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8449th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"The SF4 thread" , posted Fri 11 Apr 21:00post reply

The other thread was too long.

16 characters so far :
The 8 SF2 characters
The 4 bosses
C.Viper / Abel / El Fuerte / Rufus

Answer to the two major points concerning Vega :
1) he's neither fat nor slim, between Zero and 2/CvS.
2) He appears to be voiced by Wakamoto again.

Location test report goes there.


Just a Person
1124th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(1):The SF4 thread" , posted Fri 11 Apr 21:48post reply

The other thread was too long.

16 characters so far :
The 8 SF2 characters
The 4 bosses
C.Viper / Abel / El Fuerte / Rufus

Answer to the two major points concerning Vega :
1) he's neither fat nor slim, between Zero and 2/CvS.
2) He appears to be voiced by Wakamoto again.

Location test report goes there.

Okay, first questions:

1) Can you please describe Rufus's looks and special attacks?

2) How are El Fuerte's special attacks? And is he a strong/slow fighter (like Zangief) or a weak/fast one (like Chun-Li used to be) - or a balanced fighter like Ryu?

3) There was a huge debate in this board about how would Vega's claw be mirrored in SFIV. So, how does it work: does his claw changes to the other hand when he faces the other side of the screen? Does it stay in the same arm (if so, how does it change his gameplay?)?

That's it, for now. I'm glad we got another new character, but I hope he's not the last one... SFIV still needs another new female fighter; plus, adding four new characters to the SFIICE roster isn't much different from what Capcom already did in Super SFII...

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12th Post

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"Re(1):The SF4 thread" , posted Fri 11 Apr 22:13post reply

The other thread was too long.

16 characters so far :
The 8 SF2 characters
The 4 bosses
C.Viper / Abel / El Fuerte / Rufus

Answer to the two major points concerning Vega :
1) he's neither fat nor slim, between Zero and 2/CvS.
2) He appears to be voiced by Wakamoto again.

Location test report goes there.

How about the music?
It's completely new or there are some arrangements/remixes?
If new, how it's like? It features rock, beat or jazz styled motives?

Time Mage
2657th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):The SF4 thread" , posted Fri 11 Apr 23:10post reply

The other thread was too long.

16 characters so far :
The 8 SF2 characters
The 4 bosses
C.Viper / Abel / El Fuerte / Rufus

SSFIIT - Newcomers + New Newcomers = SFIV!!

Well, at least cast-wise. If it ends up having only 4 new characters, I'm not going to be very happy. 6 is the minimum I'd want to consider it a real SFIV.

Anyway, I'm glad Balrog/Vega is there, and I'm not glad Vega/Bison is. What kind of excuse they'll throw to have him alive? Not that story matters much, but the death of the final boss could have some importance.

"News flash big guy: You can wax on wax off all you want I'm still... KICKIN' YOUR ASS!"

4379th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):The SF4 thread" , posted Sat 12 Apr 00:15:post reply

The other thread was too long.
4 bosses are here

Since the beginning, I expected them to put little to none relevance to the previous games storyline, it was quite obvious that this was a 'fit everyone' game since the first pics.

Rufus is a heart-sama class fatty.


The only evil of the word; is the one in the heart of mens

[this message was edited by Toxico on Sun 13 Apr 00:03]

681th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(3):The SF4 thread" , posted Sat 12 Apr 00:47:post reply

Rufus is MALE. I have confirmed this. He looks like Cheng from Fatal Fury, Bob from Tekken, Heart from HNK... you name it. He looks AMERICAN, but looks like a wanna-be Chinese fat guy. Whoever posted that in 2ch was misinformed.

He is a fat, obviously caucasian who has a half-beard (no growth on the chin, but has hair on the lip). Has one of those chinese hairdos where they are almost bald, but has a ponytail and a patch of hair. He wears a skintight suit that exposes his stomach and a patch of hair where his navel is.

I played him once... he seemed hard to move with but had a few good moves. It was mesmerizing to watch his fat move... he's built like an orange. I called him the "uniboob". It's like if you had a DOA girl, but she had one boob and the boob took up her whole body. With a patch of hair down the middle. That's Rufus all right.

El Fuerte was like Ramon from KOF, but hyper and way fast with the command run. He is dangerous if you knock someone down and play wakeup games, but he is high-risk with his attacks. His Ultra is not very useful, because he will jump in the air and can only catch a grounded opponent from midscreen. It is also slow, ironically. You have to leave yourself wide open to get hit from this.

He has an anti-air command throw, some moves he can do while running and that's pretty much it. We are trying to figure out how to make him successful, but it will be difficult because if he's running, he's very vulnerable.

More notes at

[this message was edited by EddyT on Sat 12 Apr 00:50]

3114th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):The SF4 thread" , posted Sat 12 Apr 03:32post reply

Thanks for the impressions. I'll be curious to see how Rufus turns out since it sounds like he's going to be the first non-grappler big guy in SF. But the idea that he is consciously trying to look like one of those fat guys from Fatal Fury... wow, that's quite the fashion statement.

Having six new characters playable for this test was quite the surprise. It makes me curious to see how many more characters Capcom plans on putting into the game before its release if they felt confident enough to stuff half a dozen new characters in at once.

Just a Person
1125th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(5):The SF4 thread" , posted Sat 12 Apr 10:27post reply

Having six new characters playable for this test was quite the surprise. It makes me curious to see how many more characters Capcom plans on putting into the game before its release if they felt confident enough to stuff half a dozen new characters in at once.

Me too... I hope there are at least two more new characters in it, to make SFIV's cast look more like a new SF cast, instead of SSFII with other new challengers.

And I hope there are at least two more female characters (at least one of them being new to the series). Didn't Ono say that he would balance the representativity of both genders in SFIV. So far we just have two women and 14 men, so the girls need some backup...

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

8451th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):The SF4 thread" , posted Sat 12 Apr 18:05:post reply

Whoever posted that in 2ch was misinformed.
Or more likely, was misunderstood by the person who reported it.

I don't know if they will add more characters, but if they add even one more my money is on Gôki first, and Cammy close second.

Rufus has a girlfriend. His moves have great names, Kyûseishû kick, ginga tornade, spectacle romance, space opera symphony...
There are a lot of new background, including a very bright shadoloo base where they look like they are producing wine (which might be a nice reference to Capcom's ex CIO).
The faces look better, especially Ryû/Ken.
Vega acts like a mix between both versions, floating in the sky and talking as a big undefeated boss.
The selection screen looks good and full, 8 upward, 8 downward. Not good for any further addition.
Balrog looks good, and plays well. The direction holding works fine. He can loose his claw, and has metallic sounds when he guards with it.

[this message was edited by Iggy on Sat 12 Apr 20:06]

681th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(5):The SF4 thread" , posted Sun 13 Apr 00:47post reply

More posted on, especially important for Rufus and Vega/claw fans.

Just a Person
1126th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Be quick to watch, my friends..." , posted Sun 13 Apr 03:51post reply <- El Fuerte vs Zangief <- Rufus vs Blanka

I guess we need to thank The_Reno from the forums for that!

Rufus looks weird... even more weird than I thought! And he's REALLY fat - I mean, he makes E.Honda looks like Hilary Duff... Still not sure if I like him, but at least he's more original than I thought.

El Fuerte is GREAT!! Brilliant moves!

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

3115th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):The SF4 thread" , posted Sun 13 Apr 04:36post reply

El Fuerte looks great and Rufus certainly looks like he has that Cheng Sinzan thing going on. Out of all the information that's come out the only thing that disappoints me is the news that they are fixing Ryu's face. I was looking forward to playing ugly, crazy Ryu.


There are a lot of new background, including a very bright shadoloo base where they look like they are producing wine (which might be a nice reference to Capcom's ex CIO).

I hope at some point barrels of wine start tumbling around in the background in a nod to that SF2 bonus round.

Just a Person
1127th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(6):The SF4 thread" , posted Sun 13 Apr 06:46post reply

I have another question for EddyT and Iggy: what are the nationalities of Rufus and El Fuerte?

Wikipedia says El Fuerte is from Mexico, but I didn't find anything else confirming this. And since people say Rufus is Chinese-American, I wonder which country he's from...

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

682th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(7):The SF4 thread" , posted Sun 13 Apr 07:10post reply

I have another question for EddyT and Iggy: what are the nationalities of Rufus and El Fuerte?

Wikipedia says El Fuerte is from Mexico, but I didn't find anything else confirming this. And since people say Rufus is Chinese-American, I wonder which country he's from...

El Fuerte is definitely from Mexico. Rufus is more than likely an American, but wants to be Asian (like Sodom, he butchers the Japanese language).

Everyone is hating on Rufus and his looks, but I think he's a bit of all right. Even though I am getting my ass handed to me when I play him, he's quite fun to mess around with.

Just a Person
1128th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(8):The SF4 thread" , posted Sun 13 Apr 07:22post reply

El Fuerte is definitely from Mexico. Rufus is more than likely an American, but wants to be Asian (like Sodom, he butchers the Japanese language).

When you put the cursor in the select screen over Rufus, which flag appears? United States, China or another one? If it's the U.S. flag, I guess we can say he's American.

He seems interesting, however his outfit makes he look clowny and silly (and not in a good way). I hope my opinion on him will change (after all, I didn't like both Viper and El Fuerte when I saw their artworks, but now they look like great characters).

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

184th Post

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"Re(9):The SF4 thread" , posted Sun 13 Apr 07:43post reply

Regarding Rufus, only one thought comes to mind. A Blanka quote from SF: The Later Years.


Wither Blister Burn + Peel

Time Mage
2658th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):The SF4 thread" , posted Sun 13 Apr 09:23post reply

Not much info on Vega(Claw), but everything I've read is simply AWESOME. Maximum Spider-esque Ultra? That's one of the most awesome supers ever, so... WOHOOO! EX Wall dive hitting on the way up? That's just amazing! I would have never thought of adding that property to his EX dives. And has a badass taunt, too.

Also, from the vids, El Fuerte looks even better in movement! I'm really surprised with this character, I think I'm going to like it a lot.

Regarding Rufus... Well, so far, I don't like him. Maybe when I see more pictures and videos of him, I'll dig the design, but so far he looks horrible.

"News flash big guy: You can wax on wax off all you want I'm still... KICKIN' YOUR ASS!"

1046th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(9):The SF4 thread" , posted Sun 13 Apr 10:15post reply

Regarding Rufus... Well, so far, I don't like him. Maybe when I see more pictures and videos of him, I'll dig the design, but so far he looks horrible.

I don't like him either from what I've seen, but so far I've had at least a little bit of nasty stuff to say about everything in the game, and the combination of time, screenshots and loketest reports have changed my mind about almost everything, so... it's hard not to be open about it, I guess!

2453th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Rufus, Fuerte videos" , posted Sun 13 Apr 16:27post reply

Rufus vs Blanka

El Fuerte ve Zangief

13th Post

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"Re(1):Rufus, Fuerte videos" , posted Sun 13 Apr 18:39post reply

Rufus vs Blanka

El Fuerte ve Zangief

Well, the game looks better than the previous loc-test, it seems really good even in these bad resolution vids.
About the charas: I like El Fuerte al lot; he seems a hybrid between Ramon and Blanka, and the style is very interesting. Pretty well animated too.
Rufus is REALLY a giant boob ^^'
I don't like his design much but it seems fine to me gameplay-wise. His animations are also good, exept for his boob-body, so absurd.

Now I want more new characters, especially girls.
And please, Cammy and Gouki are fine, but STOP WITH THIS SF2 TRIBUTE!!!

8452th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):The SF4 thread" , posted Sun 13 Apr 18:42post reply

Everyone is hating on Rufus and his looks, but I think he's a bit of all right.

I think he goes perfectly with the designs of the rest of the SF2 cast. Which is is sort of why I don't like them to begin with.

2484th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Rufus, Fuerte videos" , posted Sun 13 Apr 19:03post reply


I share your sentiment, but it's way too late to say that now.

Well, I can't say the game looks bad anymore, but it doesn't appeal to me at all outside of "I like fighting games".

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

684th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"My band called the SF2 Tribute" , posted Sun 13 Apr 20:00:post reply

I just came home and posted the rest of my report in The game is coming along nicely. The only thing I worry about is that the two newcomers (El Fuerte and Rufus) are lacking a bit in moves. They have a lot of potential if they added more stuff to them, and oddly enough it's good that this game is in 3D because that means that it's much easier to add/subtract things in the game. For example:

* Abel's super is completely changed
* C. Viper now has a few useful kicks that actually can hit out in front of her, if she jumps forward.
* Some characters look much better, some look the same, but hopefully the final version will give everyone equal love (no C.Viper love in this loketest apparently)

I understand the general public and their concern of this game being too much like SF2 in 3D. And really, it is an opinion that is very valid. The game plays like Super Turbo, with speed of gameplay similar to 3S (except for Fuerte, who is on crack).

However, the gameplay is very solid, even moreso with the small tweaks they have done this time around.

Maddy and I had a similar argument before I actually tried the game 4 months ago, but what he said to me made sense. Capcom needed to go back to the basics, bring back the players that loved the game years ago, and make it really fun to play without having to learn so many complex new things. Games like Tekken, VF and even the later SF games just got too complicated and scared off new players. IV is very very accessible and fun for both new players and expert players.

If you liked 3S and hated ST, yeah you will hate the game. Unfortunately, it does go old school with zoning being a main game tactic, but there are some new school tricks that opens up the game much more than ST did.

Maddy was right... he's always right. He is probably God on Earth.

[this message was edited by EddyT on Sun 13 Apr 20:03]

724th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(3):Rufus, Fuerte videos" , posted Sun 13 Apr 20:03post reply

Did you already know that you can view higher quality videos on youtube by pasting &fmt=18 at the end of a youtube video URL?

I learned about it yesterday. It seems to be a semi-hidden option at least for now. If you watch the high quality version video, you can see a TV icon next to the "Views" counter. If you click it you can choose now between high or standard quality.

Give it a try it with those SF4 videos. This option might not work with older videos.

583th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(4):Rufus, Fuerte videos" , posted Sun 13 Apr 22:05post reply

Did you already know that you can view higher quality videos on youtube by pasting &fmt=18 at the end of a youtube video URL?



1552th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(3):Rufus, Fuerte videos" , posted Mon 14 Apr 02:44post reply


Well, I can't say the game looks bad anymore,

I must say that I'd like to know what has brought about this change of heart.

1434th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):My band called the SF2 Tribute" , posted Mon 14 Apr 04:00post reply

Personally i'm somewhat glad to see the classic roster back. I liked SF3 but I always thought in my head "I wish I was playing with Guile or Sagat in this style" right now.

My only disappointment is they didn't mix in a few Alpha & SF3 characters or Final Fight guys, I could do without E. Honda or Balrog/Bison for example.

684th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):My band called the SF2 Tribute" , posted Mon 14 Apr 06:34post reply

If it hasn't mentioned before, Rufus is American CONFIRMED. Profile flag is American.

A lot of complaints all over the board from SRK. It's a little crazy:

* Why aren't 3S/Alpha/New Challenger characters in the game?
* Rufus is a waste of space character
* People hate it because it borrows from ST too much
* People hate it because it borrows from 3S too much
* Ono is the devil, the Anti-Christ, and the biggest liar... all rolled up into one person

And this is before the game has been finalized, with only less than 1000 people who have had some experience with a build of the game.

The internet... it is a scary place.

2485th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Rufus, Fuerte videos" , posted Mon 14 Apr 09:01post reply


Well, I can't say the game looks bad anymore,

I must say that I'd like to know what has brought about this change of heart.

Just for the record, "looks" means "seems" in this case.

But I feel that way mainly because of positive reports and updates to the game. I don't know if all the little graphical hiccups are fixed or not, but I know the renders are being updated, and the animation has certainly improved from the earlier footage.

Before, the only reports I had were nothing but hype from the general gaming press, which is the last source I trust. Now that more people have sat down with the game, have nice things to say, and those nice things seem to be evident in the videos, the game seems solid enough.

I still don't like...well...just about everything about it, but it doesn't look like a bad game. Before we had much information (or information from sources I could trust), I think that fear was justifiable.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

1555th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(5):Rufus, Fuerte videos" , posted Mon 14 Apr 10:46post reply


Just for the record, "looks" means "seems" in this case.

Ah, there's the rub.

Because I was wondering exactly what part of the game's look you now found so much better than before, at least going from "bad" to "positive".

22th Post

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"Re(6):Rufus, Fuerte videos" , posted Tue 15 Apr 02:04post reply

Is Abel French? Cause he looks like this guy (same colors but wrong nationality):

3119th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):My band called the SF2 Tribute" , posted Tue 15 Apr 05:03post reply


A lot of complaints all over the board from SRK.

Anonymity tends to bring out the most negative aspects of most any type of fandom. Nitpicking and complaining is far easier to write than praise. Couple that with fans who are mis-remembering information -such as what might or might not be in the game- and you have a recipe for epic hissy fits.

Personally, I don't know what version of SF that SF4 will play like but I do know that it's going to play like SF. Your reports on the tests have pushed me from the cautiously opitmistic camp into really wanting to play the game. So thanks for what you've posted so far, it's been very informative.

14th Post

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"Re(4):My band called the SF2 Tribute" , posted Tue 15 Apr 05:13post reply


Personally, I don't know what version of SF that SF4 will play like but I do know that it's going to play like SF. Your reports on the tests have pushed me from the cautiously opitmistic camp into really wanting to play the game. So thanks for what you've posted so far, it's been very informative.

Ok, but the characters? I mean, who cares about those 90s stereotypes anymore? The were good and I like the reprisal of them, but not ALL of them. It seems like Ono's team lack imaginations and creativity.

8454th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):My band called the SF2 Tribute" , posted Tue 15 Apr 05:28post reply

It seems like Ono's team lack imaginations and creativity.

This is really unfair. Ono never showed any glimpse of creativity since the departure of Funamizu put him in charge. It's not what he known for. He's known for... for...
For his good intentions.

I hope the game performs well enough to have SF2²2, then 3. That's already a lot.

Just a Person
1129th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(1):The SF4 thread" , posted Tue 15 Apr 05:50post reply

Answer to the two major points concerning Vega :
1) he's neither fat nor slim, between Zero and 2/CvS.
2) He appears to be voiced by Wakamoto again.

Some people at the forum said Vega/M.Bison now has scars on his face... is it true?

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

686th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(4):My band called the SF2 Tribute" , posted Tue 15 Apr 06:40:post reply


A lot of complaints all over the board from SRK.

Anonymity tends to bring out the most negative aspects of most any type of fandom. Nitpicking and complaining is far easier to write than praise. Couple that with fans who are mis-remembering information -such as what might or might not be in the game- and you have a recipe for epic hissy fits.

Personally, I don't know what version of SF that SF4 will play like but I do know that it's going to play like SF. Your reports on the tests have pushed me from the cautiously opitmistic camp into really wanting to play the game. So thanks for what you've posted so far, it's been very informative.

Thank you. I think myself and all the others that played at the loketest from SRK think this game is great. We are however disappointed that there's still much negativity on the boards despite our reports.

I really think it's a fun game, and a lot of people lose sight of that. A lot of people are looking on the surface of the game only (graphics, complaints about the new characters, lack of "creative" characters) or they are pissed because it's not exactly like 3S, etc. I think people are letting little things bother them to the point of hating it even before they play the game for the first time. There's no satisfying them, really.

I think people who love SF in general will love this game, and I think people who played SF in the past but haven't played in years will love this game. It's the people in the middle, who got into SF via 3S / CvS2 / MvC2 that will hate this game. It forces people to play a zoning game and constant jump-ins are punished. Not to mention that you have to get around fireball traps and corner traps more often.


Some people at the forum said Vega/M.Bison now has scars on his face... is it true?

This is false. His face is fine.

[this message was edited by EddyT on Tue 15 Apr 06:45]

1557th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(6):My band called the SF2 Tribute" , posted Tue 15 Apr 08:03post reply

It seems like Ono's team lack imaginations and creativity.

This is really unfair. Ono never showed any glimpse of creativity since the departure of Funamizu put him in charge. It's not what he known for. He's known for... for...
For his good intentions.

What has Ono headed?
The only thing anybody seems to ever mention is CFJ, but for somebody who got thrown into the middle of a failing project, I'm not sure what more he could've done.


I hope the game performs well enough to have SF2²2, then 3. That's already a lot.

SF2²Turbo² will be out before SF2²² is.

310th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(7):Rufus, Fuerte videos" , posted Tue 15 Apr 09:31post reply

Is Abel French? Cause he looks like this guy (same colors but wrong nationality):

He's certainly Fedor inspired, but I think they made him French to mix things up a little.

As someone else pointed out before, Abel is wearing a sambo outfit, which is the style Fedor uses. Fedor is also known as the best MMA fighter in the world and possibly of all time, another good reason to reference him.

By making Abel French istead of Russian, it keeps him from being a complete Fedor clone.

Also, MMA is pretty popular in France. When i lived there there were always MMA magazines at every stand and i saw flyers for kick boxing and muay thai classes in every city i went to. In fact, Sambo seems to be catching on there as well:

Oh by the way, i love your SF celebrity tribute site. It's been in my bookmarks for years. You've done the SF community a great service.

This is really unfair. Ono never showed any glimpse of creativity since the departure of Funamizu put him in charge. It's not what he known for. He's known for... for...
For his good intentions.

( ̄▽ ̄)ノ_彡☆バンバン!!
that's the best description ive heard of him.

To his credit, he did produce Shadow of Rome which was great fun until you fight the amusingly overpowered last boss.

8455th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Rufus, Fuerte videos" , posted Tue 15 Apr 14:51post reply

Also, MMA is pretty popular in France.

I never heard of MMA before the thread here a few month ago. But then, I live in Paris, not in "France".

To his credit, he did produce Shadow of Rome which was great fun until you fight the amusingly overpowered last boss.

I totally forgot the existence of this game... was it.... Hum, nah, I think I'm fine with it.

EddyT : interestingly, I have the feeling the situation is the same on 2ch. Except for the 3rd strike part : the 3rd players pretty much abandoned the game immediately after Ono said he wouldn't borrow from SF3. People here just bash the game without really mentioning what they would like it to be : 2D, Zero3, SSF2T, or Melty Blood.
The thread is annoying, with lots of trolling and misinformation, while others ask repeatedly for more moe or gothic loli.

311th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(9):Rufus, Fuerte videos" , posted Tue 15 Apr 16:44post reply

Also, MMA is pretty popular in France.
I never heard of MMA before the thread here a few month ago. But then, I live in Paris, not in "France".

I was quite fond of MMA before going to France, so i guess i had my eye out for it. "Popular" might be too strong an adjective. More like "had a big enough niche following to be represented at the newsstand."

Regarding Rufus. He seems to be animated a bit better than all the other characters. El Fuerte looks nice in motion too. Perhaps it's cos they had more liberties with animating the new guys?

1614th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(5):My band called the SF2 Tribute" , posted Tue 15 Apr 19:21post reply


I really think it's a fun game, and a lot of people lose sight of that. A lot of people are looking on the surface of the game only (graphics, complaints about the new characters, lack of "creative" characters)

Those are mostly legitimate complaints though, and being a fun game doesn't mean it's a good sequel. For example, Doom 3 is a fun game, but it's a shitty sequel to the classic Doom games and failed to meet many of the expectations fans had (compare this to RE4 in how it exceeded most fans' expectations, not to mention brought a lot of new fans into the series).

They brought back most all of the SF2T characters, with no visible or significant changes to either design or story (Blanka's mom is too cheap to buy him some new clothes? And why the hell is he still fighting anyway?) The cast would be much better with a few more characters from other games, even from SF1 (Joe plz).

Graphically the game looks impressive, especially in motion, but the mixing of 3D graphics with 2D gameplay is just unappealing to me. I'd have had no problem if they either tried to set a new standard for 2D graphics, or preferably, if they attempted to incorporate some sort of (gasp!) 3D element to the gameplay. They have, however, chosen the less ambitious 2.5D route, and lack of ambition is not something I want for SF4.

In the end I'm going to play it anyway, because while creativity seems to be lacking, I can't say the same thing for effort, but I'd like them to at least not rush this game. They've just announced it this year, and already they're planning to release the arcade version this summer, it's almost as if they're already planning to release upgraded versions of it in the future.

It would also be nice if they would change its title from Street Fighter 4 to something (anything!) else, but that's not going to happen <:X

2486th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):My band called the SF2 Tribute" , posted Tue 15 Apr 20:41post reply

I agree with most of what Whitesword said (in varying degrees), but my big problem with the game is character selection. I'm just not interested in these characters. I can use Chun Li and...uhm...well, I might try the new characters, but none of them appeal to me in terms of design. It's like I always say Mortal Kombat is the hardest fighting game for me because I can't make it past the character select screen.

I think I use...18 characters in KOF XI? More than half the characters in 3rd Strike, and at the very least 3 in most 3D fighters. I can only have so much fun using one character.

But I guess that's more of my problem than Capcom's. I'm sure this cast is tremendously appealing to some people.

2.5D is a sort of tender spot (in a bad way) for me, too. I'm not a 2D purist or anything and from a gameplay perspective as well as a visual perspective, you can do a lot with 3D...but this doesn't do anything. It's like they're using 3D strictly as an excuse NOT to use 2D. So...yeah, I really hate games with 3D models "squashed" onto a 2D playing field.

Again, it's not that the game looks bad, and I'm happy to hear that it's being fairly well-received, but it's still a bit of a slap in the face.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

16th Post

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"Re(7):My band called the SF2 Tribute" , posted Tue 15 Apr 21:20:post reply


What has Ono headed?
The only thing anybody seems to ever mention is CFJ, but for somebody who got thrown into the middle of a failing project, I'm not sure what more he could've done.

Demento and Shin Onimusha.

Pollyanna, you use Chunli ONLY? Are you a girl?

About SF"4" charas: I only complain the lack of new faces and I think the entire 2T roster is unecessary. With minor changes, too. Ono isn't Funamizu, we know, but SF4 is a game people claimed to be for several years and I'm a bit disappointed in how the franchise is being used. This is a comment involving only the characters, since I haven't yet played the game but in the roster I find a big delusion.

Ah, one question for EddyT: is there any stun bar or similar?

[this message was edited by Nekros on Tue 15 Apr 21:22]

Just a Person
1130th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(8):My band called the SF2 Tribute" , posted Tue 15 Apr 22:40post reply


Pollyanna, you use Chunli ONLY? Are you a girl?

...I'm a guy and I use Chun-Li nine out of ten times I play any SF game.

About Polly, she has confirmed before she's a girl, hasn't she?

About SF"4" charas: I only complain the lack of new faces and I think the entire 2T roster is unecessary. With minor changes, too. Ono isn't Funamizu, we know, but SF4 is a game people claimed to be for several years and I'm a bit disappointed in how the franchise is being used. This is a comment involving only the characters, since I haven't yet played the game but in the roster I find a big delusion.

Ah, one question for EddyT: is there any stun bar or similar?

Yeah, me too. So far, I'm loving the way SFIV is becoming; however, in terms of characters, it does need at least two more new characters (and a new boss). Giving Guile a new special move wouldn't hurt, either.

Plus, it would be nice to see one returning character from out of the SFII game appearing in it. Since Ono commented on how he planned to balance the male:female ratio, and since it's pretty much implied that Ibuki and Sakura will only appear in home console versions, SFIV needs Cammy's return and at least one new female character.

But since we're in the middle of April and SFIV will only be released in the end of July (if I'm not mistaken), I guess there's still time to improve the cast. I hope in May or June we'll find out more about it.

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

520th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(5):My band called the SF2 Tribute" , posted Wed 16 Apr 00:12post reply

Ok, but the characters? I mean, who cares about those 90s stereotypes anymore? The were good and I like the reprisal of them, but not ALL of them. It seems like Ono's team lack imaginations and creativity.

Not to be rude, but this quote is quite delicious to me considering your avatar is the supreme example of how little imagination SNK had with MOTW and simply piled up the most boring 2000s stereotypes.

I can understand why Rufus is not a crowd pleaser, but the SF4 syndrome "each new character revealed is more interesting and makes the previous new character look not that great in retrospect" is still valid in my book. Rufus is an interesting throwback to the 90s character design era, although he looks more like a Fighter's History Dynamite chara than a SF chara. They really should have made the Gyakuten Saiban designers work on the SFIV characters. They proved their talent at creating silly but endearing designs in a typical Capcom way. Or, maybe have each of the Capcom guys (CRMK, Ikeno, Akiman, Nishimura) provide one new character?

At least, the current SF4 team seems to be doing a very interesting work with animations. I think Iggy was the one saying it was hard to give the same animation impact to a 3D game because you could not exagerate (apologies to Iggy if he never actually said that), but I don't remember a 3D fighting engine stealing so much from traditional 2D animation before.

Ono never showed any glimpse of creativity

Ono is a very funny guy. I am not sure that any of his human qualities make him a great directo-

Demento and Shin Onimusha.

...OK now I am convinced none of his human qualities make him a great director, but he definitely shows some imagination whenever asked a stupid question. And he's been asked a lot of stupid questions.

Random trivia of Capcom nostalgia: Vampire Savior SS版 is 10 years old tomorrow.


16th Post

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New Customer

"Re(6):My band called the SF2 Tribute" , posted Wed 16 Apr 02:00post reply

Ok, but the characters? I mean, who cares about those 90s stereotypes anymore? The were good and I like the reprisal of them, but not ALL of them. It seems like Ono's team lack imaginations and creativity.
Not to be rude, but this quote is quite delicious to me considering your avatar is the supreme example of how little imagination SNK had with MOTW and simply piled up the most boring 2000s stereotypes.

LOL. I didn't like Freeman design very much too, but with me around the creepy guy it's a given. I'm quite creepy myself I presume ^^
About SF4 I don't like simply characters. I mean, the 90s aspect is fine to me, but they are TOO simply, they lack personality for now. The sambo guy and Rufus in particular. El Fuerte is nice, it has some personality and cool moves, Viper instead, i didn't like she from the beginning. She seems some Falcoon sketch of a unrealeased character and it's not a compliment.

Sagat, Elena, Ibuki, Dudley are very good examples of characters stereotypes with some attempt of interpretation. They're great to me, and I wanted to see something like this again in SF4.

8456th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):My band called the SF2 Tribute" , posted Wed 16 Apr 02:14post reply

Pollyanna, you use Chunli ONLY? Are you a girl?

... No, I won't.
They really should have made the Gyakuten Saiban designers work on the SFIV characters.

"designer", please. I can't stand the others. And it would have prevented Iwamoto to work on Gyakuten Keiji.

I think Iggy was the one saying

I don't understand what I am supposed to have said. Unfortunately, that doesn't necessarily mean I haven't.

Shin Onimusha.

Oh, yeah, he's the one who said "let's invest the totality of our budget in the game instead of giving half of it to famous talentless actors who behave like gigantic pains in the ass"!
I guess we can add "common sense" to the list of his qualities.
Random trivia of Capcom nostalgia: Vampire Savior SS版 is 10 years old tomorrow.

Shut up. Vampire Savior is the 永遠の十七歳 of the videogames.

shin ramberk
336th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(1):The SF4 thread" , posted Wed 16 Apr 05:49post reply

Has anyone actually read any of the new gameplay details for this game? The reason I ask this is because I'm wondering if folks are completely overlooking how this game will play and instead focusing on other things.

I also bring this up because I am very excited about what I think game will play like. I'm excited that we're going back to the classic ST style of gameplay where pokes, zoning and pressure count for something. I'm excited that supers are taking a backseat and that Ultra's (for the most part) are really only effective when punishing your opponent's missed attacks. I'm excited that SA's bring a new level of strategy with an appropriate level of risk and reward to them (i.e. they don't seem like they can be abused). I'm also excited that EX moves have special properties that changes how strategies will play out and helps put an emphasis on smaller, more strategic combos then on ridiculously broken super combos or custom combos.

I'm not that excited about the cast we got, but I think I will fall in love with the gameplay.

Folks are calling Ono unimaginative but I have a hard time seeing that when we're getting interesting gameplay mechanics from SAs and EXs. The game might end up being very boring but what I've read so far has gotten me excited.

686th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):The SF4 thread" , posted Wed 16 Apr 12:11post reply

Yeah, it's really hard for me to explain to people how I went from totally hating the game before I played it to loving it after I played. You really have to see it for yourself.

I could understand how people would hate this game, even after they see it in person... but I would just like to say... just keep an open mind once you finally see the game.

But don't expect the world... I don't know if you would be disappointed if your expectations are too high. Keep in mind that my expectations were really really low before I saw the game.

I understand the current roster (which isn't finalized as of yet) is mostly old characters with 4 new guys that some people aren't sold on, but I'm sure people felt similar feelings when SFIII came out with only Ken and Ryu returning, and it feeling so much different.

Like Iggy said, the next two follow-ups may be even better for IV, but I think at least the playability will be solid for a debut, and that's rare to see for any start of a SF series.

Iron D
2853th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):The SF4 thread" , posted Wed 16 Apr 14:50post reply

Well I'm excited. I had the same complaints that most people had at the beginning (wish it was 2d, where it takes place in the SF timeline chronologically, etc.) but I can't help but get excited when there is so much positivity coming from people who actually played it.

There strategy, the game looks good, and I've always liked the SF2 cast. The new characters look pretty good (for the most part) and they should at the very least be fun to play.'

Man, what a great year for fighting games.


17th Post

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"Re(3):The SF4 thread" , posted Wed 16 Apr 17:12post reply


I understand the current roster (which isn't finalized as of yet) is mostly old characters with 4 new guys that some people aren't sold on, but I'm sure people felt similar feelings when SFIII came out with only Ken and Ryu returning, and it feeling so much different.

Maybe the II series hardcore fans. To me, when I first saw SFIII at the arcade I liked it from the beginning. The animation was amazing and the gameplay was intelligent and added a lot to SF2, the cast wa fine to me, nice reinterpretations of the classic cast and interesting new faces.
I hope SF4 will end in something like this.

27th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(5):The SF4 thread" , posted Wed 16 Apr 20:20:post reply

...producing wine (which might be a nice reference to Capcom's ex CIO).

Can you explain any further please?
...producing wine (which might be a nice reference to Capcom's ex CIO).

Can you explain any further please?

Hope there will be a bunch of bonus games such as barrels or a car to wreck. Maybe a Roll-Royce, a Maybach or an oldtimer. Or one like in SFI where you had to crush bricks by tapping very fast.

I like that Rufus is fast. The colors of his suite make him look like a DBZ character, they shouldn't be as vibrant. With some tweaks he can become a very interesting character. After 3S it's difficult to disappoint me with unoriginal characters, anything's better than Gill and Q designwise.

Yes Joe would be great, he should play almost exactly like Cody but have different supers.

...i love your SF celebrity tribute site. It's been in my bookmarks for years. You've done the SF community a great service.

Thanks, just doing the type of site I always wanted to visit (Grand Archive, Legends). How about this one: C. Viper and The Dawg Chapman/his brother Tim. Mix of both of their hairstyles and high tech sun glasses. Maybe she's a bounty hunter.

[this message was edited by aerialgroove on Wed 16 Apr 20:49]

8459th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):The SF4 thread" , posted Wed 16 Apr 20:36post reply

Can you explain any further please?

He is known to have an unreasonable interest in oenology (more than in videogames), and to have invested in several wineries in California.


Actually, Shadoloo is just a huge winery, but its CEO has that strange hobby about conquering the world via various martial art tournaments and space lasers. The rest of the company doesn't care, so as long as his activities don't prevent them from producing more wine, they let him toy with his own money and the fate of the universe.

27th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(7):The SF4 thread" , posted Wed 16 Apr 20:50post reply

So that's where the barrels are from

Actually, Shadoloo is just a huge winery...

Iron D
2855th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):The SF4 thread" , posted Wed 16 Apr 22:04post reply

Actually, Shadoloo is just a huge winery, but its CEO has that strange hobby about conquering the world via various martial art tournaments and space lasers. The rest of the company doesn't care, so as long as his activities don't prevent them from producing more wine, they let him toy with his own money and the fate of the universe.



Just a Person
1131th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(6):The SF4 thread" , posted Thu 17 Apr 02:34post reply

I like that Rufus is fast. The colors of his suite make him look like a DBZ character, they shouldn't be as vibrant. With some tweaks he can become a very interesting character.

He does look like a DBZ character, doesn't he? Not only that, but in that video of him fighting Blanka, his last attack from his Ultra Combo looks like a kind of DBZ ki-technique (not exactly a Kame-Hame-Ha, but you know what I mean...).

After 3S it's difficult to disappoint me with unoriginal characters, anything's better than Gill and Q designwise.

...I like Q's design.

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

29th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(7):The SF4 thread" , posted Thu 17 Apr 03:07:post reply


...I like Q's design.

I was talking about unoriginal designs, not bad designs. Q is the most unoriginal ever since it doesn't feature a single unique aspect. I'd rather have a decent character than a good but already existing character unless he/she is from the SF/FF/MB universe.

Am I the onlyone who doesn't like Blanka's (too blue) skin and his (too short) hair?

[this message was edited by aerialgroove on Thu 17 Apr 03:10]

312th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(8):The SF4 thread" , posted Thu 17 Apr 03:45post reply


I was talking about unoriginal designs, not bad designs. Q is the most unoriginal ever since it doesn't feature a single unique aspect. I'd rather have a decent character than a good but already existing character unless he/she is from the SF/FF/MB universe.

I like Q's design alot too. It doesn't bug me at all that he's an homage to old Tezuka and Ishinomori robot characters. That's actually the exact reason I love him. No other fighting game has ever referenced this sort of archtype.

I agree that simply referencing a character, or making an homage can often be lazy character design. But when it's done well it can also be very rewarding.

I would say Q is more of a conscious evolution of that archtype rather than a rip off. He's got a very unique feel to him that's different from those aforementioned robot detective characters, and a WAY different than any other fighting game character.

Q has a genuinely mysterious feeling about him. His moveset conveys that he fights and wins purely through brute strength. Yet he's not a big ball of muscle, he's a tall, slim, lanky man. His movements are cumbersome and its obvious that he doesn't have a normal intellect driving his movements and actions. He doesn't have the posture of a fighter, but that of a monster. He feels so cold and malevolent! And in a totally atypical way. That's why I think Q is a great design. He's got a totally unique feeling about him which is perfectly matched to his moveset, which again, is unlike any other character out there.

The creative world doesn't just exist in a vacuum. All the best art in the world works off of the art that came before it. There are thousands of statues and paintings of David, yet Michaelangelo's stands out for its flawless execution and its atypical posture (powerful, pondering his next move, muscles slightly tensed and ready for action).

522th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(9):The SF4 thread" , posted Thu 17 Apr 04:36post reply

The creative world doesn't just exist in a vacuum. All the best art in the world works off of the art that came before it.

Amen, brother.

There are thousands of statues and paintings of David, yet Michaelangelo's stands out for its flawless execution and its atypical posture (powerful, pondering his next move, muscles slightly tensed and ready for action).

Errm let's not throw video game character design in the next edition of the Gombrich just yet.


223th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(9):The SF4 thread" , posted Thu 17 Apr 05:20post reply


I was talking about unoriginal designs, not bad designs. Q is the most unoriginal ever since it doesn't feature a single unique aspect. I'd rather have a decent character than a good but already existing character unless he/she is from the SF/FF/MB universe.

I like Q's design alot too. It doesn't bug me at all that he's an homage to old Tezuka and Ishinomori robot characters. That's actually the exact reason I love him. No other fighting game has ever referenced this sort of archtype.

I agree that simply referencing a character, or making an homage can often be lazy character design. But when it's done well it can also be very rewarding.

I would say Q is more of a conscious evolution of that archtype rather than a rip off. He's got a very unique feel to him that's different from those aforementioned robot detective characters, and a WAY different than any other fighting game character.

Q has a genuinely mysterious feeling about him. His moveset conveys that he fights and wins purely through brute strength. Yet he's not a big ball of muscle, he's a tall, slim, lanky man. His movements are cumbersome and its obvious that he doesn't have a normal intellect driving his movements and actions. He doesn't have the posture of a fighter, but that of a monster. He feels so cold and malevolent! And in a totally atypical way. That's why I think Q is a great design. He's got a totally unique feeling about him which is perfectly matched to his moveset, which again, is unlike any other character out there.

The creative world doesn't just exist in a vacuum. All the best art in the world works off of the art that came before it. There are thousands of statues and paintings of David, yet Michaelangelo's stands out for its flawless execution and its atypical posture (powerful, pondering his next move, muscles slightly tensed and ready for action).

Thats the PERFECT explanation of Q's uniqueness. I love Q.

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

1721th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):The SF4 thread" , posted Thu 17 Apr 11:22post reply

Has anyone actually read any of the new gameplay details for this game? The reason I ask this is because I'm wondering if folks are completely overlooking how this game will play and instead focusing on other things.

Personally, I think the gameplay sounds very good and I look forward to it...I'm just peeved about the cast and storyline.

1395th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(10):The SF4 thread" , posted Thu 17 Apr 12:39post reply


Errm let's not throw video game character design in the next edition of the Gombrich just yet.

pshaw, I think it's a really great explanation of why Q is an interesting character, regardless of whether we decide to think of it as "high art" and all. I actually have a greater appreciation for Q now than I did just a few moments ago.


2487th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):My band called the SF2 Tribute" , posted Thu 17 Apr 16:01post reply


Pollyanna, you use Chunli ONLY? Are you a girl?

Most girls, from my experience, use Ken and Balrog. It may have been different when SF2 came out, but these days I think "hot guy" trumps "grrl power".

Anyway, I'll probably always be sour about the 2.5D thing, but I hope the game does well all the same. I'm sure by the time they hit "Super Turbo" they'll have more characters I like.

Still, if they like SF2 so much, they should have just made a SF2 HD remake where they redraw all the sprites frame for frame. If Capcom of Japan didn't have enough people to work on it, I'm sure they could find some talented American team. I bet comic book artists would do a great job!

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

1047th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(9):My band called the SF2 Tribute" , posted Thu 17 Apr 16:14post reply



"hot guy"

You know, this was kind of confusing for a moment.

18th Post

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"Re(10):My band called the SF2 Tribute" , posted Thu 17 Apr 17:43post reply



"hot guy"

You know, this was kind of confusing for a moment.

Ahahah me too. I think "bishonen" characters aren't the best way to attract female audience. And I think it's a way to play only among japanese girls. To me, the only girls I know liking fighter games aren't interested about male characters (except for a few KOF ones) and focus more on female ones.

3134th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Boss pic" , posted Sun 27 Apr 04:18post reply

This thread rises from its grave thanks to magazine scans of the bosses showing up on-line.

1550th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):Boss pic" , posted Sun 27 Apr 04:38post reply

This thread rises from its grave thanks to magazine scans of the bosses showing up on-line.

Super Blurry M. Bison/Vega footage

693th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):Boss pic" , posted Sun 27 Apr 07:53post reply

This thread rises from its grave thanks to magazine scans of the bosses showing up on-line.

Super Blurry M. Bison/Vega footage

Ha ha, that person playing C.Viper was probably me... I recognize my style of play. Even if it was only a few seconds long.

Just a Person
1139th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(1):Boss pic" , posted Sun 27 Apr 08:36post reply

This thread rises from its grave thanks to magazine scans of the bosses showing up on-line.

Very nice!

I wonder if it will take too long for Capcom to release the artworks for Rufus and the "4 kings". This scan shows a piece of Balrog/Vega's artwork, so I hope these 5 artworks will be showed publicly soon.

I'm also hoping that in May we'll see another new character (and I hope this time it's a woman, even if it's an ugly one... fighting games actually need some ugly women - except Mortal Kombat, that already got Sheeva. Of course, I won't mind if it's actually a pretty woman...).

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

1551th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):Boss pic" , posted Sun 27 Apr 09:52post reply


I wonder if it will take too long for Capcom to release the artworks for Rufus and the "4 kings". This scan shows a piece of Balrog/Vega's artwork, so I hope these 5 artworks will be showed publicly soon.

The official blog updated the other day just to say they will release some new info on 4/30. So hopefully we can get a good look at Rufus.

3136th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Boss video" , posted Mon 28 Apr 05:13post reply

Ha ha, that person playing C.Viper was probably me... I recognize my style of play. Even if it was only a few seconds long.

Considering all the C.Viper players currently in the world could probably fit into one room it's very likely you unknowingly ended up getting filmed.

Speaking of sneaky filming, a Sagat video has been smuggled out into the world.

Iron D
2868th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Boss video" , posted Mon 28 Apr 05:42post reply


Speaking of sneaky filming, a Sagat video has been smuggled out into the world.

Nice. I love how you can semi-clearly see the no cameras sign on the machine.

Plus, the vid has more El Fuerte and we get a glimpse of Sagat's impressive Ultra.


574th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(5):Boss video" , posted Mon 28 Apr 23:40post reply


Speaking of sneaky filming, a Sagat video has been smuggled out into the world.

Nice. I love how you can semi-clearly see the no cameras sign on the machine.

Plus, the vid has more El Fuerte and we get a glimpse of Sagat's impressive Ultra.

Look fugly. All of it. Piece of shit like street fighter ex.

so says i.

Click this webpage

also chek out

26th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(5):Boss video" , posted Tue 29 Apr 03:26post reply


Speaking of sneaky filming, a Sagat video has been smuggled out into the world.

Nice. I love how you can semi-clearly see the no cameras sign on the machine.

Plus, the vid has more El Fuerte and we get a glimpse of Sagat's impressive Ultra.

El Fuerte is so fast I actually thought the video was fast-forwarding! The Sagat player seems to be doing a lot of saving attacks though at many times it worked well in his favour (resulting in a nice combo on 00:50) but there were as many moments where he got hit. thaanks for the video.

694th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(6):Boss video" , posted Tue 29 Apr 06:20post reply


Look fugly. All of it. Piece of shit like street fighter ex.

so says i.

3137th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Boss video" , posted Wed 30 Apr 01:15post reply

Pictures of two of the four debut courtesy of Famitsu.

Just a Person
1140th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(8):Boss video" , posted Wed 30 Apr 02:45post reply

Thanks, Ishmael!

These artworks look both very nice, and Vega's in-game screenshots look great as well (not sure about Balrog's, though).

Capcom is supposed to reveal something about SFIV tomorrow, right? I hope tomorrow we'll also be able to see the artworks for Sagat, M.Bison and Rufus (and maybe another new character, but I think the next newcomer will be revealed only in May... in case there is another newcomer, that is).

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

28th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(9):Boss video" , posted Wed 30 Apr 06:24post reply

Thanks, Ishmael!

The effects on Balrog(Claw)'s portrait are way exaggerated, with the blood and the "wind" and such.
Anyone know what move is Balrog(Claw) doing in the 4th picture, the one with the blood & chun-li. I don't play him much but I don't remember him having a horizontal slash move. Is that his ultra?

The stage looks good, probably Blanka's.

697th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(9):Boss video" , posted Wed 30 Apr 07:15post reply

Thanks, Ishmael!

These artworks look both very nice, and Vega's in-game screenshots look great as well (not sure about Balrog's, though).

Capcom is supposed to reveal something about SFIV tomorrow, right? I hope tomorrow we'll also be able to see the artworks for Sagat, M.Bison and Rufus (and maybe another new character, but I think the next newcomer will be revealed only in May... in case there is another newcomer, that is).

Within 12 hours, yes... keep posted.

Iron D
2869th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Boss video" , posted Wed 30 Apr 19:22post reply


Anyone know what move is Balrog(Claw) doing in the 4th picture, the one with the blood & chun-li. I don't play him much but I don't remember him having a horizontal slash move. Is that his ultra?

Those that went to the 4th loketest have mentioned that his ulta is basically Spidey's "Maximum Spider" super from the Marvel and Vs. games, so I'm guessing that's it.


699th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):Re(10):Boss video" , posted Wed 30 Apr 21:19post reply


Those that went to the 4th loketest have mentioned that his ulta is basically Spidey's "Maximum Spider" super from the Marvel and Vs. games, so I'm guessing that's it.

Yeah, that's pretty much it. Not as dramatic or interesting as other Ultras in the game, but it's actually pretty effective, IMO. I've seen people land this Ultra more often than Ultras for other characters.

3138th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Boss page update" , posted Wed 30 Apr 23:37post reply


Capcom is supposed to reveal something about SFIV tomorrow, right? I hope tomorrow we'll also be able to see the artworks for Sagat, M.Bison and Rufus (and maybe another new character, but I think the next newcomer will be revealed only in May... in case there is another newcomer, that is).

And so it is. The character section, gallery, and blog have all been updated on the official page.

Time Mage
2669th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):Boss video" , posted Thu 1 May 00:41post reply

Yeah, that's pretty much it. Not as dramatic or interesting as other Ultras in the game, but it's actually pretty effective, IMO. I've seen people land this Ultra more often than Ultras for other characters.

How can it be not very spectacular? I mean, if it's even close to the awesomeness the Maximum Spider is, it will be great. Just seeing Vega crossing the enemy several times while zigzagging through the screen makes me giggle like a schoolgirl.

"News flash big guy: You can wax on wax off all you want I'm still... KICKIN' YOUR ASS!"

230th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(4):Re(10):Boss video" , posted Thu 1 May 01:53post reply

Has anybody paid attention to the music in the game? One of the aspects of SF2 that really made it so popular was the sound design.
I wonder if the developers of SFIV are paying any attention to this aspect.
I was and I'm still in love with SF2's music. And I know that we are not in the 90's anymore; so I can't expect the same music.

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

700th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(4):Re(10):Boss video" , posted Thu 1 May 06:15post reply


How can it be not very spectacular? I mean, if it's even close to the awesomeness the Maximum Spider is, it will be great. Just seeing Vega crossing the enemy several times while zigzagging through the screen makes me giggle like a schoolgirl.

Well, because it happens so quick (compared to other Ultras, where there's either dramatic build-up, a long and elaborate pummeling, or both) and "it's been done before", that's what I meant. But yeah, seeing rose petals fly as he's doing it is a cool touch.

1611th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(5):Re(10):Boss video" , posted Thu 1 May 07:35post reply

Did they change the shading?
At least to me it looks more cel-shaded now, closer to the "inky" look&feel they've been giving to it.

But where are the new characters?
Damn I would be much more interested in this game if it actually was SFIV, because other than roster and plot (or what we've so far) it's one really good looking game.



Just a Person
1147th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Last loketest to be announced on Tuesday" , posted Sun 18 May 09:19post reply

According to's translation of Capcom's SFIV official blog, it seems that Capcom will announce next Tuesday the date and place of the next game loketest.

The part that worries me is that according to their translation, this will also be the last SFIV loketest. Which probably means the game is almost complete by now...

This worries me because so far, despite all the positive reviews from the people who tested the game, the cast isn't really innovative. It's basically the SSFII cast, only with Viper, Abel, Rufus and Fuerte substituting T.Hawk, Dee Jay, Fei-Long and Cammy... I liked the four new characters, but I hope there are more new characters than that. A new boss would be cool as well (although it's possible the last boss would be Dictator or Akuma).

Well, let's wait until Tuesday...

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

714th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(1):Last loketest to be announced on Tuesda" , posted Sun 18 May 09:38:post reply

According to's translation of Capcom's SFIV official blog, it seems that Capcom will announce next Tuesday the date and place of the next game loketest.

The part that worries me is that according to their translation, this will also be the last SFIV loketest. Which probably means the game is almost complete by now...

This worries me because so far, despite all the positive reviews from the people who tested the game, the cast isn't really innovative. It's basically the SSFII cast, only with Viper, Abel, Rufus and Fuerte substituting T.Hawk, Dee Jay, Fei-Long and Cammy... I liked the four new characters, but I hope there are more new characters than that. A new boss would be cool as well (although it's possible the last boss would be Dictator or Akuma).

Well, let's wait until Tuesday...

Yeah, even I'm afraid. Especially with all the negative backlash about the leaked Rufus vids and pics. If they released new characters after a guy like Rufus, you would think that they may be even worse in concept than Rufus.

I still like the game a lot, but it will probably end up a "stepping stone" game that will pave the way for a future quasi-sequel that more people will enjoy. SF4 may end up like Alpha 1, original SF2 and original SF3... an afterthought that was important to release, but quickly replaced by a better upgrade down the road.

Let's hope there is a quasi-follow-up, at least.

If this ends up as a Tokyo-only loketest, I am tempted to go... even if the train ride will be a bit expensive. I hope Maddy will be there if it is.

[this message was edited by EddyT on Sun 18 May 09:40]

692th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(1):The SF4 thread" , posted Mon 19 May 11:02post reply

The other thread was too long.

2) He appears to be voiced by Wakamoto again.

OH YES! he kicked so much ass as Vega's voice

717th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"5th and final loketest" , posted Tue 20 May 19:06post reply

This weekend (May 23-25), at both Tokyo (Hey Arcade in Akihabara) and Osaka (Hi-Tech Land Sega Avion in Namba). SF. IV, 5th and perhaps final... loketest.

Supposedly some fun surprises and a significant revision of the game will be awaiting this weekend.

I will be at the Osaka location.

Time Mage
2674th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):5th and final loketest" , posted Tue 20 May 20:05post reply

I'll await your reports eagerly!

I hope there is at least 2 new characters. Or even 2 non-SFII characters would do. Anything that makes this something other than a "SSFIIT in a parallel universe".

"News flash big guy: You can wax on wax off all you want I'm still... KICKIN' YOUR ASS!"

Just a Person
1151th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(2):5th and final loketest" , posted Tue 20 May 20:17post reply

I'll await your reports eagerly!

I hope there is at least 2 new characters. Or even 2 non-SFII characters would do. Anything that makes this something other than a "SSFIIT in a parallel universe".

Yeah, me too. I mean, 16 characters for a brand-new game is a good number, and I love SFII - but this roster needs some inclusion that makes it look less like "3D SFII" (even though it wouldn't be bad) and more like "a new chapter in the SF story".

Then again, if it turns out that SFIV will only have these 16 characters (and Akuma, who is almost certain to be in it), at least Ono hinted at bonus characters at the PS3/X360 home versions (and maybe a downgraded version for Wii, as hinted at JEUX-FRANCE).

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

2467th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):The SF4 thread" , posted Tue 20 May 21:26post reply

The other thread was too long.

2) He appears to be voiced by Wakamoto again.

OH YES! he kicked so much ass as Vega's voice

Link Here

718th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(3):The SF4 thread" , posted Tue 20 May 22:37post reply


Link Here

Is this the Japanese mascot for the XBox 360?

Oh yeah, Vega does yodel again, just like old times.

720th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Thanks Maddy" , posted Wed 21 May 09:37:post reply

I now have that song stuck in my head.

Your reward

Look for 苦無 in the SFIV rankings. I will try to be the top player by sheer amount of games played.

[this message was edited by EddyT on Wed 21 May 17:35]

Maese Spt
416th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(1):Thanks Maddy" , posted Fri 23 May 23:52post reply

Hmmmm, I can't deny this whole SF IV fuss has gotten me curious. I might bring myself to go to Akihabara for the second time on my life and drop by Taito Hey this weekend. Just to see with my own eyes how unholy this beast really is.

I'll try to post some impressions too.

2470th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):Thanks Maddy" , posted Sat 24 May 00:53:post reply

I went to the beta test today humm... it played better, faster than back from AOU in February but otherwise it doesn't feel that much different. Pretty much a SSF2T with 3D graphics and a very flexible guard attack move.

The roster of 16 was playable today, and I'm assuming that's the final roster leaving aside a possible Akuma. (The world warriors + 4 bosses + 4 new charas). BTW, it seems that Rufus is a caucasian with a Chinese hairdo.

One of the things I was kind of surprised was that, they didn't upgrade the supers since the AOU. All the characters still only have one Super (two, if you add the revenge/ultra move), and it's fixed, pretty much like SSF2T. Not a selectable system like in 3S.

The super meter fills up rather slowly compared to modern games, but it gets carried over to the next round. I don't know whether the revenge meter has any use other than for the Ultra combo, but it'll fill up at least once a round.

With SF4, the game cabinets are all connected locally via LAN and the system automatically does matchmakings. Which is both a good thing and a bad thing. Good thing is that, you'll always have someone to play against. Bad thing is that, let's say you want to play alone and you sit before a cabinet with noone on the other side. Tough luck, you're gonna get connected with someone in the arcade.

Of course the Capcom developers figured that issue out. The beta test had one cabinet set up for single player mode. There was 4 modes you could select:

Arcade: Machine sets you up against another human player whenever someone plays at the arcade.

Beginner: Lets you play for 3 matches without interruption, thenafter it matches you with other players whenever there is someone.

Survival mode: Time trial mode, single round matches.

(forgot the name of gamemode): A mode where you get to play special challenges. You can earn special ranks and points by doing so. Machine has to be connected to the NESYS network to play in this mode.

All in all, SF4 feels like a good next-gen substitute for SSF2T. It feels like more of a revival than a new game.

Now my personal question, how many arcades will be willing to buy a set of cabinets for over $5000? I don't know how much it'll retail in the US, but that's the price that operators will have to pay for in Japan.

[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 24 May 01:03]

727th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(3):Thanks Maddy" , posted Sat 24 May 01:06post reply

Revenge Meter is used for the Ultra Attack. It is only used once per round, and the amount of damage you can dish depends on how close to death you are. You can take as much as 50% of your opponent's lifebar if you hit them with your Ultra.

Super Meter is now carried over to the next round. Before, the Super Meter would reset. Revenge Meter always resets after every round.

No new backgrounds or new characters since last loketest. A little disappointing...

Game is still fun to play, though.

2365th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Thanks Maddy" , posted Sat 24 May 01:12post reply

Did they change Balrog's ultra? I heard it was only uppercut rush punches in the last loketest but on the website it looks like it's supposed to be gigaton blow.


Just a Person
1159th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(4):Thanks Maddy" , posted Sat 24 May 01:15post reply

No new backgrounds or new characters since last loketest. A little disappointing...

VERY disappointing, I'd say. Come on, this is Street Fighter IV! This is supposed to be a NEW chapter in SF history; therefore, it should have more novelty.

Sure, I'll play SFIV whenever the chance appears. It does look like a great fighting game after all. It's just frustrating that it could be so much better...

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

728th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(5):Thanks Maddy" , posted Sat 24 May 01:28post reply

Did they change Balrog's ultra? I heard it was only uppercut rush punches in the last loketest but on the website it looks like it's supposed to be gigaton blow.

It's the same as before... a series of rush punches.

Until there is a final version out in arcades everywhere, I won't comment on the lack of roster additions. I am slightly worried, though.

31th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(6):Thanks Maddy" , posted Sat 24 May 03:56post reply

Did they change Balrog's ultra? I heard it was only uppercut rush punches in the last loketest but on the website it looks like it's supposed to be gigaton blow.

It's the same as before... a series of rush punches.

Until there is a final version out in arcades everywhere, I won't comment on the lack of roster additions. I am slightly worried, though.

Ahhh how lame, Ono!
Why they can't simply redo SFII instead of teasing us with this?

1584th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(7):Thanks Maddy" , posted Sat 24 May 06:26post reply


Ahhh how lame, Ono!
Why they can't simply redo SFII instead of teasing us with this?

Because Backbone is redoing SF2.

Maese Spt
421th Post

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Gold Customer

"loketest impressions" , posted Sun 25 May 03:40post reply

OK, I just came back from the loketest.

Forget the blurry vids, in person the game is graphically amazing. Really, you have to see it in motion to believe it. Sheer beauty. Tekken 6? VF5? SC4? Pfff... THIS is how a next generation game should look.

I could spend hours talking about how marvelous, colorful and plentiful the backgrounds are. The animation (both of the characters and on the stages) is really wonderful as well, and the facial gestures are just the perfect complement to the mix.

But sadly, after the "first impact" the whole thing gets pretty boring. The same characters, the same moves, the same everything. What's worse, the new challengers are utterly uninteresting (well, maybe CViper is slightly fun to see in action). Half of the character models are ugly as hell. Rufus is hideous beyond any possible description.

All in all, just as expected, if one is to judge from the previously leaked stuff.

What really dissapoints me is seeing the GREAT oportunity Capcom has missed. Just putting more care into character selection, design and modelation they could have pulled out an awesome game. A game future generations would have remembered as we old geezers remember good ol' SFII. A game that would have turned the fighting genre upside down again. Man, what a pity.

I can see SFIV having a moderate success, tough. It sure has attractive, and it plays just as smooth (and simple) as the original thing, which always is a plus. I was expecting something else, yeah, but that's just me. I should know better anyway.

And now, on a slightly related note, allow me to digress a bit about the loketest itself. There were about 40 people, much less than I expected, considering the crazy queues of 100+ persons on the Sengoku Basara X loketests. A bad omen, indeed.

Of course, all of them were the finest Akiba geek breed. I had not seen as many bald guys per square meter since the last time I visited my grandpa's asylum. And don't let me get started on their looks. How cunning of you, Capcom, giving them a classy, refined character like Rufus so they have someone to identify with! I am commenting about this because I don't think is a good sign at all to have the loketest infested of otaku nerds. If this is the only crowd SFIV is able to attract, then Capcom has aleady lost the battle.

Then again, Basara X loketest was packed with young girls (a potentially new market for fighting arcades), and we all know how it ended up...

Anyway, there *were* two female beings at the loketest. One was a somewhat cute, well dressed chick on her late twenties, who seemed completely out of place, completely mesmerized by the screens. She did not even try to play a friggin' match, just stared and stared for hours. The other one was an old hag who seemed even more out of place, but who actually dared to play by herself, and managed to beat the 4 matches of solo play with C.Viper in spite of her total lack of familiarity with the joystick. Maybe she just went there to take her son to the loketest but, hey, there is hoping for SFIV to bring some fresh blood into fighting games community! Well, perhaps not so "fresh", but still.

And that's about it. Maybe you were expecting some comments regarding gameplay, but... to be honest, nowadays that's what I'm less interested in. I'm growing old, and grumpy, I guess.

732th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):loketest impressions" , posted Sun 25 May 08:23:post reply

And now, on a slightly related note, allow me to digress a bit about the loketest itself. There were about 40 people, much less than I expected, considering the crazy queues of 100+ persons on the Sengoku Basara X loketests. A bad omen, indeed.

I'm waiting until the KOFXII loketest to really judge on how popular this loketest was. And yeah, sounds like Basara X had a lot of people for their loketest... I'll take your word for it, but I don't think it's a reflection of how well-made the game is or how well the game will do. I see people play Basara X once in a while, but I don't see a group crowding to play that game like other fighters.

In Osaka, there were maybe 25 max at one time. You must be in the Tokyo area.

Like I said before, I feel that the game will be fun for hardcore SF players and will interest newbies or very casual gamers. It's the people who lie in the middle who will not care or will despise the game. Especially those who wanted major changes or those who hate the original 12 WWs. I can totally understand that mentality.

Gameplay-wise, it has a lot more going for it than Super Turbo ever did. EX moves and Saving Attack make the original WWs feel a lot more different.

I still firmly believe there is more to the game that will be revealed down the road... but for now most of the characters introduced seem to play pretty solid.

[this message was edited by EddyT on Sun 25 May 08:25]

356th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(1):loketest impressions" , posted Sun 25 May 09:19post reply

OK, I just came back from the loketest.

Forget the blurry vids, in person the game is graphically amazing. Really, you have to see it in motion to believe it. Sheer beauty. Tekken 6? VF5? SC4? Pfff... THIS is how a next generation game should look.


What's worse, the new challengers are utterly uninteresting (well, maybe CViper is slightly fun to see in action). Half of the character models are ugly as hell. Rufus is hideous beyond any possible description.

If you don't like the designs, then isn't the game itself ugly? Or is the technology that impressive (and the other half of the characters that good looking)?


I had not seen as many bald guys per square meter since the last time I visited my grandpa's asylum.

That's impressive for Japan. One of the first things I noted about visiting Japan was how great everyone's hair was. And I don't mean just styling, I mean I've never seen so many people of all ages with full, thick heads of hair on average. Must be all the fish and seaweed in their diet.

1586th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):loketest impressions" , posted Sun 25 May 11:15post reply


If you don't like the designs, then isn't the game itself ugly? Or is the technology that impressive (and the other half of the characters that good looking)?

I don't think there's a dichotomy here.

You can have bland-looking character models that are gorgeously animated. You can have vibrant and lushly colored characters that all share the same 3 standing punches. You can have 6 characters out of 12 that simply don't appeal to you because.... they don't appeal to you.

The faces are still the thing selling me on this game, though.

Maese Spt
423th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(2):loketest impressions" , posted Sun 25 May 16:55post reply

OK, I just came back from the loketest.

Forget the blurry vids, in person the game is graphically amazing. Really, you have to see it in motion to believe it. Sheer beauty. Tekken 6? VF5? SC4? Pfff... THIS is how a next generation game should look.

What's worse, the new challengers are utterly uninteresting (well, maybe CViper is slightly fun to see in action). Half of the character models are ugly as hell. Rufus is hideous beyond any possible description.

If you don't like the designs, then isn't the game itself ugly? Or is the technology that impressive (and the other half of the characters that good looking)?

Yeah, I know, I know, but it's pretty difficult to explain my feelings about this. I'm thorn apart between totally loving and totally hating those graphics.

I realy like the technology and the overall visuals of the game. They're truly gorgeous. But the way most characters are modeled is hideous. They are ugly, rough and unelegant. Especially Ryu and Ken, who look particularly awful. And, what's worse, that uglyness makes a bitter contrast against the overall magnificency of the graphic engine. It's such a waste... they could look SO MUCH prettier. I dunno, the art direction is both amazing and awful at the same time, in a very strange way.

Moreover, some characters are more than OK. Chun Li looks gorgeous. C. Viper too. Ugly and horendous as his original concept is, Rufus' in-game model is prety solid as well. But some others are just horrible, they look modelled by a mentally challenged kid messing around with some neat 3D animation program he has just downloaded. I mean, if they had the talent to make such a wonderful Chun Li, how comes Ken is a plain abomination?

But it's not easy to explain, and maybe I'm being biased by my (crushed) expectations on the game too.


That's impressive for Japan. One of the first things I noted about visiting Japan was how great everyone's hair was. And I don't mean just styling, I mean I've never seen so many people of all ages with full, thick heads of hair on average. Must be all the fish and seaweed in their diet.

While I mostly agree with that statetemt, don't let your guard down. Riding the Chuo line every morning can pretty much destroy most myths and preconceptions about japanese people. Anyway, the only thing that surpised me about those geek baldies was their age. It's not common at all in Japan to see a 30-something guy bald as a baby rat. Then again, I suppose the rotting process of their brains ends up afecting the scalp too. Yucks.

And, to Eddy T: weren't you living on Tokyo area as well? If so, why do you go all the way to Osaka for the loketest? Just curious.

Iron D
2876th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):loketest impressions" , posted Sun 25 May 18:11post reply

Wow. Of all the loketest reports I've seen, I haven't seen anyone rag on the animation this much.


Maese Spt
424th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(4):loketest impressions" , posted Sun 25 May 18:24post reply

Wow. Of all the loketest reports I've seen, I haven't seen anyone rag on the animation this much.

No no no, don't get me wrong. The animation is amazing. Is character modelling what's so hideous.

Iron D
2877th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):loketest impressions" , posted Sun 25 May 19:19post reply

Wow. Of all the loketest reports I've seen, I haven't seen anyone rag on the animation this much.

No no no, don't get me wrong. The animation is amazing. Is character modelling what's so hideous.

??? I haven't played the game or anything, but I've been impressed by the character models so far. You're simply talking about how the characters look, right?


Maese Spt
426th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(6):loketest impressions" , posted Mon 26 May 16:36:post reply


??? I haven't played the game or anything, but I've been impressed by the character models so far. You're simply talking about how the characters look, right?

Yup, the characters (most of them) are ugly as hell, but they are beautifully animated. They have lots of little details, moves, poses, facial expressions, etc. Backgrounds are pretty well animated too. Overall, it's almost a 3D version of what we saw on SFIII. But everything gets wasted because the characters are just... ugly. Ugly AND uninteresting, but that's another debate.

I guess this is a matter of taste, tough. What looks ugly to me can look gorgeous to you, so don't get my words too literally and wait to see the real thing by yourself.

Man, how many times have I used the word "ugly" on this thread...?

EDIT: spelling for teh lulz

[this message was edited by Maese Spt on Mon 26 May 16:41]

8507th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):loketest impressions" , posted Mon 26 May 17:41post reply

Man, how many times have I used the word "ugly" on this thread...?

9 times. You can do better !

732th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(8):loketest impressions" , posted Tue 27 May 07:01post reply

I think the characters look great. It's a different style than what we're used to, but it fits the characters well. They really improved on the faces of Ryu and Ken... 2 loketests ago they didn't really look much like their counterparts.

One thing to notice about the game... the characters move very well and have very nice animations. For instance, when you see Chun Li in her idle stance, you'll notice that her hands wave back and forth, and she seems to have a lot of movement with her body, even when standing still. It makes the game look very fluid in motion, and it's a nice contrast to the very stiff and rigid type of models that we've seen in other fighters, or 3D games in general.

8508th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Stuff on the official site" , posted Tue 27 May 22:46post reply

On the 30/05, they will show Rufus AND THE NEW BOSS.
"New" like "new" or "new" like "Gôki" or "Gôken" ? We'll see soon enough.

Also, they will announce a BIG NEWS at Last Vegas on the same day. I guess it means a release date and/or a console version ?

Just a Person
1160th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(1):Stuff on the official site" , posted Wed 28 May 01:31post reply

On the 30/05, they will show Rufus AND THE NEW BOSS.
"New" like "new" or "new" like "Gôki" or "Gôken" ? We'll see soon enough.

Also, they will announce a BIG NEWS at Last Vegas on the same day. I guess it means a release date and/or a console version ?

Well, if the new boss is "Gôken", that's already a new boss, since he's never appeared in any SF game.

Unless the last boss is Akuma, that means we'll get at least one more new character. Not the new cast I expected, but that's fine...

As for the BIG NEWS, I have no idea at all...

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

Iron D
2879th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Stuff on the official site" , posted Wed 28 May 05:56:post reply


Also, they will announce a BIG NEWS at Last Vegas on the same day. I guess it means a release date and/or a console version ?

Nope. We get that announcement today:

PS3, 360 and...PC?


[this message was edited by Iron D on Wed 28 May 05:58]

595th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(2):Stuff on the official site" , posted Wed 28 May 06:16post reply


Also, they will announce a BIG NEWS at Last Vegas on the same day. I guess it means a release date and/or a console version ?

Nope. We get that announcement today:

PS3, 360 and...PC?

I dont get it why they consider this a suprise? Is it too early or they never gave it a chance to hit consoles eventually?


Just a Person
1161th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(3):Stuff on the official site" , posted Wed 28 May 06:25post reply


I dont get it why they consider this a suprise? Is it too early or they never gave it a chance to hit consoles eventually?

I agree. Didn't Ono himself say in one of these old interviews that SFIV would have home console versions after the Arcade one was released??

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

733th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(4):Stuff on the official site" , posted Wed 28 May 06:44post reply


I agree. Didn't Ono himself say in one of these old interviews that SFIV would have home console versions after the Arcade one was released??

Well, yeah. I believe he even said that this game could be released on the Nintendo DS if he wanted to.

I think IGN was being sarcastic... everyone knew that the game would eventually hit home. PC was a slight surprise, though. The only thing that was up in the air was the actual release date.

I would think that the console exclusive characters would eventually see their way into the arcade as an update, but not released until the console counterparts come out. That's probably why there is a push to release home versions less than a year after the arcade release.

2366th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Stuff on the official site" , posted Wed 28 May 11:30post reply

Call me nucking futs but I don't think that's the surprise.

And if they're showing the boss after Rufus I guess that means no more characters.


1559th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(6):Stuff on the official site" , posted Wed 28 May 13:42:post reply

A couple of new shots on Famitsu


I am seeing people say that Fei Long and Dan will be in the console version. Anyone have confirmation on that?

[this message was edited by GekigangerV on Wed 28 May 13:43]

37th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(7):Stuff on the official site" , posted Wed 28 May 17:09post reply

A couple of new shots on Famitsu


I am seeing people say that Fei Long and Dan will be in the console version. Anyone have confirmation on that?

According to the official Capcom usa boards, Dan isn't that popular. They prefer Dudley, Alex and above all FeiLong. So, maybe the add of FeiLong is a given.
About females the most wanted to return are Cammy, Sakura and Ibuki. Also Elena and Makoto are quite asked.
It's sad that Ono insists in NOT to consider the SFIII line. He wants to reset the series starting after SF2 (and not to killing Vega, it seems...), in accord to the american favourite storyline and stuff like that only to please the western audience, stick with the II series.

735th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Final Boss named Seth?" , posted Wed 28 May 17:35:post reply

A poster from (AdverseSolutions) has posted this image of Seth, the last boss of SFIV. He is supposed to be a master of puppets... could he be like a Mokujin from Tekken?

Also rumors about Fei Long being in the game. Picture sent from DragonFave723 on Whether or not he will be an arcade character or console-only character, it's not known at the time.

[this message was edited by EddyT on Wed 28 May 17:36]

1067th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):Final Boss named Seth?" , posted Wed 28 May 17:38post reply

Yay real final boss! Boo at move-recycling! I hope that's not true. That charge looks kinda Urien-y... I can only hope!

Also boo at Fei Long. Enough SF2 characters! More new ones!

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
or some SF3 ones

End of Spoiler

735th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(2):Final Boss named Seth?" , posted Wed 28 May 17:53post reply

That charge looks kinda Urien-y... I can only hope!

Th... that's not a pretty sight. Uriney...

Well, if Fei-Long is back... is it safe to assume that the other new challengers will follow?

Hopefully, there's even more characters after that... but we don't know for sure.

38th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(3):Final Boss named Seth?" , posted Wed 28 May 17:58post reply

That charge looks kinda Urien-y... I can only hope!

Th... that's not a pretty sight. Uriney...

Well, if Fei-Long is back... is it safe to assume that the other new challengers will follow?

Hopefully, there's even more characters after that... but we don't know for sure.

Seth? A Urien-like being (ahhh that crotch isn't covered???) with KOF borrowed name and apparently another CEO of some idiot organisation.
The organisation is called S.I.N.
Ahhh how boring...

Notice is performing Tyrant Slaugther in the lower screenshot...maybe he's Gill and Urien's father?

Iron D
2879th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Final Boss named Seth?" , posted Wed 28 May 18:05post reply


Seth? A Urien-like being (ahhh that crotch isn't covered???) with KOF borrowed name and apparently another CEO of some idiot organisation.

A KoF borrowed name? Because the name Seth was invented by SNK, right?


546th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(4):Final Boss named Seth?" , posted Wed 28 May 18:08post reply


maybe he's Gill and Urien's father?

I hope not.
I am beginning to like more and more that absolutely nothing related to SF3 is considered/involved in this game.
I also wonder how Capcom could have made the SF4 promotion campaign more anti-climatic.


39th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(5):Final Boss named Seth?" , posted Wed 28 May 18:08post reply


Seth? A Urien-like being (ahhh that crotch isn't covered???) with KOF borrowed name and apparently another CEO of some idiot organisation.

A KoF borrowed name? Because the name Seth was invented by SNK, right?

Nah, I knew Seth is an Egyptian God. I would prefer a name more original, not used in anoter fighter, that's all. Btw I don't like much the design but I'm glad it resembles SFIII boss. At least, something LIKE SFIII in this game is next to appear...

153th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(5):Final Boss named Seth?" , posted Wed 28 May 19:32post reply

A KoF borrowed name? Because the name Seth was invented by SNK, right?

Rumor has it that Seth was brother to Kain and Abel in that old bible book.

But it's just a Rumor, SNK should sue

How are you doin'

3166th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Final Boss named Seth?" , posted Wed 28 May 22:04post reply

My God, did Capcom name the new boss after Seth Killian? Well, whatever the origin of his name, I like the simple, uncluttered design on the character, even if he looks like he could be the brother of that big iron Russian dude from Power Moves/Deadly Moves/Power Athlete.

That's also the first shot I've seen of SF4 Ryu where he doesn't look insane. I can understand why Capcom would want to go back to the more accepted, less psycho look for one of their flagship characters even if it is a bit of a shame.

3167th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Final Boss named Seth?" , posted Wed 28 May 23:04post reply

Double posting for the awesomeness that is Dan.

37th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(8):Final Boss named Seth?" , posted Thu 29 May 00:11post reply

Double posting for the awesomeness that is Dan.

Dan makes me care again...

Just a Person
1162th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(1):Final Boss named Seth?" , posted Thu 29 May 03:16post reply

A poster from (AdverseSolutions) has posted this image of Seth, the last boss of SFIV. He is supposed to be a master of puppets... could he be like a Mokujin from Tekken?

...Am I seeing things or... is he... naked??

He doesn't look human, anyway. Which is kinda cool, actually. At least it's another new character.

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

Just a Person
1163th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Artwork of our lovely balloon-man..." , posted Thu 29 May 03:48post reply

Showed at GameFAQs.

Rufus is very bizarre, looks like a balloon, his hair is laughable... and even with all this, he still looks quite badass!

Overall, I'm loving all this news about SFIV (Capcom will probably hide Akuma for some more weeks...). The only sad part is that there are no more new characters... but Capcom can always pull off a SEGA and make a SFIV Evolution with two more new fighters, or add them later as downloadable content, I guess.

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

1068th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):Artwork of our lovely balloon-man..." , posted Thu 29 May 04:23post reply

The popcorn changes everything. I forgive you, Rufus!

643th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):Artwork of our lovely balloon-man..." , posted Thu 29 May 04:58post reply

The popcorn changes everything. I hate you, Rufus!


WHERE IS KOFXII?! I need a new game to get sad at.

いつまでも残酷に腐るまで I LOVE YOU
何処までも卑猥に腐るまで I LOVE YOU

Just a Person
1164th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(2) Artwork of our lovely balloon-man..." , posted Thu 29 May 05:02post reply

Also rumors about Fei Long being in the game. Picture sent from DragonFave723 on Whether or not he will be an arcade character or console-only character, it's not known at the time.

Double posting for the awesomeness that is Dan.

...Weren't both Fei-Long and Dan in a SFIV poll with Dudley, Sakura, R.Mika and Necro? Maybe the poll DID have a motive, after all.

However, if I remember correctly, Dudley was the most voted character in this poll, and then Sakura. Shouldn't THEY be added to the roster instead of Fei-Long and Dan, then? After all, some people are dying to see a SFIII character in SFIV, and Sakura would help the female ratio in it (Ono said he would try to balance the male:female ratio, didn't he?).

If Fei-Long and Dan are really in the game (whether being time-release characters or console-only characters), I hope Sakura and Dudley are in it as well!

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

40th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(3):Re(2) Artwork of our lovely balloon-man" , posted Thu 29 May 06:12post reply

A friend of mine states that Famitsu revealed Dan and Fei Long as console characters. Is that true?

Also, checking the Seth thing in the Bible, I wonder were Kain is in SFIV.

Count Hihihi
85th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(1):Artwork of our lovely balloon-man..." , posted Thu 29 May 06:54post reply

but Capcom can always pull off a SEGA and make a SFIV Evolution with two more new fighters, or add them later as downloadable content, I guess.

I've never heard of Capcom releasing an updated version of a Street Fighter game with a few new characters and other tweaks. So stop being silly.

a·bel·o·gist - a person who argues in defense or justification of anything SFIV related.

1445th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Artwork of our lovely balloon-man..." , posted Thu 29 May 12:09post reply

Seth = Urien mated with Pyron

736th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(2):Artwork of our lovely balloon-man..." , posted Thu 29 May 17:34post reply

I've never heard of Capcom releasing an updated version of a Street Fighter game with a few new characters and other tweaks. So stop being silly.

Well, they never had an online system going like they do with Nesys... there's always a first time for everything.

Just a Person
1165th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(2):Artwork of our lovely balloon-man..." , posted Thu 29 May 20:35post reply

but Capcom can always pull off a SEGA and make a SFIV Evolution with two more new fighters, or add them later as downloadable content, I guess.

I've never heard of Capcom releasing an updated version of a Street Fighter game with a few new characters and other tweaks. So stop being silly.

...You're being ironic, right?

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

8510th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Artwork of our lovely balloon-man..." , posted Thu 29 May 20:39post reply

Oh, come on, both of you.

Also, the thread is a bit long. Maybe we should have a new one.

Just a Person
1166th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(4):Artwork of our lovely balloon-man..." , posted Thu 29 May 21:14post reply

Oh, come on, both of you.

Also, the thread is a bit long. Maybe we should have a new one.

We're just joking, Iggy. After all, it's a fact that SF had a lot of updated versions with new characters and tweaks in relation with older games (SSFII Turbo in relation with SFII; SFIII 2nd. Impact in relation with SFIII...).

About your last comment, I agree. A new thread would be good.

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

Iron D
2880th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Artwork of our lovely balloon-man..." , posted Thu 29 May 21:49post reply


...You're being ironic, right?

Well before we make a part deux of this thread, let me point out that the word you're looking for here is "sarcastic". Not "ironic".


Just a Person
1167th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(4):Artwork of our lovely balloon-man..." , posted Thu 29 May 22:07post reply


Well before we make a part deux of this thread, let me point out that the word you're looking for here is "sarcastic". Not "ironic".

Yeah, you're right. Thanks for the correction!

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

1728th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(5):Artwork of our lovely balloon-man..." , posted Tue 10 Jun 09:16:post reply


Well before we make a part deux of this thread, let me point out that the word you're looking for here is "sarcastic". Not "ironic".

Yeah, you're right. Thanks for the correction!

Ironically, you gentlemen don't seem to realize is that sarcasm is actually a form of irony.

Still, "sarcastic" is probably the better fit, since it sounded pretty derisive and the dude would probably know his own intent.

Edit: I wonder if you were sincerely thanking him for the correction? If not, that would be some pretty awesome counter-irony.

Re-edit: Or maybe you're both in on the joke and here I am, unaware yet thinking I'm being making a clever joke myself! I'm not being sarcastic in saying that would be the really, really ironic.

I'm going to try to get more sleep tonight.

/ / /

[this message was edited by Mosquiton on Tue 10 Jun 09:24]