Newest Movie Thread. Chun-Li casted. - Forums

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"Newest Movie Thread. Chun-Li casted." , posted Sat 22 Dec 08:22post reply

Kristin Kreuk

My secret shame is that I watch Smallville and it has absolutely sucked this last season. However, Lana Lang, Kreuk's character has been pretty bad for the last couple. I am not too sure if this is because of Kreuk's acting ability or just the bad writing that has surrounded her character (she was the reincarnation of a witch that had really bad Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Kung Fu skills).


dr baghead
3739th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Newest Movie Thread. Chun-Li casted." , posted Sat 22 Dec 11:05post reply

So are people still pretending this is going to be "better" then the VanDamme Street Fighter? Cuz I reckon it ain't

Oh well, more SF media means more attention to SF, more attention to SF means the SOTA toys might not die, which means I might just get a better in-scale Dan yet. (The one in my tag doesn't count)

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)
my silly little drawin's

2275th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Newest Movie Thread. Chun-Li casted." , posted Sun 23 Dec 03:01post reply

Looking forward to KK getting kicked in the face!

3021th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Newest Movie Thread. Chun-Li casted." , posted Sun 23 Dec 03:57post reply

How David Carradine of them!

236th Post

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"Re(4):Newest Movie Thread. Chun-Li casted." , posted Sun 23 Dec 04:25post reply

How David Carradine of them!

Kristen Kreuk IS actually half Chinese while David Carradine merely played one on TV.

Variable Savior
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"Re(3):Newest Movie Thread. Chun-Li casted." , posted Sun 23 Dec 04:29post reply

Looking forward to KK getting kicked in the face!

Kyosuke Kagami?!?? Ohhh, in that case I can't wait either!

Blood marks heaven's path

Dr Baghead
3740th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Half as good!" , posted Sun 23 Dec 06:21post reply

Kristen Kreuk IS actually half Chinese

How lucky for Hollywood for halflings!! Why bother casting a full chinese actress to play a full chinese character when they can cast what basically amounts to a white girl, giving American audiences the safety and comfort of seeing someone "they can relate to" on screen but still having just enough ethnic to be able to say "We totally cast someone of Chinese ancestory!"

when I'm 60 I'm totally gonna play the Half-Chinese card too so I can get all the prime Pat Morita-esque roles. "He's sorta Chinese so it's not racist to have him say 'Confusious say man rike liver: He no no whele going but he dammed if he no get thele!' but he's just white enough the movie will still play in the South!!"

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)
my silly little drawin's

1320th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Half as good!" , posted Sun 23 Dec 06:36post reply

Seriously. Remember how long it took for white people to stop playing Chinese/Japanese/etc. characters in historical dramas?

I mean, in the good old days of Lawrence of Arabia, at least you had a golden god like Alec Guiness playing an Arab chieftan, but still.


Count Hihihi
69th Post

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"Re(1):Half as good!" , posted Sun 23 Dec 08:42post reply

While I understand whining about another SF flick to crush the dreams of fanbois, I don't understand whining about how an actress that actually looks like Chun-Li is a bad choice just because she's not 100% chinese. Yeah, Chun-Li looks so damn chinese in the games and official art. Just like Ryu looks like a typical japanese guy.


2400th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Half as good!" , posted Sun 23 Dec 09:48post reply

While I understand whining about another SF flick to crush the dreams of fanbois, I don't understand whining about how an actress that actually looks like Chun-Li is a bad choice just because she's not 100% chinese. Yeah, Chun-Li looks so damn chinese in the games and official art. Just like Ryu looks like a typical japanese guy.

I agree to a point, especially considering that the original casting options included non-Chinese people...which is just...kind of offensive.

And while I agree that Ryu doesn't look like a TYPICAL Japanese guy, I'd say he looks decidedly Japanese in much of the art. SFZ stuff obviously excluded.

The real question is how satisfied are people with the Street Fighter: The Later Years castings?

980th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(3):Half as good!" , posted Sun 23 Dec 15:42post reply

The real question is how satisfied are people with the Street Fighter: The Later Years castings?

I thought Blanka was spot on.

Play to win.

436th Post

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"Re(1):Half as good!" , posted Tue 25 Dec 01:42post reply

Kristen Kreuk IS actually half Chinese

How lucky for Hollywood for halflings!! Why bother casting a full chinese actress to play a full chinese character when they can cast what basically amounts to a white girl, giving American audiences the safety and comfort of seeing someone "they can relate to" on screen but still having just enough ethnic to be able to say "We totally cast someone of Chinese ancestory!"

when I'm 60 I'm totally gonna play the Half-Chinese card too so I can get all the prime Pat Morita-esque roles. "He's sorta Chinese so it's not racist to have him say 'Confusious say man rike liver: He no no whele going but he dammed if he no get thele!' but he's just white enough the movie will still play in the South!!"

Actually, since Chun-li doesn't look even half-chinese to begin with, I think the casting director made a good choice. Casting a full-chinese actress would make sense, of course, but she would not look as close to the character art from the game.

I mean, let's be serious, if you take any art of chun-li without her classic outfit, there's no way you can tell she's chinese.


8296th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Half as good!" , posted Tue 25 Dec 02:56post reply

I mean, let's be serious, if you take any art of chun-li without her classic outfit, there's no way you can tell she's chinese.

Well, she DID learn one chinese word for SF3... That must count for something ?

237th Post

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"Re(2):Half as good!" , posted Wed 26 Dec 04:23post reply


I mean, let's be serious, if you take any art of chun-li without her classic outfit, there's no way you can tell she's chinese.

I think Capcom does a good job of conveying race. Chunli definitely looks Asian, as do Ryu, Yun and Yang. Same with Zangief, Hugo and Guile, they all are definitely white.

A funny thing happens when you discuss race and drawings, you have to ask yourself how does someone look like a particular race? And then you have to realize this means different things for different people.

Most cartoon characters, even the detailed ones, generally just look like human beings rather than a particular race. And most good looking people tend to share similar features across all races.

For as long as I can remember, I thought all the people in the Manga and Anime i watched looked Asian (like me) because Asian = template human. Heck, i thought most of the X-men were Asian because of the way Jim Lee drew them.

Anyway, maybe Chunli doesn't look Chinese to you, but she does to me because I've met lots of good looking athletic Chinese girls that do look like her. But then, if you've only met frumpy chubby Asian American girls, you probably wouldn't think they looked anything like Chunli. Just like how Bruce Wayne looks nothing like the typical husky American.

Count Hihihi
70th Post

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"Re(3):Half as good!" , posted Wed 26 Dec 08:57post reply


For as long as I can remember, I thought all the people in the Manga and Anime i watched looked Asian (like me) because Asian = template human. Heck, i thought most of the X-men were Asian because of the way Jim Lee drew them.

Oh, I hated the X-men movies because the actors were not real mutants. I felt cheated. Same thing with Jurassic Park. Not real dinosaurs. How can we accept something like that?


238th Post

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"Re(4):Half as good!" , posted Wed 26 Dec 17:36post reply


Oh, I hated the X-men movies because the actors were not real mutants. I felt cheated. Same thing with Jurassic Park. Not real dinosaurs. How can we accept something like that?

Babe was an excellent movie. It had real farm animals.

2402th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Half as good!" , posted Wed 26 Dec 18:05post reply


Oh, I hated the X-men movies because the actors were not real mutants. I felt cheated. Same thing with Jurassic Park. Not real dinosaurs. How can we accept something like that?

Yeah, and since Chinese women are as hard to come by as living dinosaurs and super-powered mutants, who can blame them for not using a real Chinese woman?

And why should they? Chun Li doesn't look Chinese, anyway. Actually, she looks more like an illustration to me, so maybe they should do like they did with the dinosaurs and make her out of CG or animatronics!

8297th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Half as good!" , posted Wed 26 Dec 20:11post reply

Actually, she looks more like an illustration to me, so maybe they should do like they did with the dinosaurs and make her out of CG or animatronics!

I'd pay to see that movie.

Just a Person
1026th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(5):Half as good!" , posted Thu 27 Dec 01:05post reply


Oh, I hated the X-men movies because the actors were not real mutants. I felt cheated. Same thing with Jurassic Park. Not real dinosaurs. How can we accept something like that?


Yeah, and since Chinese women are as hard to come by as living dinosaurs and super-powered mutants, who can blame them for not using a real Chinese woman?

And why should they? Chun Li doesn't look Chinese, anyway. Actually, she looks more like an illustration to me, so maybe they should do like they did with the dinosaurs and make her out of CG or animatronics!

Hah, great answer, Polly!!

Yeah, I was also shocked... WTH is up with the producers of this movie to cast Kristin Kreuk to act as Chun-Li?? I mean, surely they can find other actresses that look more Asian than her (and that fight better than her... oh, and that ACT BETTER than her as well). Unless Zhang Ziyi, Lucy Liu, Ming-Na, Michelle Yeoh and every other Asian-related actresses (even the unknown ones) were sick or didn't want to act in this movie, that's really not a wise decision...

I was actually hopeful that Chun-Li's movie would have some quality, unlike Van Damme's one. But now... okay, there are many other things that can guarantee a good movie, but the lead actress is a pretty important part of it. And from what I saw in Smallville, Kreuk isn't exactly great in acting...

I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!

dr baghead
3742th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Half as good!" , posted Thu 27 Dec 05:39post reply

Oh, I hated the X-men movies because the actors were not real mutants. I felt cheated. Same thing with Jurassic Park. Not real dinosaurs. How can we accept something like that?

It seems like you want a different discuss then everyone else is having.

I point out that because Kreuk is half-Chinese people can pretend she's not horribly miscast (when you think 'kung-fu action cop' do you think 'Lana Lang'?) and Nobinobita points out he thinks Chun-Li looks asian and that art shouldn't determine how a character is portrayed in film (because yeah, to back him up, I've seen a LOT of Japanese looking Wolverines in comics.)

You however seem to take both of those as "OMFG! YOU CAN'T NOT CAST A PERSON OF THE EXACT ETHNIC MAKE-UP AS A CHARACTER!!!!" which they're clearly not.

I don't know if you're just not reading the comments or just want to rant about THOSE kinds of fanboys and are comments were close enough to launch your triaids but it's stupid.

You know what the best parts of Daredevil were?! African-American Kingpin and Irish Bullseye. The best X-Men?! Scottish Nightcrawler, Austrailian Wolverine, Flabby Old Guy Beast, and English Prof X and Juggernaugt. Every movie Guiermo Del Torro has made has been excellent even though I'm 99% sure those weren't a real blood sucky magic bug, ghost boy, Hellboy, OR Faun. And for everything wrong with the Van Damme Street Fighter, I still think it's HILLARIOUS in the good way!

I'm all for casting someone of a different ethnic make up then a fictional character (especially if the fictional character is something bizarre like "1/2 eskimo, 1/4 African, 1/8 Korean, 1/8 White") as long as they FIT THE CHARACTER...

Kreuk does not seem like a good Chun-Li, she does not seem like an ass kicker... maybe she'll prove me wrong, but right now it seems more like a "well she's sorta well known and might have some built in audience with teens" casting choice that be justified with a "plus she's half Chinese!" unlike if they had gotten enough money to cast Jessicas Biel or Alba like they wanted.

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)
my silly little drawin's

Variable Savior
406th Post

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"Re(5):Half as good!" , posted Thu 27 Dec 06:58post reply

As crappy as SF:Chun Li the Movie is bound to be does it really matter if the character is portrayed by a chinese actress? I mean they could cast a bag of charcoal as Chun Li and it couldn't possibly detract from this train wreck...

It can't get any colder than absolute zero

Blood marks heaven's path

Just a Person
1027th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(6):Half as good!" , posted Thu 27 Dec 10:02post reply

As crappy as SF:Chun Li the Movie is bound to be does it really matter if the character is portrayed by a chinese actress? I mean they could cast a bag of charcoal as Chun Li and it couldn't possibly detract from this train wreck...

It can't get any colder than absolute zero

Like Dr. Baghead said, the problem with Kristin Kreuk isn't just her not looking like Chinese, but that she doesn't seem to fit with the character AT ALL.

I mean, Jessica Biel actually seemed like a better choice.

Anyway, I hope Kreuk proves me wrong and show us all a good job in the movie...

I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!

Count Hihihi
71th Post

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"Re(7):Half as good!" , posted Thu 27 Dec 16:13post reply

Street Fighter: Legend of a Chinese Woman


1488th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Heath Ledger found dead" , posted Wed 23 Jan 08:30:post reply

Link Here

Kind of weird. I hadn't seen many of his films, but he is in The Dark Knight as the Joker, which I was planning on seeing.

[this message was edited by GekigangerV on Wed 23 Jan 08:32]

314th Post

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"Re(1):Heath Ledger found dead" , posted Wed 23 Jan 10:01post reply

Link Here

Kind of weird. I hadn't seen many of his films, but he is in The Dark Knight as the Joker, which I was planning on seeing.

Guess he won't be back in the Batman sequel.

But I still want to quench your thirst.
Because I am the one that put you into the desert.

dr baghead
3753th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Heath Ledger found dead" , posted Wed 23 Jan 22:12post reply

Guess he won't be back in the Batman sequel.

What kind of comment is that?!

You know he was a human being and has a 2 year old daughter who will now never really know him, right?

Just saying maybe sympathy for the dead or saying nothing at all would be a better comment then making a man's death about Batman.

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)
my silly little drawin's

Just a Person
1049th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(3):Heath Ledger found dead" , posted Wed 23 Jan 22:41post reply

That's sad. At least in the movies I've seen (although the only ones I can remember now are "Brokeback Mountain" and "The Grimm Brothers"), he seemed to be a great actor. And as Dr. Baghead said, he's not only an actor, but a human being, that deserves some respect in this time.

Rest in peace...

I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!

315th Post

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"Re(3):Heath Ledger found dead" , posted Thu 24 Jan 01:40post reply


What kind of comment is that?!

You know he was a human being and has a 2 year old daughter who will now never really know him, right?

Just saying maybe sympathy for the dead or saying nothing at all would be a better comment then making a man's death about Batman.

Yeah, much respect.

Death by drug overdose is kinda cool. I respect him for that. If he didn't care about his life/children, why should I?

And yes, I am heartless. So what.

But I still want to quench your thirst.
Because I am the one that put you into the desert.

365th Post

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"Re(3):Heath Ledger found dead" , posted Thu 24 Jan 02:36:post reply

At least he didn't pull that Heath ledger is DEEEAAAD image meme like what is did with Batman and "My parents are DEEAD". Now that would be something.

Either way we don't know his ordeals or whatever. For all we know he could of been an idiot and didn't follow the instructions or just simply oded cause he felt like it. I just feel sorry for his kids and family as opposed to him unless information is stated otherwise.

Random note: Anyone find it awkward he bears a striking resemblance to Brandon Lee's Crow via his Joker Costume somewhat with the grunge look they have going? Died at the same age of 28?

This song is so true

[this message was edited by catalyst on Thu 24 Jan 02:39]

1151th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(4):Heath Ledger found dead" , posted Thu 24 Jan 05:33post reply

Kylie Minogue was perfect as Cammy.

dr baghead
3754th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Iron Man found in Hulk MOVIE!!!" , posted Thu 24 Jan 10:36post reply

Yeah, much respect.

Death by drug overdose is kinda cool. I respect him for that. If he didn't care about his life/children, why should I?

And yes, I am heartless. So what.

See that kinda comment I respect more then the Batman comment, even though it's not known
if his death was a sucicide or an accident saying flat out "it's stupid to take your own life, ergo he is stupid and don't like stupid people" is at least acknowledging he exist outside of being the Joker.

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)
my silly little drawin's

843th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(5):Iron Man found in Hulk MOVIE!!!" , posted Thu 24 Jan 14:39post reply

Well not that his dead matters much to me...

Besides, Baghead´s message title is far more exciting. Wow, Iron Man and Hulk on the same film!!!!

Just a Person
1052th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(5):Heath Ledger found dead" , posted Thu 24 Jan 20:09post reply

Kylie Minogue was perfect as Cammy.

Are you serious? Nothing against Kylie Minogue, but in my opinion, that woman can't act at all... Which may be the reason why she had quite few lines in the SF movie...

I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!

dr baghead
3755th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Iron Man found in Hulk MOVIE!!!" , posted Fri 25 Jan 06:55post reply

Besides, Baghead´s message title is far more exciting. Wow, Iron Man and Hulk on the same film!!!!


Let's change this back to a random movie news thread:

It's confirmed that Robert Downey Jr (actually playing Tony Stark) has a cameo in the upcoming "The Incredible Hulk" movie!

This is leading people to believe Marvel Studios is setting up all the characters it live in the same universe not only so it's got the same feeling as the comics but so that they can make an "Avengers" movie in the future without it being a continuity nightmare like Warner Brother's retarded "Justice League" movie which like thier retarded "Jack Black as the Green Lantern" idea hopefully never gets made

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)
my silly little drawin's

318th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(7):Iron Man found in Hulk MOVIE!!!" , posted Fri 25 Jan 10:58:post reply


It's confirmed that Robert Downey Jr (actually playing Tony Stark) has a cameo in the upcoming "The Incredible Hulk" movie!

This is leading people to believe Marvel Studios is setting up all the characters it live in the same universe not only so it's got the same feeling as the comics but so that they can make an "Avengers" movie in the future without it being a continuity nightmare like Warner Brother's retarded "Justice League" movie which like thier retarded "Jack Black as the Green Lantern" idea hopefully never gets made

Much more relevant to my interests.

And now, in order to proof my humane category and my coherence according to my life and statements, I'm gonna buy the Tribute to Heath Ledger Pack for 19.95 euros edited only 48 hours after his death.

Despite the fact that

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
The Brothers Grimm sucked

End of Spoiler


But I still want to quench your thirst.
Because I am the one that put you into the desert.

[this message was edited by Arngrim on Fri 25 Jan 10:59]

1406th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(7):Iron Man found in Hulk MOVIE!!!" , posted Fri 25 Jan 11:33post reply


This is leading people to believe Marvel Studios is setting up all the characters it live in the same universe not only so it's got the same feeling as the comics but so that they can make an "Avengers" movie in the future without it being a continuity nightmare like Warner Brother's retarded "Justice League" movie which like thier retarded "Jack Black as the Green Lantern" idea hopefully never gets made

I'm still not even completely sure what the Justice League movie is all about, is it some kind of "teen version" because all the rumored roles so far cast seem to be very young actors...

Ikari Loona
223th Post

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"Re(8):Iron Man found in Hulk MOVIE!!!" , posted Sat 26 Jan 06:05post reply

Why is Ledger's death being discussed here? Unless he was going to play Chun-Li's father - fits about 1 1/2 of the criteria from the llok of things...

This reminds me of this event where this black(ish) girl cosplayed Chun-Li and looked pretty damn close, despite the ethnic backgound - the suit was pretty good (only major difference was probably wearing small shoes instead of boots) and the hair was perfect.

I figure this will depend a lot on how much work the actress will put into this - Lana Lang is a lame role because you know Clark will eventually leave her for Lois, but Chun-Li is a more open-ended role.

I guess this depend a lot on the plot they come up with - IMHO the character never got characterized that well, as she started out as the token girl - giggly winning pose in SF2 anyone? - with a serious stroke in there - revenge plot backed up by police work and intense enough martial training to take on the men. Quite bi-dimensional really, although SF3 added a bit more by making her train a young girl IIRC...

Someone get Yuen Woo-ping to handle the fighting sequences and then I'll be sure to buy a ticket.

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

dr baghead
3756th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Iron Man found in Hulk MOVIE!!!" , posted Sat 26 Jan 20:33post reply

Why is Ledger's death being discussed here? Unless he was going to play Chun-Li's father - fits about 1 1/2 of the criteria from the llok of things...

This is an overall "movie news that doesn't need a new thread" thread not just a Chun-Li movie thread. so Ledger's death was mentioned here for that reason

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)
my silly little drawin's

1596th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Of kingdoms of crystal skulls" , posted Fri 15 Feb 20:56post reply

Trailer Out...
Stage 6.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -

End of Spoiler

Other than that, looking good.

Like the wind...

"When the finger points to heaven the idiot looks at the finger."
-A kid from Amélie.

1503th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Balrog, Gen and Charlie casted for SF movie" , posted Wed 20 Feb 01:44post reply

Link Here

Micheal Clarke Duncan is Balrog.

3070th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Balrog, Gen and Charlie casted for SF m" , posted Wed 20 Feb 02:13post reply

Link Here

Micheal Clarke Duncan is Balrog.

According to the info at Variety the fellow who has been cast as Gen is about 36 years old. I wonder if this means that the movie version will be a younger character or if they are going the kung-fu movie route and sticking an old guy beard and wig on him.

Just a Person
1084th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(2):Balrog, Gen and Charlie casted for SF m" , posted Wed 20 Feb 03:57post reply

Link Here

Micheal Clarke Duncan is Balrog.

According to the info at Variety the fellow who has been cast as Gen is about 36 years old. I wonder if this means that the movie version will be a younger character or if they are going the kung-fu movie route and sticking an old guy beard and wig on him.

Michael Clarke Duncan as Balrog? Cool!

A 36 year-old playing Gen with fake beard and wig a la Pai Mei? That's bizarre... but it might work.

I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!

Burning Ranger
1554th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(3):Balrog, Gen and Charlie casted for SF m" , posted Wed 20 Feb 12:12post reply

Link Here

Micheal Clarke Duncan is Balrog.

According to the info at Variety the fellow who has been cast as Gen is about 36 years old. I wonder if this means that the movie version will be a younger character or if they are going the kung-fu movie route and sticking an old guy beard and wig on him.

Michael Clarke Duncan as Balrog? Cool!

A 36 year-old playing Gen with fake beard and wig a la Pai Mei? That's bizarre... but it might work.

I think the character of Pai Mei worked Kill Bill Vol. 2. He too was essentially a younger guy playing an old one. Apparently, the guy playing Gen was in The Fast and the Furious...

Michael Clark Duncan as Balrog does sound interesting. And Charlie Nash will be appearing...wonder how that will work.

Advanced Cybernetic Organism "Burning Ranger"

dr baghead
3760th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Balrog, Gen and Charlie casted for SF m" , posted Wed 20 Feb 16:23post reply

Michael Clarke Duncan as Balrog? Cool!


That, Gen possibly being a young guy wearing a wig to be old, just bumped this movie from "what the christ?! really?!" to a possibly "Van Damme Movie Level of Awesome In It's Horribleness"

I've gone from "avoid like plague" to "possible Netflix"

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)
my silly little drawin's

1697th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(4):Balrog, Gen and Charlie casted for SF m" , posted Thu 21 Feb 00:40post reply

Link Here

Micheal Clarke Duncan is Balrog.

According to the info at Variety the fellow who has been cast as Gen is about 36 years old. I wonder if this means that the movie version will be a younger character or if they are going the kung-fu movie route and sticking an old guy beard and wig on him.

Michael Clarke Duncan as Balrog? Cool!

A 36 year-old playing Gen with fake beard and wig a la Pai Mei? That's bizarre... but it might work.

I think the character of Pai Mei worked Kill Bill Vol. 2. He too was essentially a younger guy playing an old one. Apparently, the guy playing Gen was in The Fast and the Furious...

Michael Clark Duncan as Balrog does sound interesting. And Charlie Nash will be appearing...wonder how that will work.

This is intriguing, especially since Michael Clark Duncan can actually act (though that's usually not the most needed trait for an actor who plays as Balrog...)

1505th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Akira movie news" , posted Thu 21 Feb 07:09:post reply

Link Here

So New Manhattan is the location. Best case scenario is they do a "Magnificent Seven" approach and take many of the same plot elements and character attributes and apply them to white people. Will they even end up keeping the title of "Akira" or will they just hire one Japanese/Asian kid to play him.

I was looking up the screen writer and he appears to be a guy that has worked on games like Gears of War and Prey. From what I heard, although the gameplay was nice, the story telling was kind of weird in Gears of War.

It appears they will be following the Manga more than the Anime so maybe they just need to follow that as a story board.

[this message was edited by GekigangerV on Thu 21 Feb 07:14]

281th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(1):Akira movie news" , posted Thu 21 Feb 15:09:post reply

Link Here
I was looking up the screen writer and he appears to be a guy that has worked on games like Gears of War and Prey. From what I heard, although the gameplay was nice, the story telling was kind of weird in Gears of War.

Prey had an awful story with awful presentation. It was also just plain insulting to Native Americans.

It's supposed to be about a troubled young man coming to terms with his culture and learning to be proud of it. But the game presents the story in a way that implies that Native Americans are mystical mythic beings that belong on reservations and are happy to stay there rather than be a part of the outside world.

The storytelling in Gears of War was good though. I've heard people complain that the story was bad or the dialogue was dumb, but I think that's because it didn't go out of its way to show you how smart it was. The game had solid and short cinemas that did a great job of conveying the situations you found yourself playing through. The characters were likeable and unabrasive. It was a very enjoyable story with alot of subtle touches.

So uh... I hope the script writer had more to do with Gears than Prey.

[this message was edited by nobinobita on Thu 21 Feb 15:41]

1601th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):Akira movie news" , posted Thu 21 Feb 18:52post reply

Found the news from another source.
Gotta love how they do their homework. That is "Akira", indeed.

I wonder what kind of search did they do to get it so wrong, as putting "Akira" or "akira biker" in Google Images doesn't get you any image of her until the third page or so... Whereas from Otomo's Akira, there are plenty.

That's what I'd call an EPIC FAIL if I ever saw one.

Like the wind...

"When the finger points to heaven the idiot looks at the finger."
-A kid from Amélie.

THe DRooGo
294th Post

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Copper Customer

"I found the stunt player" , posted Thu 21 Feb 20:45:post reply

Link Here

Micheal Clarke Duncan is Balrog.

I found the stunt player for the movie

Hey! It´s been I while !!!
To the lovers of lolita I give you a tip
LittleLupe nothing else !!!
See you around

O ra o ra!

[this message was edited by THe DRooGo on Sat 8 Mar 01:08]

1527th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"M. Bison and Vega casted" , posted Thu 20 Mar 01:14post reply

Taboo of the Black Eyed Peas will be Vega and Neal McDonough will be M. Bison.

Yeah, Taboo doesn't sound like a reason for me to be hyped, but according to his Wikipedia article he is a martial artists(practices Jeet Kune Do) so maybe he won't be too bad in his fight scenes. Best case scenario is he is wearing the mask most of the time and doesn't say much.

Neal McDonough doesn't look threatening at all either maybe he will look different with his hair dyed and makeup. The only thing I know him from is as the voice for Bruce Banner in the old Hulk cartoon and Hulk: Ultimate Destruction.

Just a Person
1111th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(1):M. Bison and Vega casted" , posted Thu 20 Mar 04:45post reply


Taboo of the Black Eyed Peas will be Vega and Neal McDonough will be M. Bison.

Yeah, Taboo doesn't sound like a reason for me to be hyped, but according to his Wikipedia article he is a martial artists(practices Jeet Kune Do) so maybe he won't be too bad in his fight scenes. Best case scenario is he is wearing the mask most of the time and doesn't say much.

Neal McDonough doesn't look threatening at all either maybe he will look different with his hair dyed and makeup. The only thing I know him from is as the voice for Bruce Banner in the old Hulk cartoon and Hulk: Ultimate Destruction.

Not that I care about the way a man looks, but isn't Vega supposed to be... uh... handsome? Nothing against Taboo, he seems to be a nice person, but let's hope he just keeps the mask in his face all the time...

I agree, Neal McDonough doesn't look threatening at all. Then again, neither did Heath Ledger, and he seems to have made a good job playing Joker, nevertheless.

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

1532th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Dragonball movie pics" , posted Sun 6 Apr 06:26post reply

Link Here

Goku's costume is actually pretty good he kind of looks like Jason Chambers from 'Human Weapon'. I can't really make any judgment on the rest. Definitely not the Toriyama Dragonball world though, but I wasn't really expecting it to be.

18th Post

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New Customer

"Re(5):Newest Movie Thread. Chun-Li casted." , posted Sun 6 Apr 07:14post reply

How David Carradine of them!

Kristen Kreuk IS actually half Chinese while David Carradine merely played one on TV.

Replacing Bruce Lee, what a great deal.

3107th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Dragonball movie pics" , posted Mon 7 Apr 04:53post reply

Link Here

Goku's costume is actually pretty good he kind of looks like Jason Chambers from 'Human Weapon'. I can't really make any judgment on the rest. Definitely not the Toriyama Dragonball world though, but I wasn't really expecting it to be.

I was really hoping for cheap looking spiked wigs. If you're going to do something as absurd as a live action Dragonball movie you might as well throw caution to the wind.

Yeesh, this thread is so old that most of us have changed avatars or tags since it started.

3112th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Blog" , posted Sat 12 Apr 00:04post reply

The Street Fighter Movie's official, er, blog is up.

221th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(1):Blog" , posted Sat 12 Apr 05:07post reply

The Street Fighter Movie's official, er, blog is up.

I'm sorry, I haven't been following this movie, because I really don't care about it. But, a question just popped to my mind: No Ryu? Thats it?

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

1546th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"First picture of Gen and other stuff" , posted Tue 22 Apr 12:12post reply

Robin Shou

It kind of speaks for itself. I really liked Robin Shou in the first Mortal Kombat movie and in Beverly Hills Ninja, it's a shame his career never took off. So it's anyone's guess how the rest of the characters will turn out. My hopes for Bison drastically diminished though.

I saw The Forbidden Kingdom and thought it was alright.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
The movie takes place in the real world and the mythical China world. The events in the real world could have been altered to take away the racist character and still make sense. I though the white kid would annoy me, but he didn't. I find him more pleasing than Shia LeBouf. The choreography was pretty good as well. I thought going into the movie that I was getting sick of Yuen Woo-Ping's style. I guess Jet Li and Jackie Chan can pull it off better than others. It still kind of sucks that Jet Li and Jackie Chan were supporting characters to the plot. Not my ideal Chan/Li movie but it works on some level. At least for Li it is better than all his other American movies so far. Kind of the middle for Chan though. Its above the tuxedo/medallion, but below the first two Rush Hour movies.

End of Spoiler

There are some leaked pictures of GI Joe floating around. I will post them later, but they are kind of boring, especially the Joes. Maybe this will end of like Transformers where I don't initially like the designs, but find the movie passable.

2337th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):First picture of Gen and other stuff" , posted Tue 22 Apr 12:39post reply

So far the only GI Joe pic I've seen is the Scarlet redesign. I don't mind the whole black bodysuit thing except for the fact that the Baroness is the one that's supposed to be wearing it. To me it means that either A) they weren't thinking, B) they don't give a crap, or C) they're going to make up some stupid story to link Baroness and Scarlet together. Maybe to stage a fight sequence in a bowl of pudding.

1547th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):First picture of Gen and other stuff" , posted Tue 22 Apr 14:14post reply

So far the only GI Joe pic I've seen is the Scarlet redesign. I don't mind the whole black bodysuit thing except for the fact that the Baroness is the one that's supposed to be wearing it. To me it means that either A) they weren't thinking, B) they don't give a crap, or C) they're going to make up some stupid story to link Baroness and Scarlet together. Maybe to stage a fight sequence in a bowl of pudding.

Storm Shadow and Baroness

Kind of bland as is. At least in the end, the transformers movie designs still transitioned to cool toys. Unless there will be some cool vehicles, these look kind of generic for toys.

Just a Person
1137th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(1):First picture of Gen and other stuff" , posted Tue 22 Apr 21:03post reply

Robin Shou

It kind of speaks for itself. I really liked Robin Shou in the first Mortal Kombat movie and in Beverly Hills Ninja, it's a shame his career never took off. So it's anyone's guess how the rest of the characters will turn out. My hopes for Bison drastically diminished though.

Plus, he does look nice as Gen. Somehow, the "young man playing an old man role" worked, at least in my opinion.

Still curious about how Kristin Kreuk will be as Chun-Li, though.

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

3129th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):First picture of Gen and other stuff" , posted Tue 22 Apr 23:44post reply

Robin Shou

He looks like Brad Wong from the DOA games.

1727th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"G.I. No" , posted Tue 22 Apr 23:49post reply

Storm Shadow and Baroness

Baroness not wearing glasses = Epic Fail. And in relation to your earlier comment, I believe Scarlett is a distant relative of Baroness (have to double check).

318th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(3):First picture of Gen and other stuff" , posted Wed 23 Apr 04:48post reply


Kind of bland as is. At least in the end, the transformers movie designs still transitioned to cool toys. Unless there will be some cool vehicles, these look kind of generic for toys.

I appreciate that they're making some attempt to look like the cartoon/toys, instead of taking the usual route and dressing everyone up in black leather (although there seems to be some of that going on as well). It's nice to see a cartoon movie with some color in it.

As long as the Baroness gets a pair of glasses, then i'll be happy.

1553th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Iron Man thoughts" , posted Sun 4 May 14:26post reply

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
I really enjoyed the movie. It was silly at parts, but I only really rolled my eyes a few times, particularly at Burger King and the auto translator. But the density of the jokes at the beginning was starting to get on my nerves. I am surprised that a lot of people didn't like the final fight scene. I thought it showed that even though he was powered down at that point, he was still was able to out smart his foe. It wasn't just a fight scene it also flowed with the plot. This ranks pretty high on my super hero/comic adaptation movie list.

Although, the Nick Fury cameo was appreciated, I think I would have preferred more info on the 10 Rings and the Mandarin.

I hope they are able to to diversify the big names of Iron Man's rogue's gallery in future sequels. You have to wonder if they won't include bigger named villains like Crimson Dynamo or Titanium Man since they might appear repetitive visually(villains with armor, but they might be able to fudge around with the "Armor Wars" story). Although he will probably be changed quite significantly visually, I hope to see A.I.M. and M.O.D.O.K. It's probably too much to expect Fin Fang Foom.

I also hope they also try to give Tony a new armor design like Silver Centurion. It would be great to see a gallery of 5 to 6 suits by the end of the third movie.

End of Spoiler

532th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):Iron Man thoughts" , posted Sun 4 May 21:11post reply

I have not seen the movie.

My question for you how does it rank against all super hero movies that has been made since the first X-men film? I am pretty skeptical watching anything that is a comic book film.

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

3689th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Mmmmhh..." , posted Mon 5 May 01:36post reply

I have not seen the movie.

My question for you how does it rank against all super hero movies that has been made since the first X-men film? I am pretty skeptical watching anything that is a comic book film.

It's perhaps the best superhero movie so far. Better than Spider-Man 2 or any other superhero movie you can think of

410th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(1):Mmmmhh..." , posted Mon 5 May 02:49post reply


It's perhaps the best superhero movie so far. Better than Spider-Man 2 or any other superhero movie you can think of

I have to go with onslaught, I really really enjoyed the movie. I hope other people as well and it becomes a huge success for the set up of the next following 2 movies. It certainly made me forget about spider man 3 for sure. Hopefully the new hulk movie will be just as good!

I'm not a big iron man buff as I'd like to be but as for basic information known on him and on the beginnings the set up was fantastic.

This song is so true

3141th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Iron Mmmmhh..." , posted Mon 5 May 04:53post reply

I'll jump on the Iron Man bandwagon as well and say that I really enjoyed the movie. Even though I have never bought an Iron Man comic in my life I nevertheless quite enjoyed a story was smart enough to acknowledge the irony of an impulsive man-child who tries to recant for his sins of manufacturing weapons by turning himself into a weapon. Plus, unlike the inert hero of Superman Returns, Iron Man deals with his problems by beating the holy crap out of anything that gets in his way. What fun!

750th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):G.I. No" , posted Mon 5 May 10:58post reply


Baroness not wearing glasses = Epic Fail. And in relation to your earlier comment, I believe Scarlett is a distant relative of Baroness (have to double check).

As far as I know the only Joes and Cobras that are related to each other is Lady Jaye and Destro (Storm Shadow and Snake Eyes are usually not blood-related).

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

533th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(2):Mmmmhh..." , posted Mon 5 May 17:18post reply

So everyone is telling me that I should be watching this movie than wasting time on the internet.

Thanks, I will go watch it.
It's perhaps the best superhero movie so far. Better than Spider-Man 2 or any other superhero movie you can think of

I have to go with onslaught, I really really enjoyed the movie. I hope other people as well and it becomes a huge success for the set up of the next following 2 movies. It certainly made me forget about spider man 3 for sure. Hopefully the new hulk movie will be just as good!

I'm not a big iron man buff as I'd like to be but as for basic information known on him and on the beginnings the set up was fantastic.

I'll jump on the Iron Man bandwagon as well and say that I really enjoyed the movie. Even though I have never bought an Iron Man comic in my life I nevertheless quite enjoyed a story was smart enough to acknowledge the irony of an impulsive man-child who tries to recant for his sins of manufacturing weapons by turning himself into a weapon. Plus, unlike the inert hero of Superman Returns, Iron Man deals with his problems by beating the holy crap out of anything that gets in his way. What fun!

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

Just a Person
1142th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"New gal in the Legend of Chun-Li movie" , posted Tue 6 May 04:34post reply

Okay, so it seems the "Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li" movie is not only bringing back well-known SF characters, but it's introducing new people as well. This time, the producers revealed Det. Maya Sunee, played by Moon Bloodgood (no idea of who she is), a half-Thai cop who "rocks a Ducati and a set of gold cuffs". No idea whether she'll be Chun-Li's ally or enemy (or neither).

Plus, there's a new storyboard showing how the beginning of a Chun-Li vs. Vega fight is supposed to happen. I can't picture Kreuk and Taboo doing all this fight, but let's wait and see...

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

Variable Savior
420th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(1):New gal in the Legend of Chun-Li movie" , posted Tue 6 May 07:09:post reply


"rocks a Ducati and a set of gold cuffs".

Reading that makes me wanna die...

Blood marks heaven's path

[this message was edited by Variable Savior on Tue 6 May 07:10]

3142th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):New gal in the Legend of Chun-Li movie" , posted Tue 6 May 23:36post reply


"rocks a Ducati and a set of gold cuffs".

Reading that makes me wanna die...

It sounds like Det. Maya Sunee is keeping the fine tradition of Shun, Captain Sawada and other questionable adaptation additions alive and well.

Just a Person
1143th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(3):New gal in the Legend of Chun-Li movie" , posted Wed 7 May 01:17post reply


"rocks a Ducati and a set of gold cuffs".

Reading that makes me wanna die...

It sounds like Det. Maya Sunee is keeping the fine tradition of Shun, Captain Sawada and other questionable adaptation additions alive and well.

Yup. She probably won't have the same happy fate Karin had inside the SF franchise...

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

1555th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(4):New gal in the Legend of Chun-Li movie" , posted Sun 11 May 13:30post reply


Yup. She probably won't have the same happy fate Karin had inside the SF franchise...

She might get the next best thing and be in a game adaption of the movie.

Some new promo shots of "GI Joe" characters.

link here

Destro is the guy in the tie. It's weird that a promo shot most likely directed at the old/hardcore fans would show Destro's face instead of his mask. I am still waiting for Cobra Commander.

I saw "Speed Racer" last night and I thought it was alright. I really enjoyed the casting, acting and story. I even liked the kid who played Spritle, but going in there I thought I was going to hate him. However, I really didn't like all the futuristic CG outdoors settings. It was really distracting and took me out of the experience. I didn't really like the races either, which is strange considering I was able to enjoy a "Speed Racer" movie overall without enjoying the races.

It kind of sucks about the box office though(Iron Man is still on top with quite a lead) since this movie was supposed to "test the waters" for future anime adaptations. Which I don't think would be true. I think that the overall perception of "Speed Racer" is something that has been changed from the original source material to something else. I believe that when people think of "Speed Racer" they don't think of the anime genre that started popping up around the late 80's/early 90's. They think of the aspects of the dub which have been transformed into a little piece of Americana.

Don't get me wrong though. Maybe it is better that studios aren't going to be picking up dozens of anime/manga licenses all willy-nilly now. But we still have some more to go with Akira, Robotech and GITS, which I think will be a better indication if anime/manga adaptations will be accepted by the mainstream American audience.

dr baghead
3768th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):New gal in the Legend of Chun-Li movie" , posted Tue 13 May 09:51post reply

played by Moon Bloodgood (no idea of who she is), a half-Thai cop who "rocks a Ducati and a set of gold cuffs"

I had to google "Moon Bloodgood" (and was surprised to see an asian chick NOT a goth rockband as the main results) and "Ducati" (as well as "Taboo" since I thought I should see what he looked like too) to fully understand what any of that meant... so she's another vaguely Asian chick with a ridiculous name (more so in real life, but really "Sunee" would that be pronounced "sunny", since she has a motorcycle I'm sure she's gonna pretend to be badass and you can't have a badass named "sunny") who rides a motorcycle and has a pair of gold handcuffs (or cuff links?)

... what's sad is even though she's a Shun/Swada type "let's make up a character for no reason no one will like!!". I could totally she her being a Capcom America character concept (since they want more female characters) they're introducing in the movie and then into "SUPER Street Fighter 4 Turbo: Challenge the Old New Challenger's Challenge" as a brand new playable character wherein at the start of the round she leaps off her motorcycle into battle and then like Poison in FF:Revenge throws her golden cuffs as an attack (and maybe for a Super Combo hops on her bike and crashes it into her opponent)

If I'm wrong about that "YAY!" if I'm right, maybe I was wrong thinking "Crimson Viper" was the stupidest name possible for a character

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)
my silly little drawin's

2353th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):New gal in the Legend of Chun-Li movie" , posted Thu 15 May 01:56post reply

If anyone cares, the release date for the new SF movie has been set at February 27, 2009.

I'm pretty sure I have other plans that week. Oh well.


217th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Get Smart" , posted Sat 21 Jun 21:55post reply

Rocked! Had it all: action, comedy, a touch of romance, homages to the old show. The actor who played Max (forget his name at the moment - the 40 year old virgin guy) is a perfect successor to Don Adams, from blundering into danger to the way he delivers his lines. The movie is actually a prequel to the TV series but set in the modern day. It opens in a Control exhibit with the tour-guide stating that Control shut down after the cold war, as the camera pans over the shoe phone, cone of silence, etc. Then we see Max walking through the familiar doors into headquarters. Anne Hathaway as 99 is the hottest thing on 2 legs I've ever seen - especially in the scene at the Russian ball with the wig. The rock plays as Agent 23, Max's 'role model'

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
who turns out to be a double agent! Gasp!

End of Spoiler

and the chief gets plenty of spotlight towards the end of the film. James Caan is absolutely delightful as the "Bush-type idiot" president (when the crew goes to warn him of a terrorist threat, his response is "Well what did the vice-president say about it?"). Too tired to go on, but do go see it, great flick ... better than X3, Simpsons and Transformers combined.

...speaking of Transformers, TF2 will introduce Arcee, Jetfire, and Soundwave to the movie mythos, and Wheelie, Wheeljack, Ravage and a few Constructicons are rumored to be in the mix as well.

4416th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Get Smart" , posted Mon 23 Jun 09:02post reply

The actor who played Max (forget his name at the moment - the 40 year old virgin guy) is a perfect successor to Don Adams, from blundering into danger to the way he delivers his lines.

Steve Carell. Quite possibly his best role to date.

I like how Max actually did some noteworthy stuff, rather than be the bumbling idiot while the other competent people do the work. Made me respect his character a whole lot more.

...speaking of Transformers, TF2 will introduce Arcee,

Arcee? Isn't she universally despised by the fanbase? Oh well, seeing as Bay's directing again, expect some blatant sexual jokes ('hey babe, can I stick my keys in your ignition?' ).

Jetfire, and Soundwave to the movie mythos, and Wheelie, Wheeljack, Ravage and a few Constructicons are rumored to be in the mix as well.

A 'few'? If we don't get Devastator in this heads are gonna roll.

Soundwave + Devastator = insta-win.

2389th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"GI Joe gets an improvement" , posted Fri 27 Jun 10:23post reply

IGN reports on the serious issues
