Trying to do things from videogames for real - Forums

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30th Post

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Rare Customer

"Trying to do things from videogames for real" , posted Tue 1 Apr 08:03post reply

This is a off topic from games just trying to add humor to mmcafe. I'll start off...

You cant do things from a video games when:

You try to be like the hammer bros a throw hammers at your friend, only to cause severe head trama, and nearly kills him.

Trying to parry a ball of fire only to catch fire and bruise your arm from your friend throwning the ball so fast like akuma.

Anyone else. [Image Attached]


1036th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):Trying to do things from videogames for" , posted Tue 1 Apr 08:19post reply

Time for an important and related link!

Moral of the story: in real life, yoga flame wins in one hit.

391th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(1):Trying to do things from videogames for" , posted Tue 1 Apr 10:57post reply

True to life story featuring myself and for the sake of getting laughed out for the hell of it. I remember this game I rented when I was 6 or 7 for NES where it had some kid before every level he would run and jump to his bed and go to sleep then the stage would start.

So my dumb self thought I could do that with my bed, unfortunately there was a wall and it was on the floor. Didn't help, never played that game again.

This song is so true

666th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):Trying to do things from videogames for" , posted Tue 1 Apr 11:14post reply

True to life story featuring myself and for the sake of getting laughed out for the hell of it. I remember this game I rented when I was 6 or 7 for NES where it had some kid before every level he would run and jump to his bed and go to sleep then the stage would start.

So my dumb self thought I could do that with my bed, unfortunately there was a wall and it was on the floor. Didn't help, never played that game again.

You must be talking about "Little Nemo: Dream Master".

392th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(3):Trying to do things from videogames for" , posted Tue 1 Apr 11:17post reply


You must be talking about "Little Nemo: Dream Master".

HAHA! There we go! No wonder I couldn't remember, I brained my damage! Thank you very much dude.Haha!

This song is so true

shin ramberk
333th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(4):Trying to do things from videogames for" , posted Tue 1 Apr 13:53post reply


You must be talking about "Little Nemo: Dream Master".

HAHA! There we go! No wonder I couldn't remember, I brained my damage! Thank you very much dude.Haha!

That was a Capcom game!??! Wow, I didn't know that. I thought I knew most of Capcom's NES games...

Now you got me all nostalgic. :)

Iron D
2844th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Trying to do things from videogames for" , posted Tue 1 Apr 19:42post reply

When I was a kid, I used to try to do hurricane kicks. Never quite worked.

I also remember reading somewhere that Ryu and Ken's fireballs came from them "using all their power from their soul" so I thought that if I tried hard enough I might be able to do it. Basiclally, this boiled down to me squatting in the backyard for about two minutes trying to conjure up my soul energy but instead looking like I was taking a large dump.


4385th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Trying to do things from videogames for" , posted Sun 20 Apr 15:21post reply

Some friends had incredible stupid stories about trying to recreate Kim Kaphwan and Joe Higashi's normal moves, most of the led to embarassing flat ass downs or groin crushing falls (and some of the they where real life martial artists).

And, of course, recreating a character taunt or victory pose is an incredible easy way to tick out the enemy and make him fight again, or just let off some steam on how badly they played you, sportmanship at it's best (?).

And, of course, thread bumped.

The only evil of the word; is the one in the heart of mens

316th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(6):Trying to do things from videogames for" , posted Tue 22 Apr 05:47post reply

When I was a kid, I used to try to do hurricane kicks. Never quite worked.

When I was a kid everytime we went to the pool we'd try to do SF moves in the water. The moves came out slow, but you could pretty much do all of them if you tried hard enough. Fireballs were fun cos you could feel the force of the motion through the water. My favorite was the psycho crusher.

526th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(7):Trying to do things from videogames for" , posted Tue 22 Apr 06:27post reply

The Mad Man's Cafe: serious business.
add humor to mmcafe

You did this too?!?!?! Holy cow.
When I was a kid everytime we went to the pool we'd try to do SF moves in the water. The moves came out slow, but you could pretty much do all of them if you tried hard enough. Fireballs were fun cos you could feel the force of the motion through the water. My favorite was the psycho crusher.

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

1544th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(8):Trying to do things from videogames for" , posted Tue 22 Apr 06:52post reply

The Mad Man's Cafe: serious business.
add humor to mmcafe
You did this too?!?!?! Holy cow.
When I was a kid everytime we went to the pool we'd try to do SF moves in the water. The moves came out slow, but you could pretty much do all of them if you tried hard enough. Fireballs were fun cos you could feel the force of the motion through the water. My favorite was the psycho crusher.

WHAT!? Me too.

396th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(9):Trying to do things from videogames for" , posted Wed 23 Apr 10:59post reply

The Mad Man's Cafe: serious business.
add humor to mmcafe
You did this too?!?!?! Holy cow.
When I was a kid everytime we went to the pool we'd try to do SF moves in the water. The moves came out slow, but you could pretty much do all of them if you tried hard enough. Fireballs were fun cos you could feel the force of the motion through the water. My favorite was the psycho crusher.

WHAT!? Me too.

Let this be our AA meeting of things we shouldn't of done from video games.... OKAY I DID IT TOO

*sobs uncontrollably* I THOUGHT I FELT THE POWER... but it was just.. just gas...

This song is so true

690th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(10):Trying to do things from videogames fo" , posted Wed 23 Apr 17:43post reply


527th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(10):Trying to do things from videogames fo" , posted Wed 23 Apr 19:11post reply

Hello. My name is "Digitalboy" and I like to perform the "Psycho Crusher" in the public pool.
Let this be our AA meeting of things we shouldn't of done from video games.... OKAY I DID IT TOO

*sobs uncontrollably* I THOUGHT I FELT THE POWER... but it was just.. just gas...

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

Iron D
2866th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):Trying to do things from videoga" , posted Wed 23 Apr 22:04post reply


Gold. Pure, unadulterated, GOLD.

On topic:

Hello everyone. I'm Iron D. I...I'm 25 years old and...and........I still do DRAGON PUNCHES every now and then!

*Breaks into tears*


400th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(2):Re(10):Trying to do things from videoga" , posted Thu 24 Apr 01:27post reply



But yes. My name is catalyst i'm 23 and I did a Ura 108 shiki: Orochinagi to a friend but it ended up being a bitch slap.

I felt the power.. it was so wrong. So.. very wrong. I need my strength fellow circle jerk members the strength of unity

This song is so true

585th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(3):Re(10):Trying to do things from videoga" , posted Thu 24 Apr 06:09post reply



But yes. My name is catalyst i'm 23 and I did a Ura 108 shiki: Orochinagi to a friend but it ended up being a bitch slap.

I felt the power.. it was so wrong. So.. very wrong. I need my strength fellow circle jerk members the strength of unity

Hi I am kofoguz joining from Türkiye and I admit me and my friend did a versus match under the water. Yes, a public pool. Although we try a lot moves from various characters we never did psycho crusher but this inspires me to try Phoenix Arrow.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
I did it on the land but with someone else. Please don't tell. I've been naughty

End of Spoiler


401th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(4):Re(10):Trying to do things from videoga" , posted Thu 24 Apr 14:28post reply

It's alright KOF, and everyone I've found our role model.

This song is so true

862th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(5):Re(10):Trying to do things from videoga" , posted Thu 24 Apr 14:47post reply

Hi dudes, my name is HAYATO, and when I was 13, back in my school days I used to pursue and jumpkick my sport class friends while shouting "Strider!!!!" (and wearing only mi slips) across the changing room...

337th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(6):Re(10):Trying to do things from videoga" , posted Thu 24 Apr 22:54post reply

Hi people! I'm Arngrim, 25, And not so long ago, I mimicked most of Phoenix Wright signature moves while on a debate at University (however, I was unable to make the Objection one).

Obviously, nobody got the references.

But I still want to quench your thirst.
Because I am the one that put you into the desert.

455th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(7):Trying to do things from videogames for" , posted Fri 25 Apr 01:51:post reply

When I was a kid, I used to try to do hurricane kicks. Never quite worked.

When I was a kid everytime we went to the pool we'd try to do SF moves in the water. The moves came out slow, but you could pretty much do all of them if you tried hard enough. Fireballs were fun cos you could feel the force of the motion through the water. My favorite was the psycho crusher.

Eh, I did that too, I was gonna post that, but it seems it's a common problem after all. I also played "Superman" underwater a lot, fun times.

Oh, and about that Phoenix Wright thing... Sometimes, I scream "Objection!" while pointing at the TV during crime dramas, it makes my wife laugh, so I guess it's at least worth something.


[this message was edited by Mokona on Fri 25 Apr 01:56]

402th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(7):Re(10):Trying to do things from videoga" , posted Fri 25 Apr 06:55post reply

Hi people! I'm Arngrim, 25, And not so long ago, I mimicked most of Phoenix Wright signature moves while on a debate at University (however, I was unable to make the Objection one).

Obviously, nobody got the references.

That would be funny if you slapped both hands on the table on your debate had your eyes closed and had something big to say .....then go "Nah sorry I got nothing" "Carry on" lol

Hi dudes, my name is HAYATO, and when I was 13, back in my school days I used to pursue and jumpkick my sport class friends while shouting "Strider!!!!" (and wearing only mi slips) across the changing room...

sweet~ did you hit someone dude?


Oh, and about that Phoenix Wright thing... Sometimes, I scream "Objection!" while pointing at the TV during crime dramas, it makes my wife laugh, so I guess it's at least worth something.

Is your wife into gaming as much as you are? That would be cool indeed if she is.

This song is so true

1403th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(7):Re(10):Trying to do things from videoga" , posted Fri 25 Apr 09:15:post reply

Hi support group, I'm "Maou," I'm about 24, and I alternatingly imitate the laughs of the Japanese and English actors for Ghaleon in Lunar 2 when I need a really good sneer for certain occasions, and when I wear a long coat, I still throw it open dramatically like Maou/Magus in Chrono Trigger. I just can't stoppppp. 1994 was a very formative year for addictions. And now that you mention it, I definitely have done Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku in the water, too!

now where's my bottle


[this message was edited by Maou on Fri 25 Apr 09:43]

692th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(8):Re(10):Trying to do things from videoga" , posted Fri 25 Apr 13:51post reply

When I was little, I used to try to enforce the Double Dragon elbow punch.

That move was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good.

Even little kids could do it.

344th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(7):Trying to do things from videogames for" , posted Fri 25 Apr 14:28post reply

Yet another one who spent alot of pool-time reenacting SF battles.

One afternoon my friend and I were laughing about two Sagat's in a fireball spam fight. We were in his backyard yelling "TIGER!" at eachother over and over. His neighbor's dog (named Tiger) went nuts.

Be kind to goblins.

Time Mage
2663th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Trying to do things from videogames for" , posted Fri 25 Apr 15:57post reply

Hi, I'm Time Mage, I'm 27 and the other day I tried to do Urien's Tyrant Punish in the aisle of my home. And... And I stab the air with my imaginary rapier of win and my fictional katana of doom. And when I pick the bread knife, I do a FFXII ninja katana 3-hit combo. and...


"News flash big guy: You can wax on wax off all you want I'm still... KICKIN' YOUR ASS!"

636th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(9):Trying to do things from videogames for" , posted Fri 25 Apr 16:50:post reply

When I was younger I would try to "Cannon Drill" on my parents wooden floors. I was somewhat successful.

いつまでも残酷に腐るまで I LOVE YOU
何処までも卑猥に腐るまで I LOVE YOU

[this message was edited by Evenor on Fri 25 Apr 16:55]

455th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(8):Re(10):Trying to do things from videoga" , posted Fri 25 Apr 23:52post reply

Is your wife into gaming as much as you are? That would be cool indeed if she is.

She's into videogames, but she's very selective. She only likes JRPGs and stuff like Karaoke Revolution. I tried to get her to play some Wii sports but she got tired of it quickly (well, so did I, when you think about it...)


528th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(5):Re(10):Trying to do things from videoga" , posted Sat 26 Apr 23:59post reply

After seeing this video kind of reminded me when SVC: Chaos came out in my area. Myself and my two cousins were the only ones that played it on a regular basis. The last time we all got together to play it, I was just being an idiot and started to yell out every move that I had inputed. Of course, everyone that did not know me thought that I played video games way too much.


It's alright KOF, and everyone I've found our role model.

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...