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Just a Person 1037th Post
Red Carpet Premium Member
| "Re(1):Adult Doll?" , posted Sat 12 Jan 12:41
quote: Well, in my entirly biased opinion glasses = cool. And the problem with her name is the fact that it's the main SF series and not SFEX or CFAS. I sort of like it. My biggest complaint is cleavage + neck tie = tacky.
BTW, with the assumption that she might be part of the doll project...I'm probably dead wrong, but what if this is Enero?
Oh, I have nothing against glasses. It's just that she already has enough acessories (the tie, the crazy hairstyle...), and taking off the glasses would make her design clearer. Plus, I guess it would be hard for her to fight with glasses on. But sure, she could keep the glasses and take off the neck tie.
About Viper being Enero... well, both of them have pink hair, so that would be possible. But still, I would prefer her to be really someone new.
But apart from that, it would be nice to know what happened to each of the 12 Shadaloo Dolls. And being able to see Decapre's face.
I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!
Just a Person 1039th Post
Red Carpet Premium Member
| "Re(3):Adult Doll?" , posted Mon 14 Jan 04:56
quote: Well due to keeping the series connected I'd prefer Enero. I mean, since the plot is SF 2.5 instead of what happens after SF3, it would be nice to get the details on the dolls and other dangling plot threads. Plus, if it isn't Enero or at least someone with a Shadaloo connection, it seems odd that we would be shown this brand new character before Chun Li (or any other veteran SFers for that matter).
Well, the 1UP people said that Chun-Li wasn't fully complete yet... and that some SF characters will have their looks updated. Maybe Chun-Li wasn't shown yet because she'll get a different design.
Anyway, in case C.Viper is Enero, what could be the reason for her to be in it? She can't still be a Shadaloo agent, since not only Cammy freed her in SFA3, but Shadaloo was destroyed after Vega/M.Bison's death...
I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!
Just a Person 1040th Post
Red Carpet Premium Member
| "Re(5):Adult Doll?" , posted Mon 14 Jan 08:49
quote: I thought that SFA3 was disavowed, and that this game was supposed to be a continuation of SF2!
But then, I have no idea who this Enero is that everyone is talking about, so what do I know.
C.Viper sounds like the name of somebody from a beat'em up, and I mean like one of those names that you see above a lifebar while you're punching them.
Was SFA3 disavowed?? Wow, the series' storyline is really messy...
Enero is one of the 12 Shadaloo Dolls. Do you remember when you fight against Juli and Juni at the same time, and in the intro there are other girls with them? Enero is one of these girls.
And LOL at the beat'em up comment! It's so true... and that's sad, but also a little funny...
quote: Enero's reason for being in it: People hate new stuff.
Like I said in the last thread I'd be impressed if any "new" characters made it into the game instead of old NPC's becoming playable.
People are going to be mixed about C.Viper the completely original new character. But "C.Viper who is really Enero (or another doll) in an assumed identity" has a hook, it's a NEW old character to play as.
and about Shadoloo... I wouldn't be surprised if there's some crap about it "never was destroyed, it just went into hidding" since people seem to not want to let go of Bison as the big bad of SF, and characters who should cannonically not be working with them (Sagat, the dolls) are still in their ranks.
...Yeah, that's possible. And quite probable.
It could please the fanboys, but it could also throw the canon SF plot out of the window... and even though SF's storyline isn't exactly marvelous, I think it should be preserved. After all, this is SF4, not SFEX4, even though some people consider SF4 is just a new SFEX chapter...
I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!
Just a Person 1046th Post
Red Carpet Premium Member
| "Re(1):Adult Doll?" , posted Wed 16 Jan 02:01:
quote: And if you wonder of the authenticity:
You'll note it's the same 12 girls soluting as in the other image.
Udon doesn't seem to be really concerned about a cohesive storyline, is it? What is Sagat doing with all these Shadaloo operatives? And how could the 12 dolls still be there, if Gill and Kolin are also in the picture?
Well, maybe Shadaloo made some kind of time-travel...
quote: Random musings...
1. Is Cammy considered one of the Dolls? I mean, is she part of the 12 or is she the special 13th "Killer Bee" Doll?
2. Bison sure loves German girls.
3. CV sure does look like Enero, huh.
EDIT: SFA3 sprite animation of 10 of the 12 Dolls. Could this be CV's "first appearance? (cue dramatic music...)
1. From what I remember, she is considered one of the dolls, although she is also something else (she was created by Shadaloo to become M.Bison's next host body or something like that, while the other girls were just kidnapped from different parts of the world and then brainwashed in order to become assassins).
2. Yes, he does!
3. Yes, she does. Although it doesn't mean they are the same person.
EDIT: after seeing this animation, I don't think it was C.Viper's first appearance. Even if she's really Enero, it seems that Enero isn't in this sprite animation. I can identify (from right to left): Decapre, Noembelu, Santum, Marz, Juni, Satsuki, Xiayu, Aprile and Fevrier. Both Enero and Yanyu seem to be out of the animation, unfortunately...
I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!
[this message was edited by Just a Person on Wed 16 Jan 19:35] |
Just a Person 1045th Post
Red Carpet Premium Member
| "Re(7):Adult Doll?" , posted Wed 16 Jan 19:30
quote: Wow.
Now this story talk reminds me of the huge volumes of stories written about all the different bounty hunters in the lineup that are visible for like 5s in that Star Wars movie.
I don't think the same will happen to them... their stories resume to "girls from different parts of the world who were kidnapped and brainwashed by Shadaloo in order to become assassins. Then, Cammy puts them in a machine that sent them out of Shadaloo's headquarters, and maybe restored their memories. The end."
Really, they were an interesting concept, but if even Capcom itself didn't bother to detail them (they even put Juli as T.Hawk's friend, when Juli is supposed to be German - "Juli" means "July" in German - and when Noembelu would make much more sense as his friend), and most of the SF players/fans don't care about them, I don't think we'll see parallel stories about them.
Maybe, if someday a SF RPG is made (which I doubt), we'll learn just a little bit more about each of them. And that's all.
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