I love Japan, I hate Japan... - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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The Droogo
286th Post

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Copper Customer

"I love Japan, I hate Japan..." , posted Thu 29 Nov 11:43:post reply

Japan have give me a lot, I mean it. Since I was a child I used to play video games and watch anime. Later in my teenagehood, I got HENTAI JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! and it started to open my imagination and me tolerance to any kind of really weird Doujinshi.
Japan have also showed me what that really cinema means and for this I have to thanks to Naomi Kawase,Akira Kurosowa,Kinji Fakasuku, Takeshi Kitano, Takashi Miike, Hayao Miyazaki, Katsujiro Otomo, Shunji Iwai and others that I dont remember, all of them showed me how infinite imagination can be.
But sadly I found this on youtube looking for some death note cosplayer


that really made me feel sick.
Please! Can somebody explain this to me?
Fucking hell
How is this possible...

O ra o ra!

[this message was edited by The Droogo on Fri 30 Nov 06:04]


1296th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):I love Japan, I hate Japan..." , posted Thu 29 Nov 12:04post reply



350th Post

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"Re(1):I love Japan, I hate Japan..." , posted Thu 29 Nov 12:25post reply

Japan have give a lot, I mean it. Since when I was a child I used to play video games and watch anime. Later in my teenagehood, I got HENTAI JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! and started to open my imagination and me tolerance to any kind of really weird Doujinshi.
Japan have also showed me what really means cinema and for his I have to say thanxs to Naomi Kawase,Akira Kurosowa,Kinji Fakasuku, Takeshi Kitano, Takashi Miike, Hayao Miyazaki, Katsujiro Otomo, Shunji Iwai and others that I dont remember, all of them they showed me how far imagination can be infinite.
But sadly I found this on youtube looking for some death note cosplayer


that really made me feel sick.
Please! Can somebody explain this to me?
Fucking hell
How is this possible...

That's pretty ..ehyagh... least it wasn't something straight out of or related to scat or something to that nature. I don't know what to tell you. I don't know what in right mind would lead to that. Not touching this one with a 10 foot pole.

This song is so true

204th Post

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"Re(1):I love Japan, I hate Japan..." , posted Thu 29 Nov 13:17:post reply

I think you've put Japan on too high of a pedestal. Like how a lot of ppl do with vag, mentors, ideas, brands, etc.

All those wondrous things you have mentioned can be found anywhere in the world along with equally plentiful WTFIT shit. But historically in any part of the world, young=better.

[this message was edited by Black_Hayato on Thu 29 Nov 13:19]

70th Post

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"Re(2):I love Japan, I hate Japan..." , posted Thu 29 Nov 13:23post reply


South Bronx Monopoly?

351th Post

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"Re(2):I love Japan, I hate Japan..." , posted Thu 29 Nov 13:29post reply

I think you've put Japan on too high of a pedestal. Like how a lot of ppl do with vag, mentors, ideas, brands, etc.

All those wondrous things you have mentioned can be found anywhere in the world along with equally plentiful WTFIT shit. But historically in any part of the world, young=better.

That is true indeed. It would be unfair to say it is culture cause anywhere can be said the same.

This song is so true

The Droogo
283th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(2):I love Japan, I hate Japan..." , posted Thu 29 Nov 13:31post reply

I think you've put Japan on too high of a pedestal. Like how a lot of ppl do with vag, mentors, ideas, brands, etc.

All those wondrous things you have mentioned can be found anywhere in the world along with equally plentiful WTFIT shit. But historically in any part of the world, young=better.

Japan is in my pedestal yet, but people like you make the world what it is now
cheers pendejito

O ra o ra!

4046th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):I love Japan, I hate Japan..." , posted Thu 29 Nov 13:33post reply

japanese cinema? it's among the poorest in the world, I should say.

Undead Fred
2943th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):I love Japan, I hate Japan..." , posted Thu 29 Nov 15:49post reply

Japan is in my pedestal yet, but people like you make the world what it is now
cheers pendejito


Not sure why you're calling him names... People that point out that every culture has its weird side aren't the people who "make the world what it is now." You should have gone the extra mile and called him "Hitler" and "racist" since those would have made as much sense and have been just as appropriate.

Unless you've never been on the internet before, you've got a pretty decent idea of how crazy human beings really are. Japan's got weird stuff, the US has weird stuff, Russia has weird stuff, Spain has weird stuff... Every nation's got their Furry/ grown-up man baby fetish/ scat/ horrifying cross-dressers mixed into the population. Just because someone tells you you shouldn't put some particular culture on a pedestal of perfection doesn't make them RACIST BIGOT HITLER. He's just saying that everything's got a bad side to it, regardless of how much you like their video games or music or candy or whatever.

8260th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):I love Japan, I hate Japan..." , posted Thu 29 Nov 19:14post reply

Major spoiler :

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Sometimes, japanese people also take a crap.

End of Spoiler

999th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):I love Japan, I hate Japan..." , posted Thu 29 Nov 20:10:post reply

the things people will do for money and fame, lulz

i'm looking at you kikkoken

[this message was edited by Oroch on Thu 29 Nov 20:13]

1608th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):I love Japan, I hate Japan..." , posted Thu 29 Nov 20:21post reply

Major spoiler :


2263th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):I love Japan, I hate Japan..." , posted Thu 29 Nov 22:11post reply

This isn't a new problem, rather this is the new western-influenced perspective on it that turns it into a problem. It's always been there. In my classic J-literature class I was shocked to find that there was so much pedophilia, homosexuality and homosexual pedophilia. And then we started reading!

Maese Spt
390th Post

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"hay guyz, what's going on?" , posted Thu 29 Nov 23:42:post reply

So, can you explain me what's so outrageus in that video? I found its contents loliciously perfectly accetable.

Iggy's spoiler

But Pollyana doesn't!

マツケン サンバ!!!!

[this message was edited by Maese Spt on Thu 29 Nov 23:43]

435th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(1):I love Japan, I hate Japan..." , posted Fri 30 Nov 01:09post reply

I think the problem here is not that it exists... as it's been pointed out, this kind of stuff (and worse, really) exists in every country or culture.

What's shocking and sad is that this is openly available to the public without anyone wincing a bit. It just show how different values can be from one place to another.

Japan is obviously more open to this kind of stuff than most other western countries.

The fact that the report is from a japanese TV show is showing however that not everyone likes this.


3007th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):I love Japan, I hate Japan..." , posted Fri 30 Nov 01:19post reply

I cant understand...

Related sky-is-falling link.

The Droogo
284th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(4):I love Japan, I hate Japan..." , posted Fri 30 Nov 02:08post reply

japanese cinema? it's among the poorest in the world, I should say.

then you donīt know too much about cinema

O ra o ra!

The Droogo
285th Post

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Copper Customer

"TRAPANATION" , posted Fri 30 Nov 02:26post reply



Not sure why you're calling him names... People that point out that every culture has its weird side aren't the people who "make the world what it is now." You should have gone the extra mile and called him "Hitler" and "racist" since those would have made as much sense and have been just as appropriate.

Unless you've never been on the internet before, you've got a pretty decent idea of how crazy human beings really are. Japan's got weird stuff, the US has weird stuff, Russia has weird stuff, Spain has weird stuff... Every nation's got their Furry/ grown-up man baby fetish/ scat/ horrifying cross-dressers mixed into the population. Just because someone tells you you shouldn't put some particular culture on a pedestal of perfection doesn't make them RACIST BIGOT HITLER. He's just saying that everything's got a bad side to it, regardless of how much you like their video games or music or candy or whatever.

I think nobody notice that we are talking of children from 14 years till , god damit, 10 years old. young=better? Cīmon guys I think itīs reasonable 16, 17, 18 years, but 10??? WTF?
We are talking about people even in their 40 who buy those magazines to see Childrens in bikini!
I donīt know, but call me whatever you like, close minded or ignorant, but those kind of people are the ones who spread and ask for child pornography on the net. Any country in the world, with their respective cultures, have people who really believes and think reasonably that Child explotation is not right(even in Japan XD).
I think Iīm going to buy some grass, I got quite stress hereb jejeje

O ra o ra!

959th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):TRAPANATION" , posted Fri 30 Nov 03:14:post reply

I think the fundamental problem is the Japanese male sensibility that having sex with a woman who has given birth is undesirable.

I think Japanese people (especially married ones) need to have more sex.

One thing is for sure, being a Gaijin in Japan is incredibly fun, because you get all the benefits, but don't suffer from any of the real "issues" that plague Japanese society. It's like a ticket to Disneyland, as long as you don't do something really dumb, you're fine.

Of course, you're never truly accepted as "Japanese", but who cares? As long as you have friends that accept you for who you are!

Play to win.

[this message was edited by KTallguy on Fri 30 Nov 03:15]

4047th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):I love Japan, I hate Japan..." , posted Fri 30 Nov 03:20post reply

then you donīt know too much about cinema

hmmm...well I do happen to have a film degree. The country only has three good living directors. That's not very many.

8262th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):I love Japan, I hate Japan..." , posted Fri 30 Nov 04:20post reply

The country only has three good living directors. That's not very many.

That's 4 more than I can think of !

352th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(6):I love Japan, I hate Japan..." , posted Fri 30 Nov 04:27post reply

then you donīt know too much about cinema

hmmm...well I do happen to have a film degree. The country only has three good living directors. That's not very many.

Wow you got a film degree? Thats really cool

This song is so true

4048th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):I love Japan, I hate Japan..." , posted Fri 30 Nov 11:23post reply

The country only has three good living directors. That's not very many.

That's 4 more than I can think of !


and to catalyst - yah, I do, but I write for games instead!

Undead Fred
2945th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):TRAPANATION" , posted Fri 30 Nov 11:42post reply

I think nobody notice that we are talking of children from 14 years till , god damit, 10 years old. young=better? Cīmon guys I think itīs reasonable 16, 17, 18 years, but 10??? WTF?
We are talking about people even in their 40 who buy those magazines to see Childrens in bikini!
I donīt know, but call me whatever you like, close minded or ignorant, but those kind of people are the ones who spread and ask for child pornography on the net. Any country in the world, with their respective cultures, have people who really believes and think reasonably that Child explotation is not right(even in Japan XD).
I think Iīm going to buy some grass, I got quite stress hereb jejeje

No, I think you missed his point, which is that you were shocked that there was a loli fetish in the Japanese culture. He told you you shouldn't put them on a pedestal because they've got crazy weird fetishes just like the rest of the world and you called him names. His comment about "younger = better" wasn't saying "WHOOPIE I LOVE EXPLOITATION"... He was saying that you're gonna see things like that the loli stuff elsewhere in the world as well because people like youth, and some people take it to an extreme and you get that sort of a thing as a result. He wasn't approving of it, just pointing it out.

Maese Spt
394th Post

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"JRAPANATION" , posted Fri 30 Nov 11:47:post reply

I think nobody notice that we are talking of children from 14 years till , god damit, 10 years old. young=better? Cīmon guys I think itīs reasonable 16, 17, 18 years, but 10??? WTF?
We are talking about people even in their 40 who buy those magazines to see Childrens in bikini!
I donīt know, but call me whatever you like, close minded or ignorant, but those kind of people are the ones who spread and ask for child pornography on the net. Any country in the world, with their respective cultures, have people who really believes and think reasonably that Child explotation is not right(even in Japan XD).
I think Iīm going to buy some grass, I got quite stress hereb jejeje

Droogo haets loli :(

マツケン サンバ!!!!

[this message was edited by Maese Spt on Fri 30 Nov 11:57]

Undead Fred
2946th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):JRAPANATION" , posted Fri 30 Nov 15:34post reply

Droogo haets loli :(

And loli haet pizza. :(

816th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):TRAPANATION" , posted Tue 4 Dec 15:40post reply


... call me whatever you like, close minded or ignorant, but those kind of people are the ones who spread and ask for child pornography on the net.

Can I call you both? Everybody knows that menstruation ruins the fun. Some look to be reluctant to admit it, though...

And stop smoking that shit, that's probably the cause of your highly altered moral scope about lolicon...

1143th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(3):I love Japan, I hate Japan..." , posted Tue 4 Dec 19:19post reply

the things people will do for money and fame, lulz

i'm looking at you kikkoken

Hey, I've never gotten any money by foul means (so they told me anyway). And whatever fame I've got I owe to my natural sexiness, which I can't repress.
I'm looking at you now, Oroch!

1421th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):I love Japan, I hate Japan..." , posted Wed 5 Dec 04:42post reply

Recently I realised that if you said something was "popular" and "booming" in Japan, everybody would believe it no matter how weird it is.

I heard that it is very popular among the Japanese to perform the secret masturbation technique "onacool" where you put ice packs on your inner thighs before doing it. Apparently it works on both genders and all the Japanese youth are doing it.

Also a reliable source said that it's normal in Japan to take cold refrigerated konnyaku jelly and slap their asses with a "pechin pechin" sound while completely naked, because it feels great apparently.

76th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(5):I love Japan, I hate Japan..." , posted Thu 6 Dec 01:53post reply

Aren't women also part of the problem for making their appearence younger (clothing, plastic surgery)? But then again this is totally open to debate from feminists - who don't seem to have a firm grasp of a collective opinion. I am just sick of men being blamed for all of the worlds problems. If you don't want to be treated as a whore, then don't dress as one. From my experience there are alot of girls who find this way of life "sexually empowering". Where is the responsibility?

1300th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(6):I love Japan, I hate Japan..." , posted Thu 6 Dec 10:49post reply

Aren't women also part of the problem for making their appearence younger (clothing, plastic surgery)? .......... I am just sick of men being blamed for all of the worlds problems. If you don't want to be treated as a whore, then don't dress as one.

Please. This isn't the board for it, but this talk sounds reminds me of the kind that blames rape victims for daring to dress how they want outside. Maybe the people treating them as whores are a problem too, perhaps? Could it be the desire to look younger is bred not simply by female fashion but by male desire (perceived or real)? Anyway, this thread isn't really of the caliber to go into this anyway, I guess...I think the giant monopoly dice in post two say it all.


77th Post

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"Re(7):I love Japan, I hate Japan..." , posted Thu 6 Dec 19:06post reply

...daring to dress how they want outside.

So I suppose 10 yr old girls in g-strings is daring to be bold. I guess there's a fine line between dressing w/ confidence and dressing to get attention.

Also, when the dad was photographing his own daughter - what did mom do about it? Well I guess nothing... maybe she died or something. And perhaps there is an epidemic of moms dying early on their daughters so the men all exploit their children.

8266th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):I love Japan, I hate Japan..." , posted Thu 6 Dec 20:27post reply

If you don't want to be treated as a whore, then don't dress as one.

Indeed. That's why someone created the hijab.

4051th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):I love Japan, I hate Japan..." , posted Fri 7 Dec 04:18post reply


Indeed. That's why someone created the hijab.


1303th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(9):I love Japan, I hate Japan..." , posted Fri 7 Dec 09:42post reply


Indeed. That's why someone created the hijab.


Heh, now this thread is back on track.


The Droogo
286th Post

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Copper Customer

"Behave people" , posted Thu 13 Dec 07:02post reply


... call me whatever you like, close minded or ignorant, but those kind of people are the ones who spread and ask for child pornography on the net.

Can I call you both? Everybody knows that menstruation ruins the fun. Some look to be reluctant to admit it, though...

And stop smoking that shit, that's probably the cause of your highly altered moral scope about lolicon...

Yes, you can call me both if you have the guts to write it straight on the board. nothing personal, but I hope youīll never have children of your own, at least not girls.
What do you mean menstruation ruins the fun?
I really donīt get it, or are you telling me that you like to get fun with girls who have not menstruation yet?
I like gothic, lolita and cosplayers, but most of them, I like WOMEN dreesing like that or at least 18 up.

Weed doesnīt have anything to do with my moral...by the way...Iīm going to smoke some

O ra o ra!

972th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(6):I love Japan, I hate Japan..." , posted Thu 13 Dec 08:05:post reply

If you don't want to be treated as a whore, then don't dress as one.

Let me guess, women who drink are totally begging to get raped, too?

edit: I know I shouldn't be dragging the thread back in this direction but holy shit that is a disgusting comment to make.

[this message was edited by Grave on Thu 13 Dec 08:07]

233th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(7):I love Japan, I hate Japan..." , posted Thu 13 Dec 13:28post reply


Let me guess, women who drink are totally begging to get raped, too?

It depends... what are they wearing?

4335th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):I love Japan, I hate Japan..." , posted Thu 13 Dec 15:20post reply


It depends... what are they wearing?

They are men in disguise, they always are

The only evil of the word; is the one in the heart of mens

966th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(9):I love Japan, I hate Japan..." , posted Thu 13 Dec 15:58post reply


Watch and learn.

Play to win.