KOFXII Beta Test *Next Month* - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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"KOFXII Beta Test *Next Month*" , posted Thu 20 Mar 01:29:post reply

Quality Pics up at Famitsu site (Thanks GekigangerV)

This week's Famitu brings the latest news on King Of Fighters XII, starting off with an announcement that SNK Playmore is planning to beta test the game just one month away in April. The magazine also gives some first details on the game's system.

-The multi-shift system from 2003 has been abolished and the game is returning to the old 3-on-3 elimination style matchups.

-Attacks will clash/erase each other, much like in Asuka120% or the GGX series. It seems that this is SNKP's solution to high priority attacks.

- Opponents hit to the edge of the screen will droop there for a while, becoming vulnerable to additional attack(s).

- There's a new motion called the "Guard Attack", which switches the offense and defence in an instant. Not much details on this system, we'll have to wait and see what it's really like.

Rough translation of Famitsu Article

--What kind of a matchup will KOFXII feature?
SNKP: Rather than the multishift system from KOFXI, this game (KOFXII) will adopt the traditional 3-on-3 elimination style battle system that's been used since KOF94. By returning to the traditional format and revising the game system that's gotten too complex, we're aiming for a game balance that's playable even for beginners. Instead of complicated combos that makes full use of the game's system, we want to put emphasis on "reading the opponent's mind".

--Is the guard system a part of that?
SNKP: We'll only say that it's a "very offensive system". We plan to make it a system where you can hit back an opponent's attack so that (the player's) offense and defence switches sides.

--What kind of an effect does the "Sousai" (clash) system have
SNKP: The attack detection on both sides will disappear and you'll have to start over again. We've added a lot of (elements) to this system as well.

--Final words to the fans please
SNKP: All of our staffs are working off their heart and blood to make this the best 2D fighting game ever. This game is the result of what we insisted on developing in 2D. Please look forward to seeing it, both in terms of graphics and gameplay.

[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 21 Mar 23:36]


2322th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):KOFXII Beta Test *Next Month*" , posted Thu 20 Mar 02:06post reply

A 2D game with wall combos? I mean I know there are/were wire combos before, but this... getting stuck to the wall? There's something very MI-ish about that...

215th Post

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"Re(2):KOFXII Beta Test *Next Month*" , posted Thu 20 Mar 02:28post reply

A 2D game with wall combos? I mean I know there are/were wire combos before, but this... getting stuck to the wall? There's something very MI-ish about that...

Im having trouble viewing the images.. anybody care to mirror?


Just a Person
1112th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(1):KOFXII Beta Test *Next Month*" , posted Thu 20 Mar 05:03post reply

03- Ash, after being hit to the wall (top), Terry hitting Benimaru with a Guard Attack (bottom)

Isn't it Kyo who is hitting Benimaru? We can't see clearly his hair or face, but he's wearing the same jacket than Kyo.

Anyway, the screenshots look good, but nothing special; however, we know the game looks much better in animation, so there's no problem.

I wish SNK would announce soon the teams in this game. Or maybe not, since trying to guess which teams will be in the game, and who will be in each team is very exciting! (could Marco/Kushnodd join Ryo and Robert this year? Let's see...)

And is Athena still dressed as a schoolgirl? I know the time doesn't seem to affect the KoF people, but come on! How many years has she been a high school girl??

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121th Post

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"Re(2):KOFXII Beta Test *Next Month*" , posted Thu 20 Mar 05:17:post reply

A 2D game with wall combos? I mean I know there are/were wire combos before, but this... getting stuck to the wall? There's something very MI-ish about that...

Sounds more like GGAC to me.

[this message was edited by Korigama on Thu 20 Mar 05:20]

511th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(3):KOFXII Beta Test *Next Month*" , posted Thu 20 Mar 05:32post reply

It seems KOF98UM arrived in some Japanese arcades?

By the way Professor I remember you had interest in Taito's Kage 2 DS, but I received it this morning and you'd be better off avoiding it.

By returning to the traditional format and revising the game system that's gotten too complex, we're aiming for a game balance that's playable even for beginners. Instead of complicated combos that makes full use of the game's system, we want to put emphasis on "reading the opponent's mind".

If achieved, this would be a tremendous accomplishment. At least they are aiming at the right direction for finding an audience.


Bata kun
3124th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):KOFXII Beta Test *Next Month*" , posted Thu 20 Mar 09:50post reply

Initially, I had no intention on playing this game because the last two games were and still are pathetic to put it lightly in my mind. Now, thanks to Chupiler, he has brought me to play this. That Chupiler. He had no intentions of playing the game initally as well. I just hope that the team rosters makes sense this time around.

-The multi-shift system from 2003 has been abolished and the game is returning to the old 3-on-3 elimination style matchups.

Hakase, I have a question! Does this mean the "1994"-"1998" format or the "2002" one? (I'm hoping it's the old, old format, but I have a gut feeling that it's the latter.) Either way, yay! I can't stand the multi-shift system.

- Opponents hit to the edge of the screen will droop there for a while, becoming vulnerable to additional attack(s).

Please tell me that this is not true. It'll be like "Rage of the Dragons" all over again. I don't need more of these wall attacks. (Alice anyone?) --'

- There's a new motion called the "Guard Attack", which switches the offense and defence in an instant. Not much details on this system, we'll have to wait and see what it's really like.

I am not going to be all excited about this yet.


2463th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):KOFXII Beta Test *Next Month*" , posted Thu 20 Mar 10:25post reply

It sounds like a pretty big difference in the system. I think what Zepy said about having to wait for 13 for it to be good may very well be true.

Of course, I'm biased because 11 is my favorite fighter of all time. If you asked me what needed to be changed, I would say "new sprites with more accurate hitboxes" and "rebalance the throws a bit". That's it.

I can see eliminating the shift combos to make it a bit more beginner-friendly, but KOF isn't so complicated that it needs to be dumbed down.

Personally, I think returning to the "round" system is a big step backwards, but if they have it transition immediately, it won't bother me. It was just so nice having your next character jump in and start fighting without an annoying stop and start every few seconds. I can't see how anyone would want that back, even if they like the old system better.

Ahhh...companies are really having beta tests early these days. I wonder if that's really a good thing. From the looks of things, they might not have a lot of characters to show.

Still...I'm happy to have news sooner than later.

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1015th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(3):KOFXII Beta Test *Next Month*" , posted Thu 20 Mar 10:37post reply


Personally, I think returning to the "round" system is a big step backwards, but if they have it transition immediately, it won't bother me. It was just so nice having your next character jump in and start fighting without an annoying stop and start every few seconds. I can't see how anyone would want that back, even if they like the old system better.

That's the thing for me too. I can deal without tagging, but I really don't like the idea of having breaks in the action again. KOF XI's pacing is perfect to me.

1537th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(3):KOFXII Beta Test *Next Month*" , posted Thu 20 Mar 10:40post reply

It sounds like a pretty big difference in the system. I think what Zepy said about having to wait for 13 for it to be good may very well be true.

Of course, I'm biased because 11 is my favorite fighter of all time. If you asked me what needed to be changed, I would say "new sprites with more accurate hitboxes" and "rebalance the throws a bit". That's it.

I can see eliminating the shift combos to make it a bit more beginner-friendly, but KOF isn't so complicated that it needs to be dumbed down.

Personally, I think returning to the "round" system is a big step backwards, but if they have it transition immediately, it won't bother me. It was just so nice having your next character jump in and start fighting without an annoying stop and start every few seconds. I can't see how anyone would want that back, even if they like the old system better.

Ahhh...companies are really having beta tests early these days. I wonder if that's really a good thing. From the looks of things, they might not have a lot of characters to show.

Still...I'm happy to have news sooner than later.

Rage of the Dragons had a neat idea with walls (they break after a bit), but as long as you aren't getting repeated wall splat combos that are so prevalent in HnK and GGAC, it's not so bad. I like wall bouncing and all, but I just don't think that it's such a great thing for KOF. In any case, we'll have to see how it turns out.

I am somewhat disappointed that they're going backwards with the team dynamic. There are a lot of people around here who prefer to play 2k2 to XI, and I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of it was due to the shifting system.

But then, KOF's team system is what it is, and people have loved it for years for being what it is. Whatever anybody says about the gameplay of MvC2, one thing about it that I really like is the way a team really works as a team; it's not just about having some guys to counter some bad matchups, but rather it's about having an entire coherent unit that fights together, and systems for breaking that apart (like snapback).

Seeing as how SF4 seemed to have the dash cancel mechanic removed, it'd be quite funny if the defensive/offensive cancel in XII is just that... SvC rides again!

4413th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):KOFXII Beta Test *Next Month*" , posted Thu 20 Mar 13:34post reply


SNKP: By returning to the traditional format and revising the game system that's gotten too complex, we're aiming for a game balance that's playable even for beginners.

Translation: Type-X2 can't store more than 2 HD-sized sprites with Garou-level animation, so we'll just make up some 'beginner-friendly' BS to make the downgrade sound trendy.

we want to put emphasis on "reading the opponent's mind"

And when has a fighting game not been about that?

362th Post

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"Re(2):KOFXII Beta Test *Next Month*" , posted Thu 20 Mar 14:23post reply

Heart and blood..I like the sound of that SNK.

1016th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(2):KOFXII Beta Test *Next Month*" , posted Thu 20 Mar 14:41post reply

Translation: Type-X2 can't store more than 2 HD-sized sprites with Garou-level animation, so we'll just make up some 'beginner-friendly' BS to make the downgrade sound trendy.

I can't help but find this a bit hard to believe. It's basically a PC with a ton of RAM we're talking about, not some modified Dreamcast hardware. I'd be very surprised if technical limitations were preventing tagging from being an option.

shin ramberk
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"Re(3):KOFXII Beta Test *Next Month*" , posted Thu 20 Mar 15:00post reply

Translation: Type-X2 can't store more than 2 HD-sized sprites with Garou-level animation, so we'll just make up some 'beginner-friendly' BS to make the downgrade sound trendy.

I can't help but find this a bit hard to believe. It's basically a PC with a ton of RAM we're talking about, not some modified Dreamcast hardware. I'd be very surprised if technical limitations were preventing tagging from being an option.

I agree. RAM is cheap and this is dedicated arcade hardware that can store a ton of data into its memory. It -might- be a challenge to bring this game onto consoles (or it may not) but certainly not into the arcade.


4414th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):KOFXII Beta Test *Next Month*" , posted Thu 20 Mar 16:34post reply

Tag battles should at least be an option for those who still prefer it, even if they won't be as emphasized as in XI. If anything, it'll serve that it can be done and that the choice to go back to the old format was deliberate.

Let the "beginners" wail away at Falcoon's love child. 2D KOF is serious business.

1443th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(5):KOFXII Beta Test *Next Month*" , posted Thu 20 Mar 17:14post reply

Let the "beginners" wail away at Falcoon's love child. 2D KOF is serious business.

One of the major reasons why 2D fighters aren't doing too well nowadays as compared to 3D fighters is because the veterans are too good and the learning curve is too steep for people that are new to the genre.

2466th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):KOFXII Beta Test *Next Month*" , posted Thu 20 Mar 17:24post reply

veterans are too good

And too MEAN!

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

2445th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):KOFXII Beta Test *Next Month*" , posted Thu 20 Mar 17:56post reply

JustaPerson: Yipes, it sure is Kyo. Fixed it, thanks!

Chazumaru: KOF98UM is in the arcades, yup. And Legend of Kage 2, too late! I've cleared it already, music is great.

BataKun: It means the good old 1994-98 format.

Freeter: I think the TypeX2 can handle it. But whether home consoles can do so when the game gets ported is another question, which I'm sure the developers kept in consideration.

513th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"kage2" , posted Fri 21 Mar 00:09post reply


Chazumaru: KOF98UM is in the arcades, yup. And Legend of Kage 2, too late! I've cleared it already, music is great.

Yes sorry I caught Iggy's other topic about arcade releases slightly too late.

Regarding Kage2: yeah I thought the music was okay but I was surprised it wasn't managed by Zuntata, especially since they were so heavily involved into the two other "Taito's Collection" games. Besides the music, did you enjoy the game?

I did not try Chihiro yet but I have a lot of trouble about how repetitive the levels are. I did not have that much nostalagia about the first one but I did not get that same feeling of flying through trees as in the original game. The graphics did make me wish for a port of Hissatsu! on DS or PSP.

I am quite puzzled about the commercial failure of these Taito's Collection games. The plan was doomed as soon as Arkanoid DS bombed because it was supposed to drive the sales of Space Invaders, which in turn would have established the Taito's collection brand among a share of its consumers. But I honestly thought SQEX had a better long term plan here than the Taito Memories-era Taito.


3095th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):KOFXII Beta Test *Next Month*" , posted Fri 21 Mar 03:07post reply

I like how the party line for KOFXII and SVIV are both touting a back to basics approach that can actually be played by normal game players. That sounds good in a pull quote but I'm not sure how they are going to actually pull it off. The last time Capcom went for retro they ended up making CvS1.

Bata kun
3126th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):KOFXII Beta Test *Next Month*" , posted Fri 21 Mar 08:18post reply

JustaPerson: Yipes, it sure is Kyo. Fixed it, thanks!

Chazumaru: KOF98UM is in the arcades, yup. And Legend of Kage 2, too late! I've cleared it already, music is great.

BataKun: It means the good old 1994-98 format.

Freeter: I think the TypeX2 can handle it. But whether home consoles can do so when the game gets ported is another question, which I'm sure the developers kept in consideration.


Yay! Oh, wait. Do the characters have individual emotions a la "1998"? I hope this isn't the case. Also, I highly doubt Iori is more tolerable as a teammate this time around. (He probably is less so than ever.)


1426th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):KOFXII Beta Test *Next Month*" , posted Fri 21 Mar 10:26post reply

The last time Capcom went for retro they ended up making CvS1.

And personally I found CvS1 to be much better than CvS2. Sure it was "simpler" but it gave you more of that emotional feel when playing it, reminded you of the old days. Also the backgrounds and music for the sequel made me gag, only saving grace was God Rugal.

1712th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Disagree" , posted Fri 21 Mar 11:31post reply

The last time Capcom went for retro they ended up making CvS1.

Thought that the last time they tried to go retro was CFJ...and we know how that turned out.

1528th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(3):KOFXII Beta Test *Next Month*" , posted Fri 21 Mar 12:48post reply

Offical Famitsu Site has the pics

629th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(4):KOFXII Beta Test *Next Month*" , posted Fri 21 Mar 15:25post reply

Offical Famitsu Site has the pics

Thanks for the link!

Ash's hair looks so nice~~

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1871th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(3):KOFXII Beta Test *Next Month*" , posted Fri 21 Mar 21:28post reply

It sounds like a pretty big difference in the system. I think what Zepy said about having to wait for 13 for it to be good may very well be true.

Of course, I'm biased because 11 is my favorite fighter of all time. If you asked me what needed to be changed, I would say "new sprites with more accurate hitboxes" and "rebalance the throws a bit". That's it.

I can see eliminating the shift combos to make it a bit more beginner-friendly, but KOF isn't so complicated that it needs to be dumbed down.

Personally, I think returning to the "round" system is a big step backwards, but if they have it transition immediately, it won't bother me. It was just so nice having your next character jump in and start fighting without an annoying stop and start every few seconds. I can't see how anyone would want that back, even if they like the old system better.

Totally agree.

The multi-shift system is what moved KOF a great step forward and distinguish itself uniquely from other fighters that are still in the market, not to mention that it brings a new style of play to 2D fighting. But I guess it wasn't well-liked generally by KOF fans (players in my area prefer playing 98 or 2002), and SNKP probably wants to win these people back.

In my opinion if they really want a retro fighting game to win back old players and attract new players, I would prefer them doing a Garou 2 or a new fighting game with some familiar SNK fighters.

3098th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):KOFXII Beta Test *Next Month*" , posted Sat 22 Mar 00:59post reply

It's good to see a change in the art style in KoF even if it's just a matter of having all the characters gain muscle mass. Terry hasn't been that beefy since the Fatal Fury games.


And personally I found CvS1 to be much better than CvS2. Sure it was "simpler" but it gave you more of that emotional feel when playing it, reminded you of the old days. Also the backgrounds and music for the sequel made me gag, only saving grace was God Rugal.

It's funny, I have conflicted feelings about CvS1. I enjoyed the presentation, backgrounds, kooky portraits and the odd decision to make Geese and Bison the main characters. Too bad the endless character variations and a game engine that tried to be a simplified version of two different games didn't click for me. That game came with such absurdly high expectations that there's no way Capcom could have pleased everyone and I can understand most of the decisions they made but I still find myself wishing for what could have been.

Thought that the last time they tried to go retro was CFJ...and we know how that turned out.

To this day I'm still not quite sure what Capcom was trying to do with CFJ.

1019th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(4):KOFXII Beta Test *Next Month*" , posted Sat 22 Mar 07:25post reply

It's good to see a change in the art style in KoF even if it's just a matter of having all the characters gain muscle mass. Terry hasn't been that beefy since the Fatal Fury games.

Gosh... bulked up characters, trying to "simplify" things for newcomers and old fans alike... This is starting to sound a lot like... like...


4372th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):KOFXII Beta Test *Next Month*" , posted Sat 22 Mar 07:32post reply

Gosh... bulked up characters, trying to "simplify" things for newcomers and old fans alike... This is starting to sound a lot like... like...

Garou : Motw...!


The only evil of the word; is the one in the heart of mens

1020th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(6):KOFXII Beta Test *Next Month*" , posted Sat 22 Mar 07:55post reply

Well, yes, I suppose that's the optimistic way of looking at it.