New SS SEN stuff from AOU - Forums

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78th Post

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"New SS SEN stuff from AOU" , posted Sat 16 Feb 01:56post reply

Yeah, I know...KOF XII is probably the one that everyone's concerned with now.

But nevertheless...

the main site's updated with info on Galford and Genjuro, and three new vids including Galford are out now. Hoah vs Galford Galford vs Wanfu Galford vs Riru

Dokuganryu wa Date jya ne you see?


Just a Person
1081th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):New SS SEN stuff from AOU" , posted Sat 16 Feb 02:01:post reply

Woah, hold on... Wan-Fu is in SS SEN?

Wow, Tenka seems to have really helped his popularity...

EDIT: just seen the videos... I wasn't expecting much, but SS SEN looks AMAZING! Good graphics, nice music, and that brilliant SS atmosphere...

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[this message was edited by Just a Person on Sat 16 Feb 02:41]

3066th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):New SS SEN stuff from AOU" , posted Sat 16 Feb 02:39post reply

Whoops, with all the hoopla concerning all the other games there's a bit of info I missed. Thanks for posting the links.

Hmm, while SS is easily my favorite SNK series I really do hope that there is more to this game than has been shown so far. Three videos of Galford sticking people until they fall over isn't exactly the most exciting thing I've ever seen.

79th Post

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"Re(3):New SS SEN stuff from AOU" , posted Sat 16 Feb 03:55post reply

Whoops, with all the hoopla concerning all the other games there's a bit of info I missed. Thanks for posting the links.

Hmm, while SS is easily my favorite SNK series I really do hope that there is more to this game than has been shown so far. Three videos of Galford sticking people until they fall over isn't exactly the most exciting thing I've ever seen.

I think it's safe to say that, going by the sum of all the videos we've seen thus far, the main thing is that people just don't know how to play the damn game yet. So, it's all they can really do but go by the moves that they see on the "Vs." screen, and otherwise play it safe.

I'm hoping that by the time people get more time to play with the game, as well as a FULL movelist, we'll actually start seeing this game being played the way it's meant to be, and not as some half-baked Soul Calibur clone, like people are thinking it is.

In any case, since this game is more than likely going to see a PS2 port long before KOF XII probably even sees the light of day in arcades...this will probably be my main source of SNK entertainment, aside from KOF 98 UM. Needless to say, I can't wait...

Dokuganryu wa Date jya ne you see?

8374th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):New SS SEN stuff from AOU" , posted Sat 16 Feb 04:01post reply

A few hours ago, I was talking about how SSSen was the big casualty of this AOU show, trapped behind SF4, KofXII and Virtua Fighter 5R, then I was reminded of KOF MIA2.
And I lolled.

80th Post

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"Re(2):New SS SEN stuff from AOU" , posted Sat 16 Feb 04:24post reply

A few hours ago, I was talking about how SSSen was the big casualty of this AOU show, trapped behind SF4, KofXII and Virtua Fighter 5R, then I was reminded of KOF MIA2.
And I lolled.

I think the big thing to remember is that, the main advantage that likes of SEN, BASARA and other games like AH2, KOFUM and etc., is that they'll be coming out FIRST.

By the time the harsh reality sets in, that the newest eye-candy for everyone, like KOFXII and SF(EX)4, is not coming out til the end of the year, more than likely, the hype will die down, and people will pay more attention to what's coming out now, or over the course of the next month and some change.

So, yeah, it probably is a thing that a lot of games are going to be lunched by the new stuff at AOU. But they'll probably still get their time in the sun, once they actually come out.

Frankly, I'm more worried about what may happen if these companies try and market the PS2 ports of these new games at or around the same time as the new stuff comes out in the arcades. That's why I'm hoping that ports of the likes of SEN, UM and BASARA will be out by like Summer or Fall, so that they won't have to worry about competing so much with their newer and more exciting brethren.

Dokuganryu wa Date jya ne you see?

1415th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):New SS SEN stuff from AOU" , posted Sat 16 Feb 04:29post reply

It is like Soul Calibur without the shitty generic character designs!

Just a Person
1082th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(3):New SS SEN stuff from AOU" , posted Sat 16 Feb 04:30post reply

By the time the harsh reality sets in, that the newest eye-candy for everyone, like KOFXII and SF(EX)4, is not coming out til the end of the year, more than likely, the hype will die down, and people will pay more attention to what's coming out now, or over the course of the next month and some change.

End of 2008? I remember reading that SFIV would just be released between 2009 and 2010... (although it does already look a little advanced in programming).

And I don't think SS SEN should be treated like some game that is not so good but will come out first; although the videos didn't show much gameplay, it does look very good so far.

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81th Post

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"Re(4):New SS SEN stuff from AOU" , posted Sat 16 Feb 04:58post reply

End of 2008? I remember reading that SFIV would just be released between 2009 and 2010... (although it does already look a little advanced in programming).

Again, I'm just being generous. I'm honestly not expecting to see a lot of the new stuff until the end of this year, though around this time next year is probably when we can really expect to see the stuff.

And I don't think SS SEN should be treated like some game that is not so good but will come out first; although the videos didn't show much gameplay, it does look very good so far.

You mis-interpret me.

What I AM saying, though, is that SEN, like BASARA, AH2 and many others, has the main advantage of being released way before the likes of KOFXII. I'm actually still very much interested in SEN (which should be evident, if you've read my previous posts on past topics, as well as this one). But I'm being realistic...compared to the likes of KOF XII, it would get overshadowed quite quickly, which is why I'm glad it's coming out earlier.

Dokuganryu wa Date jya ne you see?

1724th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(4):New SS SEN stuff from AOU" , posted Sat 16 Feb 05:33post reply

It is like Soul Calibur without the shitty generic character designs!

I dunno, this Galford doesn't really scream Galford to me.

Where's Charlotte, anyway?

/ / /

1009th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(5):New SS SEN stuff from AOU" , posted Sat 16 Feb 07:19post reply

Wow.... this year is going to be great for fighting games.

Play to win.

Just a Person
1083th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(5):New SS SEN stuff from AOU" , posted Sat 16 Feb 08:39post reply

You mis-interpret me.

What I AM saying, though, is that SEN, like BASARA, AH2 and many others, has the main advantage of being released way before the likes of KOFXII. I'm actually still very much interested in SEN (which should be evident, if you've read my previous posts on past topics, as well as this one). But I'm being realistic...compared to the likes of KOF XII, it would get overshadowed quite quickly, which is why I'm glad it's coming out earlier.

Oh, now I got it!

Yes, that's true... so far I'm not very interested in KoFXII, but when SNK reveals all the teams, I know I'll get instantly hyped about it.

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2436th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(4):New SS SEN stuff from AOU" , posted Sat 16 Feb 18:54:post reply

By the time the harsh reality sets in, that the newest eye-candy for everyone, like KOFXII and SF(EX)4, is not coming out til the end of the year, more than likely, the hype will die down, and people will pay more attention to what's coming out now, or over the course of the next month and some change.

KOFXII's been announced only as a "2008 release", but SF2.5 is slated for summer.
Crazy thing, Capcom's already closing their PCB(arcade board) orders in mid-March.

I guess it's quicker to make a fighting game in 3D graphics since they don't have to draw each frame.

The feirce attack in SSSen seems to have been toned down.. humm.

[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 16 Feb 22:20]

86th Post

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"Re(5):New SS SEN stuff from AOU" , posted Tue 19 Feb 11:04post reply

Found this on a youtube user's channel I've been watching.

From the vid, you can clearly see some of the crazier stuff in game...that no one has yet been able to mirror in any of the loketest. Things like Sougetsu's wild "aqua-porting slice and dice" thing and what seems to be an even more impressive "super otoshi" from Hanzo.

If that wasn't enough of an indicator to showcase to the naysayers that there's more to this game than a mere "SC clone", I dunno what is...

Dokuganryu wa Date jya ne you see?

2445th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):New SS SEN stuff from AOU" , posted Tue 19 Feb 12:00post reply


Found this on a youtube user's channel I've been watching.

From the vid, you can clearly see some of the crazier stuff in game...that no one has yet been able to mirror in any of the loketest. Things like Sougetsu's wild "aqua-porting slice and dice" thing and what seems to be an even more impressive "super otoshi" from Hanzo.

If that wasn't enough of an indicator to showcase to the naysayers that there's more to this game than a mere "SC clone", I dunno what is...

Looking at the video, I first guessed that was just "dial a combo"-type stuff, but if that's not the case, that's fairly promising.

As you mentioned, people don't know how to play the game yet, so all I've seen are a bunch of stiff, awkward fights with outdated renders. At this point, I think people who are excited about this game either just love SS too much or are grasping for straws. Having said that, I'm not ruling out the possibility that the game will actually be good, I'm just saying it's not making a very good case for itself.

Either way, it doesn't look anything like SC to me, so I think people are just putting "3D" and "swords" together.

Ah, but on the upside, the music sounds very promising! That's always been one of the biggest draws for the SS series to me.

3069th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):New SS SEN stuff from AOU" , posted Wed 20 Feb 02:09post reply

Whether those are special moves or KoF:MI style combos I'm at least glad to see some visual evidence that there is more going on in the game than having the two characters standing still and pigsticking each other.

334th Post

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"SS Sen english trailer at GDC 08" , posted Thu 21 Feb 12:58post reply

Confirms my earlier suspicion of Sen going along with other Japanese games as of late like No More Heroes and RE4.

SNK has finally shut me up about being afraid to go back to the old gritty SS style.

1507th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):SS Sen english trailer at GDC 08" , posted Thu 21 Feb 13:08:post reply


Confirms my earlier suspicion of Sen going along with other Japanese games as of late like No More Heroes and RE4.

SNK has finally shut me up about being afraid to go back to the old gritty SS style.

Wow, I like. SNK Playmore will be getting a lot of money from me with this and all their collections.

[this message was edited by GekigangerV on Thu 21 Feb 13:09]

88th Post

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"Re(2):SS Sen english trailer at GDC 08" , posted Thu 21 Feb 13:19post reply

Well, I hope you and your ilk are FINALLY satiated, at least a bit, Abster. XD

Dokuganryu wa Date jya ne you see?

204th Post

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"Re(3):SS Sen english trailer at GDC 08" , posted Thu 21 Feb 15:18post reply


336th Post

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"Re(3):SS Sen english trailer at GDC 08" , posted Thu 21 Feb 15:50post reply

Well, I hope you and your ilk are FINALLY satiated, at least a bit, Abster. XD

This along with having SS5 Special in the anthology, might finally give me a reason to have faith with SNK again. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed.

219th Post

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"Re(4):SS Sen english trailer at GDC 08" , posted Thu 21 Feb 16:22post reply

This along with having SS5 Special in the anthology, might finally give me a reason to have faith with SNK again. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed.

When did they say anything about SS5 Special being in any anthology? I've read only SS5 from the start.

337th Post

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"Re(5):SS Sen english trailer at GDC 08" , posted Thu 21 Feb 16:30post reply

When did they say anything about SS5 Special being in any anthology? I've read only SS5 from the start.;title;2

Was announced at GDC today that SS Anthology will include SS1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 5 Special, making for a 7 game package.

8382th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):SS Sen english trailer at GDC 08" , posted Thu 21 Feb 21:19post reply

I thought people were worried by whether the game would end up being good or bad in the first place, but it seems I was wrong. And maybe the Japanese opinion of the American audience is more justified then I thought.

205th Post

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"Re(7):SS Sen english trailer at GDC 08" , posted Thu 21 Feb 22:12post reply

I thought people were worried by whether the game would end up being good or bad in the first place, but it seems I was wrong. And maybe the Japanese opinion of the American audience is more justified then I thought.

I'm liking what snk usa is doing right now. Not just releasing games and following orders but actually releasing games in favor of the fans. having all samurai shodown titles, including kof 94 & 98 with the orochi saga and all these anthologies... what they are releasing may not be great games today but they sure are making it all worth your money.

8383th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):SS Sen english trailer at GDC 08" , posted Thu 21 Feb 22:32post reply

what they are releasing may not be great games today but they sure are making it all worth your money.

I was actually talking of the questionable quality of the scenes shown in the SSS trailer (those before the gore everyone is talking about). When the trailer itself is showing clumsy moves, uninspired action and even what appears to be an infinite, I can't help to marvel what the hell they were thinking.
But yeah, I guess if each character has at least one infinite, the game can be considered balanced. And it has blood ! wohoho ! Fighting GOTY !

338th Post

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"Re(9):SS Sen english trailer at GDC 08" , posted Fri 22 Feb 00:33post reply


I was actually talking of the questionable quality of the scenes shown in the SSS trailer (those before the gore everyone is talking about). When the trailer itself is showing clumsy moves, uninspired action and even what appears to be an infinite, I can't help to marvel what the hell they were thinking.
But yeah, I guess if each character has at least one infinite, the game can be considered balanced. And it has blood ! wohoho ! Fighting GOTY !

The juggling has me concerned a bit too. It's not SS's nature to be built off them. That's more of a Soul Calibur characteristic, although the SS64 games had them too.

The American audience isn't exactly death incarnate as you want to imagine Iggy. It's just the visual style looks a lot improved, and now Samurai Sen has something to distance itself as a Soul Calibur clone.

2306th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):SS Sen english trailer at GDC 08" , posted Fri 22 Feb 02:12post reply

Nobody's complaining about the gameplay because nobody expects it to be any good anyway. And they're distracted by more interesting fighters.

923th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):SS Sen english trailer at GDC 08" , posted Fri 22 Feb 08:19post reply


SNK has finally shut me up about being afraid to go back to the old gritty SS style.

Have we been playing the same game? The first two especially were anything but gritty (more like colorful as hell with cartoony gore such as flowers popping out of you when you die for points) out of you when you die). What's this "gritty" fixation anyway? Blood = gritty? Okay granted, perhaps I am opening an old can of worms here but jeez.

ワンダフル! ビューティフル! エキサイティング!

206th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):SS Sen english trailer at GDC 08" , posted Fri 22 Feb 09:49post reply

Nobody's complaining about the gameplay because nobody expects it to be any good anyway. And they're distracted by more interesting fighters.

i wont be as critical on the gameplay atleast until the sequel :P

Just a Person
1086th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(4):SS Sen english trailer at GDC 08" , posted Fri 22 Feb 20:57post reply


I don't really like that in SS, to be honest... while there are games where violence plays a vital role, like Mortal Kombat or God of War, Samurai Spirits/Shodown always attracted my attention by its beautiful environment, the great music, that nostalgic feeling of going back in time.

Sure, in the real world, slashing someone with a sword would probably mean some heavy cut, maybe even the loss of a limb. But, I don't know, I just wish that SS could be like Soul Calibur in this department, forgetting the realism and letting the opponents survive unharmed despite being hit by sharp blades...

Nevertheless, SS Sen looks nice from this trailer.

I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!

339th Post

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"Re(2):SS Sen english trailer at GDC 08" , posted Sat 23 Feb 01:30post reply


Have we been playing the same game? The first two especially were anything but gritty (more like colorful as hell with cartoony gore such as flowers popping out of you when you die for points) out of you when you die). What's this "gritty" fixation anyway? Blood = gritty? Okay granted, perhaps I am opening an old can of worms here but jeez.

Gritty as in going back to old SS trademark violence, not the soft Saturday morning cartoon atmosphere present like in Tenka.

Ikari Loona
226th Post

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"Re(8):SS Sen english trailer at GDC 08" , posted Sat 23 Feb 02:46post reply

I'm liking what snk usa is doing right now. Not just releasing games and following orders but actually releasing games in favor of the fans. having all samurai shodown titles, including kof 94 & 98 with the orochi saga and all these anthologies... what they are releasing may not be great games today but they sure are making it all worth your money.

I hope those extensions to the anthologies make it to Europe as well - if it was worth it to hope further, seeing 94 ReBout included in the Orochi saga pack would certainly make up for the fact the game was never released over here.

The major body slicing in the SSS trailer was a bit surprising, but I kinda hope it's a relatively minor part of the game, and was shown just for the sake of showing something SC doesn't have.

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

340th Post

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"Re(9):SS Sen english trailer at GDC 08" , posted Sat 23 Feb 05:07post reply


The major body slicing in the SSS trailer was a bit surprising, but I kinda hope it's a relatively minor part of the game, and was shown just for the sake of showing something SC doesn't have.

Probably. It's been part of the SS trademark violence for years, perhaps except beheading which wasn't a standard fatal finish up until now.

3073th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):SS Sen english trailer at GDC 08" , posted Sat 23 Feb 05:27post reply

I think what bothers me about all those fatalities was how sloppy and cynical the preview was. There was no sense of pacing or pride in what was being presented. Instead of ending on some thrilling note to get the players excited about the game the preview turns into a snuff film. Would it have killed them to at least make sure the voice of the announcer at the end of the round was consistent? There wasn't the context found in the SS games where the occasional stylized "death" felt more like a specialized ending to the match than anything else. Without any sort of framework to set the mood for what was being shown the video instead ended with little more than a montage of people being dismembered. Perhaps it's just me but watching someone's severed torso flop on the ground seems like a particularly poor image to end the preview on.

1518th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):SS Sen english trailer at GDC 08" , posted Sat 23 Feb 06:17post reply


Confirms my earlier suspicion of Sen going along with other Japanese games as of late like No More Heroes and RE4.

Well, outside of Japan anyway.

Have you seen some of the hilarious censoring in NMH?
It's literally comical.
As in, a woman put a grenade in her mouth, and because they censor her decapitation, her head becomes blackened like Wile E. Coyote. In a kind of absurdist way it works, I guess.

And I'd agree that just ending the trailer on a bunch of fatalities doesn't really sell me on the game. It'd have been much nicer if each one actually showed some kind of lead-in to it (you know, like fighting) rather than one guy standing there training-mode like waiting for the other person to wind up and chop them up.

The arm removal resulting in a guy writhing on the ground... huh.
As much as I hate Cham Cham and would love to render that upon her, I just can't imagine some of the badasses of SS flailing around on the ground because they lost a hand. It's brutal and all, but it doesn't really speak to me. And that sounded exactly as nerdy and as fanboyish as I expected it to.

341th Post

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"Re(10):SS Sen english trailer at GDC 08" , posted Sat 23 Feb 06:56post reply

I think what bothers me about all those fatalities was how sloppy and cynical the preview was. There was no sense of pacing or pride in what was being presented. Instead of ending on some thrilling note to get the players excited about the game the preview turns into a snuff film. Would it have killed them to at least make sure the voice of the announcer at the end of the round was consistent? There wasn't the context found in the SS games where the occasional stylized "death" felt more like a specialized ending to the match than anything else. Without any sort of framework to set the mood for what was being shown the video instead ended with little more than a montage of people being dismembered. Perhaps it's just me but watching someone's severed torso flop on the ground seems like a particularly poor image to end the preview on.

Yeah, it isn't exactly the best way to build up hype for a game. The trailer should at least tell a story, and the beginning at least did well. What would've probably been a better idea were to be some decent lead in and then maybe end with one of the fatality effects. It would tell the story of a bloody SS in the same way but yet not try to feel so deliberate in its presentation.

8388th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):SS Sen english trailer at GDC 08" , posted Sat 23 Feb 07:16post reply

I just noticed something : the aïnu sisters are not loli in the game, they are 17 and 20. It might mean they can be butchered as well.

I know some people will love to watch Rimururu writhe in pain with her arm cut mid-section, but I think I just... don't want to play that game. At all. Not even the Japanese version. I don't mind gore, my favourite game of the series is still SS0S, but this is plain WRONG.

So much for thinking K2 would understand their own series.

342th Post

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"Re(3):Re(10):SS Sen english trailer at GDC 08" , posted Sat 23 Feb 08:32post reply

I just noticed something : the aïnu sisters are not loli in the game, they are 17 and 20. It might mean they can be butchered as well.

I know some people will love to watch Rimururu writhe in pain with her arm cut mid-section, but I think I just... don't want to play that game. At all. Not even the Japanese version. I don't mind gore, my favourite game of the series is still SS0S, but this is plain WRONG.

So much for thinking K2 would understand their own series.

Uh, they could be butchered in SS0 Special, and they could experience fatality effects in Asura Zanmaden, where the arm slicing fatality effect was actually born, so arm slicing in SS is nothing new. It just hasn't been shown in graphic detail like this before. In one of the older gameplay videos Rimururu was looking at her arm after suffering the final shot. That probably means the ainu sisters are fair game too.

If you don't like violence you still got Tenka to fall back on. Otherwise the Japanese version lacks both blood and dismemberment, so no need to get sick over this.

8389th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):SS Sen english trailer at GDC 08" , posted Sat 23 Feb 09:11post reply

Don't worry, I wasn't hoping you could understand the difference of nature, not of degree, between SS0S's violence and this game's.

If you were able to feel how Suija's shower of blood (or Gedô's skull burping) has nothing in common with this voyeuristic camera spinning around Kim's agony... Well, you wouldn't be the same Abster, would you ?

343th Post

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"Re(10):SS Sen english trailer at GDC 08" , posted Sat 23 Feb 10:37post reply

Don't worry, I wasn't hoping you could understand the difference of nature, not of degree, between SS0S's violence and this game's.

If you were able to feel how Suija's shower of blood (or Gedô's skull burping) has nothing in common with this voyeuristic camera spinning around Kim's agony... Well, you wouldn't be the same Abster, would you ?

Well, some of the zetsumei ougis had some nice creative style to it, but the fatality effects in Sen are just evolved versions of what was scattered in the 2d and 64 games. At least these aren't premeditated super maneuvers that smacks the opponent over and over again until they finally explode (Galford's zetsumei) These are triggered the same way as SS of old, an aftereffect to hitting with a finishing slash.

Given that K2 has made some of the past Tenchu games, which are likely as violent as Sen here, this shouldn't really surprise you Iggy.

1012th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(2):Re(10):SS Sen english trailer at GDC 08" , posted Sun 24 Feb 02:58post reply

Blood effects not withstanding, I'm a bit worried about the Soul Calibur inspired gameplay myself.

Street Fighter EX2 seems to at least be keeping the 2D gameplay elements semi-intact, while the "combos" I saw in this SS Sen were pretty boring looking.

I think combining SS0 and SS4's systems, while keeping the movement button intact and focusing on balance would have been a better idea. I think the graphics look fine though.

Play to win.

93th Post

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"New Famitsu info." , posted Wed 5 Mar 11:22post reply

Figured it was time to bump up this when I ran into this:

This new article sheds some more light on the game, both through pictures and moon language. (XD)
"GO, POPPY!" confirmed

I haven't been able to look at it all that much in-depth, honestly, but if some one else was able to give some translation details (especially for what looks like a revival of the "ISSEN"), that'd be appreciated.

Dokuganryu wa Date jya ne you see?

1603th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):New Famitsu info." , posted Wed 5 Mar 20:46:post reply

Oh, so Kilian/Kirian is Spanish, got ourselves a new one.

And, oh surprise! He's a bullfighter!
Likes "beautiful things", he's a drinker (I think?) and a gambler (or good at gambling at least?).

Oh, well...



[this message was edited by Sensenic on Wed 5 Mar 20:46]

Time Mage
2636th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):New Famitsu info." , posted Wed 5 Mar 22:03post reply

Oh, so Kilian/Kirian is Spanish, got ourselves a new one.

And, oh surprise! He's a bullfighter!
Likes "beautiful things", he's a drinker (I think?) and a gambler (or good at gambling at least?).

Oh, well...

A bullfighter? In the 1600s? , indeed.

Still, I like him a lot.

"News flash big guy: You can wax on wax off all you want I'm still... KICKIN' YOUR ASS!"

Ikari Loona
227th Post

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"Re(3):New Famitsu info." , posted Wed 5 Mar 23:42post reply


A bullfighter? In the 1600s? , indeed.

Wouldn't that be 1700s?
IIRC, in the 1st game of the series the year 1788 appear next to the world map between fights...

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

Time Mage
2637th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):New Famitsu info." , posted Thu 6 Mar 00:03post reply


A bullfighter? In the 1600s? , indeed.

Wouldn't that be 1700s?
IIRC, in the 1st game of the series the year 1788 appear next to the world map between fights...

Didn't know that. In that case, I retire what I've said, since bullfighting was much more established by then.

"News flash big guy: You can wax on wax off all you want I'm still... KICKIN' YOUR ASS!"

3080th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):New Famitsu info." , posted Thu 6 Mar 00:25post reply


A bullfighter? In the 1600s? , indeed.

Wouldn't that be 1700s?
IIRC, in the 1st game of the series the year 1788 appear next to the world map between fights...

Didn't know that. In that case, I retire what I've said, since bullfighting was much more established by then.

The game does, however, have Hagar the Horrible running around in it. I don't expect historical accuracy out of a series that features Earthquake but that viking guy seems a bit past his sell-by date. That, and that chubby berserker puts me a bit too much in mind of that other fat viking from WH for my liking.

94th Post

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"Re(6):New Famitsu info." , posted Thu 6 Mar 01:28post reply


The game does, however, have Hagar the Horrible running around in it. I don't expect historical accuracy out of a series that features Earthquake but that viking guy seems a bit past his sell-by date. That, and that chubby berserker puts me a bit too much in mind of that other fat viking from WH for my liking.

Heh, with our luck, they may make some sort of "interesting" backstory for the Viking (Garoth, I believe is his name?), where he may have been "frozen in ice from the times when Eric the Red ran rampant, and now is FREE after so many years to take up fighting once again, before he finally may join his friends in Valhalla!" XD

I dunno. What I do recognize though, is that there still seem to be two more slots that have not been filled in yet. Losing hope, but I'm STILL choosing to root for Ashura/Yuda, Shiki, Jubei and/or Seiger. I would like to see any one from that group appear, either as a) a means to have a link to to the Ashura Zanmaden storyline, or b) at least have more classic characters in the mix.

Also, I went through and decided to try and make of the article what I could. Not nearly a complete/perfect translation, but ya get what ya pay for. ^^;

The basic gist is this: after showcasing the profiles for Haohmaru and a number of the new characters (including Black Hawk, who I don't think we've been introduced to before now), it goes into some aspects of the system that I don't think have ever been elaborated on...

First the "ISSEN". Many of you might remember this thing from past games, where-as, after a POW Explosion, you had access to a "Make or Break" move that could turn the tide of the match in your favor. Well, it's back...but now it's quite a bit different.

This time, it seems to be the story that, if you activate this move correctly, it will actually give you life BACK, instead of killing your opponent. In effect, it will basically gives you a chance at a "Second Wind", to try and take the match back.

However, as before, this move is hard to hit with, AND you only get one chance to use it throughout the entirety of a match. So the strategic value of the move still seems to be just valuable as before, just sort of inversed... ^^;

Then it talks about "Aerial Combos". Pretty self explanatory, I would think, though the Famitsu article, from what I gleaned, talked a bit about how you have options when it comes to Aerial Combos. Whether this applies to both the attacker and the receiver, as well, I didn't quite catch. But in short, I wouldn't be surprised if this was in-line with how such a thing worked in SS64 and 64-2.

Finally, the last thing the "Guard Funou Waza", or what I think is just the fancy Japanese way of saying "Unblockables". Again, pretty self explanatory; high-attack power, but slow to come out, and can be dangerous in the right hands.

ONCE AGAIN, though, the Famitsu article, like so many other medium and articles before it, doesn't do much to tell us how to perform some of these things. So, it's definitely a sort of "2 steps forward, 3 steps back" kind of thing, sadly.

Not exactly the best way to help make a case for SS SEN, but, otherwise, I'm still interested in what this product has to least for now.

In other news...any body planning to be in California? Loke test for both "Edge of Destiny" (Western version of SEN) and KOF98:UM are going down at "Family Fun Arcade" this weekend. Go to for more details.

Dokuganryu wa Date jya ne you see?

8406th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):New Famitsu info." , posted Thu 6 Mar 01:36post reply

Losing hope, but I'm STILL choosing to root for Ashura/Yuda, Shiki, Jubei and/or Seiger.

I haven't been paying close attention to the game, but wasn't Jubei confirmed ?

95th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(8):New Famitsu info." , posted Thu 6 Mar 02:08post reply

I haven't been paying close attention to the game, but wasn't Jubei confirmed ?

If he has, I haven't seen him in any of the more recent character roster screens, including this one.

Dokuganryu wa Date jya ne you see?

Just a Person
1094th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(9):New Famitsu info." , posted Thu 6 Mar 02:13post reply

I haven't been paying close attention to the game, but wasn't Jubei confirmed ?

If he has, I haven't seen him in any of the more recent character roster screens, including this one.

Who are all the characters confirmed so far, by the way??

I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!

3081th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):New Famitsu info." , posted Thu 6 Mar 02:27post reply

I haven't been paying close attention to the game, but wasn't Jubei confirmed ?

If he has, I haven't seen him in any of the more recent character roster screens, including this one.

Who are all the characters confirmed so far, by the way??

At about 1:13 of the Gametrailers video there is a character select screen that is different from the one shown in Famitsu. It looks like Jubei and Claude are the two missing characters.

1438th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Re(10):New Famitsu info." , posted Thu 6 Mar 05:13post reply

Jubei is listed on the official site actually

1527th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(3):Re(10):New Famitsu info." , posted Thu 6 Mar 13:53post reply

Jubei is listed on the official site actually

Looks like 10 unfilled character slots on that site...

... I hope some of the crazies from SS Tenka make it!

3625th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):New Famitsu info." , posted Thu 6 Mar 18:44post reply

BTW did we already heard somethiung about a boss yet, during the Locktest?

PS: Ishmael, you tag is awesome, is there a full pic of it?

Fortes fortuna juvat...

8407th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Re(10):New Famitsu info." , posted Thu 6 Mar 19:42post reply

PS: Ishmael, you tag is awesome, is there a full pic of it?

Here and look by yourself.
Also, look here for the original art made by someone who actually knows how to draw.

3082th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Re(10):New Famitsu info." , posted Fri 7 Mar 01:05post reply

PS: Ishmael, you tag is awesome, is there a full pic of it?

Here and look by yourself.
Also, look here for the original art made by someone who actually knows how to draw.

Or you could get the shot topped off with an intrusive Game Watch watermark.

Just a Person
1096th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(7):Re(10):New Famitsu info." , posted Fri 7 Mar 01:51post reply

Sorry to bother again, but has SNKP stated where does this game fit into the SS storyline? Or is it going to be another non-canon game, like SSV:Special and SS:Tenka?

I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!

3626th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Re(10):New Famitsu info." , posted Sat 8 Mar 04:12post reply

PS: Ishmael, you tag is awesome, is there a full pic of it?
Or you could get the shot topped off with an intrusive Game Watch watermark.


Fortes fortuna juvat...

1534th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(8):Re(10):New Famitsu info." , posted Thu 10 Apr 12:38post reply

Famitsu website update

Looks like the Issen is a tide turning attack that takes off a lot of life.

Some stuff about repelling attacks and air combos as well.

3110th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Re(10):New Famitsu info." , posted Thu 10 Apr 23:58post reply

Famitsu website update

Looks like the Issen is a tide turning attack that takes off a lot of life.

Some stuff about repelling attacks and air combos as well.

After that appalling US trailer I pretty much gave up on this game. The heavy shading on that Issen attack, however, is a nice bit of flourish. Hopefully the final build of the game will have more of that and less of the more questionable design decisions.