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Digitalboy 514th Post

New Red Carpet Member

| "Re(4):XBOX 360 UPDATE" , posted Fri 18 Jan 23:00
Just to let everyone know that I went back to the store and returned the bloody thing. I would have replied back sooner but I do not think that I could type so much on the Nintendo Wii's Internet without going nuts.
I made sure that I was able to return it. The customer service informed me that I could either exchange it for another Elite or I can get my money back. I got my money and I will be buying my imaginary girlfriend that I met on the internet something nice.
Now to answer some questions:
quote: Doesn't sound good... the lights surrounding your power button... did they change color at all? Also, what were you doing before the screen went white?
What region is your system from? US? Video connections okay on your set?
You should power down, power back up and see if the problem reoccurs. Also, try to see if this problem is triggered by a certain game or action. It may be a fluke, but definitely make a log of any odd activity your 360 is experiencing. You may need it if you have to call MS.
When the white screen appeared there were not any visible indication lights around the power button. I was playing Dead Or Alive 4. It was a U.S. region Xbox 360 and all video component cables were set up correctly. I did powered down for 30 minutes and tried the same game again only to have the same error.
quote: 1)power down 2)drink some whisky clean 3)throw xbox against wall 4)??? 5)profit
Ohh! Numbered list. I like those. 1)Check 2)Double check 3) Uh...if I did that I could not have returned it. I did the only possible thing to ventilate my rage and disgust. I yelled at it. 4)Masturbated 5)Money shot
quote: Changing the subject, anyone here got some gamertags?
mine is solid12345
I would love to play some SF Turbo against any of you punks from the cafe.
If I still had my 360, the gamertag I created was "K eight08." Thank you for changing the subject.
quote: XBox systems have a pretty horrible track record for me... as it's been said here, check the light ring on your system. If any crazy colors show up, you can look in your manual or online or something and decipher what happened (if anything). The most famous one is the Red Ring of Death, which basically means your system's dead as a doornail.
My friend who works at the store informed me that I did received the Red Ring of Death, I would not be able to return it. I was fortunate.
quote: My gamertag is Kingrand See you guys Live!
You need to post here more often. Once again thanks for changing the subject.
quote: You have two choices.
1. Call support, send your 360 in, wait 1-2 weeks, get it back, have it break on you later, send it in, ad nauseum.
2. Get a PS3. Never worry about quality issues.
Oh, more list for me! 1)Thought about it but decided with the refund. 2)Indecisive about the Playstation 3. Maybe four years from now. Thanks for the suggestion.
quote: Except the quality of the software library...
Oh really?
quote: I don't want to get into this one :) But 2008 looks like a good year to me!
Metal Gear Solid 4 seems to be the only game I am interested for the PS3.
Thanks everyone!
I don't know how to live But I've got alot of toys...
Undead Fred 2958th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(7):XBOX 360 UPDATE" , posted Sun 20 Jan 10:00
quote: Really? I thought it was just really crappy, rushed hardware design (not to be confused with the computing side, which seems nice and pretty). I'd love to have one so I could play Lost Odyssey and...pretty much nothing else, but the fact that the damn things are guaranteed to break (pathetic) means that you have to essentially be settled in one city/country/etc. or you'll never be able to return it to the store when it inevitably breaks down. And I don't want to live in Tokyo. Argh. Maybe they'll do a full hardware redesign one day.
Or maybe they'll never even break 1 million in Japan, and I can just buy 50 360's for 400 yen a pop and take them with me wherever I go, throwing them away when they break.
Well, I was gonna suggest getting it from a store like a Best Buy or something that had a service plan on it, but I take it they haven't invaded Japan yet. If you have a similar store that has some kind of extended warranty coverage you can buy, then make sure you get it. Mine went out a year after I bought it (as I've said before, I didn't abuse it at all... I just had the sheer gall to try and play games on it), and I was able to take it back, keep my old hard drive, prorate my old replacement plan to buy a new one and still make a few bucks off of it (the price had dropped since I bought it, so that worked out pretty well).
The only alternative is to buy an extended warranty from Microsoft since you're pretty much guaranteed to have to use it at some point. You'll have to play the waiting game while it's in the shop and all that, but at least you'll be covered. The point I'm trying to make is getting an extended warranty... and if you get that from a store, make sure it's one of those retarded super-monster chains that you can find anywhere so you won't be stuck if you move away.
Pollyanna 2410th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(9):XBOX 360 UPDATE" , posted Sun 20 Jan 20:13
There's also a fairly simple mod you can do on a system that's overheated that should take care of you permanently. Personally, my 360 has treated me very well. I don't even experience the glitches in games that people complain about.
I think the missing component is love. I recommend that everyone try loving your 360. And not just saying you love it so that you get what you want. That might work for a one-night-stand, but you're looking for a lasting relationship.
Wahhh...I need to get online with VF5. I haven't bothered with Live yet, cause I've been too busy...
In other 360 news, I just finished Lost Odyssey (like 10 minutes ago) and I found the last disk to be fairly disappointing. Not awful, just a step down from the rest of the game. It still earns the "RPG of the year" distinction from me, but it fell short of the "best thing ever" distinction it looked like it might make.
There's an interesting point at the very end, where the characters are spewing dramatic nonsense at the last boss as they do in every RPG. Only in LO...they make fun of it. Like "I always wanted to say that!" or "that was a good one!". Then the last boss makes a lame last boss remark and Jansen makes fun of him for it.
I thought "well, that's certainly funny, but wouldn't it be better with...I dunno...good dialogue, instead?"
Digitalboy 515th Post

New Red Carpet Member

| "Re(10):XBOX 360 UPDATE" , posted Sun 20 Jan 22:29
Does not compute...what is this "love" that you speak of?
quote: There's also a fairly simple mod you can do on a system that's overheated that should take care of you permanently. Personally, my 360 has treated me very well. I don't even experience the glitches in games that people complain about.
I think the missing component is love. I recommend that everyone try loving your 360. And not just saying you love it so that you get what you want. That might work for a one-night-stand, but you're looking for a lasting relationship.
Wahhh...I need to get online with VF5. I haven't bothered with Live yet, cause I've been too busy...
In other 360 news, I just finished Lost Odyssey (like 10 minutes ago) and I found the last disk to be fairly disappointing. Not awful, just a step down from the rest of the game. It still earns the "RPG of the year" distinction from me, but it fell short of the "best thing ever" distinction it looked like it might make.
There's an interesting point at the very end, where the characters are spewing dramatic nonsense at the last boss as they do in every RPG. Only in LO...they make fun of it. Like "I always wanted to say that!" or "that was a good one!". Then the last boss makes a lame last boss remark and Jansen makes fun of him for it.
I thought "well, that's certainly funny, but wouldn't it be better with...I dunno...good dialogue, instead?"
I don't know how to live But I've got alot of toys...