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aerialgroove 17th Post

New Customer
| "Street Fighter Plot guide and character pages" , posted Sun 6 Apr 05:35
1. The Street Fighter Plot Canon guide (current version) by TiamatRoar will now be run by vasili10 and he will soon drop the first update.
2. I'm planning to start with the character pages for FightingStreet.com soon, collecting various official information for each character of Street Fighter, Final Fight and Muscle Bomber.
I'd like to know what topics you would like to find there. Each topic will feature at least a short paragraph or a longer description. Sources (mostly Japanese books) will be given.
These are the topics so far:
Name (list of names and variations, meanings,...)
Stats (size, weight,.. according to which game)
Nationality, ethnic group, religion/believe
Likes/Dislikes (Ryu dislikes spiders etc.)
Habits (Guile and Nash smoke,...)
First appearance (at all, in a game, in a fighting game by Capcom)
Games/Movies (in which the character appeared)
Fightingstyle, Power, Moves (how getting hit by a Hadouken feels etc.)
Inspirations (for the design etc.)
Design/Art/Look/Gimmicks (how the look of a character changed,...)
Music (who did it, song title, notes etc.)
Stage (what can be seen, what could it mean)
People (voice actor(s), designer,...) _____________
General information
Relations to other characters
Rumours, speculation, misbelieves _____________
Links to other pages
These pages will start incomplete and will constantly be updated over time.
Thanks for your help.
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