Melty Blood for Newbies? - Forums

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shin ramberk
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"Melty Blood for Newbies?" , posted Fri 18 Jan 08:31post reply

Hi Everyone,

So my arcade got MB. I was... rather surprised by its appearance. I had heard people mention the game on here for a while but I had never bothered to really look into it. Regardless, I am interested in learning how to play the game. I have a few questions I hope folks here can help me with.

BTW. its MB-Act Cadenza ver.B.

1. Any good MB tutorials out there? Good FAQs? I'm currently digging at gamefaqs for this game but other sources are duly appreciated.

2. Which MB character resembles Guile/Remy-- a keep away/poke character. I played the game for the first time today and i picked a character who uses a bird and wolf as special attacks (my apologies for not remembering his name). I rather like him because his attacks are a little like Blackheart.

3. This game any good? I had fun the limited amount of time I played the game but there's definitely a bit of material to learn for this game, so I want to know if I should invest my time in the game. I really only play 3S right now.

Thanks for all your helps!


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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Melty Blood for Newbies?" , posted Fri 18 Jan 11:27post reply


1. Any good MB tutorials out there? Good FAQs? I'm currently digging at gamefaqs for this game but other sources are duly appreciated.


2. Which MB character resembles Guile/Remy-- a keep away/poke character.

Nero (big tall dark guy) is the ONLY character in the game that is like this. Aoko can TRY to play keepaway, but the game is such that this playstyle is strongly disadvantageous.


3. This game any good? I had fun the limited amount of time I played the game but there's definitely a bit of material to learn for this game, so I want to know if I should invest my time in the game. I really only play 3S right now.

My opinion is that it is not at all a bad game or a poorly balanced one, but it feels very samey after awhile, and a lot of characters do a lot of similar things. 3S is a lot less balanced than this game is what with how incredibly powerful/stupid some characters are, but it has a lot more diversity than this game does. I personally don't like it that much.

shin ramberk
328th Post

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"Re(2):Melty Blood for Newbies?" , posted Fri 18 Jan 12:04post reply


My opinion is that it is not at all a bad game or a poorly balanced one, but it feels very samey after awhile, and a lot of characters do a lot of similar things. 3S is a lot less balanced than this game is what with how incredibly powerful/stupid some characters are, but it has a lot more diversity than this game does. I personally don't like it that much.

You know what, after dipping a little into the game and researching it a little, I was getting that same impression. That's disappointing and unfortunate. I guess I can play this casually. I do like the Chaos character but I just won't take it seriously.

I completely agree with your assessment of 3S. That's why I like playing it, the variety of effective play styles.

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"Re(3):Melty Blood for Newbies?" , posted Wed 23 Jan 03:25post reply

Isn't Melty Blood just RUSH RUSH RUSH RUSH RUSH hit with launcher -> flashy combo -> repeat?

I guess there's some variety in the way you rushdown, but even GGXX has more playstyles than this.

Play to win.

1476th Post

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"Re(4):Melty Blood for Newbies?" , posted Wed 23 Jan 05:39post reply

Isn't Melty Blood just RUSH RUSH RUSH RUSH RUSH hit with launcher -> flashy combo -> repeat?

I guess there's some variety in the way you rushdown, but even GGXX has more playstyles than this.

The really cynical (and not really accurate) but more precise phrasing is:

IAD -> reverse chain to light attack -> IAD/throw/low -> if comboing hit then do some jump double jump air combo ending with an air throw -> repeat from start

At a certain point, it really seems like that's all that ever happens. Almost all offense seems to start from IAD, and when that's blocked almost all block strings seem to invoke reverse beat to light attack for frame advantage, and the basic air combos for many characters end in air throw for the knockdown.

GGXX series has MUCH more diverse playstyles than this, seeing as how at least two characters either have extremely limited utility from IAD (Faust) or have no air dash at all (Potemkin).