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nobinobita 237th Post

Frequent Customer
| "Re(2):Half as good!" , posted Wed 26 Dec 04:23
I mean, let's be serious, if you take any art of chun-li without her classic outfit, there's no way you can tell she's chinese.
I think Capcom does a good job of conveying race. Chunli definitely looks Asian, as do Ryu, Yun and Yang. Same with Zangief, Hugo and Guile, they all are definitely white.
A funny thing happens when you discuss race and drawings, you have to ask yourself how does someone look like a particular race? And then you have to realize this means different things for different people.
Most cartoon characters, even the detailed ones, generally just look like human beings rather than a particular race. And most good looking people tend to share similar features across all races.
For as long as I can remember, I thought all the people in the Manga and Anime i watched looked Asian (like me) because Asian = template human. Heck, i thought most of the X-men were Asian because of the way Jim Lee drew them.
Anyway, maybe Chunli doesn't look Chinese to you, but she does to me because I've met lots of good looking athletic Chinese girls that do look like her. But then, if you've only met frumpy chubby Asian American girls, you probably wouldn't think they looked anything like Chunli. Just like how Bruce Wayne looks nothing like the typical husky American.
Just a Person 1026th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(5):Half as good!" , posted Thu 27 Dec 01:05
quote: Oh, I hated the X-men movies because the actors were not real mutants. I felt cheated. Same thing with Jurassic Park. Not real dinosaurs. How can we accept something like that? -----
Yeah, and since Chinese women are as hard to come by as living dinosaurs and super-powered mutants, who can blame them for not using a real Chinese woman?
And why should they? Chun Li doesn't look Chinese, anyway. Actually, she looks more like an illustration to me, so maybe they should do like they did with the dinosaurs and make her out of CG or animatronics!
Hah, great answer, Polly!!
Yeah, I was also shocked... WTH is up with the producers of this movie to cast Kristin Kreuk to act as Chun-Li?? I mean, surely they can find other actresses that look more Asian than her (and that fight better than her... oh, and that ACT BETTER than her as well). Unless Zhang Ziyi, Lucy Liu, Ming-Na, Michelle Yeoh and every other Asian-related actresses (even the unknown ones) were sick or didn't want to act in this movie, that's really not a wise decision...
I was actually hopeful that Chun-Li's movie would have some quality, unlike Van Damme's one. But now... okay, there are many other things that can guarantee a good movie, but the lead actress is a pretty important part of it. And from what I saw in Smallville, Kreuk isn't exactly great in acting...
I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!
dr baghead 3742th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):Half as good!" , posted Thu 27 Dec 05:39
quote: Oh, I hated the X-men movies because the actors were not real mutants. I felt cheated. Same thing with Jurassic Park. Not real dinosaurs. How can we accept something like that?
It seems like you want a different discuss then everyone else is having.
I point out that because Kreuk is half-Chinese people can pretend she's not horribly miscast (when you think 'kung-fu action cop' do you think 'Lana Lang'?) and Nobinobita points out he thinks Chun-Li looks asian and that art shouldn't determine how a character is portrayed in film (because yeah, to back him up, I've seen a LOT of Japanese looking Wolverines in comics.)
You however seem to take both of those as "OMFG! YOU CAN'T NOT CAST A PERSON OF THE EXACT ETHNIC MAKE-UP AS A CHARACTER!!!!" which they're clearly not.
I don't know if you're just not reading the comments or just want to rant about THOSE kinds of fanboys and are comments were close enough to launch your triaids but it's stupid.
You know what the best parts of Daredevil were?! African-American Kingpin and Irish Bullseye. The best X-Men?! Scottish Nightcrawler, Austrailian Wolverine, Flabby Old Guy Beast, and English Prof X and Juggernaugt. Every movie Guiermo Del Torro has made has been excellent even though I'm 99% sure those weren't a real blood sucky magic bug, ghost boy, Hellboy, OR Faun. And for everything wrong with the Van Damme Street Fighter, I still think it's HILLARIOUS in the good way!
I'm all for casting someone of a different ethnic make up then a fictional character (especially if the fictional character is something bizarre like "1/2 eskimo, 1/4 African, 1/8 Korean, 1/8 White") as long as they FIT THE CHARACTER...
Kreuk does not seem like a good Chun-Li, she does not seem like an ass kicker... maybe she'll prove me wrong, but right now it seems more like a "well she's sorta well known and might have some built in audience with teens" casting choice that be justified with a "plus she's half Chinese!" unlike if they had gotten enough money to cast Jessicas Biel or Alba like they wanted.
 Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny) my silly little drawin's
Just a Person 1111th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member+
| "Re(1):M. Bison and Vega casted" , posted Thu 20 Mar 04:45
quote: http://www.videogamer.com/news/19-03-2008-7822.html
Taboo of the Black Eyed Peas will be Vega and Neal McDonough will be M. Bison.
Yeah, Taboo doesn't sound like a reason for me to be hyped, but according to his Wikipedia article he is a martial artists(practices Jeet Kune Do) so maybe he won't be too bad in his fight scenes. Best case scenario is he is wearing the mask most of the time and doesn't say much.
Neal McDonough doesn't look threatening at all either maybe he will look different with his hair dyed and makeup. The only thing I know him from is as the voice for Bruce Banner in the old Hulk cartoon and Hulk: Ultimate Destruction.
Not that I care about the way a man looks, but isn't Vega supposed to be... uh... handsome? Nothing against Taboo, he seems to be a nice person, but let's hope he just keeps the mask in his face all the time...
I agree, Neal McDonough doesn't look threatening at all. Then again, neither did Heath Ledger, and he seems to have made a good job playing Joker, nevertheless.
I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.
Shindekudasai 217th Post

Frequent Customer
| "Get Smart" , posted Sat 21 Jun 21:55
Rocked! Had it all: action, comedy, a touch of romance, homages to the old show. The actor who played Max (forget his name at the moment - the 40 year old virgin guy) is a perfect successor to Don Adams, from blundering into danger to the way he delivers his lines. The movie is actually a prequel to the TV series but set in the modern day. It opens in a Control exhibit with the tour-guide stating that Control shut down after the cold war, as the camera pans over the shoe phone, cone of silence, etc. Then we see Max walking through the familiar doors into headquarters. Anne Hathaway as 99 is the hottest thing on 2 legs I've ever seen - especially in the scene at the Russian ball with the wig. The rock plays as Agent 23, Max's 'role model'
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - who turns out to be a double agent! Gasp!
End of Spoiler
and the chief gets plenty of spotlight towards the end of the film. James Caan is absolutely delightful as the "Bush-type idiot" president (when the crew goes to warn him of a terrorist threat, his response is "Well what did the vice-president say about it?"). Too tired to go on, but do go see it, great flick ... better than X3, Simpsons and Transformers combined.
...speaking of Transformers, TF2 will introduce Arcee, Jetfire, and Soundwave to the movie mythos, and Wheelie, Wheeljack, Ravage and a few Constructicons are rumored to be in the mix as well.
Freeter 4416th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):Get Smart" , posted Mon 23 Jun 09:02
quote: The actor who played Max (forget his name at the moment - the 40 year old virgin guy) is a perfect successor to Don Adams, from blundering into danger to the way he delivers his lines.
Steve Carell. Quite possibly his best role to date.
I like how Max actually did some noteworthy stuff, rather than be the bumbling idiot while the other competent people do the work. Made me respect his character a whole lot more.
quote: ...speaking of Transformers, TF2 will introduce Arcee,
Arcee? Isn't she universally despised by the fanbase? Oh well, seeing as Bay's directing again, expect some blatant sexual jokes ('hey babe, can I stick my keys in your ignition?' ).
quote: Jetfire, and Soundwave to the movie mythos, and Wheelie, Wheeljack, Ravage and a few Constructicons are rumored to be in the mix as well.
A 'few'? If we don't get Devastator in this heads are gonna roll.
Soundwave + Devastator = insta-win.