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nobinobita 302th Post

Bronze Customer
| "GeGeGe No Kitaro in DC" , posted Fri 28 Mar 15:31
For anyone that can make it out to Washington DC, I really recommend this exhibit:
The Japan Information and Culture Center in DC is hosting a series of prints by Shigeru Mizuki, the man behind GeGeGe No Kitaro.
There are 53 prints in all and they are beautiful (and crawling with a great variety of Yokai). They're the real deal too, not just photocopies. They even have some of the original carved woodblocks on display. Each image took about 23 seperate layers of woodblocks to achieve the final image.
Also of note is a very long, hand painted scroll by Shigeru Mizuki that pretty much chronicles his entire life. It's a very powerful piece that goes through his birth, early years, conscription into the army, his assignment to Papau New Guinea, the loss of his arm, his friendship with the local Tolai people, the end of the war, reconciliation with the Americans, becoming an artist in postwar Japan, eventually finding success with comics... and well, you just have to see it yourself, because words just don't do it justice.
Oh, and again, it's the real thing! On display, not even behind glass. You can reach out and touch it (although there's a sign telling you not to).
It's a really thrilling exhibit. Check it out if you can!
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