Random thread : new challengers - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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8458th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Random thread : new challengers" , posted Wed 16 Apr 18:22post reply


Sa→Sai→Xi !
Sa→Saza→Sazaesan !
Sa→Yonarazetsubôsensei !
Ou à 0:00:00 → Error 503 Forbidden.

The answer is...



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Demo 4/25
Game 7/24

No link navigation : it's a tunnel.
Hanyuda, events of the first game, from the point of view of gaijin characters.
The game is a way to test the PS3 before Siren 3 (which they develop as well).


Maybe some of the silhouettes are Miyako (the one before the Miyako we know) and Shimura's son ? Maybe the stories of the site will be adapted in the game ? Maybe Tamon will be in, and the supreme power of the PS3 will make his wig even wiggier ? Can we unlock some secret games, Musô SDK ? Musô Miyata ? Musô Yoriko at long last ?



2591th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Random thread : new challengers" , posted Wed 16 Apr 22:12post reply

Making the rounds:
Mario bottles

1456th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Random thread : new challengers" , posted Wed 16 Apr 23:53post reply

Dragonfly is developing KOF Online and Samurai Spirits Online in addition to Metal Slug Online

3120th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Random thread : new challengers" , posted Thu 17 Apr 00:03post reply

It looks like Mortal Kombat is once again threatening to do its thing. Consider yourself warned.

This Naruto game is looking like it has a nice graphics style.

8460th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Random thread : new challengers" , posted Fri 18 Apr 01:47post reply

Samurai Sen has been released. The game seems to top Basara W in the "disaster of the year" fighting game '2008 category.

Just a Person
1132th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(5):Random thread : new challengers" , posted Fri 18 Apr 01:56post reply

Samurai Sen has been released. The game seems to top Basara W in the "disaster of the year" fighting game '2008 category.

Really?? But why? It seemed to be such a nice game...

Is it being considered a disaster in terms of quality or in financial terms?

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

1457th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(5):Random thread : new challengers" , posted Fri 18 Apr 02:45post reply

Samurai Sen has been released. The game seems to top Basara W in the "disaster of the year" fighting game '2008 category.

Whoa! Only 20 arcades across Japan ordered the game!? I looked around the site and I see that there are 172 arcades that have Tekken 6 and 53 arcades that have KOF98UM.

I guess it's going to be another SNK game that will fade away into darkness.

2456th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(6):Random thread : new challengers" , posted Fri 18 Apr 04:03:post reply

Samurai Sen has been released. The game seems to top Basara W in the "disaster of the year" fighting game '2008 category.

Whoa! Only 20 arcades across Japan ordered the game!? I looked around the site and I see that there are 172 arcades that have Tekken 6 and 53 arcades that have KOF98UM.

I guess it's going to be another SNK game that will fade away into darkness.

The lists are generated from user-contributed data so the figures are far from accurate. One example, it only shows five arcades with Arcana Heart 2 in all of Tokyo, but there's more than that in just the Shinjuku area alone.

[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 18 Apr 04:17]

1539th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(4):Random thread : new challengers" , posted Fri 18 Apr 08:34:post reply

Dragonfly is developing KOF Online and Samurai Spirits Online in addition to Metal Slug Online

Another KOF online huh? Anyone else remember the original where they showed screenshots of 3 different colored versions of Kyo, Athena, Leona and Iori on screen at the same time?

It looks like Mortal Kombat is once again threatening to do its thing. Consider yourself warned.

This Naruto game is looking like it has a nice graphics style.

The MK site has a blurry picture of Scorpion up now(you might need to step back from the screen to see it). And there appear to be some rumors going around that this will be Mortal Kombat versus DC Comics(Komiks?)

Damn Naruto games always being pre-time skip. I'm tired of seeing the first 90 episodes over and over.

[this message was edited by GekigangerV on Fri 18 Apr 08:38]

313th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(5):Random thread : new challengers" , posted Fri 18 Apr 10:58post reply

Dragonfly is developing KOF Online and Samurai Spirits Online in addition to Metal Slug Online

Another KOF online huh? Anyone else remember the original where they showed screenshots of 3 different colored versions of Kyo, Athena, Leona and Iori on screen at the same time?

It looks like Mortal Kombat is once again threatening to do its thing. Consider yourself warned.

This Naruto game is looking like it has a nice graphics style.

The MK site has a blurry picture of Scorpion up now(you might need to step back from the screen to see it). And there appear to be some rumors going around that this will be Mortal Kombat versus DC Comics(Komiks?)

Damn Naruto games always being pre-time skip. I'm tired of seeing the first 90 episodes over and over.

The last 2 Naruto Games by Cyberconnect are post time skip:


Naruto Shippuuden: Narutimate Accel had some of the best graphics on ps2 to date.

But the PS3 game! Good lord the game looks unbelievably good!

They seem to be really closely following the style of the episodes animated by Norio Matsumoto.

1539th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Random thread : MK vs DC is official" , posted Fri 18 Apr 14:57post reply



Oddly enough I think this may be a step UP for DC gaming considering what we've gotten before. Justice League Heroes was a promising venture, but it appears they aren't going anywhere with that franchise.

It will be interesting to see how they will handle the fighting styles. The last set of MK games used basic martial arts styles as their bases with chain combos, but I don't really see that working for anyone but Batman.

I think New York Comic-Con is tomorrow so maybe we will get more news then.


The last 2 Naruto Games by Cyberconnect are post time skip:


Naruto Shippuuden: Narutimate Accel had some of the best graphics on ps2 to date.

But the PS3 game! Good lord the game looks unbelievably good!

oh yeah, there was also that Wii game that was also newer material.

4380th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Random thread : MK vs DC is official" , posted Fri 18 Apr 15:43post reply


Just when you thought the world couldn't go more wrong

The only evil of the word; is the one in the heart of mens

525th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(2):Random thread : MK vs DC is official" , posted Fri 18 Apr 16:53post reply

I have not said this for awhile...<ahem>.


Now that is out of the way.

C'MON! We do not need this shit.

Just when you thought the world couldn't go more wrong

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

523th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(3):Random thread : Siren PV is up" , posted Fri 18 Apr 17:50post reply


Engine looks fine. Lots of references to the first game, same places etc.

Now that I think of it, the Gaijin angle could prove very interesting if they approach the "communication with locals" issue properly.


8462th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Random thread : new challengers" , posted Fri 18 Apr 17:55:post reply

Damnit Chaz !


Possible Siren spoiler

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -

SDK seems to have grown up ? Could the guy talking to Miyako be Shimura's son ? Is the Miyako we see actually Tsunko ? And the cop, Ishida's boss ? Onda flag ? How is that possible ? Also, Makino wktk. And new Miyata hospital this time.

End of Spoiler


Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Oh shit. Of course the Onda sisters are "alive". Even if he's not in the game, Miyata manages to be most evil asshole once again!

End of Spoiler

[this message was edited by Iggy on Fri 18 Apr 18:08]

2490th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Random thread : new challengers" , posted Fri 18 Apr 18:13post reply

I wonder if this is an attempt to re-introduce Siren to the Western world, or just...craziness. I loved the first game, but I never finished it because my options were Japanese that I was afraid I wouldn't be able to understand or an English dub that erm..."ruined the ambiance".

This time, I'm in either way. I don't want any more regrets.

Here's hoping for Tamon somewhere, though.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

2333th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Random thread : MK vs DC is official" , posted Fri 18 Apr 18:25post reply



Oddly enough I think this may be a step UP for DC gaming considering what we've gotten before. Justice League Heroes was a promising venture, but it appears they aren't going anywhere with that franchise.

JLH was dropped because the characters were ugly Poser 3 trash. But this is exactly WHY DC gaming wasn't going anywhere, because DC's game licenses get thrown around by idiots who have no idea who can do a good job. If anything this latest venture is just a clear indication of them hitting rock-bottom, the point at which a partnership with MK can actually improve it. It's truly sad.

1616th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):Random thread : MK vs DC is official" , posted Fri 18 Apr 18:27:post reply



Oddly enough I think this may be a step UP for DC gaming considering what we've gotten before. Justice League Heroes was a promising venture, but it appears they aren't going anywhere with that franchise.

It will be interesting to see how they will handle the fighting styles. The last set of MK games used basic martial arts styles as their bases with chain combos, but I don't really see that working for anyone but Batman.

Forget fighting styles! The question is, will DC characters have fatalities!?

If I can get Batman to kill someone, I'm buying this game even though I don't care about either MK or DC!


[this message was edited by whitesword on Fri 18 Apr 19:24]

Just a Person
1133th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(2):Random thread : MK vs DC is official" , posted Fri 18 Apr 20:35post reply



Oddly enough I think this may be a step UP for DC gaming considering what we've gotten before. Justice League Heroes was a promising venture, but it appears they aren't going anywhere with that franchise.

...Well, the crossover itself is weird enough. Mortal Kombat vs. DC Comics?? But at least that picture of Sub-Zero facing Batman is cool.

What bothers me, though, is that Boon seems to be considering this crossover as "Mortal Kombat 8", instead of a spin-off MK title. I hope I just misunderstood what the news said.

(*will Wonder Woman and Sonya Blade become a tag-team in this game? That would be nice...*)

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

8462th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Random thread : new challengers" , posted Fri 18 Apr 21:29post reply

I loved the first game, but I never finished it because my options were Japanese that I was afraid I wouldn't be able to understand or an English dub that erm..."ruined the ambiance".

From what we see in the trailer, odds are the gaijins will witness "strange things" that are actually resurgences of the first games, or ennemies that are actually characters from the first game. I suppose it will be made in a non-frustrating way for gaijin newcomers, but knowing who these monsters are will surely enhance the experience.

The first game is old, surely there is an english FAQ explaining things without sucking too much, is there ? At worse, you can ask here.

2334th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Random thread : MK vs DC is official" , posted Fri 18 Apr 21:53post reply


Forget fighting styles! The question is, will DC characters have fatalities!?

If I can get Batman to kill someone, I'm buying this game even though I don't care about either MK or DC!


LOL, this project is even more boneheaded than I thought. What's the point of crossing over if they're going to take out the only thing that MK is known for? They might as well have just made a DC-only fighter.

451th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(1):Random thread : new challengers" , posted Fri 18 Apr 23:13post reply

I'm not sure anyone here has mentioned THIS here...

I'm really curious about how that'll turn out (and very excited).


3123th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Random thread : MK vs DC is official" , posted Sat 19 Apr 01:08post reply



And what news it is! This is so ridiculous, so dunderheaded... ah, this made my day for none of the reasons it was meant to.

19th Post

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New Customer

"Re(2):Random thread : MK vs DC is official" , posted Sat 19 Apr 01:49post reply



And what news it is! This is so ridiculous, so dunderheaded... ah, this made my day for none of the reasons it was meant to.

LMAO! I can't imagine a cross-over like this. So absurd. It may be followed b a puzzle game with..mmhh..Mass Effect crossing...let's see...Jurassic Park? :P

The Kenji thing is more seriuos, seems interesting.

dr baghead
3765th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Random thread : MK vs DC is official" , posted Sat 19 Apr 02:07post reply



This is.... interesting?

I'll play the game since the last 2 MK games were at least fun, and I need an excuse to say "Goddamn" more while playing videogames (All-Star Batman=Epic Win) but I can't say this makes even the least bit of sense.

I can see DC thinking it'll finally give them a footing in the fighting game market Marvel has enjoyed for a while (which they could have had too if they were willing to work with a Japanese company) and I can see Midway thinking this will make MK 'go legit' since it can't have blood or murder... but really unless this leads to "MK vs SF vs DC vs Marvel" (or shit, really just "MK vs SF" and "Marvel Vs DC" as too seperate games would be better) it really doesn't *need* to exist.

... if MK HAD to have a pointless crossover (and ever game series does... right, 'Mario and Sonic at the Olympics'?... which by the way we should all boycott because of Bowser's Mushroom rights abuse record) I wish they would have made the game every 13 year old boy wants to play and assembled a bunch of slasher movie villians (and hell, Ash too I guess), give them Fatalities and let them fight the MK characters.

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)
my silly little drawin's

3124th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Random thread : MK vs DC is official" , posted Sat 19 Apr 02:56post reply


... if MK HAD to have a pointless crossover (and ever game series does... right, 'Mario and Sonic at the Olympics'?... which by the way we should all boycott because of Bowser's Mushroom rights abuse record) I wish they would have made the game every 13 year old boy wants to play and assembled a bunch of slasher movie villians (and hell, Ash too I guess), give them Fatalities and let them fight the MK characters.

If MK has to go for the obligatory stunt casting that would be the way to go. It makes far more sense than having Batman fight Sub-Zero.

Speaking of which, the trailer is up.

525th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(3):Random thread : VF5R" , posted Sat 19 Apr 04:08:post reply

let's go back to... um- let's go back to VF5R for example. It actually looks pretty interesting.



The new French(!?) guy(!?):
I was afraid of a boring Tekken-wannabe but he actually looks pretty fun to play within the VF engine.


[this message was edited by chazumaru on Sat 19 Apr 04:37]

Count Hihihi
83th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(4):Random thread : VF5R" , posted Sat 19 Apr 04:58post reply


I was afraid of a boring Tekken-wannabe but he actually looks pretty fun to play within the VF engine.


a·bel·o·gist - a person who argues in defense or justification of anything SFIV related.

Time Mage
2662th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Random thread : VF5R" , posted Sat 19 Apr 05:17post reply

The new French(!?) guy(!?):

Remy learned karate!

"News flash big guy: You can wax on wax off all you want I'm still... KICKIN' YOUR ASS!"

2493th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Random thread : VF5R" , posted Sat 19 Apr 07:32:post reply

let's go back to... um- let's go back to VF5R for example. It actually looks pretty interesting.

Wah! Quite a few changes! I hope we get a home port! (although getting all those costume pieces again sure will be annoying) The question is, what language does Jean speak in?

As for the Mortal Kombat thing...Capcom threw down the gauntlet 12 years ago and...uhm...they just now picked it up?

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

[this message was edited by Pollyanna on Sat 19 Apr 12:21]

1722th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):Random thread : MK vs DC is official" , posted Sat 19 Apr 10:59post reply

I can see DC thinking it'll finally give them a footing in the fighting game market Marvel has enjoyed for a while (which they could have had too if they were willing to work with a Japanese company) and I can see Midway thinking this will make MK 'go legit' since it can't have blood or murder... but really unless this leads to "MK vs SF vs DC vs Marvel" (or shit, really just "MK vs SF" and "Marvel Vs DC" as too seperate games would be better) it really doesn't *need* to exist.

I think this is very high risk/high reward for both companies. I think there's far more risk on Midway's part because if this fails, this could be the proverbial nail in the coffin for the Mortal Kombat series and possibly for American fighting games across the board. Midway needs for this to both be a financial success and for this to play well (which are two entirely different things).

Better trailer: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/32977.html

dr baghead
3766th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Random thread : MK vs DC is official" , posted Sat 19 Apr 15:41post reply

Better trailer: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/32977.html

This is actually pretty badass... not sure it makes sense in anyway (which of the 52 universes is MK set in? and is each MK Dimension it's own universe?) but it was pretty badass.

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)
my silly little drawin's

1560th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(4):Random thread" , posted Sun 20 Apr 04:53post reply

This guy's game that was just released is cool.

Grab demo/full version from his site at www.konjak.org

There's something about the way the game looks that I find utterly charming.

187th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(4):Random thread : MK vs DC is official" , posted Sun 20 Apr 05:45post reply

This is actually pretty badass... not sure it makes sense in anyway (which of the 52 universes is MK set in? and is each MK Dimension it's own universe?) but it was pretty badass.

Do Animalities break the Source wall and warp you to Earth-26? The world may never know.

Speaking of DC, is anyone else here reading Countdown? The final issue comes out on Wednesday. I guess I'm excited over it, but not like 52 where I couldn't wait to see what happened next; rather, I'm just glad this train wreck is over...

Wither Blister Burn + Peel

Just a Person
1135th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(5):Random thread : MK vs DC is official" , posted Sun 20 Apr 07:28:post reply

This is actually pretty badass... not sure it makes sense in anyway (which of the 52 universes is MK set in? and is each MK Dimension it's own universe?) but it was pretty badass.

Do Animalities break the Source wall and warp you to Earth-26? The world may never know.


Can any of the kombatants (or even ALL of them joining forces) defeat Superman?? The only ones that may have a chance would be the magic users, like Shang Tsung, Nightwolf and Quan Chi...

What about Wonder Woman? She's also quite strong herself - and she's resistant to magic, if I remember.

Flash would be another tough competitor, but I guess Boon can just make up the story that he's just as fast as Kabal... lame, I know, but it's possible.

I wonder if the really violent DC characters (Joker, Batgirl, Superboy Prime... and, OF COURSE, LOBO!!) will appear in this game. That would be interesting... and make more sense than honored heroes like Batman or Superman...

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

[this message was edited by Just a Person on Sun 20 Apr 07:30]

143th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(5):Random thread: Noitu Love 2" , posted Sun 20 Apr 10:07:post reply

This guy's game that was just released is cool.

Grab demo/full version from his site at www.konjak.org

There's something about the way the game looks that I find utterly charming.

I played the demo. I feels like Gunstar Heroes mixed with his other game, Chalk. Great stuff.

[this message was edited by sfried on Sun 20 Apr 10:16]

1561th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(6):Random thread: Noitu Love 2" , posted Mon 21 Apr 08:28post reply


Capcom can't even afford their own art; they have to get it from IGN's site.

More than a few have confirmed it to be present on the retail game box.

1542th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(7):Random thread: Noitu Love 2" , posted Mon 21 Apr 09:38post reply


Capcom can't even afford their own art; they have to get it from IGN's site.

More than a few have confirmed it to be present on the retail game box.

Capcom of America, Sucking at box art for the last 20+ years.

1545th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Random thread: Possible Marvel/SEGA fighter" , posted Tue 22 Apr 11:25post reply

Link Here

At the 2008 New York Comic Con, during the joint Marvel Entertainment and Sega panel showcasing the upcomig Iron Man and Hulk video games, Justin Lambros, the Marvel Vice President of Interactive did not announce a new fighter game featuring Marvel characters. However, Lambros did say that with Marvel and Sega's current successful partnership, the time was right for a new fighter game and he was eager to bring such a product to the market. Lambros said that he would most likely be annoucing a Marvel fighter game at next year's Comic Con. Doing the math, that means that the game should be out in Q3 or Q4 of 2009.

Iron D
2863th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Random thread : MK vs DC is official" , posted Tue 22 Apr 17:56post reply


Speaking of DC, is anyone else here reading Countdown? The final issue comes out on Wednesday. I guess I'm excited over it, but not like 52 where I couldn't wait to see what happened next; rather, I'm just glad this train wreck is over...

Dropped this series about 10 issues in. I've been reading spoiler since then, and even the spoilers sound awful. I'm hoping that in the end Final Crisis will make sense of the mess that was Countdown.

I'm enjoying Salvation Run a bit (though it's nowhere near as good as Villains United was), so at least not all of the FC tie-ins suck.


189th Post

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Regular Customer

"Thread 180: New Earthworm Jim!" , posted Wed 23 Apr 12:34post reply


Dropped this series about 10 issues in. I've been reading spoiler since then, and even the spoilers sound awful. I'm hoping that in the end Final Crisis will make sense of the mess that was Countdown.

I'm enjoying Salvation Run a bit (though it's nowhere near as good as Villains United was), so at least not all of the FC tie-ins suck.

I'm hoping that FC will have as little to do with Countdown as possible. But onto more important matters: the Earthworm Jim comeback! New game, 'toon, and movie! Groovy!

Wither Blister Burn + Peel

398th Post

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Silver Customer

"splatterhouse returns" , posted Wed 23 Apr 12:43post reply


No word on specific info and stats on the game.

Whats the thoughts gang? I think this is awesome though I do fondly remember the crawling bear from splatter house 3 and a specific scene from splatter house 3 giving me the heebees as much as capcom's game sweet home! Splatter house 1 was fun indeed.

This song is so true

Iron D
2864th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Thread 180: New Earthworm Jim!" , posted Wed 23 Apr 14:09post reply


I'm hoping that FC will have as little to do with Countdown as possible. But onto more important matters: the Earthworm Jim comeback! New game, 'toon, and movie! Groovy!

Holy crap! That's awesome news, although very surprising for a couple of reasons. First, the third game was a complete failure. The second was at least a well received game, but as far as I know not financially successful. Which was a shame, since the first two games were awesome.

Second the cartoon was great, but was also not as successful as it deserved to be.

So I'm surprised that both are being revived. As long as they are the quality of the first two games (and original cartoon), I'll be happy.


190th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(2):Thread 180: New Earthworm Jim!" , posted Wed 23 Apr 14:35post reply

It's funny, 'cause I never knew there was a third game. As far as I was concerned EWJ just kind of fizzled out after the 2 games and cartoon back when I was, I dunno, 11? Doesn't matter though, Jim's coming back and hopefully better than ever. Can't wait to see what new villains they have waiting in the wings for our hero, and if their names are even more amusing than Queen EvilBloatedFesteringSweatyMalformedPusFilledSlugForABut (it just rolls off the tongue!)

Wither Blister Burn + Peel

Iron D
2865th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Thread 180: New Earthworm Jim!" , posted Wed 23 Apr 17:07post reply

It's funny, 'cause I never knew there was a third game. As far as I was concerned EWJ just kind of fizzled out after the 2 games and cartoon back when I was, I dunno, 11? Doesn't matter though, Jim's coming back and hopefully better than ever. Can't wait to see what new villains they have waiting in the wings for our hero, and if their names are even more amusing than Queen EvilBloatedFesteringSweatyMalformedPusFilledSlugForABut (it just rolls off the tongue!)

All that needs to be said is that Evil the Cat is my god and yours.


689th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(8):Random thread: Noitu Love 2" , posted Wed 23 Apr 17:40post reply


Capcom of America, Sucking at box art for the last 20+ years.

If they could reuse that SFII SNES box art and throw in C. Viper for IV, that'd be SCHWEEEEEET

25th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(4):Thread 180: New Earthworm Jim!" , posted Wed 23 Apr 18:13post reply

Thats great news, I had jim2 on the super nintendo. It was the craziest thing I've seen and i loved it.I remember back when i was a kid in our house there was a big round pillow that looked exactly like that marshmallow thingy that jim used to bounce those puppies in the bonus stage (every game back then had to have bonus stages) so I would hold the pillow while my brother threw the balls (we didn't have puppies sadly).
Its a bit worrying that interplay are going all out with a new game, a new cartoon and a new movie all out. At least having Doug TenNapel,the guy who created the character, with them should help them with the art style which is obviously very important.

I really really hope the best for them and am pretty excited.

3130th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):splatterhouse returns" , posted Thu 24 Apr 00:06post reply


No word on specific info and stats on the game.

Whats the thoughts gang? I think this is awesome though I do fondly remember the crawling bear from splatter house 3 and a specific scene from splatter house 3 giving me the heebees as much as capcom's game sweet home! Splatter house 1 was fun indeed.

It's good to see one of the forerunners of exploitation gaming is making a comeback. I hope this revival delivers the same innocent, child-like joy of being able to hack up a zombie with a machete that the original Splatterhouse served up so well.

399th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(2):splatterhouse returns" , posted Thu 24 Apr 01:18post reply


It's good to see one of the forerunners of exploitation gaming is making a comeback. I hope this revival delivers the same innocent, child-like joy of being able to hack up a zombie with a machete that the original Splatterhouse served up so well.

I'm just gonna enjoy it because, isn't Jack Thompson barred from his lawyer practice? He would probably have a field day if this game lives up to the expectations of the old splatter house games. Can't get any better than smacking a zombies head off with a 2 by 4.

This song is so true

586th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):splatterhouse returns" , posted Thu 24 Apr 06:16post reply


No word on specific info and stats on the game.

Whats the thoughts gang? I think this is awesome though I do fondly remember the crawling bear from splatter house 3 and a specific scene from splatter house 3 giving me the heebees as much as capcom's game sweet home! Splatter house 1 was fun indeed.

From the link;
But that's not even all! In addition our world exclusive first look at Splatterhouse, we've got updates on Bionic Commando, Street Fighter IV, Tecmo Bowl, Golden Axe: Beast Rider, Sonic Unleashed, Alone in the Dark, Alien Crush, Space Invaders Extreme, and Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix (including the first look at a popular red-haired baddie).
Red-haired Who?


Dr Orochi
533th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(2):splatterhouse returns" , posted Thu 24 Apr 06:43post reply


From the link;
But that's not even all! In addition our world exclusive first look at Splatterhouse, we've got updates on Bionic Commando, Street Fighter IV, Tecmo Bowl, Golden Axe: Beast Rider, Sonic Unleashed, Alone in the Dark, Alien Crush, Space Invaders Extreme, and Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix (including the first look at a popular red-haired baddie).
Red-haired Who?

I'm guessing Akuma/Gouki?

319th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(2):splatterhouse returns" , posted Thu 24 Apr 07:45post reply

and Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix (including the first look at a popular red-haired baddie)
Red-haired Who?

Blanka ?

4072th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):splatterhouse returns" , posted Fri 25 Apr 03:55post reply


Whats the thoughts gang? I think this is awesome though I do fondly remember the crawling bear from splatter house 3 and a specific scene from splatter house 3 giving me the heebees as much as capcom's game sweet home! Splatter house 1 was fun indeed.

wow, you're all quite optimistic.
this will be made by americans and will be a generic beat-em-up. if I'm wrong, I'll explode, or something.

320th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(2):splatterhouse returns" , posted Fri 25 Apr 04:35post reply


Whats the thoughts gang? I think this is awesome though I do fondly remember the crawling bear from splatter house 3 and a specific scene from splatter house 3 giving me the heebees as much as capcom's game sweet home! Splatter house 1 was fun indeed.

wow, you're all quite optimistic.
this will be made by americans and will be a generic beat-em-up. if I'm wrong, I'll explode, or something.

Ahhhh my interest just deflated like a balloon.

There was something really magical that happened in the 80s and early 90s when Japanese companies made American influenced stuff. Like all the beatemups inspired by cheesy cop/vigilante movies or Splatter House being obviously inspired from Slasher flicks and other horror movies. When those things were reflected through the Japanese lens, the result was often inspired and charming. I don't know if an American company can capture (or even want to capture) that charm.

I can already imagine all the messy collaged together painted over cg concept art they will be making for the game. It will be grimey and have lots of rust and look like every other gritty game being made. The new hero will probably be an asshole like Kratos from God of War, forgetting that the original character, inspite of his evil looks, was simply a heroic guy out to rescue his gal.

I'm not saying they have to keep it old school, but I am pretty sure they won't advance the series in any interesting way.

Or maybe i'm completely wrong and it'll be the first time a US company has done something actually good with an old school franchise rather than the typical setup where a Japanese company remembers that they had a series that was marginally popular in the US a decade or 2 ago so lets hire some b-list team of Americans to make a new installment.

4074th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):splatterhouse returns" , posted Fri 25 Apr 05:23post reply


Ahhhh my interest just deflated like a balloon.

well keep in mind I'm not saying this based on fact, just based on trends, but this is definitely being done for americans and europeans, since I doubt the Japanese audience cares, so will probably be an american team.

that said, afro samurai looks pretty good, so who knows?

321th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(4):splatterhouse returns" , posted Fri 25 Apr 08:04post reply

that said, afro samurai looks pretty good, so who knows?

Yeah, the game could be good, who knows?

It's just that, it's like you said, the track record for American updates of older games is not good. My favorite game of that sort so far is Contra 4, which was a decent game, but not as good as Super Contra.

Also, Afro Samurai is kind of bland, but not bad. It is nice to see something on American TV with actual hand drawn animation though. But Afro Samurai was created in Japan and Korea for American audiences, it's not an actual American product in any way other than funding (except for the music by the RZA).

4075th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):splatterhouse returns" , posted Fri 25 Apr 08:24post reply

But Afro Samurai was created in Japan and Korea for American audiences, it's not an actual American product in any way other than funding (except for the music by the RZA).

True, but I'm talking about the game - the game looks passable, but not much has really been revealed yet. It's being done by Namco in the U.S., so if it's good, maybe I'll get more confident.

1048th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(6):splatterhouse returns" , posted Fri 25 Apr 09:30post reply

The Mark of Kri guys are doing it! I liked that game! I think it'll be okay. I hope.

1550th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"No Speed Racer, No" , posted Fri 25 Apr 15:07:post reply

There is a clip of Nickelodeon's new Speed Racer toon


Damn you Nick, it's SPEED RACER! They could at least give it the animation detail of Avatar.

[this message was edited by GekigangerV on Fri 25 Apr 15:11]

shin ramberk
339th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(1):No Speed Racer, No" , posted Fri 25 Apr 15:37post reply

There is a clip of Nickelodeon's new Speed Racer toon


Damn you Nick, it's SPEED RACER! They could at least give it the animation detail of Avatar.

Wow. That's utter trash.


2340th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):No Speed Racer, No" , posted Fri 25 Apr 15:49post reply

There is a clip of Nickelodeon's new Speed Racer toon


Damn you Nick, it's SPEED RACER! They could at least give it the animation detail of Avatar.

And here I thought Chaotix or whatever it's called was the laziest-looking Flash shit I'd ever seen. This tops that in cheapness by at least two burgers and a potato wedge.

322th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(7):splatterhouse returns" , posted Sat 26 Apr 00:01post reply

The Mark of Kri guys are doing it! I liked that game! I think it'll be okay. I hope.

OK that changes everything. Mark of Kri had a very excellent sense of violence that was very brutal, but not obnoxious. Those guys have the potential to make a killer Splatter House. I can't think of a better American developer for the game.

Here is a good refresher on Splatterhouse:


Also, that new Speed Racer cartoon looks and sounds like garbage. It's even worse than the new Transformers Cartoon. Hell, it looks even worse than the new George of the Jungle Cartoon.

These remakes need to stop!

4076th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):No Speed Racer, No" , posted Sat 26 Apr 01:37post reply

There is a clip of Nickelodeon's new Speed Racer toon



3133th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):splatterhouse returns" , posted Sat 26 Apr 05:03post reply

The Mark of Kri guys are doing it! I liked that game! I think it'll be okay. I hope.

That is good news. While I agree that the original Splatterhouse had its charm -now there's a word I never thought I would use to describe the game- it wasn't a flawless masterpiece either. While piloting a copyright infringing lumox around a gruesome action game was fun, the sluggish controls and pattern memorization made sure it was something I would only remember through nostalgia instead of actually wanting to play it again. Finding out that the newest edition of Splatterhouse is being made by a group that seem to have a good grasp on how this sort of title should work has given me a lot more confidence about this game. Perhaps some older things can be successfully updated...

There is a clip of Nickelodeon's new Speed Racer toon

...but not everything.

1568th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(8):splatterhouse returns" , posted Sat 26 Apr 09:27post reply

More Sengoku Basara X hilarity


Evidently what's going on is that the start of the counter move freezes the opponent, and then the opponent gets hit... except that when the hitting part whiffs, the opponent doesn't get unfrozen.

SBX continues to make an excellent case for, "test your fighting game just enough to make sure there are as few game crashing bugs as possible, and then just kick it out the door and REALLY fix it in the next revision/console release".

2343th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Arcsys random" , posted Fri 2 May 16:36post reply

And speaking of ArcSys, it looks like GG2:Overture, Battle Fantasia and BlazBlue are all confirmed for North American release. Maybe old news but I'm sure at least one of those wasn't before.

Also the BF demo came out this week on JP PSN. Hearing Marco's voice in story mode is like badly screwing up a suicide attempt.

1050th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):Arcsys random" , posted Fri 2 May 18:48post reply

Hurr? I remember hearing about GG2 Overture coming to the US, but I've heard nothing about BF or Blazblue. Has a console even been announced for Blazblue?

I dug the BF demo, though. I might order a copy. And then get guilt tripped into buying another when (if?) it comes out in the US.

2497th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Arcsys random" , posted Fri 2 May 20:07post reply


Also the BF demo came out this week on JP PSN. Hearing Marco's voice in story mode is like badly screwing up a suicide attempt.

Yeah...whooo...that was something. I encourage people who can find no wrong with Japanese VAs to give her a listen.

I wonder if the game will have online support. I want to get it, but I'm low on funds right now (or rather, I don't have a lot of work coming in).

In mildly-related news, I found the Siren demo to be stupidly stupidly easy (beating four enemies at once!? What the hell!?) and the MGO beta to be shockingly fun. If I could only make a character that doesn't look like a total retard, I'd probably play that game forever. As it stands now, I made myself quit. Sneak mode rocks my world, though.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

746th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(8):splatterhouse returns" , posted Sat 3 May 00:34post reply

It's even worse than the new Transformers Cartoon.

But it has the old 'Super Megatron' character model in it!

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

233th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(9):splatterhouse returns" , posted Sat 3 May 01:11post reply

It's even worse than the new Transformers Cartoon.

But it has the old 'Super Megatron' character model in it!

wooooooooooooooow I hadn't seen that. What an atrocity!! Is that Optimus prime?! wowoooarghd...Is it me? Getting old? or are these new cartoon really garbage?

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

703th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(9):splatterhouse returns" , posted Sat 3 May 02:58:post reply

It's even worse than the new Transformers Cartoon.

But it has the old 'Super Megatron' character model in it!

Why does it look like Teen Titans with robots?


PS: Optimus Prime: He... he's not supposed to HAVE a mouth!

[this message was edited by EddyT on Sat 3 May 02:59]

1052th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(2):Arcsys random" , posted Sat 3 May 09:54post reply

I wonder if the game will have online support. I want to get it, but I'm low on funds right now (or rather, I don't have a lot of work coming in).

I've heard that netplay is in. I'm toying with putting in an order for a copy myself, but the US release is due sometime in summer. I've been pissing away a lot of money on games lately, but it's been pretty fun so I don't think I should stop now.

748th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(10):splatterhouse returns" , posted Sat 3 May 12:22post reply


Why does it look like Teen Titans with robots?


PS: Optimus Prime: He... he's not supposed to HAVE a mouth!

The show is done by the same people that did Teen Titans.

And Optimus actually looks better without the faceplate; he looks fuckin stupid with the faceplate on that show. They've been giving him a mouth since Beast Wars.

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

8475th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Random" , posted Sat 3 May 23:47post reply

The Samurai Spirits compilation will feature crappy online on PS2, and crappy minigames on Wii.
Also, the strange/horrible voice acting in Tenkaichi seems to have been replaced by the normal voices (but only for 25 characters?). Weird.
Definitely no Zero Special.

A new RPG from SquarE. Finaly, they are back to their PS1 era of randomness, but this time focusing on RPG.

Iron D
2870th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Random" , posted Sat 3 May 23:54post reply

The Samurai Spirits compilation will feature crappy online on PS2, and crappy minigames on Wii.
Also, the strange/horrible voice acting in Tenkaichi seems to have been replaced by the normal voices (but only for 25 characters?). Weird.
Definitely no Zero Special.

Link has to be copied and pasted to work.

I'm just waiting for a friggin' release date. Specifically for the U.S.


703th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):Re(10):splatterhouse returns" , posted Sun 4 May 00:21post reply


The show is done by the same people that did Teen Titans.

And Optimus actually looks better without the faceplate; he looks fuckin stupid with the faceplate on that show. They've been giving him a mouth since Beast Wars.

I liked Teen Titans a lot, but I don't know if this style of art suits Transformers. I know the same could have been said of TT back in the day when it debuted on CN... but it worked. I guess I'll have to check out this show if possible.

And I didn't know about Beast Wars Op Prime. I stopped following Transformers since the 80's.

8476th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Random" , posted Sun 4 May 00:24post reply

Link has to be copied and pasted to work.
I'm just waiting for a friggin' release date. Specifically for the U.S.


Either way, the japanese release date is the 07/24.

Cain Highwind
781th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):Random" , posted Sun 4 May 01:03post reply

The Samurai Spirits compilation will feature crappy online on PS2, and crappy minigames on Wii.
Also, the strange/horrible voice acting in Tenkaichi seems to have been replaced by the normal voices (but only for 25 characters?). Weird.

Huh? What does that mean? You mean they just reused the character voices from earlier games in place of the new ones or what?

Looks like the Wii version will be the better buy since the PS2 will have it's online removed for the US.

8477th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Random" , posted Sun 4 May 01:10post reply

Huh? What does that mean? You mean they just reused the character voices from earlier games in place of the new ones or what?

I guess... At least the SS0 ones.
The voice acting in Tenkaichi was definitely weird, to say the least. It won't fix the other problems of the game, but still. At least I will use Suijasama again in there.

2345th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Random" , posted Sun 4 May 05:01post reply


A new RPG from SquarE. Finaly, they are back to their PS1 era of randomness, but this time focusing on RPG.

Except all their original stuff seems focused on the DS while Sony gets random nostalgia cash-ins and sequels/ prequels/ gaidens.

Not that I'm complaining, though. This is extremely interesting to me. Wow, I can't even remember the last time I said that about a Squee project.

1574th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):Random" , posted Sun 4 May 07:00post reply


Except all their original stuff seems focused on the DS while Sony gets random nostalgia cash-ins and sequels/ prequels/ gaidens.

So does that mean that the Einhander successor will be on the DS, or the PSP?

1420th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Random" , posted Sun 4 May 10:16post reply


A new RPG from SquarE. Finaly, they are back to their PS1 era of randomness, but this time focusing on RPG.

Except all their original stuff seems focused on the DS while Sony gets random nostalgia cash-ins and sequels/ prequels/ gaidens.

Not that I'm complaining, though. This is extremely interesting to me. Wow, I can't even remember the last time I said that about a Squee project.

WOW, this is even more compelling than the Nomura fashion game, which sounds suprisingly awesome. The music on the site is gorgeous and seems to channel a bit of the Chrono Trigger vibe, together with the clocks and the mission of going to the past to save a ruined world. I'm intrigued...


1461th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):Random" , posted Sun 4 May 10:25post reply

A new RPG from SquarE. Finaly, they are back to their PS1 era of randomness, but this time focusing on RPG.

Whoa the site has got me excited about it already.

Has Squareenix ever had any good games on the DS that wasn't a remake though? All I can think of is that horrible horrible mana game.

1421th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):Random" , posted Sun 4 May 10:39post reply


Has Squareenix ever had any good games on the DS that wasn't a remake though? All I can think of is that horrible horrible mana game.

This one, by all accounts, surprisingly enough.


347th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(3):Random" , posted Sun 4 May 11:34:post reply

Huh? What does that mean? You mean they just reused the character voices from earlier games in place of the new ones or what?
I guess... At least the SS0 ones.
The voice acting in Tenkaichi was definitely weird, to say the least. It won't fix the other problems of the game, but still. At least I will use Suijasama again in there.

Yeah, the voice acting was definitely random. Since Sen goes back to the original actors I wonder if it might be possible for the replaced voices to be fresh ones instead of copy/pasted from earlier SS games. At least there's no crime in hoping.

The US SS Anthology is slated for a Q4 release last I heard from the GDC. Unlike the Japanese version, our version WILL include Zero Special. I wonder though what form of the zetsumeis, if any, will be in the package? The collection will get an M rating for sure if they are the uncensored ones. Then again, since only the English version of Sen has violence there might be a shot of getting the full deal.

In other news the latest ESRB listing includes Earthbound, the original Metal Slug and Samurai Shodown 2 all getting Virtual Console release on the Wii.

Finally, I've been seeing an image lately of a new SS themed RPG for the DS called Haohmaru Haohmaru. Speaking of DS, whatever happened to that Iroha DS dress up game?


[this message was edited by Abster on Sun 4 May 11:40]

4082th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Random" , posted Sun 4 May 13:25post reply



where did this image come from? I can't find any reference to it anywhere...

2347th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Random" , posted Sun 4 May 13:39post reply


The music on the site is gorgeous and seems to channel a bit of the Chrono Trigger vibe, together with the clocks and the mission of going to the past to save a ruined world. I'm intrigued...

If that's Hamauzu (and it definitely sounds like it), I'm already sold on the soundtrack. Hamauzu delivers some of the best piano-centric music I've ever heard, and from certain cues on the site it looks like this game will have a heavy focus on piano.

My only concern is whether or not the music will really sound like that on the DS. I mean I've heard some nice soundtracks on the DS but nothing of the richness and quality on that site.

347th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(5):Random" , posted Sun 4 May 13:45post reply



where did this image come from? I can't find any reference to it anywhere...

I ran into it on a message board. Can't remember where though. I'm not even sure if this is legitimate or not considering I don't think SNKP announced anything regarding this as of yet.

590th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(5):Random" , posted Sun 4 May 18:26post reply



where did this image come from? I can't find any reference to it anywhere...

Its Ronin's sig from S-C.com. I asked him about it, -since this guy is famous about making sigs at there- whether its true or made up sig cause I couldnt find any info anywhere,too (including Snk's site). He never answered and some other member LOL'ed at me. So I assume this is not real.


Iron D
2871th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Random" , posted Sun 4 May 22:35post reply


WOW, this is even more compelling than the Nomura fashion game, which sounds suprisingly awesome. The music on the site is gorgeous and seems to channel a bit of the Chrono Trigger vibe, together with the clocks and the mission of going to the past to save a ruined world. I'm intrigued...

Where'd you get all that info on the story? I've been looking around the site and all I can find is a couple of pics of what I assume are locations in the game.


Maese Spt
412th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(4):Random" , posted Mon 5 May 01:22post reply

A new RPG from SquarE. Finaly, they are back to their PS1 era of randomness, but this time focusing on RPG.
Whoa the site has got me excited about it already.

This Sigma thing looks charming indeed!! The music is just mesmerizing, and the overall art direction is awesome enough to make the horrible, horrible Tokyo subway look like a warm, almost romantic, and evocatively nostalgic place. Truly amazing.

3140th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Random" , posted Mon 5 May 04:35post reply

The Samurai Spirits compilation will feature crappy online on PS2, and crappy minigames on Wii.
Also, the strange/horrible voice acting in Tenkaichi seems to have been replaced by the normal voices (but only for 25 characters?). Weird.
Definitely no Zero Special.

That's good news. Those Tenkaichi voices were... curious. Strange, SNK could replace half the voice actors in some other game and I wouldn't care but I immediately notice any little discrepancy in the SS voices. It's amazing how much the correct grunts will help sell a game.

A new RPG from SquarE. Finaly, they are back to their PS1 era of randomness, but this time focusing on RPG.

At the moment I'm really excited about this web page. Hopefully the game itself will be able to live up to the charming advertisement.

In the latest re-hash news, the changes to SF2HD Guile have been announced. I'm not really sure what I think about the change in the input of his super move.

1424th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"SIGMA HARMONICS" , posted Mon 5 May 08:04:post reply


Where'd you get all that info on the story? I've been looking around the site and all I can find is a couple of pics of what I assume are locations in the game.

Updates: Hamauzu's the composer, hurray!
It really sounds like he's channeling Mitsuda's earlier pre-ethnic Chrono Trigger-era, classical string and piano pieces. Great stuff.

As for the story I mentioned, that was just from the official site. Just watched it again. Underneath Tokyo, the Kurogami clan has a mansion in which there is a great clock, which holds sealed demons called Ouma, which they watch over. The Kurogamis are Sound Magicians, of which the main character, Sigma, will be the next head. So one day the world grows completely empty of humans and the Ouma roam the skies. Somebody seems to have changed the past, so the heroes travel back in time to prevent this future and investigate mysterious murders that seem to have caused the change. I'm interested...

MORE: the director is Chiba Hiroki, who was the event planner for Chrono Trigger! Also for VII, VIII, and X. Er, and Dirge of Cerberus, but let's forget that. Kitase produces.


[this message was edited by Maou on Mon 5 May 08:28]

Iron D
2872th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):SIGMA HARMONICS" , posted Mon 5 May 10:17post reply



As for the story I mentioned, that was just from the official site. Just watched it again. Underneath Tokyo, the Kurogami clan has a mansion in which there is a great clock, which holds sealed demons called Ouma, which they watch over. The Kurogamis are Sound Magicians, of which the main character, Sigma, will be the next head. So one day the world grows completely empty of humans and the Ouma roam the skies. Somebody seems to have changed the past, so the heroes travel back in time to prevent this future and investigate mysterious murders that seem to have caused the change. I'm interested...

I can't find any text at all, but I just realized that it's probably in Japanese anyway.

Still, I'm a sucker for time travel stories, so I'm very interested.


1424th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):SIGMA HARMONICS" , posted Mon 5 May 12:28post reply

Yeah, what I wrote is from the flash that plays when you click the Story option. Looks great indeed.


2463th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"New Doujin Fighter Game" , posted Mon 5 May 13:26:post reply

The news is about a week old, but there's a new fighter named Million Knights Vermillion in development for release within the year. It's being created by NRF, the doujin team that made Bigbang Beat: 1st Impression.

Unlike most doujin fighters, the game is completely original and not based on any bishoujo titles. NRF's got Senkou no Rondo's Shouji Sogabe to do the character designs, and although they kind of lack in variety, they still look pretty good.

A whopping 80 MB trailer (DivX format) is downloadable from the game's official site. Athough only one character is apparently playable at the current stage, the game looks to be in GGX-like resolution, which hasn't been done yet with a doujin fighter as far as I know.

Link is here

[this message was edited by Professor on Mon 5 May 13:41]

1426th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):SIGMA HARMONICS" , posted Mon 5 May 14:01:post reply

Just to make sure that this stays the Sigma Harmonics thread forever:

I've now had the website up for the last hour in the background listening to Hamauzu's tune nonstop. I think this is the greatest piano and string work since "Longing of the Wind" (medieval map theme), "Premonition" (pendulum intro), and "Brink of Time" from Chrono Trigger.

I'm still puzzled as to how this is supposed to come out this summer given that this is the first I've heard of it. That's, like, four months at the very most?


[this message was edited by Maou on Mon 5 May 14:03]

4084th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):New Doujin Fighter Game" , posted Mon 5 May 14:16post reply

The news is about a week old, but there's a new fighter named Million Knights Vermillion in development for release within the year. It's being created by NRF, the doujin team that made Bigbang Beat: 1st Impression.
Link is here

Hey, this is neat. Looking at the character designs, I see Tamala and her skirt and stockings and think - this is the character I will play. If they follow conventions, she's the one that will use lots of kicks, flip around in the air and stuff, and be the one I'll use. If they're not predictable, I guess that'll be fine, but I'd rather they were!

530th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):New Doujin Fighter Game" , posted Mon 5 May 17:12post reply

The news is about a week old, but there's a new fighter named Million Knights Vermillion in development for release within the year. It's being created by NRF, the doujin team that made Bigbang Beat: 1st Impression.

Unlike most doujin fighters, the game is completely original and not based on any bishoujo titles. NRF's got Senkou no Rondo's Shouji Sogabe to do the character designs, and although they kind of lack in variety, they still look pretty good.

A whopping 80 MB trailer (DivX format) is downloadable from the game's official site. Athough only one character is apparently playable at the current stage, the game looks to be in GGX-like resolution, which hasn't been done yet with a doujin fighter as far as I know.

Link is here

That is pretty interesting. I see it was shown at TAF; does it mean these guys are from the Animation business originally? That would explain the attention to graphics. I only went to one TAF (2006) and it featured a lot of doujin animation obviously, but no games. So it does not seem usual to me that someone would pimp out their games there.

Also Prof, seems you have some knowledge and possibly connections on the subject: what's your take on BigBang Beat not getting licensed for arcades? I was surprised (and very happy) to see that Akatsuki made it, and since then MONSTER also jumped to an arcade release. How come BBB did not make it? It was featured on Ko-hatsu at least as much as Akatsuki, and made a bigger splash on the doujin scene (or at least, that was my impression). I could understand the counter-argument "it does not catter to any niche", but then again, neither does Akatsuki...


2499th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):SIGMA HARMONICS" , posted Mon 5 May 17:20post reply


I'm still puzzled as to how this is supposed to come out this summer given that this is the first I've heard of it. That's, like, four months at the very most?

It was actually announced quite a while ago, if I recall. I remember seeing the character designs in Famitsu.

Still, I'm liking these later announces rather than the crap that seems to plague the PS3 where they release screenshots that look totally different (and way better) than the actual game ends up looking.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

Iron D
2874th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):SIGMA HARMONICS" , posted Mon 5 May 21:14:post reply

Just to make sure that this stays the Sigma Harmonics thread forever:

I've now had the website up for the last hour in the background listening to Hamauzu's tune nonstop.

Heh. I've done that, too! Twice, as a matter of fact. I forgot to mention earlier that the time travel story has me interested, but it's the music that has me hooked. I can't get enough of just that one song! It sounds like a mix of Chrono Trigger music and Panzer Dragoon Saga music.


[this message was edited by Iron D on Mon 5 May 21:15]

1463th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):New Doujin Fighter Game" , posted Mon 5 May 22:34:post reply

Also thanks for the link Prof, the game looks really good for a doujin game, I don't know how this guy manages to keep finding talented people to work with him.

Also Prof, seems you have some knowledge and possibly connections on the subject: what's your take on BigBang Beat not getting licensed for arcades? I was surprised (and very happy) to see that Akatsuki made it, and since then MONSTER also jumped to an arcade release. How come BBB did not make it? It was featured on Ko-hatsu at least as much as Akatsuki, and made a bigger splash on the doujin scene (or at least, that was my impression). I could understand the counter-argument "it does not catter to any niche", but then again, neither does Akatsuki...

I have a feeling the NRF programmer ARESU wanted to dump the BBB project because it wasn't selling well enough (like how he did with Fate/Sword Dance), which caused a split in the team as team members leave and create the new doujin group AJA.

So BBB is thrown to AJA and AJA becomes responsible for all future support of the game. But since they don't have the programmer ARESU on their team, and ARESU doesn't want to share the game source code, there isn't much they can actually do with the game.

Hence we'll never see an arcade port of BBB.

Also they probably appeared at TAF because TokyoKids is a professional animation studio that has worked on a multitude of anime.

[this message was edited by Zepy on Mon 5 May 23:17]

214th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(10):Transformers" , posted Tue 6 May 11:52:post reply

It's even worse than the new Transformers Cartoon.

But it has the old 'Super Megatron' character model in it!

wooooooooooooooow I hadn't seen that. What an atrocity!! Is that Optimus prime?! wowoooarghd...Is it me? Getting old? or are these new cartoon really garbage?

The one gripe most ppl have with transformers animated is the art direction.(I like it) If you can get over that. You'll find its a well written show with lots of nods for G1 fans, with a great voice cast(Lockdown/Lance Henriksen, Sentinel Prime /Townsend Coleman aka The Tick, Starscream/Tom Kenny, Jazz/Phil LaMarr); and a real thought out world, scenario, and history.

IMO they took what was good about G1 and BW and combined them into something modern and watchable. But my opinion on it as a show is a bit biased as I'm a huge TF fan that was hooked since I was young.

And when you consider the target age group, and the previous horrible quality of the Armada/Super Link/Galaxy Force shows. You'll find its not so bad and a change worth checking out. Give it a shot for a few episodes.

[this message was edited by Black_Hayato on Tue 6 May 11:55]

191th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):Transformers" , posted Tue 6 May 13:58post reply

It's time to just accept that HasTak isn't making the show for us anymore. The franchise is aimed at the millions of kiddies who will be getting Optimii under the Tree this holiday season, hence the movie and Animated being so disjointed from the original property. Now don't get me wrong - I dig Animated, despite the artstyle there's a lot that they do 'right'. But basically if you're hung up on the 'old skool' stuff then just stick with the Classics (which are F'IN SWEET btw!). Anyone who hasn't seen them new ones yet are encouraged to pay a visit to Seibertron and visit the Botcon galleries.

Wither Blister Burn + Peel

531th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(3):New Doujin Fighter Game" , posted Tue 6 May 15:01post reply

Zepy> Very interesting, thanks a lot.


I have a feeling the NRF programmer ARESU wanted to dump the BBB project because it wasn't selling well enough (like how he did with Fate/Sword Dance), which caused a split in the team as team members leave and create the new doujin group AJA.

So BBB is thrown to AJA and AJA becomes responsible for all future support of the game. But since they don't have the programmer ARESU on their team, and ARESU doesn't want to share the game source code, there isn't much they can actually do with the game.

Hence we'll never see an arcade port of BBB.

Also they probably appeared at TAF because TokyoKids is a professional animation studio that has worked on a multitude of anime.


751th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(3):Re(10):Transformers" , posted Tue 6 May 15:10post reply

It's time to just accept that HasTak isn't making the show for us anymore.

Look up the episode "Garbage In, Garbage Out" on Youtube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k67I7e_kiNQ). There's so much fanwank in that episode it's hilarious.

Weird Al voices Wreck-Gar.

Spike and Carly are in it, they're in a good half the episode, and Spike has his old 2006-version voice.

Bah Weep Grah-nah-weep nini bong!

Wreck-Gar chucks his G1 bike form at Bumblebee.

And of course the killer: "I am Wreck-Gar! I DARE to be stupid!"

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

331th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(4):Re(10):Transformers" , posted Wed 7 May 08:12post reply

It's time to just accept that HasTak isn't making the show for us anymore.

Look up the episode "Garbage In, Garbage Out" on Youtube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k67I7e_kiNQ). There's so much fanwank in that episode it's hilarious.

Weird Al voices Wreck-Gar.

Spike and Carly are in it, they're in a good half the episode, and Spike has his old 2006-version voice.

Bah Weep Grah-nah-weep nini bong!

Wreck-Gar chucks his G1 bike form at Bumblebee.

And of course the killer: "I am Wreck-Gar! I DARE to be stupid!"

Hey that looks pretty fun actually.

I just flat out don't like the character designs and animation style. But then, I also hated how Beast Wars looked initially (no drawing at all), but it grew on me because the characters and the stories were still great.

All the Transformers series tend to be pretty good.

Heck, even Transformers Armada, which was written for 5 year olds, had some great moments including a really good last episode with a satisfying resolution to the Autobot/Decepticon conflict (plus it was drawn well!):


192th Post

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"Re(5):Re(10):Transformers" , posted Thu 8 May 04:00post reply

I'm not saying I don't like Animated, just that our generation isn't the target audience anymore, despite all the G1 throwbacks. On that note, however, latest screens have shown Swindle, Scrapper, and Mixmaster (somewhere on this page), and the latest spoilers revealed the coming of Waspinator, Omega Supreme (apparently he was the Ark the whole time!), Shockwave (in cognito as an Autobot), and an army of Starscream clones that may or may not include his classic Seeker buddies.

Wither Blister Burn + Peel