Hopelab's Ruckus Nation. - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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"Hopelab's Ruckus Nation / Re-mission." , posted Tue 18 Mar 13:09:post reply


Time for me to ask Konami if they can do an online version of Para Para Paradise.

Please tell me your thoughts on this, I want to read as much rants as I can. LOL


Nick Kostalas: this is sort of difficult-- as is clear-- but ultimately i don't think they should have made the game if it sucks this much. i had burkitt's leukemia, and although i appreciate the concept (but does anyone not?), i would be pretty pissed if someone handed me this game during treatment. why the fuck would anyone over about ten years want to play this? it doesn't make sense-- give me a pamphlet and a harmonica instead and i'll feel a hell of a lot better.

they should have just re-skinned tetris attacks or something with little T-cells and leukocytes. then anyone would be able to enjoy the game, it would cost less, and you could waste more time. and i know it wasn't their intent, but with the presentation as it is, the game has a feeling of sharp backhanded condescension. there's a lot of this in childhood cancer services, but least of all would i want it in a videogame.

you know what helped me? grand theft auto III. and it's not because it took my mind off of the treatment; nothing really can. it's because it was a fun game, and it was what i would have been doing anyway.

Jordan311: Not to be an asshole but that game looks really shitty and generic, judging by the trailer and website...

[this message was edited by sushi_bunny on Tue 18 Mar 13:51]


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"Re(1):Hopelab's Ruckus Nation / Re-mission." , posted Sat 10 May 08:22post reply

Bitch said I raped her!
