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Just a Person 1074th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(8):KOF XII AOU TRAILER" , posted Fri 15 Feb 20:30
quote: I love the randomness of the trailer, like the part where Benimaru whiffs a low B in front of Athena.
So that means that Benimaru and Athena are confirmed to this game, as well? I remember the only confirmed characters so far were Ash, Kyo, Terry, Elizabeth, Daimon and Leona.
Anyway, that's great news! I hope KoF XII is really the greatest chapter in the series!
BTW, besides Benimaru and Athena, does this trailer confirm anyone else?
I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!
Sensenic 1598th Post

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Re(2):KOF XII AOU TRAILER" , posted Fri 15 Feb 23:53
Downloaded it and checked it frame-by-frame (bored at work ^_^U ) and indeed...
It reminds me of Nona's work for some reason.
quote: Wow. Nona, just, wow.
the sprites are quite moving Nona illustrations (and not the 2k1, SvC kind, fortunately). It's specially clear in the 'Benimaru "raikouken-ing" Kim' cut.
Lots of transparencies here and there too. And Athena in her stand pose... has glitter? o.O (Suit's a dark sailor seifuku this "year", BTW. Not that much change from last u.u )
I don't like for now Kyo's flame effects. They look like painted over, too much black in there, specially when compared to the transparency of the others' "energies".
Yeap, definitely too bored. u.u
quote: I see Korean Taekwondo people...
Kim? Jhun? May-Lee? Or one of Kim's sons?
Well, I guess Kim would be the most obvious choice... even though he's the one I least like from the options above.
Oh, sorry. I meant Kim, of course (too soon I guess to reveal unusual/new chars), but ended up saying it in a very stupid way.
Like the wind...
 "When the finger points to heaven the idiot looks at the finger." -A kid from Amélie.
Just a Person 1078th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(3):KOF XII AOU TRAILER" , posted Sat 16 Feb 00:56
quote: Oh, sorry. I meant Kim, of course (too soon I guess to reveal unusual/new chars), but ended up saying it in a very stupid way.
No problem, and thank you very much for the answer! So now we have 9 confirmed characters, right? Kyo, Terry, Ash, Elizabeth, Daimon, Leona, Athena, Kim and Benimaru, right?
I hope Yuri appears as well...
quote: Now, let's wait for a 15 characters roster
Come on, even KoF'94 had 24 characters... SNK is not THAT lazy.
Actually, after reading all the impressions here, maybe SNK is no longer lazy AT ALL...
I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!
Ebisumaru 9th Post

New Customer
| "Re(5):AVI download link" , posted Sat 16 Feb 10:46:
quote: It looks very incomplete, which is unfortunate, because I'm pretty excited. I'm just afraid the cast is going to be really boring. Nothing would be worse than a totally awesome, beautiful new KOF game with no characters I like.
Man! I didn't wanna post anything positive because in the low res video it looked...odd...like something was off, but seeing it in higher quality, that fear is dispelled.
And...and...it's not just that it's beautiful, it's Nona beautiful. The muscles! The shading! Wahhhh! It's so amazing to see an artist's hand...to see their style in motion like that.
I...I know all of this has been said already, but I had to chime in with positivity.
I'd go one step further and say that I really hope that they don't mess up too much with the gameplay. Surely, everything looks gorgeous, but hey, KOF 99/2000 were graphically pretty good at the time, albeit displaying aging sprites, but the backstepping in 99 and the strikers in 2000 gave them a weird feel.
Also, am I the only one that felt a slightly slower pacing than XI?
[edit]: Gee, Zepy sort of beat me about it.
[this message was edited by Ebisumaru on Sat 16 Feb 10:50] |
Maese Spt 402th Post

Gold Customer
| "Re(7):XII magazine scans" , posted Mon 31 Mar 15:23
Tubby Athena is tubby. No, seriously, she shouldn’t be allowed to wear miniskirt with those legs.
While I find perfectly reasonable that a woman well on her 30s would still wear school uniforms (when reaching certain ages, you slowly run out of tricks to maintain your sex appeal afloat, after all), it is undeniable that she has put on some weight.
The face is kind of cute, tough. Very moe, and reminds me of the original 80s Athena. Overall, can’t say I dislike her, but I’d be disappointed if the Saigado guys adopt this new design for their yearly “Athena and friends”.
Oh and, not that I pretend to start a flamewar or something, don’t get me wrong. But I can’t see how these new sprites are soooooooooooo amazing. Leaving the HD thingie aside, Capcom already did almost the very same thing 7 or 8 years ago, on their CvS titles. Let’s face it, this new Terry looks almost the same as the CvS2 one.
Sure, this new KOF looks pretty and all, specially when compared with that SSF2HD monstrosity, but… KOF sprites should have looked like this since at least 2002. Not that I’m complaining, better late than never, I guess! Buuuut, I was expecting something much more “revolutionary” here. Like the next, state-of-the-art defining step on 2D graphic engines, or something. Whenever I take a look at them, these graphics strike me as kind of dated. Maybe my expectations were too high, huh.
Only my 2 cents, tough.
 マツケン サンバ!!!!
Time Mage 2649th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(8):XII magazine scans" , posted Mon 31 Mar 19:02
quote: Oh and, not that I pretend to start a flamewar or something, don’t get me wrong. But I can’t see how these new sprites are soooooooooooo amazing. Leaving the HD thingie aside, Capcom already did almost the very same thing 7 or 8 years ago, on their CvS titles. Let’s face it, this new Terry looks almost the same as the CvS2 one.
Sure, this new KOF looks pretty and all, specially when compared with that SSF2HD monstrosity, but… KOF sprites should have looked like this since at least 2002. Not that I’m complaining, better late than never, I guess! Buuuut, I was expecting something much more “revolutionary” here. Like the next, state-of-the-art defining step on 2D graphic engines, or something. Whenever I take a look at them, these graphics strike me as kind of dated. Maybe my expectations were too high, huh.
Only my 2 cents, tough.
The animation is SO MUCH BETTER than any HD 2D game I've seen I think it's a pretty noticeable improvement. Seriously, what surprised me more in the first vid wasn't the resolution of the sprites, but how incredibly smooth the animation was. And if that's noticeable in a video, it has to be very good.
Also, the shadings. It doesn't use simple shadings, like GGX, but rather more complex ones. and we know because of SSFIIXHDR (seriously, the title is ridiculously long!) that making consistent animations with such detailed shadings is not easy.
So I think KOFXII is in fact revolutionary, graphic-wise. I don't know how it will played, but even if it ends up being not very good, it will still be a game of reference in the 2D fighting games industry.
BTW, I like the new Athena design. A lot.
"News flash big guy: You can wax on wax off all you want I'm still... KICKIN' YOUR ASS!"
nobinobita 309th Post

Bronze Customer
| "Re(3):Re(10):XII magazine scans" , posted Wed 2 Apr 05:16:
quote: Actually I agree with what Maese was saying. It's not that the graphics aren't impressive. The HD makes the graphics look bright and colorful. But the animation itself is about as much quality as SF3...which was released over a decade ago. Heck, I'd say the animation in particular is about as good as SNK's own Mark of the Wolves.
You can't really get much better than SFIII for animation though. It's the best animated game out there, 2d or 3d. It's the only game Ive ever seen that I can honestly say animates as well as any Disney film, and I mean this in just dry technical terms. If I take personal taste into account, SFIII is pretty much my favorite thing to look at in the world. That game has masterfully animated movements, something that comes from good artistic decisions rather than technology.
If you're just talking about animation (ie movement), then you can't really revolutionize it any more than you can revolutionize oil painting.
I'm just happy to see a game made up of good, solid drawings. Kim's billowing pants are so full of volume and movement. They're unusually well drawn for cloth. That sorta attention and care just makes me really damn happy.
I'm confused here. In the case of this forum, does this stem from so many anime women looking they've never eaten in their lives or something?
Haha, i LOVE the new Athena design too. I think it's funny that 80s era Anime girls with their puffy hair, giant eyes and Cream Lemon phenotypes can be called "realistic" compared to what's out there in games and comics today.
[this message was edited by nobinobita on Wed 2 Apr 05:26] |
Iggy 8438th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):Re(10):XII magazine scans" , posted Wed 2 Apr 05:40
quote: If I take personal taste into account, SFIII is pretty much my favorite thing to look at in the world. That game has masterfully animated movements, something that comes from good artistic decisions rather than technology.
Speaking of which, since I'm in a heavy Vampire mood, I was wondering what you (or any other animation pro out there) think of it, from a strict animation point of view? Even I recon it's less outstanding than SF3, but does it feel outdated for someone... well, that's not in love with each and every pixel of the series?
Especially Savior, actually : I know many Hunter players hate Savior because the old characters lost several animation frames, but I played Savior so much that I don't notice it at all. I'm used to them, and I wonder what an expert eye think of it.
Maese Spt 409th Post

Gold Customer
| "Re(4):Re(10):XII magazine scans" , posted Wed 2 Apr 12:27
quote: As for Athena being "tubby", "chunky" or whatever other kinds of ridiculousness, I think that's just a perfect example of people having unrealistic standards for beauty, plain and simple. I realize she's a fictional character, but make her legs a little thicker than they used to be and suddenly she's chubby?
(...) Hey wait a minute, I may be from a completely different culture and I don't personally know any american women, but most of the women that I know personally are much closer to the "anime women that never ate in their lives" even though some of them can eat quite a bit.
Also, being tubby or chubby can be a beauty compliment in certain locals.
This man speaks the truth.
I mean, I don't mind anybody's personal beauty standards. Chubby girls can be charming and even sexually arousing, that's for sure. Not my cup of tea, tough.
But, with that body, if Athena is supposed to be a japanese schoolgirl I can tell her classmates are gonna bully the hell out of her everyday. Those are definitely NOT the legs of your average japanese schoolgirl... not even the legs of your average japanese middle aged woman. Come on, she's the new Chun Li!
P.S. I must say I find these debates about fighting heroine's slenderness, so common at this Cafe of ours, tremendously enjoying. I missed the good ol' "OMG, they have turned Beauty Jenny into a slut" days!
EddyT 670th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Re(10):Re(10):XII magazine scans" , posted Wed 2 Apr 21:48
Yeah, I think a lot of people here (including myself) were just kidding about the matter. I mean, when I first brought up the subject in the first place (and if I didn't, somebody else would have), I don't think anyone really took me seriously. Especially Polly, who made a joke about my comment afterwards.
I won't get into too much detail on my own preferences with women, but I assure you that I was just joking. I had been overweight for 10 years until recently, so I know how it can be a sensitive issue... but at the same time I learned to just develop a sense of humor about things in general.
I was just a little shocked at the visual difference between this Athena and the other iterations. I didn't say I didn't like this (I actually think it's cute as well, especially her puffy face expression), but it was a bit of an initial shock, that's all.
Anyway, I prefer a cute face over a hot and developed body, but that's me.
catalyst 394th Post

Silver Customer
| "Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):XII magazine scans" , posted Thu 3 Apr 02:00
quote: Yeah, I think a lot of people here (including myself) were just kidding about the matter. I mean, when I first brought up the subject in the first place (and if I didn't, somebody else would have), I don't think anyone really took me seriously. Especially Polly, who made a joke about my comment afterwards.
I won't get into too much detail on my own preferences with women, but I assure you that I was just joking. I had been overweight for 10 years until recently, so I know how it can be a sensitive issue... but at the same time I learned to just develop a sense of humor about things in general.
I was just a little shocked at the visual difference between this Athena and the other iterations. I didn't say I didn't like this (I actually think it's cute as well, especially her puffy face expression), but it was a bit of an initial shock, that's all.
Anyway, I prefer a cute face over a hot and developed body, but that's me.
Quoted for truth definitely. It is just the case that usually Athena has that standard of a pop idol and such for her character that it is a bit expected for the general consensus to think.
But mostly it is just to poke fun at it. Nothing serious. Like Eddy mentioned people here wouldn't actually be that crude and just go off on an overweight person. In this case it seems like the pot calling the kettle black but of course Athena is a character and not a real person. And words are words that shouldn't be either way took seriously.
 This song is so true
Iron D 2850th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(10):Re(10):XII magazine scans" , posted Thu 3 Apr 03:58
quote: Man, I don't know why you're getting so aggressive about this, but I don't think anybody said there weren't any other game characters that had thick legs, and the Chun Li example was already brought up earlier within the thread.
I'm only sharing my personal experience about people that I've met within my own cultural background and I wasn't talking about personal preferences so you don't have to try to attack in that direction. I don't see the big fuss about people looking different from each other seriously.
Well, I guess I was getting pushy there, and I apologize for that. I tend to take the subject seriously because of how vain and unrealistic people tend to be on the subject. Here in Southern California in the U.S. people are irritatingly vain to the point where unnecessary surgeries are becoming more and more common place.
And I myself happen to love thicker women, and think it would be healthier if people were more open minded and considerate about it. Not everyone has to like thick women too, as everyone has their own tastes, but all too often a woman will have just slightly thicker legs or arms or something and suddenly everyone is like "OMG Look at dat wale, oh you wont sum TWINKIES piggy LolololoLOLOlololol....".
Alright, I'll get off my soapbox now.
Spoon 1549th Post

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):XII magazine scans" , posted Thu 3 Apr 04:44
quote: Man, I don't know why you're getting so aggressive about this, but I don't think anybody said there weren't any other game characters that had thick legs, and the Chun Li example was already brought up earlier within the thread.
I'm only sharing my personal experience about people that I've met within my own cultural background and I wasn't talking about personal preferences so you don't have to try to attack in that direction. I don't see the big fuss about people looking different from each other seriously.
Well, I guess I was getting pushy there, and I apologize for that. I tend to take the subject seriously because of how vain and unrealistic people tend to be on the subject. Here in Southern California in the U.S. people are irritatingly vain to the point where unnecessary surgeries are becoming more and more common place.
And I myself happen to love thicker women, and think it would be healthier if people were more open minded and considerate about it. Not everyone has to like thick women too, as everyone has their own tastes, but all too often a woman will have just slightly thicker legs or arms or something and suddenly everyone is like "OMG Look at dat wale, oh you wont sum TWINKIES piggy LolololoLOLOlololol....".
Alright, I'll get off my soapbox now.
I just think we do it because it's fun to point out radical changes in character body proportions, in addition to all the other silliness that accompanies old fighting game characters.
Cain Highwind 780th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):XII magazine scans" , posted Thu 3 Apr 16:35:
quote: Man, I don't know why you're getting so aggressive about this, but I don't think anybody said there weren't any other game characters that had thick legs, and the Chun Li example was already brought up earlier within the thread.
I'm only sharing my personal experience about people that I've met within my own cultural background and I wasn't talking about personal preferences so you don't have to try to attack in that direction. I don't see the big fuss about people looking different from each other seriously.
Well, I guess I was getting pushy there, and I apologize for that. I tend to take the subject seriously because of how vain and unrealistic people tend to be on the subject. Here in Southern California in the U.S. people are irritatingly vain to the point where unnecessary surgeries are becoming more and more common place.
And I myself happen to love thicker women, and think it would be healthier if people were more open minded and considerate about it. Not everyone has to like thick women too, as everyone has their own tastes, but all too often a woman will have just slightly thicker legs or arms or something and suddenly everyone is like "OMG Look at dat wale, oh you wont sum TWINKIES piggy LolololoLOLOlololol....".
Alright, I'll get off my soapbox now.
Yeah there's nothing wrong with the way she looks, it was just quite a shock, being such a drastic change. It just seems weird to me that Kyo actually looks like he's in his Late 20s-Early 30s when Athena looks 13-14 again and they're supposed to be around the same age.
Plus when I saw her old PS artwork, it makes a lot of sense to me now what Ogura was going for. Besides, her sprite looks great (and strangely more like her past KoF appearances rather than the artwork)
And yeah I remember people calling MI Jenet fat, but it was more the scan quality at the time, which stretched the image, I personally hated the over the top cleavage they added and making her dress look like it's tough like Rubber or Nylon.
[this message was edited by Cain Highwind on Thu 3 Apr 16:38] |
Nekros 10th Post

New Customer
| "Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):XII magazine scans" , posted Thu 3 Apr 18:20
quote: Man, I don't know why you're getting so aggressive about this, but I don't think anybody said there weren't any other game characters that had thick legs, and the Chun Li example was already brought up earlier within the thread.
I'm only sharing my personal experience about people that I've met within my own cultural background and I wasn't talking about personal preferences so you don't have to try to attack in that direction. I don't see the big fuss about people looking different from each other seriously.
Well, I guess I was getting pushy there, and I apologize for that. I tend to take the subject seriously because of how vain and unrealistic people tend to be on the subject. Here in Southern California in the U.S. people are irritatingly vain to the point where unnecessary surgeries are becoming more and more common place.
And I myself happen to love thicker women, and think it would be healthier if people were more open minded and considerate about it. Not everyone has to like thick women too, as everyone has their own tastes, but all too often a woman will have just slightly thicker legs or arms or something and suddenly everyone is like "OMG Look at dat wale, oh you wont sum TWINKIES piggy LolololoLOLOlololol....".
Alright, I'll get off my soapbox now.
Yeah there's nothing wrong with the way she looks, it was just quite a shock, being such a drastic change. It just seems weird to me that Kyo actually looks like he's in his Late 20s-Early 30s when Athena looks 13-14 again and they're supposed to be around the same age.
Plus when I saw her old PS artwork, it makes a lot of sense to me now what Ogura was going for. Besides, her sprite looks great (and strangely more like her past KoF appearances rather than the artwork)
And yeah I remember people calling MI Jenet fat, but it was more the scan quality at the time, which stretched the image, I personally hated the over the top cleavage they added and making her dress look like it's tough like Rubber or Nylon.
Mmhhh, any girl post here? I dunno if there are girls posting in MMCafè, or interested in fighters but it's quite iteresting seeing what they think about the "chubby Athena". I personally think that SNK is giving their characters their original outfit and design, like Terry's. As for Kyo, it's not in his orignal outfit because of the clones presence, who wears the school uniform from the Orochi Saga. Also, Kyo changes his outfit in every saga of KOF and is in line with the Ash Saga clothes.