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Undead Fred 2969th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):What game franchises need a" , posted Tue 26 Feb 14:43
quote: With Hollywood going back to the drawing board and starting over with franchises like Batman, Hulk, and Star Trek, what game series do you think need a do-over?
I nominate Mega Man X. After a dozen sequels and the Zero spinoff series, I lost track trying to keep up with the story. I think a more modern X series would be appropriate with a re-worked storyline and cel-shaded graphics.
I'd like it if they'd just grow up and put the series to bed when they spin so out of control that they need a reboot. Make something new. Stop beating dead horses. These companies are so creatively bankrupt that they just keep milking the cow until it's dead, then stick electrodes in its neck and force it back to life. Know when to stop and move on.
Anyway, to cut my grouchy ramble short and turning back to participating in the thread... If someone rebooted a series I liked, I'd say I'd want them to do the Silent Hill series. The fourth one was a rushed, awful mess, and the fifth one sounds pretty ugly so far. I'm not sure if anyone would count the PSP one, and I've heard what they did with that. I'd like the original team to get back on the wheel and steer the ship away from the rocks.
Pollyanna 2450th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):What game franchises need a" , posted Tue 26 Feb 20:46
quote: Hey, how about Sonic? Obvious choice, I guess. At least they managed to make Sonic Rush, which I desperately want to play even if I hear it doesn't stack up to the originals, and the Naganuma soundtrack of course made the series seem ALIVE in the same way that the original Rockman X and its rocking soundtrack did (and incidentally in a way that Rockman X's awful 16-bit sequels with awful soundtracks did not).
Personally, I can't see why people liked Sonic Rush so much. It had abysmally poor level design with tons of "you don't know you're flying into a hole until you're flying into it." I think people just got excited because it was "2D".
That's just my opinion...well, and the opinions of my friends. We passed the game between 5 people and everyone quit for the same reasons.
I think Sonic Rush Adventure is the much better game. The music isn't as awesome, but it's decent, and the level design is much much better. Very fun, even. They make you repeat levels, but there wasn't a single one I didn't enjoy. You HAVE to skip the plot scenes, though. They're lengthy, numerous and boring as hell. I liked it so much more when Sonic didn't talk. If they were going to "reboot" the series, I think limiting the story sequences would be a good start.
As for Rockman, I wish it would just die, really. I feel like they're constantly "rebooting" it in lame, uninspired ways...but I'm hardly the authority.
As for me...I'll have to think a bit more, but Dead or Alive comes to mind. I like the gameplay, for the most part, but the character designs are either old and boring or tacky as hell. Also, no character customization and limited play modes are a let-down. Ah....and...they need to redesign some moves, or re-motion capture them, or whatever. Sometimes it looks fluid and realistic and other times it looks like someone is flipping around a crappy action figure.
Iggy 8393th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):What game franchises need a" , posted Tue 26 Feb 20:50
quote: If someone rebooted a series I liked, I'd say I'd want them to do the Silent Hill series. I'd like the original team to get back on the wheel and steer the ship away from the rocks.
It would require them to abandon the Siren series... 
On topic, as nostalgic as I can be, I'd rather have a series I like die than being resurrected into something it's not. I still hate Rockman X for killing the original Rockman series. I may love Valis to death, most of its charm comes from its 90's feeling, and I'm not sure their Orange Road aircut would look great with DMC4 graphics. And I would hate to see them "modernized" into some moe look with gothloli maid aperons and ahoge. So, if I was to nominate franchises that would need to be left in a preserved territory and never be heard of like some endangered species, I think Sonic and Silent Hill are pretty high on the list. And Samurai Spirits as well. Hopefully, Mana (Secret/legend of-) is dead and won't be heard of in a long, long time. Not before every single person who worked on World of Mana is retired, or better, dead.
TreIII 90th Post

Occasional Customer
| "Re(6):What game franchises need a" , posted Wed 27 Feb 09:36
quote: How different are the Mega Man StarForce games from the old MMBN? I don't know, I haven't been reading up on them.
But basically...all you need to know is that Ryuusei is more or less the same thing as BN, just with a 3D perspective utilized for the battle scenes, and a new cast of characters and scenario to get acquainted with.
I'm not sure if Demon's Crest line counts for a "reboot"... it's more like a "resurrection", since it never got run into the ground. I certainly like Demon's Crest, though.
To me though, a "reboot" is meant to bring back something that stalled, or otherwise is just acting "dead". Thus, at least in my opinion, it counts. The Gargoyle saga has been basically all but forgotten in the last decade...and just when I thought that Red and his kind's appearances in SvC and NxC may have implied something more...
Dokuganryu wa Date jya ne you see?
Iron D 2821th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Sonic?" , posted Sun 2 Mar 01:40
I'm torn on the subject of Sonic. On one hand, some of the latest things they've done with Sonic have just disgusted me (Sonic Riders, Shadow, and the new Sonic) and I think to myself that I would rather have Sega not make anymore new Sonic games.
But then there's the Sonic Rush games, Sonic and the Secret of the Rings (or whatever the Wii game is called) and to a lesser extent the Sonic Rivals games (which I actually did enjoy). These are a bright spot and show that Sonic isn't quite dead yet.
Oh, and despite the fact that most don't consider any of the 2d games from the GBA onward to be on par with the classic 2d games, I would still say that I consider Sonic Advance 3 to be up there with Sonics 1, 2 CD and Spinball (but not quite up there with or Sonic 3 and Knuckles) in quality. That team system kicked all kinds of butt.
Now off of the subject of Sonic, I've been saying since before the Wii was released that it would be the perfect system for a Punch-Out resurrection. Wii boxing just wet my appetite further.
And I'm shocked that it hasn't been mentioned yet, but Streets of Rage has been begging to be brought into 21st century forever now. What I wouldn't give for a new SoR game...as long as it was good...
TreIII 91th Post

Occasional Customer
| "Re(1):Sonic?" , posted Sun 2 Mar 05:43
quote: What I wouldn't give for a new SoR game...as long as it was good...
Just go play the "Streets of Rage" remake made by Bombergames.
It's a PC fan-game, sure, but the work is high-quality stuff, including the remixed soundtrack. And, besides now-a-days, I wouldn't trust modern-day Sega with a Bare Knuckle/SoR game any way.
As for Sonic? Well, it's my personal hope that BioWare's upcoming RPG game for the DS may do a lot to upgrade the "pedigree" that we can come to expect from Sonic games. After all, if BioWare really does up the ante, Sega may have a harder time selling crap games and expecting it to sell.
Of course, that too, may be expecting too much from Sega...
Dokuganryu wa Date jya ne you see?
IkariDC 716th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Re(3):SOR" , posted Mon 3 Mar 01:31
quote: Just go play the "Streets of Rage" remake made by Bombergames.
It's a PC fan-game, sure, but the work is high-quality stuff, including the remixed soundtrack. And, besides now-a-days, I wouldn't trust modern-day Sega with a Bare Knuckle/SoR game any way.
Heh. I actually already have that and it is freakin' awesome. It actually held me over for quite a while but I don't know...the whole unofficial thing still makes me wonder what an official SoR game would be like.
I'll just say this: I wouldn't want anyone to attempt it unless either Sega had the guts to hire Bombergames to make it, or they make DAMN sure that Yuzo Koshiro is on board. Or (best but by far least likely scenario) both.
Actually, Yuzo already tried to unsuccessfully bring back the series. Have you seen the videos from the prototype Dreamcast version? I really dislike the FPS approach, although a new Bare Knuckle game means a new Bare knuckle soundtrack, I would be happy with that alone.