Pixar Storyboard Artist talks bout Ghibli - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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"Pixar Storyboard Artist talks bout Ghibli" , posted Wed 9 Jan 08:21post reply

I just read a very cool and uplifting article:


It's an interview with Enrico Casarosa, the storyboard artist behind alot of Pixar's films and also the founder of the "Sketch Crawl", a popular animation event. He talks alot about how much he loves Ghibli, and makes some intersting comparisons between Pixar and Ghibli.

I figured there must be some animation fans on here that would enjoy this.


Time Mage
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"Re(1):Pixar Storyboard Artist talks bout Ghib" , posted Wed 9 Jan 09:02post reply

Thanks a lot for sharing, it's really interesting. I'm halfway through it, and I'll finish it tomorrow, but so far it's great. It's really interesting to know how both studios make the films, specially considering that Pixar and Ghibli are the best in the industry.

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"Re(2):Pixar Storyboard Artist talks bout Ghib" , posted Wed 9 Jan 16:13post reply

Awesome post! Thanks alot!
I've been a fan of Mr. Casarosa for a few years now (he puts out sketch books and stuff at Comic Con) so it's always fun to hear what he has to say. Especially when it's about two of the best animation houses in the industry.

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"Re(3):Pixar Storyboard Artist talks bout Ghib" , posted Fri 11 Jan 02:22:post reply

Awesome post! Thanks alot!
I've been a fan of Mr. Casarosa for a few years now (he puts out sketch books and stuff at Comic Con) so it's always fun to hear what he has to say. Especially when it's about two of the best animation houses in the industry.

Hmmmm if you like Casarosa, have you heard of Robert Valley? Or Enrique Fernandez?

Robert Valley is a veteran animator who worked on Aeon Flux and the Gorillaz videos, among lots of other stuff.

Here's his website (click on the blog for more images):
Here's a pencil test for Chronicles of Riddick:

Here's an awesome Guitar Hero 2 commercial he worked on:
and here's a short film that he did (not work safe):

I really love the way he draws people. He's like a combination of Egon Schiele and Takashi Koike, with all the animation skills of a classic Disney animator.

Enrique Fernandez is also excellent. I think he's the best comics artist in Europe right now. He's undoubtably trained in animation, and he makes the most beautiful comics. They are so full of life and character and weight, but without cloy conventions typical of animators who draw comics.

Image comics recently released his Wizard of Oz comic in the US, which can be purchased here:


The comic is rediculously good looking:



Enrique Ferandez was also the storyboard artist on the hilariously bad El Cid animated feature, which was obviously aimed at an American audience, but never actually made its way here. It was a nicely animated film, even if everyone was freakishly huge with tiny hands. It had a terrible, terrible story though, with awful voice acting.

Anyway, i love the work these guys produce. Enjoy!

[this message was edited by nobinobita on Fri 11 Jan 02:23]

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"Re(4):Pixar Storyboard Artist talks bout Ghib" , posted Fri 11 Jan 05:56post reply

What struck me when reading that interview with Casarosa was the news that so much of deliberation process in a Pixar movie is done by a group of artists. Pixar films have feel different from one director to the next -the films by Bird don't feel like the films by Lasseter for example- so I was surprised to learn there was so much give and take while it was being made.

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"Re(4):Pixar Storyboard Artist talks bout Ghib" , posted Fri 11 Jan 10:43post reply

Awesome post! Thanks alot!
I've been a fan of Mr. Casarosa for a few years now (he puts out sketch books and stuff at Comic Con) so it's always fun to hear what he has to say. Especially when it's about two of the best animation houses in the industry.

Hmmmm if you like Casarosa, have you heard of Robert Valley? Or Enrique Fernandez?

Robert Valley is a veteran animator who worked on Aeon Flux and the Gorillaz videos, among lots of other stuff.

Here's his website (click on the blog for more images):
Here's a pencil test for Chronicles of Riddick:

Here's an awesome Guitar Hero 2 commercial he worked on:
and here's a short film that he did (not work safe):

I really love the way he draws people. He's like a combination of Egon Schiele and Takashi Koike, with all the animation skills of a classic Disney animator.

Enrique Fernandez is also excellent. I think he's the best comics artist in Europe right now. He's undoubtably trained in animation, and he makes the most beautiful comics. They are so full of life and character and weight, but without cloy conventions typical of animators who draw comics.

Image comics recently released his Wizard of Oz comic in the US, which can be purchased here:


The comic is rediculously good looking:



Enrique Ferandez was also the storyboard artist on the hilariously bad El Cid animated feature, which was obviously aimed at an American audience, but never actually made its way here. It was a nicely animated film, even if everyone was freakishly huge with tiny hands. It had a terrible, terrible story though, with awful voice acting.

Anyway, i love the work these guys produce. Enjoy!

Awesome links, thanks very much! I had heard of Enrique Fernandez and was very happy when I found out Wizard of Oz was brought out here, the artwork is extraordinary as you noted! However, I had no idea he worked for Filmax, which by the way I had forgotten the name of and had been searching for for a good few weeks lately. So thanks alot for that too! Robert Vally, though, is new to me, but the stuff you linked me to was freakin' all kinds of awesome! I get what you were saying about the classic Disney feeling from his animation, everything moves really cleanly and fluidly but it's still easy to note the exaggerated look of it. Also I can see the Egon Schiele as well and now that I've researched into Takeshi Koike as well I can say he's also an artist I admire. Thanks again for all the artist links and stuff.

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"Re(5):Pixar Storyboard Artist talks bout Ghib" , posted Fri 11 Jan 10:52post reply

By the way, have you seen Enrico Casarosa's comic, Mia? It's very Ghibli inspired, and I can try to scan my copy if you'd like to see it.

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"Re(6):Pixar Storyboard Artist talks bout Ghib" , posted Sun 13 Jan 03:48post reply

By the way, have you seen Enrico Casarosa's comic, Mia? It's very Ghibli inspired, and I can try to scan my copy if you'd like to see it.

Haven't seen Mia, but I would love it if you could upload some scans for me! I really enjoyed Enrico Casarosa's Haiku 5-7-5 comic that he's got online, so I'd love to see anything else by him.

Also, I'm glad you enjoyed those artists! Are there any artists that you like that might not be so well known? I'm always on the lookout for anything good.

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"Re(7):Pixar Storyboard Artist talks bout Ghib" , posted Wed 16 Jan 14:17post reply

I'll get Mia scanned this weekend, and as for artists I like... are you familiar with Ronnie Del Carmen? http://www.ronniedelcarmen.com/
He's actually a friend of Casarosa's and they usually share a table at Comic Con, he's got a pretty cool indy comic called Paper Biscuit.

Justin Ridge is another animator/ storyboard artist I like... the front image on his website reminds me of Akiman's art somehow...

This artist's name is Xavier as far as I can tell but he goes by Gueuzav on Deviant Art. He updates rarely unfortunatley, but he's still one of my favorites. http://gueuzav.deviantart.com/

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"Re(1):Pixar Storyboard Artist talks bout Ghib" , posted Sun 30 Sep 01:35:post reply

This is a very nice and Informative Article, Thanks for Sharing with us. :)


[this message was edited by moiz on Sun 30 Sep 01:44]