Street Fighter Plot guide and character pages - Forums

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"Street Fighter Plot guide and character pages" , posted Sun 6 Apr 05:35post reply

The Street Fighter Plot Canon guide (current version) by TiamatRoar will now be run by vasili10 and he will soon drop the first update.

I'm planning to start with the character pages for soon, collecting various official information for each character of Street Fighter, Final Fight and Muscle Bomber.

I'd like to know what topics you would like to find there. Each topic will feature at least a short paragraph or a longer description. Sources (mostly Japanese books) will be given.

These are the topics so far:

Name (list of names and variations, meanings,...)

Stats (size, weight,.. according to which game)

Nationality, ethnic group, religion/believe

Likes/Dislikes (Ryu dislikes spiders etc.)

Habits (Guile and Nash smoke,...)

First appearance (at all, in a game, in a fighting game by Capcom)

Games/Movies (in which the character appeared)

Fightingstyle, Power, Moves (how getting hit by a Hadouken feels etc.)

Inspirations (for the design etc.)

Design/Art/Look/Gimmicks (how the look of a character changed,...)

Music (who did it, song title, notes etc.)

Stage (what can be seen, what could it mean)

People (voice actor(s), designer,...)

General information

Relations to other characters

Rumours, speculation, misbelieves

Links to other pages

These pages will start incomplete and will constantly be updated over time.

Thanks for your help.


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"Re(1):Street Fighter Plot guide and character" , posted Tue 8 Apr 00:26post reply

The only request I can think to make is to not try and explain away any inconsistencies in the information. I suspect the people at Capcom are making this stuff up as they go and aren't trying to tell some sort of grand multi-title storyline. But even with that some fans still tie themselves into knots trying to explain what is canon based on conflicting scraps of information. If you avoid doing that you'll probably save yourself a lot of time and headaches.

Count Hihihi
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"Re(2):Street Fighter Plot guide and character" , posted Tue 8 Apr 03:18:post reply

My suggestion (opinion) is that the pages should just concentrate on the characters as designs, instead of treating them like your love interests listing their history etc. Information like what inspired the character, sketches, changes in moves between games, seiyuu and bgm information etc is something I find far more interesting than some mess various people at Capcom have decided to explain what happened to who and when... and doesn't the plotguide do that already?

a·bel·o·gist - a person who argues in defense or justification of anything SFIV related.

[this message was edited by Count Hihihi on Wed 9 Apr 21:01]

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"Re(3):Street Fighter Plot guide and character" , posted Tue 8 Apr 05:22post reply

Thanks for your replies, well that's pretty much what I was going to do anyway, the Plot Guide is for the plot, the pages are a collection of information about the character and sources for people to check where they are from. It's more a collection of lists than one guide.

I wouldn't say that there is no single plot or at least that there never was one plot for all games but due to the changes and updates certain parts got streched a lot and don't make much sence anymore, which is why Capcom doesn't mention them a lot.

I didn't get the part about not treating them like real people, anybody ever did that?

shin ramberk
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"Re(1):Street Fighter Plot guide and character" , posted Tue 8 Apr 15:51post reply

My biggest suggestion would be to grab some free wiki software so that you can organize the information in a neat, navigable way.

Count Hihihi
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"Re(4):Street Fighter Plot guide and character" , posted Wed 9 Apr 21:02post reply


I didn't get the part about not treating them like real people, anybody ever did that?

Fixed that part. Make more sense now?

a·bel·o·gist - a person who argues in defense or justification of anything SFIV related.

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"Re(5):Street Fighter Plot guide and character" , posted Mon 14 Apr 02:12post reply


Fixed that part. Make more sense now?


About the wiki thing, I don't have any dynamic server features so I'm not sure wether I'm able to run it.

shin ramberk
335th Post

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"Re(6):Street Fighter Plot guide and character" , posted Wed 16 Apr 00:01post reply


About the wiki thing, I don't have any dynamic server features so I'm not sure wether I'm able to run it.

Bummer. I still appreciate all the work done on the plot guide.