KOF XII AOU TRAILER - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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42th Post

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Rare Customer

"KOF XII AOU TRAILER" , posted Fri 15 Feb 15:26post reply

Well its finally out and I'm excited to play it. Lets just hope, this 2-3Dish game is worth the Taito Type-X2 board!


"Everytime you praise someone that they're one in a million just remember that only means there's 5000 of them in China..." -new chinese proverb


379th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(1):KOF XII AOU TRAILER" , posted Fri 15 Feb 15:34post reply

Well its finally out and I'm excited to play it. Lets just hope, this 2-3Dish game is worth the Taito Type-X2 board!


Wow everything looks alot clearer, bigger, and a bit more detailed too from what I can tell from the live video stream. I hope there is another video soon where it will be more up close!

Thanks reppuken!

This song is so true

627th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(1):KOF XII AOU TRAILER" , posted Fri 15 Feb 16:03:post reply

Well its finally out and I'm excited to play it. Lets just hope, this 2-3Dish game is worth the Taito Type-X2 board!


It reminds me of Nona's work for some reason. IT LOOKS SO GOOD!!! Let's start dreaming up the roster!

EDIT: Everyone has such nice calves

いつまでも残酷に腐るまで I LOVE YOU
何処までも卑猥に腐るまで I LOVE YOU

[this message was edited by Evenor on Fri 15 Feb 16:09]

43th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(2):KOF XII AOU TRAILER" , posted Fri 15 Feb 16:34post reply

Well its finally out and I'm excited to play it. Lets just hope, this 2-3Dish game is worth the Taito Type-X2 board!


Wow everything looks alot clearer, bigger, and a bit more detailed too from what I can tell from the live video stream. I hope there is another video soon where it will be more up close!

Thanks reppuken!

NO problem as soon as they get more, I'll link it here..

"Everytime you praise someone that they're one in a million just remember that only means there's 5000 of them in China..." -new chinese proverb

996th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(3):KOF XII AOU TRAILER" , posted Fri 15 Feb 16:54post reply


1157th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(4):KOF XII AOU TRAILER" , posted Fri 15 Feb 17:10post reply

I hope the number of sealed envelopes at the start of the video corresponds to the number of playable characters.

199th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(3):KOF XII AOU TRAILER" , posted Fri 15 Feb 17:12post reply

Well its finally out and I'm excited to play it. Lets just hope, this 2-3Dish game is worth the Taito Type-X2 board!


Wow everything looks alot clearer, bigger, and a bit more detailed too from what I can tell from the live video stream. I hope there is another video soon where it will be more up close!

Thanks reppuken!

NO problem as soon as they get more, I'll link it here..

im impressed. sf2hd is nothing compared to this? too bad they dont have as much exposure in the US


271th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(1):KOF XII AOU TRAILER" , posted Fri 15 Feb 17:13post reply

Well its finally out and I'm excited to play it. Lets just hope, this 2-3Dish game is worth the Taito Type-X2 board!


It's not just that it's hi-res... the animation! Man they really stepped it up! (movement style kinda reminds me of CVS2 now!)

Time has now slowed to a crawl as I wait for the next update.

380th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(5):KOF XII AOU TRAILER" , posted Fri 15 Feb 17:25post reply

I hope the number of sealed envelopes at the start of the video corresponds to the number of playable characters.

Most Definitely, if they spent all that time making this? I hope so that the character select screen will be flooded!

This song is so true

1511th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(6):KOF XII AOU TRAILER" , posted Fri 15 Feb 17:31:post reply

I wonder if any returning characters will have any new moves.

I also wonder what new characters there will be.

I'm hoping for Karnov.

[this message was edited by Spoon on Fri 15 Feb 17:32]

8372th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):KOF XII AOU TRAILER" , posted Fri 15 Feb 17:33post reply

Wow. Nona, just, wow.

893th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(6):KOF XII AOU TRAILER" , posted Fri 15 Feb 17:37:post reply

It looks like it will be worth the wait!

[this message was edited by Phoenix on Fri 15 Feb 17:41]

2298th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):KOF XII AOU TRAILER" , posted Fri 15 Feb 17:46post reply

I love the randomness of the trailer, like the part where Benimaru whiffs a low B in front of Athena.

Time Mage
2631th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):KOF XII AOU TRAILER" , posted Fri 15 Feb 18:56post reply

Blurry and all, it looks awesome!

I'm eager to see clearer footage.

"News flash big guy: You can wax on wax off all you want I'm still... KICKIN' YOUR ASS!"

574th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(2):KOF XII AOU TRAILER" , posted Fri 15 Feb 19:36post reply

Blurry and all, it looks awesome!

I'm eager to see clearer footage.

Oh My God. I wanna Cry.


Just a Person
1074th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(8):KOF XII AOU TRAILER" , posted Fri 15 Feb 20:30post reply

I love the randomness of the trailer, like the part where Benimaru whiffs a low B in front of Athena.

So that means that Benimaru and Athena are confirmed to this game, as well? I remember the only confirmed characters so far were Ash, Kyo, Terry, Elizabeth, Daimon and Leona.

Anyway, that's great news! I hope KoF XII is really the greatest chapter in the series!

BTW, besides Benimaru and Athena, does this trailer confirm anyone else?

I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!

6th Post

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"Re(3):KOF XII AOU TRAILER" , posted Fri 15 Feb 20:36post reply


And I thinking about how this new KOF would be the next SNKP's bad joke.

The game looks beautiful...

...for now.

1598th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(9):KOF XII AOU TRAILER" , posted Fri 15 Feb 21:23:post reply

Sooo smooth...
Wanna see high def video now.

EDIT: Oh, and that old-school Esaka in the background... Really well thought move. Got to me, and most of the fans too, I guess.


BTW, besides Benimaru and Athena, does this trailer confirm anyone else?

I see Korean Taekwondo people...

Like the wind...

"When the finger points to heaven the idiot looks at the finger."
-A kid from Amélie.

[this message was edited by Sensenic on Fri 15 Feb 21:24]

Just a Person
1075th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(10):KOF XII AOU TRAILER" , posted Fri 15 Feb 21:57post reply

I see Korean Taekwondo people...

Kim? Jhun? May-Lee? Or one of Kim's sons?

Well, I guess Kim would be the most obvious choice... even though he's the one I least like from the options above.

I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!

158th Post

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"Re(1):KOF XII AOU TRAILER" , posted Fri 15 Feb 22:07post reply

Higher res version:


I'm really looking forward to this! I forgot what it felt like to wait in this much anticipation for a KOF. I feel like I've gone back 10 years...

275th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(1):KOF XII AOU TRAILER" , posted Fri 15 Feb 22:08:post reply

And I'm back after thousands of years to say that I saw the trailer and it was awesome.

Gets me already fantasizing about the teams.
God, I missed this.

Edit: Sorry for the double post. Connection is a little messy here.


[this message was edited by tenguman on Fri 15 Feb 23:18]

517th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(2):KOF XII AOU TRAILER" , posted Fri 15 Feb 22:42post reply

Double post hauntings!
And I'm back after thousands of years to say that I saw the trailer and it was awesome.

Gets me already fantasizing about the teams.
God, I missed this.

And I'm back from the dead just to say that I saw the trailer, and it's awesome.

Gots me already fantasizing about the teams.
God, I missed this.

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

449th Post

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Gold Customer

"AVI download link" , posted Fri 15 Feb 23:29post reply

Higher res version:


I'm really looking forward to this! I forgot what it felt like to wait in this much anticipation for a KOF. I feel like I've gone back 10 years...

im having trouble with megaupload but i download the link below instead ... one word to sum it up , amazing !


Who did this to these dogs ???

630th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(1):AVI download link" , posted Fri 15 Feb 23:36post reply

This clip... it made me forget all about SF... whatever the hell that was.

Screw them, THIS is the game I will look forward to.

1598th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):KOF XII AOU TRAILER" , posted Fri 15 Feb 23:53post reply

Downloaded it and checked it frame-by-frame (bored at work ^_^U ) and indeed...


It reminds me of Nona's work for some reason.

Wow. Nona, just, wow.

the sprites are quite moving Nona illustrations (and not the 2k1, SvC kind, fortunately).
It's specially clear in the 'Benimaru "raikouken-ing" Kim' cut.

Lots of transparencies here and there too.
And Athena in her stand pose... has glitter? o.O
(Suit's a dark sailor seifuku this "year", BTW. Not that much change from last u.u )

I don't like for now Kyo's flame effects. They look like painted over, too much black in there, specially when compared to the transparency of the others' "energies".

Yeap, definitely too bored. u.u

I see Korean Taekwondo people...

Kim? Jhun? May-Lee? Or one of Kim's sons?

Well, I guess Kim would be the most obvious choice... even though he's the one I least like from the options above.

Oh, sorry. I meant Kim, of course (too soon I guess to reveal unusual/new chars), but ended up saying it in a very stupid way.

Like the wind...

"When the finger points to heaven the idiot looks at the finger."
-A kid from Amélie.

4359th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):AVI download link" , posted Sat 16 Feb 00:36post reply

Looks much better than I anticipated, if they truly remaped the game engine, then this might have a chance.

Now, let's wait for a 15 characters roster

The only evil of the word; is the one in the heart of mens

1500th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(3):AVI download link" , posted Sat 16 Feb 00:45post reply

Looks nice so far. It would have been nice to see a more unique change for Benimaru and Athena. Too bad they are going back to the original Terry look, I really dug MOTW Terry.

3063th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):AVI download link" , posted Sat 16 Feb 00:50post reply

Yay, SNK has moved its 2D games into the 21st century! Or maybe the late 1990's but, still, it's something.

It looks like the camera is getting a lot closer to the characters than before. I'll be curious to see if all the zooming and scaling will affect the gameplay.

Just a Person
1078th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(3):KOF XII AOU TRAILER" , posted Sat 16 Feb 00:56post reply

Oh, sorry. I meant Kim, of course (too soon I guess to reveal unusual/new chars), but ended up saying it in a very stupid way.

No problem, and thank you very much for the answer! So now we have 9 confirmed characters, right? Kyo, Terry, Ash, Elizabeth, Daimon, Leona, Athena, Kim and Benimaru, right?

I hope Yuri appears as well...

Now, let's wait for a 15 characters roster

Come on, even KoF'94 had 24 characters... SNK is not THAT lazy.

Actually, after reading all the impressions here, maybe SNK is no longer lazy AT ALL...

I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!

7th Post

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New Customer

"Re(4):KOF XII AOU TRAILER" , posted Sat 16 Feb 01:09post reply

Love the festival style backgrounds, especially the restaurant with the fat ladies cheering you up.

1412th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(5):KOF XII AOU TRAILER" , posted Sat 16 Feb 01:44post reply

Just awesome. However I wish Ash were gone, can't stand him. (this is the cafe, gotta find some reason to bitch)

11th Post

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"Re(6):KOF XII AOU TRAILER" , posted Sat 16 Feb 01:45post reply

This is too much! I... I need to sit down!

77th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(7):KOF XII AOU TRAILER" , posted Sat 16 Feb 01:50post reply

Very nice.

...It's a good thing SS SEN and some other goodies will be out soon, too. The wait for this one is gonna be killer...

Dokuganryu wa Date jya ne you see?

4360th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):AVI download link" , posted Sat 16 Feb 02:23post reply

Too bad they are going back to the original Terry look, I really dug MOTW Terry.

Except for perhaps, Athena and Kyo; it seems that SNK is using the characters "default" costumes, I mean, classic Terry and Benimaru (not tiger stripped). I guess it's a nod for older players, to check "this is how your old sprites are like now".

I won't watch the trailer that many times, I mean, well be seeing these sprites almost every year for the next 15 or 20 years.

The only evil of the word; is the one in the heart of mens

4068th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):AVI download link" , posted Sat 16 Feb 02:34post reply


jesus what is this feeling.

4361th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):AVI download link" , posted Sat 16 Feb 02:36post reply

jesus what is this feeling.

Iggy's hands.

The only evil of the word; is the one in the heart of mens

4069th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):AVI download link" , posted Sat 16 Feb 03:15post reply


Iggy's hands.

I should've tried that earlier! It was all so simple!!

3618th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):AVI download link" , posted Sat 16 Feb 03:45post reply

Just impressive! look really excellent!
And sinbce it seems that bao is in a background, we're sure to not see him playable.

Fortes fortuna juvat...

1008th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(9):AVI download link" , posted Sat 16 Feb 07:14post reply

Looks pretty damn nice actually.

Play to win.

Hagen de Merak
976th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(10):AVI download link" , posted Sat 16 Feb 07:37post reply

i think i wet myself

Burning Ranger
1551th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):KOF XII AOU TRAILER" , posted Sat 16 Feb 07:50post reply

Well its finally out and I'm excited to play it. Lets just hope, this 2-3Dish game is worth the Taito Type-X2 board!


Finally. Wow. Just wow. It's about KOF returned to the scene. And it looks gorgeous. At least the character graphics are at the GGXX level now (it appears). It seems to animate well too.

I hope the game has an excellent soundtrack. With the festival theme, I'm hoping the SNKP team doesn't go with the KOF'97 musical direction.

Can't wait for this!

Advanced Cybernetic Organism "Burning Ranger"

575th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(2):KOF XII AOU TRAILER" , posted Sat 16 Feb 08:29post reply

I cant believe internet went down at work on a time like this. Even while boss is angry yelling everywhere and bothering me I've gone thinking "Fucking fantastic KOF XII".



Time Mage
2634th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):AVI download link" , posted Sat 16 Feb 08:49:post reply

Now, let's wait for a 15 characters roster

Eh, it took them quite a lot to just release this trailer, maybe it's because they're going to start with a fairly decent cast. 21 characters would be a nice number, in my opinion, considering everything is redrawn.

"News flash big guy: You can wax on wax off all you want I'm still... KICKIN' YOUR ASS!"

[this message was edited by Time Mage on Sat 16 Feb 08:49]

2442th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):AVI download link" , posted Sat 16 Feb 09:10post reply

It looks very incomplete, which is unfortunate, because I'm pretty excited. I'm just afraid the cast is going to be really boring. Nothing would be worse than a totally awesome, beautiful new KOF game with no characters I like.


Man! I didn't wanna post anything positive because in the low res video it looked...odd...like something was off, but seeing it in higher quality, that fear is dispelled.

And...and...it's not just that it's beautiful, it's Nona beautiful. The muscles! The shading! Wahhhh! It's so amazing to see an artist's hand...to see their style in motion like that.

I...I know all of this has been said already, but I had to chime in with positivity.

8375th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):AVI download link" , posted Sat 16 Feb 09:18post reply

It looks very incomplete, which is unfortunate, because I'm pretty excited. I'm just afraid the cast is going to be really boring. Nothing would be worse than a totally awesome, beautiful new KOF game with no characters I like.

I'm preparing myself to that. 24 characters + a boss. And I would buy the game nevetheless, just to have them create the next dream match with the Orochi team and Mature&Vice.

But first, Nona-chan, with all the respect I have for you, learn to draw Shermie better kthanks.

382th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(6):AVI download link" , posted Sat 16 Feb 09:41:post reply

I'm not sure if anyone noticed in any of the videos actually but I noticed this with the higher res video that was up for download on megaupload, but it looks like there is 3 icon boxes underneath the health bars of Kyo vs Ash in the transitional change of old snk graphics to new graphics. I'm expecting that were going to have alot of characters and big teams.

Just a little heads up for everyone.

This song is so true

[this message was edited by catalyst on Sat 16 Feb 09:43]

1435th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(6):AVI download link" , posted Sat 16 Feb 10:11post reply

I'm very much looking forward to kof13 now where they fix all the bugs and bad gameplay that will definitely be in kof12 according to SNK tradition!

The way the game seems to move and play reminds me of Garou.

9th Post

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New Customer

"Re(5):AVI download link" , posted Sat 16 Feb 10:46:post reply

It looks very incomplete, which is unfortunate, because I'm pretty excited. I'm just afraid the cast is going to be really boring. Nothing would be worse than a totally awesome, beautiful new KOF game with no characters I like.


Man! I didn't wanna post anything positive because in the low res video it looked...odd...like something was off, but seeing it in higher quality, that fear is dispelled.

And...and...it's not just that it's beautiful, it's Nona beautiful. The muscles! The shading! Wahhhh! It's so amazing to see an artist's hand...to see their style in motion like that.

I...I know all of this has been said already, but I had to chime in with positivity.

I'd go one step further and say that I really hope that they don't mess up too much with the gameplay. Surely, everything looks gorgeous, but hey, KOF 99/2000 were graphically pretty good at the time, albeit displaying aging sprites, but the backstepping in 99 and the strikers in 2000 gave them a weird feel.

Also, am I the only one that felt a slightly slower pacing than XI?

[edit]: Gee, Zepy sort of beat me about it.

[this message was edited by Ebisumaru on Sat 16 Feb 10:50]

4362th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):AVI download link" , posted Sat 16 Feb 13:04post reply

but it looks like there is 3 icon boxes underneath the health bars of Kyo vs Ash in the transitional change of old snk graphics to new graphics.

I noticed that as well, I also noticed that skill gauge and the stun gauge are nowhere to be seen, I wonder how will they manage the tag from now on; or is it just because the shots are from a developing stage.

The only evil of the word; is the one in the heart of mens

13th Post

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New Customer

"Re(8):AVI download link" , posted Sat 16 Feb 13:28post reply

but it looks like there is 3 icon boxes underneath the health bars of Kyo vs Ash in the transitional change of old snk graphics to new graphics.

I noticed that as well, I also noticed that skill gauge and the stun gauge are nowhere to be seen, I wonder how will they manage the tag from now on; or is it just because the shots are from a developing stage.

It could be that the game is SO strong, it requires ALL of the internal ram to load just 2 characters!

518th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(9):AVI download link" , posted Sat 16 Feb 18:09post reply

I have NOT seen the video yet but can anyone tell me if the game is 2-D? Cel shading? Et cetera. Thanks!

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

Time Mage
2634th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):AVI download link" , posted Sat 16 Feb 19:47post reply

Also, am I the only one that felt a slightly slower pacing than XI?

No you aren't, I also noticed. And man, I love it! If there's something I've never been too comfortable with in KOF games is their often frantic pace. If they reduce it just a bit, I'll be very happy.

I have NOT seen the video yet but can anyone tell me if the game is 2-D? Cel shading? Et cetera. Thanks!

Hi-res, fully 2D sprites. I've read somewhaere that the resolution is the same as Blaz Blue, 720p, but don't quote me on that.

"News flash big guy: You can wax on wax off all you want I'm still... KICKIN' YOUR ASS!"

3619th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):AVI download link" , posted Sat 16 Feb 20:15post reply

I noticed that as well, I also noticed that skill gauge and the stun gauge are nowhere to be seen, I wonder how will they manage the tag from now on; or is it just because the shots are from a developing stage.

Well for the tag, I'm pretty sure that it's out. Ithink that we're back for a 3vs3 KOF. The new graphics should be heavy to load and I4m pretty sure that the board can't old 6 characters at the same time.

Fortes fortuna juvat...

4363th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):AVI download link" , posted Sun 17 Feb 00:08post reply

I think that we're back for a 3vs3 KOF. The new graphics should be heavy to load and I4m pretty sure that the board can't old 6 characters at the same time.

You are mistaking the Taito Type-X2 with a nes.
I remember in teenage mutant ninja turtles 3, it was never pretty when there it was 5 characters on the screen at the time

The only evil of the word; is the one in the heart of mens

3620th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):AVI download link" , posted Sun 17 Feb 19:21post reply

You are mistaking the Taito Type-X2 with a nes.
I remember in teenage mutant ninja turtles 3, it was never pretty when there it was 5 characters on the screen at the time

No I'm not. A characters like those from SF3rd or MOTW are taking a huge amount of memory, and loading 6 of them in the same time, even if possible could be hard for a 1st try on the board.

Fortes fortuna juvat...

203th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(2):Re(10):AVI download link" , posted Sun 17 Feb 21:50:post reply

You are mistaking the Taito Type-X2 with a nes.
I remember in teenage mutant ninja turtles 3, it was never pretty when there it was 5 characters on the screen at the time
No I'm not. A characters like those from SF3rd or MOTW are taking a huge amount of memory, and loading 6 of them in the same time, even if possible could be hard for a 1st try on the board.

ps3 and 360? i doubt it doesnt have enough memory. taito typex2 is a pretty heavy hardware too.


[this message was edited by D`Cloud on Sun 17 Feb 21:51]

4364th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):AVI download link" , posted Mon 18 Feb 01:08post reply

ps3 and 360? i doubt it doesnt have enough memory. taito typex2 is a pretty heavy hardware too.

Even if the graphics are like an evil and gorgeus enchantment, you should remember that with good & proper hardware 2D is pretty hardware cheap to run.

Huge zoom and sprites remind me of Ryuuko no ken gaiden

neutral (and yes, I still remember how is it done)

The only evil of the word; is the one in the heart of mens

2301th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):AVI download link" , posted Mon 18 Feb 03:38post reply

No I'm not. A characters like those from SF3rd or MOTW are taking a huge amount of memory, and loading 6 of them in the same time, even if possible could be hard for a 1st try on the board.

Huh? The entire GAME of SF3rd or MoTW takes up well under 100 MB, and X2 can have anywhere from 1-4 GB of RAM. Even if the XII characters end up taking over 6x as much space, it doesn't take a genius to see the X2 hardware can handle MANY characters the likes of those, much less six.

It's more likely they wanted to start simple since they're redoing the engine from scratch. This is, after all, going to be the basis for many KoF games to come.

shin ramberk
330th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(3):Re(10):AVI download link" , posted Mon 18 Feb 07:26post reply

No I'm not. A characters like those from SF3rd or MOTW are taking a huge amount of memory, and loading 6 of them in the same time, even if possible could be hard for a 1st try on the board.

Huh? The entire GAME of SF3rd or MoTW takes up well under 100 MB, and X2 can have anywhere from 1-4 GB of RAM. Even if the XII characters end up taking over 6x as much space, it doesn't take a genius to see the X2 hardware can handle MANY characters the likes of those, much less six.

It's more likely they wanted to start simple since they're redoing the engine from scratch. This is, after all, going to be the basis for many KoF games to come.

Lets not forget that the DC, PS2 and XBOX all got near perfect ports of 3S. The DC was basically a NAOMI arcade machine with less RAM. The point is... newer technology should have no problem with HD animation. You'd have to have a super crazy amount of animation to fill up the RAM of these newer arcade boards.


203th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(3):Re(10):AVI download link" , posted Mon 18 Feb 09:52post reply

the basis for many KoF games to come.

LOL. another 10 years of the same sprites?


1512th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re" , posted Mon 18 Feb 10:26post reply

Some guy dumped the sprite sheets for HnK from the PS2 version, and the average character sprite set in uncompressed BMP format is about 80MB.

I have no idea what the native resolution of the new sprites is going to be, but to push a modern machine sporting a few gigs of RAM, you're going to have to be very inefficient.

How inefficient?
The atomiswave's RAM counts:
System: 16 MB
Graphics: 16 MB
Sound: 8 MB

Leave the rest to your imagination.

211th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(3):Re(10):AVI download link" , posted Mon 18 Feb 10:30post reply


It's more likely they wanted to start simple since they're redoing the engine from scratch. This is, after all, going to be the basis for many KoF games to come.

I don't think that they are redoing the engine from scratch, but just upgrading it.

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

1502th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):Re" , posted Mon 18 Feb 13:21post reply

Some guy dumped the sprite sheets for HnK from the PS2 version, and the average character sprite set in uncompressed BMP format is about 80MB.

You wouldn't happen to have a link to said sprite sheets would you?

48th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(1):Re" , posted Mon 18 Feb 14:36post reply

Some guy dumped the sprite sheets for HnK from the PS2 version, and the average character sprite set in uncompressed BMP format is about 80MB.

I have no idea what the native resolution of the new sprites is going to be, but to push a modern machine sporting a few gigs of RAM, you're going to have to be very inefficient.

How inefficient?
The atomiswave's RAM counts:
System: 16 MB
Graphics: 16 MB
Sound: 8 MB

Leave the rest to your imagination.

And thinking about types of compressed processing, like (a very crude example) gif compression with a color table and some pixel positioning area pre calculation algorythm that is not so heavy for "modern hardware" from... well, 1995?
And with some tile banking, I think those 600x600 sprites can't be so hard to process with modern standards.


2303th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):AVI download link" , posted Mon 18 Feb 15:42:post reply


LOL. another 10 years of the same sprites?

Yup. Enjoy them while they're still new because you're going to be seeing them a lot.


I don't think that they are redoing the engine from scratch, but just upgrading it.

Nobody but SNKP can say for sure, but when you look at it as being on new hardware in a new resolution AND screen ratio, it would have been much easier for them to do it from scratch. More importantly, look at the comparison between the first and second parts. Does that really look like the same engine to you? I don't see even a hint of similarity. Why would they port it only to change everything?

[this message was edited by Gojira on Mon 18 Feb 15:48]

1505th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(5):Re(10):AVI download link" , posted Thu 21 Feb 12:59post reply

GDC Trailer


335th Post

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Bronze Customer

"English GDC 08 trailer" , posted Thu 21 Feb 13:01post reply


Going along with the English Sen trailer, an English trailer for KOF 12 is revealed! Better quality than most movies I've seen so far.

279th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(1):English GDC 08 trailer" , posted Thu 21 Feb 13:08post reply


Going along with the English Sen trailer, an English trailer for KOF 12 is revealed! Better quality than most movies I've seen so far.

Wow thanks! This is the best movie yet!

I didn't notice all the great animation in the background characters until just now.

Take a look at the shot where Kyo and Kim are fighting and it says "Mind-blowing game quality!" That old blonde lady is really flipping out!

1514th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Trailer for download, Japan only" , posted Fri 29 Feb 15:10post reply


Is it possible for someone to get these trailers mirrored?

998th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):Trailer for download, Japan only" , posted Fri 29 Feb 15:42post reply

Well, the proxy got me as far as the login page, but hell if I know what to do now!

4369th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Trailer for download, Japan only" , posted Fri 29 Feb 16:04post reply

Well, the proxy got me as far as the login page, but hell if I know what to do now!

This is the part where we hump exodus leg

The only evil of the word; is the one in the heart of mens

2440th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(1):Trailer for download, Japan only" , posted Sat 1 Mar 00:50:post reply


Is it possible for someone to get these trailers mirrored?

Just to make sure, that's SNKP's booth video from Tokyo Game Show 2007 and not KOFXII. Is that what you want?

[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 1 Mar 00:52]

1516th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):Trailer for download, Japan only" , posted Sat 1 Mar 01:07post reply


Is it possible for someone to get these trailers mirrored?

Just to make sure, that's SNKP's booth video from Tokyo Game Show 2007 and not KOFXII. Is that what you want?

Sorry, I meant this one


2441th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(3):Trailer for download, Japan only" , posted Sat 1 Mar 02:04:post reply


Is it possible for someone to get these trailers mirrored?

Just to make sure, that's SNKP's booth video from Tokyo Game Show 2007 and not KOFXII. Is that what you want?

Sorry, I meant this one


Aha, that makes more sense. We finally get to see the KOFXII vid from direct feed.

[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 1 Mar 02:06]

2445th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"KOFXII Beta Test [Post moved]" , posted Wed 19 Mar 23:58:post reply

>>> This post has been moved to its own thread. (Click to read)

According to this week's Famitu, SNKPlaymore is planning to beta test KOFXII just one month away in April. The magazine also gives some additional details on the game's system.

-The multi-shift system from 2003 has been abolished and the game is returning to the old 3-on-3 elimination style matchups.

-Attacks will offset(erase) each other, much like Asuka120% or the GGX series. It seems that this is SNKP's solution to high priority attacks.

- Opponents hit to the edge of the screen will droop there for a while, becoming vulnerable to additional attack(s).

- There's a new motion called the "Guard Attack", which switches the offense and defence in an instant. Not much details on this system, we'll have to wait and see what it's really like.

[this message was edited by Professor on Thu 20 Mar 01:56]

3094th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):KOFXII Beta Test *Next Month*" , posted Thu 20 Mar 00:09post reply

KoFXII is already going to be beta testing next month? Wow, that's a surprise! If anyone gets a chance to test out the game please share your impressions with us.

The news that a variation on the Real Bout screen edge hazards are making a comeback is... interesting. I'll guess we'll find out how that works in-game soon enough.

1014th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(2):KOFXII Beta Test *Next Month*" , posted Thu 20 Mar 00:18post reply

I... uh... I think I liked it better when we didn't have any details! But I guess we'll have more of them very soon.

Just a Person
1114th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Nice pictures" , posted Sat 22 Mar 21:02post reply

Not actually new pictures, I think... but it's the first time I see them in this quality.

Looks really impressive!

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

3632th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"news SS sen stuff?" , posted Fri 28 Mar 19:40post reply

Well it's not KO related, but it still from SNKP.
I just fall an a news SS sen Flyers, nothing great here until I look a it in a better way:

All the characters are in the background. But if you look between the leg of the girl and close to haomaru you'll notice a cowboy characters who's somking something. Am I once again super late or did this characters didn't have been announced yet?

Fortes fortuna juvat...

1160th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(1):news SS sen stuff?" , posted Fri 28 Mar 20:30post reply

" But if you look between the leg of the girl ..."
Naruto, please behave!
"... you see a cowboy"
? I thought those things were called camel toes...

581th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):news SS sen stuff?" , posted Sat 29 Mar 08:21post reply

Well it's not KO related, but it still from SNKP.
I just fall an a news SS sen Flyers, nothing great here until I look a it in a better way:

All the characters are in the background. But if you look between the leg of the girl and close to haomaru you'll notice a cowboy characters who's somking something. Am I once again super late or did this characters didn't have been announced yet?

No as far as I know he didnt. Boss or sub-boss maybe? Probably sub-boss since there was someone else looks like a dictator.


345th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(2):news SS sen stuff?" , posted Sat 29 Mar 08:39post reply

My guess is that the one Angelica works for is the game's boss. The cowboy might be another new character.

217th Post

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Frequent Customer

"XII magazine scans" , posted Sat 29 Mar 16:59:post reply

eat your heart out ssf2hd
courtesy to daimon_x at CX through sonictempest at ON


[this message was edited by D`Cloud on Sat 29 Mar 17:01]

2479th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):XII magazine scans" , posted Sat 29 Mar 17:16post reply

eat your heart out ssf2hd

You're kidding right? I mean, these SNK artists have no imaginations! Look at the muscles. They're just normal muscles. They didn't even make up new ones!


青春謳歌 弱肉強食

653th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):XII magazine scans" , posted Sat 29 Mar 17:34post reply

eat your heart out ssf2hd

You're kidding right? I mean, these SNK artists have no imaginations! Look at the muscles. They're just normal muscles. They didn't even make up new ones!


Yes, back in Japan, there is no Rob Liefeld to look up to.

And Athena looks fat. =I

217th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(2):XII magazine scans" , posted Sat 29 Mar 18:12post reply

eat your heart out ssf2hd

You're kidding right? I mean, these SNK artists have no imaginations! Look at the muscles. They're just normal muscles. They didn't even make up new ones!


Yeah... and the seizure animation.. how do you beat that!?

anyway, anybody know where will the loke tests be?

i just have to say, snkp did a great job on this.
-fully animated (not on 2's)
-multitone shadows
It's like telling blazblue/ggx "THIS is how you do it in HD"

now gameplay is another story :P


523th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(3):XII magazine scans" , posted Sat 29 Mar 19:37post reply

Did someone mentioned "Rob Lifeld?"

Honestly, maybe it is the internet but, I can not tell if you are being sarcastic or serious Pollyanna.

No more mentioning of Rob Liefeld starting now!

eat your heart out ssf2hd

You're kidding right? I mean, these SNK artists have no imaginations! Look at the muscles. They're just normal muscles. They didn't even make up new ones!


Yes, back in Japan, there is no Rob Liefeld to look up to.

And Athena looks fat. =I

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

2480th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):XII magazine scans" , posted Sat 29 Mar 19:47post reply


Honestly, maybe it is the internet but, I can not tell if you are being sarcastic or serious Pollyanna.

I have never been so insulted in my life. Do I really give the impression of being so...so...I'm not even sure what kind of person would say something like that.

Also, thank you EddyT for contributing to the growing number of girls with eating disorders thanks to your unreasonable expectations of women.

On a somewhat-related note, it's kinda gross when fat people cry.

Now I'm going to go throw up my dinner.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

8435th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):XII magazine scans" , posted Sat 29 Mar 19:53post reply

I really like Athena's portrait. She's a '90 heroin, without looking outdated nor too moe-ish : She's just cute. I hope they will be able to remain constant with this design through the game.

And STOP with these 6 characters already ! We want to see more !

40% looks better than 2%.

2448th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(3):XII magazine scans" , posted Sat 29 Mar 20:19post reply

Article says the game runs on 1280 x 720 resolution, nice.

Wow, Terry's got huge biceps.

By God, what did they do to Athena. She looks so porky.

SNKPlaymore announced earlier on its site that beta test will take place April 18-20... but they're going to switch it to another date. They'll announce it in another update.

7135th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):XII magazine scans" , posted Sat 29 Mar 21:00post reply

Best Athena artwork I've seen in KOF. I guess they're going for a resemblance to the Athena from the platformers, which is great.

news - art

655th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(5):XII magazine scans" , posted Sat 29 Mar 21:41:post reply


I have never been so insulted in my life. Do I really give the impression of being so...so...I'm not even sure what kind of person would say something like that.

Also, thank you EddyT for contributing to the growing number of girls with eating disorders thanks to your unreasonable expectations of women.

On a somewhat-related note, it's kinda gross when fat people cry.

Now I'm going to go throw up my dinner.

Ahahahaha! No wonder my dinner dates excuse themselves so quickly! I didn't know about their eating disorders!

Here is what my friend from srk.com posted on the forums there... it's about the loketests.

Got this off of Arcade Renaissance who got it off Neo Arcadia.

Apparently the May issue of Arcadia (comes out before May :P) says that the first KOFXII loketests will be on the weekend of April 18 - 20 at Akihabara Hey in Tokyo and in Namba Hills in Osaka. Game is at 40% so it should be pretty good to see how this game turns out.

EDIT: Well, if what Maddy says is true and they change the dates to a later time, that'd be swell. I'm going to be back in America during that weekend (April 18-20), so hopefully I can make the rescheduled date.

While you fatties are waiting for this game to come out, why don't you go out and get some exercise for once? And try to put that fork down , too. Shoveling that grub into your gullets isn't considered "heavy lifting" you know? =I


[this message was edited by EddyT on Sat 29 Mar 21:47]

722th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):XII magazine scans" , posted Sat 29 Mar 21:44post reply

Best Athena artwork I've seen in KOF. I guess they're going for a resemblance to the Athena from the platformers, which is great.

Yes, and now she looks even younger. I don't mind the design but this is so wrong! It's not like she changed her hairstyle or clothing, she looks like a different character, that's what I don't like about it.

517th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(4):XII magazine scans" , posted Sat 29 Mar 22:48:post reply

Thanks for the scan!

Finally, the revenge of Muchimuchiloli Athena '86 is complete. Her magical girl SFX look fantastic. I never really liked KOF Athena besides the yearly outfit tradition, but this version is mindblasting.

Terry's arm is great as well. True dotting!

It's not like she changed her hairstyle or clothing, she looks like a different character, that's what I don't like about it.

What? They did not just make her "different", they came back to the original design! She's a mix between Original Athena '86 and Athena KOF.


[this message was edited by chazumaru on Sat 29 Mar 22:51]

Iron D
2838th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):XII magazine scans" , posted Sat 29 Mar 23:24post reply

Yes, back in Japan, there is no Rob Liefeld to look up to.

LOF'inL. Although a Liefield mention is icnomplete without a pic of The Man of 1000 Pockets Cable.

And Athena looks fat. =I

I really hope this is a joke.


655th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(4):XII magazine scans" , posted Sun 30 Mar 00:09post reply


And Athena looks fat. =I

I really hope this is a joke.

Please don't group me with Pollyanna (being ambiguous on the serious/sarcastic tip). It's not FAIR

1542th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(5):XII magazine scans" , posted Sun 30 Mar 03:14post reply

Maybe by making her more like platformer Athena, they can better suspend our disbelief about how she can still wear a highschooler outfit in spite of being, what, 30 years old?

7136th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):XII magazine scans" , posted Sun 30 Mar 03:31post reply

Maybe by making her more like platformer Athena, they can better suspend our disbelief about how she can still wear a highschooler outfit in spite of being, what, 30 years old?

If all the 30 years old women wore miniskirts, the world would be a better place.

news - art

216th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(2):XII magazine scans" , posted Sun 30 Mar 05:11post reply

Best Athena artwork I've seen in KOF. I guess they're going for a resemblance to the Athena from the platformers, which is great.

I totally agree, She looks awesome like that. I love the fact that the characters are looking less metrosexual. I love that athena design.

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

1543th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(7):XII magazine scans" , posted Sun 30 Mar 05:16post reply


If all the 30 years old women wore miniskirts, the world would be a better place.

Don't skirt the issue by just focusing on the miniskirt!

217th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(3):XII magazine scans" , posted Sun 30 Mar 05:18post reply

Best Athena artwork I've seen in KOF. I guess they're going for a resemblance to the Athena from the platformers, which is great.

I totally agree, She looks awesome like that. I love the fact that the characters are looking less metrosexual. I love that athena design.

I Repeat. She looks AWESOME

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

455th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(4):XII magazine scans" , posted Sun 30 Mar 09:06post reply

Best Athena artwork I've seen in KOF. I guess they're going for a resemblance to the Athena from the platformers, which is great.

I totally agree, She looks awesome like that. I love the fact that the characters are looking less metrosexual. I love that athena design.

I Repeat. She looks AWESOME

And I agree. Not to mention it looks like they're trying to slowly meld her and the goddess Athena together.

Red Falcon
5990th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):XII magazine scans" , posted Sun 30 Mar 09:26post reply

Best Athena artwork I've seen in KOF. I guess they're going for a resemblance to the Athena from the platformers, which is great.

I totally agree, She looks awesome like that. I love the fact that the characters are looking less metrosexual. I love that athena design.

I Repeat. She looks AWESOME

And I agree. Not to mention it looks like they're trying to slowly meld her and the goddess Athena together.

I like chubby Athena, she isn't as boring this way.

Best site EVER:Link Here

1025th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(6):XII magazine scans" , posted Sun 30 Mar 09:58post reply

I agree that throwback Athena is a serious improvement. Every bit of new info about this game gets me so excited! Now to wait for the loketest reports so everyone can say it sucks and I can hang myself.

524th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(5):XII magazine scans" , posted Sun 30 Mar 16:53post reply

I have nothing to follow that up with.
I have never been so insulted in my life. Do I really give the impression of being so...so...I'm not even sure what kind of person would say something like that.


I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

1715th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"You forget..." , posted Mon 31 Mar 00:25post reply

And Athena looks fat. =I

I really hope this is a joke.

D, you do know that anything either live action or animated where a woman is not anorexic automatically makes her = fat.

And did anyone save the second image? I can't get it to load.

3103th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):XII magazine scans" , posted Mon 31 Mar 04:37post reply

I've never been able to warm up to KoF Athena even when she oddly and hysterically developed a case of mange for a few years. However, this throwback Athena, with her 80's stylings and poofy hair, is terrific.

Maybe by making her more like platformer Athena, they can better suspend our disbelief about how she can still wear a highschooler outfit in spite of being, what, 30 years old?

I'm guessing that Athena will be 16 until the end of time. But that we could all do the same!

1545th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(7):XII magazine scans" , posted Mon 31 Mar 04:51:post reply


I'm guessing that Athena will be 16 until the end of time. But that we could all do the same!

The way she seems to have gotten younger in her appearance after finally getting a brand new sprite suggests to me that the next time she gets totally redesigned, she will be like NGBC Athena.

And LOL about the mange thing.... i think it was from '99-'01 that she had less hair each time? But then she grew it all back :(

[this message was edited by Spoon on Mon 31 Mar 04:56]

132th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(6):XII magazine scans" , posted Mon 31 Mar 09:07:post reply

Chubby Athena looks okay but SHE HAS NO NOSE!

[this message was edited by sfried on Mon 31 Mar 09:08]

Maese Spt
402th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(7):XII magazine scans" , posted Mon 31 Mar 15:23post reply

Tubby Athena is tubby. No, seriously, she shouldn’t be allowed to wear miniskirt with those legs.

While I find perfectly reasonable that a woman well on her 30s would still wear school uniforms (when reaching certain ages, you slowly run out of tricks to maintain your sex appeal afloat, after all), it is undeniable that she has put on some weight.

The face is kind of cute, tough. Very moe, and reminds me of the original 80s Athena. Overall, can’t say I dislike her, but I’d be disappointed if the Saigado guys adopt this new design for their yearly “Athena and friends”.

Oh and, not that I pretend to start a flamewar or something, don’t get me wrong. But I can’t see how these new sprites are soooooooooooo amazing. Leaving the HD thingie aside, Capcom already did almost the very same thing 7 or 8 years ago, on their CvS titles. Let’s face it, this new Terry looks almost the same as the CvS2 one.

Sure, this new KOF looks pretty and all, specially when compared with that SSF2HD monstrosity, but… KOF sprites should have looked like this since at least 2002. Not that I’m complaining, better late than never, I guess! Buuuut, I was expecting something much more “revolutionary” here. Like the next, state-of-the-art defining step on 2D graphic engines, or something. Whenever I take a look at them, these graphics strike me as kind of dated. Maybe my expectations were too high, huh.

Only my 2 cents, tough.

マツケン サンバ!!!!

661th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(8):XII magazine scans" , posted Mon 31 Mar 16:08post reply

Tubby Athena is tubby. No, seriously, she shouldn’t be allowed to wear miniskirt with those legs.

Are you saying this because of her "cankles"?

For those who don't know, "cankles" are when your calves are as wide as your ankles. Therefore, it does not taper like normal people, therefore, you would have "cankles".

I would explain more, but I fear that my writing privileges may soon be revoked by rabid Athena fans...

1031th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(8):XII magazine scans" , posted Mon 31 Mar 16:29post reply

Leaving the HD thingie aside, Capcom already did almost the very same thing 7 or 8 years ago, on their CvS titles. Let’s face it, this new Terry looks almost the same as the CvS2 one.

Whaaaaaat?! Okay, so say this game really is running in 1280x720... wait until we see screenshots of the game running at its true resolution. Then we can compare this Terry to CvS2 Terry. I guarantee it won't look almost the same. Really.

218th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(8):XII magazine scans" , posted Mon 31 Mar 18:14post reply


Only my 2 cents, tough.

you were expecting kof with 3d glasses?


Time Mage
2649th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):XII magazine scans" , posted Mon 31 Mar 19:02post reply

Oh and, not that I pretend to start a flamewar or something, don’t get me wrong. But I can’t see how these new sprites are soooooooooooo amazing. Leaving the HD thingie aside, Capcom already did almost the very same thing 7 or 8 years ago, on their CvS titles. Let’s face it, this new Terry looks almost the same as the CvS2 one.

Sure, this new KOF looks pretty and all, specially when compared with that SSF2HD monstrosity, but… KOF sprites should have looked like this since at least 2002. Not that I’m complaining, better late than never, I guess! Buuuut, I was expecting something much more “revolutionary” here. Like the next, state-of-the-art defining step on 2D graphic engines, or something. Whenever I take a look at them, these graphics strike me as kind of dated. Maybe my expectations were too high, huh.

Only my 2 cents, tough.

The animation is SO MUCH BETTER than any HD 2D game I've seen I think it's a pretty noticeable improvement. Seriously, what surprised me more in the first vid wasn't the resolution of the sprites, but how incredibly smooth the animation was. And if that's noticeable in a video, it has to be very good.

Also, the shadings. It doesn't use simple shadings, like GGX, but rather more complex ones. and we know because of SSFIIXHDR (seriously, the title is ridiculously long!) that making consistent animations with such detailed shadings is not easy.

So I think KOFXII is in fact revolutionary, graphic-wise. I don't know how it will played, but even if it ends up being not very good, it will still be a game of reference in the 2D fighting games industry.

BTW, I like the new Athena design. A lot.

"News flash big guy: You can wax on wax off all you want I'm still... KICKIN' YOUR ASS!"

1450th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(8):XII magazine scans" , posted Mon 31 Mar 21:21post reply

I was expecting something much more “revolutionary” here. Like the next, state-of-the-art defining step on 2D graphic engines, or something.


4377th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):XII magazine scans" , posted Mon 31 Mar 22:31post reply

I was expecting something much more “revolutionary” here. Like the next, state-of-the-art defining step on 2D graphic engines, or something.

operation ragnagard

The only evil of the word; is the one in the heart of mens

Maese Spt
405th Post

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"Re(10):XII magazine scans" , posted Mon 31 Mar 23:44post reply

Yup, I realize I was being a bit too idealistic towards this one...


Iron D
2843th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):XII magazine scans" , posted Tue 1 Apr 19:37post reply

Actually I agree with what Maese was saying. It's not that the graphics aren't impressive. The HD makes the graphics look bright and colorful. But the animation itself is about as much quality as SF3...which was released over a decade ago. Heck, I'd say the animation in particular is about as good as SNK's own Mark of the Wolves.

It looks nice, just not "revolutionary".

As for Athena being "tubby", "chunky" or whatever other kinds of ridiculousness, I think that's just a perfect example of people having unrealistic standards for beauty, plain and simple. I realize she's a fictional character, but make her legs a little thicker than they used to be and suddenly she's chubby?

I'm confused here. In the case of this forum, does this stem from so many anime women looking they've never eaten in their lives or something?


309th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(3):Re(10):XII magazine scans" , posted Wed 2 Apr 05:16:post reply

Actually I agree with what Maese was saying. It's not that the graphics aren't impressive. The HD makes the graphics look bright and colorful. But the animation itself is about as much quality as SF3...which was released over a decade ago. Heck, I'd say the animation in particular is about as good as SNK's own Mark of the Wolves.

You can't really get much better than SFIII for animation though. It's the best animated game out there, 2d or 3d. It's the only game Ive ever seen that I can honestly say animates as well as any Disney film, and I mean this in just dry technical terms. If I take personal taste into account, SFIII is pretty much my favorite thing to look at in the world. That game has masterfully animated movements, something that comes from good artistic decisions rather than technology.

If you're just talking about animation (ie movement), then you can't really revolutionize it any more than you can revolutionize oil painting.

I'm just happy to see a game made up of good, solid drawings. Kim's billowing pants are so full of volume and movement. They're unusually well drawn for cloth. That sorta attention and care just makes me really damn happy.


I'm confused here. In the case of this forum, does this stem from so many anime women looking they've never eaten in their lives or something?

Haha, i LOVE the new Athena design too. I think it's funny that 80s era Anime girls with their puffy hair, giant eyes and Cream Lemon phenotypes can be called "realistic" compared to what's out there in games and comics today.

[this message was edited by nobinobita on Wed 2 Apr 05:26]

8438th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):XII magazine scans" , posted Wed 2 Apr 05:40post reply

If I take personal taste into account, SFIII is pretty much my favorite thing to look at in the world. That game has masterfully animated movements, something that comes from good artistic decisions rather than technology.

Speaking of which, since I'm in a heavy Vampire mood, I was wondering what you (or any other animation pro out there) think of it, from a strict animation point of view? Even I recon it's less outstanding than SF3, but does it feel outdated for someone... well, that's not in love with each and every pixel of the series?

Especially Savior, actually : I know many Hunter players hate Savior because the old characters lost several animation frames, but I played Savior so much that I don't notice it at all. I'm used to them, and I wonder what an expert eye think of it.

1451th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):Re(10):XII magazine scans" , posted Wed 2 Apr 11:14post reply

As for Athena being "tubby", "chunky" or whatever other kinds of ridiculousness, I think that's just a perfect example of people having unrealistic standards for beauty, plain and simple. I realize she's a fictional character, but make her legs a little thicker than they used to be and suddenly she's chubby?

I'm confused here. In the case of this forum, does this stem from so many anime women looking they've never eaten in their lives or something?

Hey wait a minute, I may be from a completely different culture and I don't personally know any american women, but most of the women that I know personally are much closer to the "anime women that never ate in their lives" even though some of them can eat quite a bit.

Also, being tubby or chubby can be a beauty compliment in certain locals.

1433th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(5):Re(10):XII magazine scans" , posted Wed 2 Apr 11:57post reply


Especially Savior, actually : I know many Hunter players hate Savior because the old characters lost several animation frames, but I played Savior so much that I don't notice it at all. I'm used to them, and I wonder what an expert eye think of it.

Personally I hate Savior because of the generic non-character specific backgrounds and the bizarre inability for all its incarnations to somehow regress one step back while taking a step forward. I mean why the hell is it the only "perfect" version with a complete roster and every character ending is the friggin PSX version with horrible loading time and chopped frames?

Maese Spt
409th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(4):Re(10):XII magazine scans" , posted Wed 2 Apr 12:27post reply

As for Athena being "tubby", "chunky" or whatever other kinds of ridiculousness, I think that's just a perfect example of people having unrealistic standards for beauty, plain and simple. I realize she's a fictional character, but make her legs a little thicker than they used to be and suddenly she's chubby?


Hey wait a minute, I may be from a completely different culture and I don't personally know any american women, but most of the women that I know personally are much closer to the "anime women that never ate in their lives" even though some of them can eat quite a bit.

Also, being tubby or chubby can be a beauty compliment in certain locals.

This man speaks the truth.

I mean, I don't mind anybody's personal beauty standards. Chubby girls can be charming and even sexually arousing, that's for sure. Not my cup of tea, tough.

But, with that body, if Athena is supposed to be a japanese schoolgirl I can tell her classmates are gonna bully the hell out of her everyday. Those are definitely NOT the legs of your average japanese schoolgirl... not even the legs of your average japanese middle aged woman. Come on, she's the new Chun Li!

I must say I find these debates about fighting heroine's slenderness, so common at this Cafe of ours, tremendously enjoying. I missed the good ol' "OMG, they have turned Beauty Jenny into a slut" days!

1548th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(4):Re(10):XII magazine scans" , posted Wed 2 Apr 13:05:post reply


If you're just talking about animation (ie movement), then you can't really revolutionize it any more than you can revolutionize oil painting.

Well, only if you think of animation in terms of pre-rendered hand-drawn 2D frames. I'm sure that the techniques of rendering motion in that manner are extremely well studied.

But dynamically generated animation is still a very deep field! It'll be quite awhile before there's nothing left to work out in it.

I hope that Athena has good bounce... and by that, I am referring to her LEGS.

[this message was edited by Spoon on Wed 2 Apr 13:08]

393th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(5):Re(10):XII magazine scans" , posted Wed 2 Apr 14:37post reply


I hope that Athena has good bounce... and by that, I am referring to her LEGS.

I'm sure they would, her current best friend isn't Kensou, but little debbies.

This song is so true

2328th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Re(10):XII magazine scans" , posted Wed 2 Apr 15:29post reply


Personally I hate Savior because of the generic non-character specific backgrounds and the bizarre inability for all its incarnations to somehow regress one step back while taking a step forward. I mean why the hell is it the only "perfect" version with a complete roster and every character ending is the friggin PSX version with horrible loading time and chopped frames?

Off topic, but how was the Saturn version not perfect?

8440th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Re(10):XII magazine scans" , posted Wed 2 Apr 18:07post reply

Off topic, but how was the Saturn version not perfect?

Or the PS2 collection.
And let's pretend Savior 2 and Hunter 2 never existed.

Iron D
2849th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Re(10):XII magazine scans" , posted Wed 2 Apr 18:29post reply

Her legs really aren't drawn much thicker than some of other fighting game characters. Go find some official art of Chuns, or Leona, or Angel the grappler from DoA (can't remember her name...don't really care to) and their legs are as thick or thicker.

I guess some of you guys only date supermodels. That's fine if that floats your boat, but supermodels just tend to be nasty looking. Most look like zombies.


1452th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(9):Re(10):XII magazine scans" , posted Wed 2 Apr 21:17post reply

Her legs really aren't drawn much thicker than some of other fighting game characters. Go find some official art of Chuns, or Leona, or Angel the grappler from DoA (can't remember her name...don't really care to) and their legs are as thick or thicker.

I guess some of you guys only date supermodels. That's fine if that floats your boat, but supermodels just tend to be nasty looking. Most look like zombies.

Man, I don't know why you're getting so aggressive about this, but I don't think anybody said there weren't any other game characters that had thick legs, and the Chun Li example was already brought up earlier within the thread.

I'm only sharing my personal experience about people that I've met within my own cultural background and I wasn't talking about personal preferences so you don't have to try to attack in that direction. I don't see the big fuss about people looking different from each other seriously.

670th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(10):Re(10):XII magazine scans" , posted Wed 2 Apr 21:48post reply

Yeah, I think a lot of people here (including myself) were just kidding about the matter. I mean, when I first brought up the subject in the first place (and if I didn't, somebody else would have), I don't think anyone really took me seriously. Especially Polly, who made a joke about my comment afterwards.

I won't get into too much detail on my own preferences with women, but I assure you that I was just joking. I had been overweight for 10 years until recently, so I know how it can be a sensitive issue... but at the same time I learned to just develop a sense of humor about things in general.

I was just a little shocked at the visual difference between this Athena and the other iterations. I didn't say I didn't like this (I actually think it's cute as well, especially her puffy face expression), but it was a bit of an initial shock, that's all.

Anyway, I prefer a cute face over a hot and developed body, but that's me.

582th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):XII magazine scans" , posted Thu 3 Apr 00:42post reply

I was just a little shocked at the visual difference between this Athena and the other iterations. I didn't say I didn't like this (I actually think it's cute as well, especially her puffy face expression), but it was a bit of an initial shock, that's all.

I agree. And now this version of Athena kinda growin on me. And muscle'd up Terry too. I cant wait to see other characters as well. Jhun, Hinako and Xiang Fei. Or will Gai Tendo be in it? When a character come to my mind, I cant help to think how it look like in Hi-res sprites.

Also I dont know why but I am guessing there will be another NGBC with same treat. Did it sell well on PS2?


394th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):XII magazine scans" , posted Thu 3 Apr 02:00post reply

Yeah, I think a lot of people here (including myself) were just kidding about the matter. I mean, when I first brought up the subject in the first place (and if I didn't, somebody else would have), I don't think anyone really took me seriously. Especially Polly, who made a joke about my comment afterwards.

I won't get into too much detail on my own preferences with women, but I assure you that I was just joking. I had been overweight for 10 years until recently, so I know how it can be a sensitive issue... but at the same time I learned to just develop a sense of humor about things in general.

I was just a little shocked at the visual difference between this Athena and the other iterations. I didn't say I didn't like this (I actually think it's cute as well, especially her puffy face expression), but it was a bit of an initial shock, that's all.

Anyway, I prefer a cute face over a hot and developed body, but that's me.

Quoted for truth definitely. It is just the case that usually Athena has that standard of a pop idol and such for her character that it is a bit expected for the general consensus to think.

But mostly it is just to poke fun at it. Nothing serious. Like Eddy mentioned people here wouldn't actually be that crude and just go off on an overweight person. In this case it seems like the pot calling the kettle black but of course Athena is a character and not a real person. And words are words that shouldn't be either way took seriously.

This song is so true

Just a Person
1119th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(5):Re(10):XII magazine scans" , posted Thu 3 Apr 02:56post reply

Also, being tubby or chubby can be a beauty compliment in certain locals.

Yes, it's true. I've actually met some chubby but very gorgeous girls myself, by the way.

But I don't think Athena looks chubby at all. She just looks big-headed, with alien-eyes, no mouth and wearing school uniform when she should be around 30 years-old...

Kyo and Ash look better, for now.

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

Iron D
2850th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Re(10):XII magazine scans" , posted Thu 3 Apr 03:58post reply


Man, I don't know why you're getting so aggressive about this, but I don't think anybody said there weren't any other game characters that had thick legs, and the Chun Li example was already brought up earlier within the thread.

I'm only sharing my personal experience about people that I've met within my own cultural background and I wasn't talking about personal preferences so you don't have to try to attack in that direction. I don't see the big fuss about people looking different from each other seriously.

Well, I guess I was getting pushy there, and I apologize for that. I tend to take the subject seriously because of how vain and unrealistic people tend to be on the subject. Here in Southern California in the U.S. people are irritatingly vain to the point where unnecessary surgeries are becoming more and more common place.

And I myself happen to love thicker women, and think it would be healthier if people were more open minded and considerate about it. Not everyone has to like thick women too, as everyone has their own tastes, but all too often a woman will have just slightly thicker legs or arms or something and suddenly everyone is like "OMG Look at dat wale, oh you wont sum TWINKIES piggy LolololoLOLOlololol....".

Alright, I'll get off my soapbox now.


1549th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):XII magazine scans" , posted Thu 3 Apr 04:44post reply


Man, I don't know why you're getting so aggressive about this, but I don't think anybody said there weren't any other game characters that had thick legs, and the Chun Li example was already brought up earlier within the thread.

I'm only sharing my personal experience about people that I've met within my own cultural background and I wasn't talking about personal preferences so you don't have to try to attack in that direction. I don't see the big fuss about people looking different from each other seriously.

Well, I guess I was getting pushy there, and I apologize for that. I tend to take the subject seriously because of how vain and unrealistic people tend to be on the subject. Here in Southern California in the U.S. people are irritatingly vain to the point where unnecessary surgeries are becoming more and more common place.

And I myself happen to love thicker women, and think it would be healthier if people were more open minded and considerate about it. Not everyone has to like thick women too, as everyone has their own tastes, but all too often a woman will have just slightly thicker legs or arms or something and suddenly everyone is like "OMG Look at dat wale, oh you wont sum TWINKIES piggy LolololoLOLOlololol....".

Alright, I'll get off my soapbox now.

I just think we do it because it's fun to point out radical changes in character body proportions, in addition to all the other silliness that accompanies old fighting game characters.

2329th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):XII magazine scans" , posted Thu 3 Apr 06:35post reply

This thread has lucidated the premise to me.

Athena, now in her 30s and facing a crisis to remain popular, gets plastic surgery on her face to make her look 15 again. With renewed youth, she immediately went to a cake shoppe to try the special 10-kilo "loli caek" that she always loved as a teen. HOWEVER! Her body was unable to metabolize it properly! "Oh no! My legs only get bigger now! What shall I do? I can't continue to be an idol like this!" That same day, she gets an invitation to the KoF tournament. "Perfect! If I try hard in the tournament, I'm sure to get back in shape! I'll do my best!" Then a truck fell on her

672th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(4):Re(10):Re(10):XII magazine scans" , posted Thu 3 Apr 10:03post reply

This thread has lucidated the premise to me.

Athena, now in her 30s and facing a crisis to remain popular, gets plastic surgery on her face to make her look 15 again. With renewed youth, she immediately went to a cake shoppe to try the special 10-kilo "loli caek" that she always loved as a teen. HOWEVER! Her body was unable to metabolize it properly! "Oh no! My legs only get bigger now! What shall I do? I can't continue to be an idol like this!" That same day, she gets an invitation to the KoF tournament. "Perfect! If I try hard in the tournament, I'm sure to get back in shape! I'll do my best!" Then a truck fell on her

You should work for SNK Playmore. I would buy all your games. Just for the storylines. Better than Tekken.

220th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(4):Re(10):Re(10):XII magazine scans" , posted Thu 3 Apr 10:52post reply

This thread has lucidated the premise to me.

Athena, now in her 30s and facing a crisis to remain popular, gets plastic surgery on her face to make her look 15 again. With renewed youth, she immediately went to a cake shoppe to try the special 10-kilo "loli caek" that she always loved as a teen. HOWEVER! Her body was unable to metabolize it properly! "Oh no! My legs only get bigger now! What shall I do? I can't continue to be an idol like this!" That same day, she gets an invitation to the KoF tournament. "Perfect! If I try hard in the tournament, I'm sure to get back in shape! I'll do my best!" Then a truck fell on her

Thick legs are hot.

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

Cain Highwind
780th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):XII magazine scans" , posted Thu 3 Apr 16:35:post reply


Man, I don't know why you're getting so aggressive about this, but I don't think anybody said there weren't any other game characters that had thick legs, and the Chun Li example was already brought up earlier within the thread.

I'm only sharing my personal experience about people that I've met within my own cultural background and I wasn't talking about personal preferences so you don't have to try to attack in that direction. I don't see the big fuss about people looking different from each other seriously.

Well, I guess I was getting pushy there, and I apologize for that. I tend to take the subject seriously because of how vain and unrealistic people tend to be on the subject. Here in Southern California in the U.S. people are irritatingly vain to the point where unnecessary surgeries are becoming more and more common place.

And I myself happen to love thicker women, and think it would be healthier if people were more open minded and considerate about it. Not everyone has to like thick women too, as everyone has their own tastes, but all too often a woman will have just slightly thicker legs or arms or something and suddenly everyone is like "OMG Look at dat wale, oh you wont sum TWINKIES piggy LolololoLOLOlololol....".

Alright, I'll get off my soapbox now.

Yeah there's nothing wrong with the way she looks, it was just quite a shock, being such a drastic change. It just seems weird to me that Kyo actually looks like he's in his Late 20s-Early 30s when Athena looks 13-14 again and they're supposed to be around the same age.

Plus when I saw her old PS artwork, it makes a lot of sense to me now what Ogura was going for. Besides, her sprite looks great (and strangely more like her past KoF appearances rather than the artwork)

And yeah I remember people calling MI Jenet fat, but it was more the scan quality at the time, which stretched the image, I personally hated the over the top cleavage they added and making her dress look like it's tough like Rubber or Nylon.

[this message was edited by Cain Highwind on Thu 3 Apr 16:38]

10th Post

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New Customer

"Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):XII magazine scans" , posted Thu 3 Apr 18:20post reply


Man, I don't know why you're getting so aggressive about this, but I don't think anybody said there weren't any other game characters that had thick legs, and the Chun Li example was already brought up earlier within the thread.

I'm only sharing my personal experience about people that I've met within my own cultural background and I wasn't talking about personal preferences so you don't have to try to attack in that direction. I don't see the big fuss about people looking different from each other seriously.

Well, I guess I was getting pushy there, and I apologize for that. I tend to take the subject seriously because of how vain and unrealistic people tend to be on the subject. Here in Southern California in the U.S. people are irritatingly vain to the point where unnecessary surgeries are becoming more and more common place.

And I myself happen to love thicker women, and think it would be healthier if people were more open minded and considerate about it. Not everyone has to like thick women too, as everyone has their own tastes, but all too often a woman will have just slightly thicker legs or arms or something and suddenly everyone is like "OMG Look at dat wale, oh you wont sum TWINKIES piggy LolololoLOLOlololol....".

Alright, I'll get off my soapbox now.

Yeah there's nothing wrong with the way she looks, it was just quite a shock, being such a drastic change. It just seems weird to me that Kyo actually looks like he's in his Late 20s-Early 30s when Athena looks 13-14 again and they're supposed to be around the same age.

Plus when I saw her old PS artwork, it makes a lot of sense to me now what Ogura was going for. Besides, her sprite looks great (and strangely more like her past KoF appearances rather than the artwork)

And yeah I remember people calling MI Jenet fat, but it was more the scan quality at the time, which stretched the image, I personally hated the over the top cleavage they added and making her dress look like it's tough like Rubber or Nylon.

Mmhhh, any girl post here? I dunno if there are girls posting in MMCafè, or interested in fighters but it's quite iteresting seeing what they think about the "chubby Athena".
I personally think that SNK is giving their characters their original outfit and design, like Terry's. As for Kyo, it's not in his orignal outfit because of the clones presence, who wears the school uniform from the Orochi Saga. Also, Kyo changes his outfit in every saga of KOF and is in line with the Ash Saga clothes.

331th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(4):Re(10):Re(10):XII magazine scans" , posted Fri 4 Apr 00:42post reply

I see that this thread has segued into discussion of Athena's chubbiness...

But what is not to like about these deliciously chubby legs? I am already desperately craving for doujins which make justice to her portrait and offer unlimited leg-jobs.

Skinny girls in bed are like bags of bones. On the contrary, well-built girls like XII's Athena are awesome laids.

I agree with some of you in that it looks like her best design up to the moment, leaving behind the idol/magical girl stuff almost completely.

Athena's design is always subversive. There are still echoes in my mind about her cancer rumours when her hair was significantly shortened (2001).

This version of Athena looks awesome y punto pelota!

But I still want to quench your thirst.
Because I am the one that put you into the desert.