Touhou nes rom hacks - Forums

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303th Post

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"Touhou nes rom hacks" , posted Wed 16 Jan 07:02:post reply

I was just lurking the Insert Credit news page and saw that one of the articles features a series of Touhou-related 8-bit rom hacks.

As the writer of the article has openly expressed his interest on playing this hack and I don't feel like registering on the IC forum just for this, following this link you can find the desired ips along with some other interesting works.

I hope that this will somehow reach him, and also be relevant for other closet Touhou fans lurking the café.

But I still want to quench your thirst.
Because I am the one that put you into the desert.

[this message was edited by Arngrim on Wed 16 Jan 07:06]


822th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):Touhou nes rom hacks" , posted Wed 16 Jan 17:57post reply

I was just lurking the Insert Credit news page and saw that one of the articles features a series of Touhou-related 8-bit rom hacks.

As the writer of the article has openly expressed his interest on playing this hack and I don't feel like registering on the IC forum just for this, following this link you can find the desired ips along with some other interesting works.

I hope that this will somehow reach him, and also be relevant for other closet Touhou fans lurking the café.

I'm a Touhou fan as well, but I find these rom hacks pretty pointless, as the original games's replay value is near zero, and the only interesting thing about them is that they constitute the origins of such a wonderful PC shooter saga...

Oh, but thanks for the info anyway...

304th Post

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"Re(2):Touhou nes rom hacks" , posted Thu 17 Jan 00:11:post reply


I'm a Touhou fan as well, but I find these rom hacks pretty pointless, as the original games's replay value is near zero, and the only interesting thing about them is that they constitute the origins of such a wonderful PC shooter saga...

Oh, but thanks for the info anyway...

Woooh! Spanish Touhou fans!! Have you heard the ost remixes done by some hardcore spanish dj? It's like ZUN meets Pastis&Buenri. Quite an intense auditive experience.

And regarding the NES rom hacks, the only game from the list I had actually played is Elevator Action, and it is really curious to get to play as Reisen Udongein Inaba... (maybe the fact that the Lunarians from Touhou 8 are my favourite characters from the saga, anyway).

Besides this title, little I know about the other ones (isn't there the famous 'kuso' rpg remake on that page as well?).

But I still want to quench your thirst.
Because I am the one that put you into the desert.

[this message was edited by Arngrim on Thu 17 Jan 01:49]

701th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):Touhou nes rom hacks" , posted Thu 17 Jan 06:53post reply

I was just lurking the Insert Credit news page and saw that one of the articles features a series of Touhou-related 8-bit rom hacks.

As the writer of the article has openly expressed his interest on playing this hack and I don't feel like registering on the IC forum just for this, following this link you can find the desired ips along with some other interesting works.

I hope that this will somehow reach him, and also be relevant for other closet Touhou fans lurking the café.

I'm a Touhou fan as well, but I find these rom hacks pretty pointless, as the original games's replay value is near zero, and the only interesting thing about them is that they constitute the origins of such a wonderful PC shooter saga...

Oh, but thanks for the info anyway...

You know I want the full picture from your avatar right?


825th Post

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"Re(3):Touhou nes rom hacks" , posted Thu 17 Jan 16:07post reply

You know I want the full picture from your avatar right?

Wish granted, LOL!!!

305th Post

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"Re(4):Touhou nes rom hacks" , posted Thu 17 Jan 23:55post reply

Don Pimpón definetely needed his own spin-off.

Aren't there any other Touhou players in the café? Lately it has become increasingly popular...

But I still want to quench your thirst.
Because I am the one that put you into the desert.

703th Post

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"Re(5):Touhou nes rom hacks" , posted Fri 18 Jan 16:23post reply

Don Pimpón definetely needed his own spin-off.

Aren't there any other Touhou players in the café? Lately it has become increasingly popular...

Thanks again for the pic! I like the series too, but I'm not hardcore about it. I only played some of the demos and it's been a while since I last checked 'em so I dunno which is the latest game.


308th Post

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"Re(6):Touhou nes rom hacks" , posted Fri 18 Jan 16:49post reply


I only played some of the demos and it's been a while since I last checked 'em so I dunno which is the latest game.

The last game released is Tōhō Fūjinroku 'Mountain of Faith', which is officially numbered as the tenth installment of the series.

It has been really subversive due to ZUN announcement of wanting to go "back to the basics". The roster has been cut (back to only Reimu and Marisa playable from 8 characters in Imperishable Night) and the basics dramatically reduced and tweaked (e.g. a new bomb system, changes in the slow gameplay, et cetera).

Despite of that fact, the public has warmly received the new stages, characters and music (which I love, by the way, specially Nitori's and Sanae's themes).

There is actually a myriad of characters in this saga (i.e. a bunch of lolis) and a numerous variety of doujin games besides the main series paying tribute to classics such as Megaman, Super Mario Bros and Captain Tsubasa, most notably the 2D fighting game Inmaterial and Missing Power, which is soon going to have a sequel.

For those curious about the extension of the Touhou phenomenon, you can check the Touhou wiki or the Touhou Image board.

But I still want to quench your thirst.
Because I am the one that put you into the desert.

831th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(7):Touhou nes rom hacks" , posted Fri 18 Jan 22:36post reply

Unfortunately, I haven't been able to play T-10 due to a strange input bug, that prevents the game from using the joysticks in the proper manner (the game acts as if the joysticks were ceaselessly pressing down). Do you know, by any chance, whether any patch foster to the first installment of T-10 was releasedto solve these kind of issues?

310th Post

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"Re(8):Touhou nes rom hacks" , posted Sat 19 Jan 01:14post reply


Do you know, by any chance, whether any patch foster to the first installment of T-10 was released to solve these kind of issues?

This is the first time I hear about this time of troubleshooting regarding Touhou 10.

I'm afraid there is no patch as of now, however, I encourage you to play it using keyboard. This way, you are going to be hardcore.

But I still want to quench your thirst.
Because I am the one that put you into the desert.

835th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(9):Touhou nes rom hacks" , posted Sat 19 Jan 02:05:post reply


I'm afraid there is no patch as of now, however, I encourage you to play it using keyboard. This way, you are going to be retardcore.


EDIT: Problem solved. I just had to change my HRAP 3 detection mode (achieved by simply hitting a switch) and it worked perfectly!!!

[this message was edited by HAYATO on Sat 19 Jan 03:23]

312th Post

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"Re(10):Touhou nes rom hacks" , posted Sat 19 Jan 07:41:post reply


I'm afraid there is no patch as of now, however, I encourage you to play it using keyboard. This way, you are going to be retardcore HARDCORELY BADASS AND YOU'LL GAIN +10 CHARM WITH LOLIS.


Double fixed.

Actually, I've played the whole saga with keyboard and did fairly well. It's just a matter of getting used to, I think.

The point I want to make with this remark is that they are actually playable with keyboad, despite the fact that several people prefer to play it with a pad because they are most used to controlling games with pads from their experience with consoles.

EDIT: I'm glad you were able to solve your problem. Now get ready to experience moe rape with cucumbers.

But I still want to quench your thirst.
Because I am the one that put you into the desert.

[this message was edited by Arngrim on Sat 19 Jan 07:44]

835th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(2):Re(10):Touhou nes rom hacks" , posted Sat 19 Jan 16:30post reply


EDIT: I'm glad you were able to solve your problem. Now get ready to experience moe rape with cucumbers.

Wait, what? Is this canon-wise? If that's so, I'm sold!!!!

312th Post

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"Re(3):Re(10):Touhou nes rom hacks" , posted Sat 19 Jan 22:56post reply


Wait, what? Is this canon-wise? If that's so, I'm sold!!!!

Well, the last Spell Card (i.e. danmaku attack pattern) that the 3rd Stage Boss will use on you is named 河童「お化けキューカンバー」Kappa "Monster Cucumber". And Nitori is moeeeeeeeeeee!

But I still want to quench your thirst.
Because I am the one that put you into the desert.

4059th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):Touhou nes rom hacks" , posted Tue 22 Jan 09:16post reply

oh, that's what the Dastard site is...
I've been away from my PC for almost a week now, and am using one that has no Japanese fonts on it. I can never tell what's going on!!

837th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(5):Re(10):Touhou nes rom hacks" , posted Tue 22 Jan 15:55post reply

oh, that's what the Dastard site is...
I've been away from my PC for almost a week now, and am using one that has no Japanese fonts on it. I can never tell what's going on!!

You know the drill: either try installing JAP fonts to be able to read the installation menu stuff or use Applocale.exe to show JAP installers in the proper way (both measures work best, though)...

86th Post

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"Re(6):Re(10):Touhou nes rom hacks" , posted Tue 22 Jan 16:11:post reply

You can use the joystick in this game. It's on the configuration application.

Also, I'm glad it doesn't have many of ZUN's stupidass rules and still gives you a bonus after bombing the boss just once as opposed to NOT GIVING YOU ANYTHING AT ALL USING BOMBS ON BOSSES. I hate the fans who like to justify Touhou for its "correct" method of forced-grazed playing. Shmups aren't supposed to play like Guilty Gear.

[this message was edited by sfried on Tue 22 Jan 16:12]

839th Post

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"Re(7):Re(10):Touhou nes rom hacks" , posted Tue 22 Jan 16:46post reply

Shmups aren't supposed to play like Guilty Gear.

Well, perhaps you are trying the wrong shooters, but I usually play them this way and I achieve pretty decent scores (I failed to beat any Touhou game at all, besides Perfect Cherry Blossom)...

87th Post

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"Re(8):Re(10):Touhou nes rom hacks" , posted Tue 22 Jan 19:05:post reply

Shmups aren't supposed to play like Guilty Gear.

Well, perhaps you are trying the wrong shooters, but I usually play them this way and I achieve pretty decent scores (I failed to beat any Touhou game at all, besides Perfect Cherry Blossom)...

I've said this before, but the problem with Touhou is that it assume you are always playing for score, hence it does alot of that forced grazing which looks impossible unless you know the exact spot you need to be.

My problem would be why can't games like Under Defeat be as popular? Oh wait..."it lacks moe"

It really bugs me that a game with so many problems can get away with so much just because it has lolis.

[this message was edited by sfried on Tue 22 Jan 19:05]

840th Post

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"Re(9):Re(10):Touhou nes rom hacks" , posted Tue 22 Jan 22:39post reply

Shmups aren't supposed to play like Guilty Gear.

Well, perhaps you are trying the wrong shooters, but I usually play them this way and I achieve pretty decent scores (I failed to beat any Touhou game at all, besides Perfect Cherry Blossom)...

I've said this before, but the problem with Touhou is that it assume you are always playing for score, hence it does alot of that forced grazing which looks impossible unless you know the exact spot you need to be.

My problem would be why can't games like Under Defeat be as popular? Oh wait..."it lacks moe"

It really bugs me that a game with so many problems can get away with so much just because it has lolis.

Yeah, but you should also take into account the fact that Touhou games are fan-made, unlike the vast majority of shooters. Moreover, they're made by a single person, so that's why I think people is so indulgent with Zun's games (well, the loli factor is determinant as well, we all know how delicious they are)...

313th Post

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"Re(9):Re(10):Touhou nes rom hacks" , posted Wed 23 Jan 00:22post reply


My problem would be why can't games like Under Defeat be as popular? Oh wait..."it lacks moe"

It really bugs me that a game with so many problems can get away with so much just because it has lolis.

Don't understimate the power of the lolis!!

ZUN has been working on Touhou for many years, and his reputation has steadily increased Comiket after Comiket.

The danmaku game mechanics have appealed to the shoot'em up consumers, which is a really niché but loyal market.

Besides, the cast of characters plays an important role in the series: it's a likeable (although flat and simplistic) party which appeals to the moe community, who, in turn, create a snowball effect by creating doujin material which further expand the saga (they even celebrate their whole convention The Hakurei Shrine Reitaisai since 2004, which has been regarded as the largest doujin con).

Furthermore, the fans emphasize the music. ZUN has released some music cds as well. IMHO, he is a great composer, and his style is really characteristic. I must personally admit that I'm a big fan of his music.

With this, the point I'm trying to make is that a large part of the Touhou fan community care little about the score system, as they are casual gamers that happen to be attracted to Touhou universe. Think of the lurkers on the imageboards.

This case is somewhat similar to the Type-Moon case and the Higurashi case to a lesser extent.

But I still want to quench your thirst.
Because I am the one that put you into the desert.

4062th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Re(10):Touhou nes rom hacks" , posted Wed 23 Jan 03:25post reply


Furthermore, the fans emphasize the music. ZUN has released some music cds as well. IMHO, he is a great composer, and his style is really characteristic. I must personally admit that I'm a big fan of his music.

there have actually been way more fan remixes of his music than original CDs. At messe sanoh they have a full rack devoted to them!! insane.

88th Post

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"Re(10):Re(10):Touhou nes rom hacks" , posted Wed 23 Jan 04:07:post reply


Don't understimate the power of the lolis!!
The danmaku game mechanics have appealed to the shoot'em up consumers, which is a really niché but loyal market.
Furthermore, the fans emphasize the music. ZUN has released some music cds as well. IMHO, he is a great composer, and his style is really characteristic. I must personally admit that I'm a big fan of his music.
With this, the point I'm trying to make is that a large part of the Touhou fan community care little about the score system, as they are casual gamers that happen to be attracted to Touhou universe. Think of the lurkers on the imageboards.

That still does not make ZUN some sort of shmup god. I appriciate Touhou for what it's trying to do and ZUN's remarkable ability to compose...but that does not mean his games are infallible and don't have their fare share of problems.

I agree that the Touhou community is made of a bunch on annoying hikkis who simply wank off to the characters and play the games while ignoring the glaringly obvious flaws it has. What I don't like is them simply promoting Touhou and only Touhou when there are a ton of better doujin shmups out there.

I don't blame ZUN personally, but I do hope he looks into other shmups and sees what makes methodical shooters like R-Type and Gradius click. I know his series is on the far spectrum of CAVE, but common...faeries every level?

[this message was edited by sfried on Wed 23 Jan 04:10]

704th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):Touhou nes rom hacks" , posted Wed 23 Jan 04:33post reply

I agree that ZUN is a very talented fellow, but he is not graced with the divine power of drawing decently so at least his lolis aren't delicius...

If people wank off over that kind of material, I find it weird, but if they wank over his drawings, wow!


89th Post

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"Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):Touhou nes rom hacks" , posted Wed 23 Jan 05:22:post reply

I agree that ZUN is a very talented fellow, but he is not graced with the divine power of drawing decently so at least his lolis aren't delicius...

I think you're missing the point. He is not graced with the diving power to make an inuitive and non-archaic game. If only he focused more on the basics of people trying to play for survival as opposed to playing for score...

[this message was edited by sfried on Wed 23 Jan 06:26]

705th Post

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"Re(4):Re(10):Re(10):Touhou nes rom hacks" , posted Wed 23 Jan 16:34post reply


I think you're missing the point. He is not graced with the diving power to make an inuitive and non-archaic game. If only he focused more on the basics of people trying to play for survival as opposed to playing for score...

Nah, I was just giving my opinion on something else. As I said before, I only played the demos. I really don't care if the focus of the game is the score or not, I find the game interesting because of the bullet patterns and the fact that a guy alone did everything, that's why I respect him.


186th Post

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"Re(4):Re(10):Re(10):Touhou nes rom hacks" , posted Thu 24 Jan 04:57post reply

I think you're missing the point. He is not graced with the diving power to make an inuitive and non-archaic game. If only he focused more on the basics of people trying to play for survival as opposed to playing for score...

Archaic? You're really stretching here. I realize that your tastes are more for the old school of shooter design (archaic indeed!), but you should accept Touhou for what it is, rather than trying to force your tastes onto it and its fanbase.

90th Post

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"Re(5):Re(10):Re(10):Touhou nes rom hacks" , posted Thu 24 Jan 13:32:post reply

Nah, I was just giving my opinion on something else. As I said before, I only played the demos. I really don't care if the focus of the game is the score or not, I find the game interesting because of the bullet patterns and the fact that a guy alone did everything, that's why I respect him.

Archaic? You're really stretching here. I realize that your tastes are more for the old school of shooter design (archaic indeed!), but you should accept Touhou for what it is, rather than trying to force your tastes onto it and its fanbase.

Hey, I appriciate what ZUN's efforts considering his one-man-band status (pretty much like PIXEL), but there is still room for improvement.

[this message was edited by sfried on Thu 24 Jan 14:09]

1430th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(6):Re(10):Re(10):Touhou nes rom hacks" , posted Sat 26 Jan 04:52post reply

I don't understand the disdain for having scoring systems in shooters! I loved Ikaruga very much.

92th Post

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"Re(7):Re(10):Re(10):Touhou nes rom hacks" , posted Sat 26 Jan 06:18:post reply

I don't understand the disdain for having scoring systems in shooters! I loved Ikaruga very much.

It's not about having a scoring system. It's having a system in which you are always being forced to play for score and can't simply just play for survival. This game always assumes you're some graze-crazed maniac and tosses everything into your path except for small gaps in the middle. At least Ikaruga avoided that by letting you switch colors if you felt the bullets gaps where too overwhelmingly small. In other words, it had safe-zoning. Kind of like in Under Defeat where they fire a small spreading barrage at you save for a small gap in the middle. You can choose to avoid the entire barrage by avoiding it completely, or wait for it to spread and sneaking inside the gap for more points. The was a certain balance of risk-reward that did not feel antagonistically pinned on you.

The second problem I have with Touhou is how it seems to against building your own strategy. Yes, I understand certain games like Contra and whatnot require a certain amount of memorization, but even those games are flexible in letting you devise your own approach. Touhou doen't, and this isn't fighting the same fodder enemies in new levels with very little variety makes progression feel like a chore. It's so anti-progressive in its design that I can't help but feel it's being specifically cattered towards those masturbating fanboys who keep up with this kind of anachronistic design.

Edit: Note that I do understand where ZUN is coming from with his design. He wants to used grazing-based reward mechanism to add benefits other than point bonuses and multipliers, and streamlines it further by making his entire system revolve around that. At the same time, however, because of his bullet patterns and bomb-penalties, it makes it hard for someone to digest his games piecewise in order to advance since it always makes you fight for your score and not with your life. ZUN is almost ignoring the very fundamental nature for a player to survive first before even caring about such things like scoring. And not everybody's good at grazing.

I just find it unfair that a game with obvious problems gets #2 in the list of best doujin shmups out there.

[this message was edited by sfried on Sat 26 Jan 09:19]