno...did you get to play the game "properly"? If you don't know what you're doing, then I can see the game being boring. It takes like... a good hour just to get the basics. The combo system is actually pretty decent and your success is highly dependent on strategy.
no, I didn't, and if a game doesn't hook me right away, there are 5 more games waiting to be played. nothing I was doing during the time I played it, imperfect conditions or otherwise, compelled me to touch it again. It's basically 'too japanese' for me at this point, that is to say instead of showing me why it was cool, it expected me to figure that out simply because it's there.
maybe the full experience is better, and I'd be willing to give it another half hour or so, but beyond that, I mean...I still haven't played Okami, Zack & Wiki, Shadow of the Colossus (for more than 15 minutes), Yakuza, Call of Duty 4, Halo 3, Mass Effect, or Dead Rising. And these are all games I own! And I'm only 20% of the way through BioShock. Unfortunately that skews me even further away from thinking of picking up a game that's designed that way.
Pollyanna 2373th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(7):Random news : winter thread" , posted Fri 23 Nov 21:16
quote: LIES ! Pollyanna never sweats ! She never sneezes, and never has to go to the bathroom ! LIES I TELL YOU !
No no, I sweat, but just a little. Then I toss my hair and the tiny droplets of sweat glitter in the sunlight.
I sneeze, too, but I always cover my mouth and make an adorable little "Chu!"
But the bathroom...no. I don't ever do that.
As for Guilty Gear, I think reviewers could rightfully say both:
"It's a fast-pased, genre-defying thrill ride with a system that stays fresh for hours"
"It's an overwhelming overcomplicated disaster that's not worth half the time it demands from you."
I don't buy "Musou clone" though.
Still, it might not be worth my time, or anyone's time. I don't really know. I could keep playing it, then eventually find out that once you understand it, you understand that it's not worth understanding.
I always thought of Guilty Gear more like...I dunno...a trap or something. Like, you play for a while and you "get it"...and you think you're good, and then you realize you're not doing anything right and you probably never will. I've probably put 300+ hours into various GG games and I still suck. I'm doubt I'm even "okay" by GG standards.
Maese Spt 399th Post

Silver Customer
| "uncanny bukkake otoko" , posted Sun 16 Dec 21:18
And now, for something totally random different.
(quoted from Kitsuno in Samurai-archives)
quote: Coffee Bukkake Man Arrested
A man has been arrested in Numazu, Shizuoka Prefecture for assaulting 5 schoolgirls with coffee via drive-by spitting attacks. Here’s a report from Asahi TV:
The spitter, who was nicknamed “Coffee Bukkake Man” [コーヒーぶっかけ男] by locals, had carried out 5 attacks since the end of October. All of his victims were junior high school or high school girls wearing their uniforms, and all of the attacks involved spitting coffee onto their faces from his car window. His final attack took place on December 7th, when a 16-year-old schoolgirl he spit on was able to come to her senses quickly enough to spot his license plate number and memorize it. This led to the arrest of 26 year-old Yoshiro Sumiyama, who admitted attacking the girls. Sumiyama told police that he was irritated after having been dumped by a woman and carried out the spitting attacks to relieve some stress.
Land of wonders, where we live, indeed.
 マツケン サンバ!!!!