The KOF 98 UM thread - Forums

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8320th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"The KOF 98 UM thread" , posted Thu 17 Jan 19:39post reply

The location test has started. A few reports are interesting (ura kyô can't step-naraku, Heidern's guard cancel is now his down+C, etc). Orochi, Goenitz and the two bôsô are still non selectable.

There are a few new supers (an antiair withering surface, a super katategoma, Chin's super C throw, super psycho ball...) and some characters like Joe and Robert have several moves from their old games. And... Oh god it's been two years and they are still testing it I'm so bored.


Time Mage
2625th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):The KOF 98 UM thread" , posted Fri 18 Jan 06:09post reply

ura kyô can't step-naraku

Is that his , ?

If so, good, because that was annoying.

Dragon Kick your ass into the Milky Waaay~~ (Milky Waaaay)

65th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(1):The KOF 98 UM thread" , posted Fri 18 Jan 08:38post reply

The location test has started. A few reports are interesting (ura kyô can't step-naraku, Heidern's guard cancel is now his down+C, etc). Orochi, Goenitz and the two bôsô are still non selectable.

There are a few new supers (an antiair withering surface, a super katategoma, Chin's super C throw, super psycho ball...) and some characters like Joe and Robert have several moves from their old games. And... Oh god it's been two years and they are still testing it I'm so bored.


Any way, I suppose that the extensive testing is to make sure that this game is as top-notch as possible, and can be a viable game for the months to come.

B/c, after all, we really don't need another "NeoWave" in our lives, do we?

Dokuganryu wa Date jya ne you see?

8325th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):The KOF 98 UM thread" , posted Fri 18 Jan 21:47post reply

extensive testing.

3037th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):The KOF 98 UM thread" , posted Sat 19 Jan 02:00post reply

extensive testing.

I like that the game has been two years in the making [or ten years depending on how you look at it] and the order select portraits aren't complete yet. Hopefully this means that SNK is investing all of its time and love into the new SS game but I may be may be grasping at straws.

618th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(3):The KOF 98 UM thread" , posted Sat 19 Jan 02:33post reply

extensive testing.

The burkas-in-the-background made me smile.

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何処までも卑猥に腐るまで I LOVE YOU

1404th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):The KOF 98 UM thread" , posted Sat 19 Jan 03:51post reply

Hopefully a traveler from the future here to save us from a virus doesn't materialize in a Japanese arcade or else he will think it is the year 1998 and his mission will fail.

shin ramberk
329th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(5):The KOF 98 UM thread" , posted Sat 19 Jan 04:30post reply

Hopefully a traveler from the future here to save us from a virus doesn't materialize in a Japanese arcade or else he will think it is the year 1998 and his mission will fail.


I don't want to sound like a jerk... but what's the point of this game? From what's been described, there have been a few changes to the characters (addition of attacks, changes in attacks). But what else? I don't care if there are no new sprites, but the sprites are the same. I suppose the purpose of the game could be to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the game. But is that it? Maybe SNK should have added the post '98 characters to the roster. I thought '98 was considered to be one of those mythical "well balanced" fighting games. Just wondering here...

8326th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):The KOF 98 UM thread" , posted Sat 19 Jan 04:45post reply

I don't want to sound like a jerk... but what's the point of this game? From what's been described, there have been a few changes to the characters (addition of attacks, changes in attacks). But what else?

New bugs, and more lag in the controls.

921th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(6):The KOF 98 UM thread" , posted Sat 19 Jan 06:27post reply

nd like a jerk... but what's the point of this game? From what's been described, there have been a few changes to the characters (addition of attacks, changes in attacks). But what else? I don't care if there are no new sprites, but the sprites are the same. I suppose the purpose of the game could be to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the game. But is that it? Maybe SNK should have added the post '98 characters to the roster. I thought '98 was considered to be one of those mythical "well balanced" fighting games. Just wondering here...

I think a part of the point was also to include the characters who were in the pre-98 games who somehow didn't make it into the dream match (Kasumi, Eiji, Goenitz, boss team, etc).

ワンダフル! ビューティフル! エキサイティング!

8327th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):The KOF 98 UM thread" , posted Sat 19 Jan 08:04post reply

More vids :

Bug-free, this time. Apparently, it was the machine that had a problem in the other videos.

If only they could get rid of this lag imput problem...

1475th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(8):The KOF 98 UM thread" , posted Sat 19 Jan 09:06post reply


If only they could get rid of this lag imput problem...

What exactly is the input lag problem, and is it verified to be a bug of the game and not anything else (including crappy hardware, user bias, etc.)?

2435th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(9):The KOF 98 UM thread" , posted Sat 19 Jan 18:15:post reply

I've checked the game during early lunch time yesterday. It's cool to see the bosses in action (a lot of people were using them), and the alternate(start button) characters play a lot differently from the original KOF98.

There wasn't any crowd around the machine, maybe about the same 5 people rotating and that's it. It's not really a new game, so it's kind of expected. Add in the fact that the other games in the store are playable at half the price (50 yen), and there's even less of an incentive to try it out.

Some beta testers are reporting that there's input lags due to the TypeX(ver.1) hardware. Personally, I didn't feel any lags when I tried playing it myself.

Taito's Chaos Breaker is about the only other fighting game that came out on the TypeX. If you haven't experienced input lags on that game, chances are you won't feel anything on the arcade version of KOF98UM either.

Also to note, the arcade version seems to be limited to 2D backgrounds.

The original KOF98 was known to be relatively well-balanced but it still had some abusable bugs like Goro's unguardable ground stomp. Hopefully they'll be fixed.

[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 19 Jan 18:31]

8328th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):The KOF 98 UM thread" , posted Sat 19 Jan 19:03post reply

The original KOF98 was known to be relatively well-balanced but it still had some abusable bugs like Goro's unguardable ground stomp. Hopefully they'll be fixed.

If I read the thread correctly, the only changes made to Goro are the disappearance of the bug and one of his supers (the yamaarashi I think?) that is now a super counter (which is a shame, since Kasumi doesn't have hers).
It's interesting how very few changes have been made to the top tiers. I don't think anyone reported anything about Chizuru, and people only reported Chris's CD is slower.
I hope it will turn out OK...

Also, one of the videos has the two main things about Athena : her new super psycho ball, and the fact the unstoppable projectile (psychobo-telepoooto!) is still here.
Shermie only has a new cancel point on one of her B moves (close B? I don't remember) and Orochi Shermie seems unchanged (ouch).
Ura Joe has several new stuff, including his RB super, but without the kakato, I'm not sure I'll use him much.