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Iggy 8458th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Random thread : new challengers" , posted Wed 16 Apr 18:22
Sa→Sai→Xi ! Sa→Sai→Saitama! Sa→Saza→Sazaesan ! Sa→Yonarazetsubôsensei ! Ou à 0:00:00 → Error 503 Forbidden.
The answer is...
,,.-‐''""""'''ー-.、 ,ィ" \ / `、 ,i i r'-=ニ;'_ー-、___,,.ィ‐‐-,,_ __| | r,i ~`'ー-l;l : : : `l-r'"メ、 ヾ、 `ー‐'": i!_,l_ノ` | ,:(,..、 ;:|/ | ,,,..;:;:;:;,/ / `::;;. '"`ニ二ソ /7 ゙゙:`-、;:;:;;;:;:;:;;/ ,,.ィ"`:、 "/;:`ー-:、.. ‐'":;:;:;:;:;:;:;:\ . : :;: . ;/;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:~`'''ー--:、,,_
Demo 4/25 Game 7/24
No link navigation : it's a tunnel. Hanyuda, events of the first game, from the point of view of gaijin characters. The game is a way to test the PS3 before Siren 3 (which they develop as well).
第一条件 4月25日の体験版をプレイする 小目標:PS3の入手
Maybe some of the silhouettes are Miyako (the one before the Miyako we know) and Shimura's son ? Maybe the stories of the site will be adapted in the game ? Maybe Tamon will be in, and the supreme power of the PS3 will make his wig even wiggier ? Can we unlock some secret games, Musô SDK ? Musô Miyata ? Musô Yoriko at long last ?
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Just a Person 1135th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member+
| "Re(5):Random thread : MK vs DC is official" , posted Sun 20 Apr 07:28:
quote: This is actually pretty badass... not sure it makes sense in anyway (which of the 52 universes is MK set in? and is each MK Dimension it's own universe?) but it was pretty badass.
Do Animalities break the Source wall and warp you to Earth-26? The world may never know.
Can any of the kombatants (or even ALL of them joining forces) defeat Superman?? The only ones that may have a chance would be the magic users, like Shang Tsung, Nightwolf and Quan Chi...
What about Wonder Woman? She's also quite strong herself - and she's resistant to magic, if I remember.
Flash would be another tough competitor, but I guess Boon can just make up the story that he's just as fast as Kabal... lame, I know, but it's possible.
I wonder if the really violent DC characters (Joker, Batgirl, Superboy Prime... and, OF COURSE, LOBO!!) will appear in this game. That would be interesting... and make more sense than honored heroes like Batman or Superman...
I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.
[this message was edited by Just a Person on Sun 20 Apr 07:30] |
kofoguz 586th Post

New Red Carpet Member
| "Re(1):splatterhouse returns" , posted Thu 24 Apr 06:16
quote: http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3167518
No word on specific info and stats on the game.
Whats the thoughts gang? I think this is awesome though I do fondly remember the crawling bear from splatter house 3 and a specific scene from splatter house 3 giving me the heebees as much as capcom's game sweet home! Splatter house 1 was fun indeed.
From the link; But that's not even all! In addition our world exclusive first look at Splatterhouse, we've got updates on Bionic Commando, Street Fighter IV, Tecmo Bowl, Golden Axe: Beast Rider, Sonic Unleashed, Alone in the Dark, Alien Crush, Space Invaders Extreme, and Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix (including the first look at a popular red-haired baddie). Red-haired Who?
Dr Orochi 533th Post

New Red Carpet Member

| "Re(2):splatterhouse returns" , posted Thu 24 Apr 06:43
quote: From the link; But that's not even all! In addition our world exclusive first look at Splatterhouse, we've got updates on Bionic Commando, Street Fighter IV, Tecmo Bowl, Golden Axe: Beast Rider, Sonic Unleashed, Alone in the Dark, Alien Crush, Space Invaders Extreme, and Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix (including the first look at a popular red-haired baddie). Red-haired Who?
I'm guessing Akuma/Gouki?
Nobinobita 321th Post

Bronze Customer
| "Re(4):splatterhouse returns" , posted Fri 25 Apr 08:04
quote: that said, afro samurai looks pretty good, so who knows?
Yeah, the game could be good, who knows?
It's just that, it's like you said, the track record for American updates of older games is not good. My favorite game of that sort so far is Contra 4, which was a decent game, but not as good as Super Contra.
Also, Afro Samurai is kind of bland, but not bad. It is nice to see something on American TV with actual hand drawn animation though. But Afro Samurai was created in Japan and Korea for American audiences, it's not an actual American product in any way other than funding (except for the music by the RZA).
Abster 347th Post

Bronze Customer
| "Re(3):Random" , posted Sun 4 May 11:34:
quote: Huh? What does that mean? You mean they just reused the character voices from earlier games in place of the new ones or what? I guess... At least the SS0 ones. The voice acting in Tenkaichi was definitely weird, to say the least. It won't fix the other problems of the game, but still. At least I will use Suijasama again in there.
Yeah, the voice acting was definitely random. Since Sen goes back to the original actors I wonder if it might be possible for the replaced voices to be fresh ones instead of copy/pasted from earlier SS games. At least there's no crime in hoping.
The US SS Anthology is slated for a Q4 release last I heard from the GDC. Unlike the Japanese version, our version WILL include Zero Special. I wonder though what form of the zetsumeis, if any, will be in the package? The collection will get an M rating for sure if they are the uncensored ones. Then again, since only the English version of Sen has violence there might be a shot of getting the full deal.
In other news the latest ESRB listing includes Earthbound, the original Metal Slug and Samurai Shodown 2 all getting Virtual Console release on the Wii.
Finally, I've been seeing an image lately of a new SS themed RPG for the DS called Haohmaru Haohmaru. Speaking of DS, whatever happened to that Iroha DS dress up game?
[this message was edited by Abster on Sun 4 May 11:40] |
Maou 1424th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "SIGMA HARMONICS" , posted Mon 5 May 08:04:
quote: Where'd you get all that info on the story? I've been looking around the site and all I can find is a couple of pics of what I assume are locations in the game.
Updates: Hamauzu's the composer, hurray! It really sounds like he's channeling Mitsuda's earlier pre-ethnic Chrono Trigger-era, classical string and piano pieces. Great stuff.
As for the story I mentioned, that was just from the official site. Just watched it again. Underneath Tokyo, the Kurogami clan has a mansion in which there is a great clock, which holds sealed demons called Ouma, which they watch over. The Kurogamis are Sound Magicians, of which the main character, Sigma, will be the next head. So one day the world grows completely empty of humans and the Ouma roam the skies. Somebody seems to have changed the past, so the heroes travel back in time to prevent this future and investigate mysterious murders that seem to have caused the change. I'm interested...
MORE: the director is Chiba Hiroki, who was the event planner for Chrono Trigger! Also for VII, VIII, and X. Er, and Dirge of Cerberus, but let's forget that. Kitase produces.
[this message was edited by Maou on Mon 5 May 08:28] |
Iron D 2872th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):SIGMA HARMONICS" , posted Mon 5 May 10:17
quote: .
As for the story I mentioned, that was just from the official site. Just watched it again. Underneath Tokyo, the Kurogami clan has a mansion in which there is a great clock, which holds sealed demons called Ouma, which they watch over. The Kurogamis are Sound Magicians, of which the main character, Sigma, will be the next head. So one day the world grows completely empty of humans and the Ouma roam the skies. Somebody seems to have changed the past, so the heroes travel back in time to prevent this future and investigate mysterious murders that seem to have caused the change. I'm interested...
I can't find any text at all, but I just realized that it's probably in Japanese anyway.
Still, I'm a sucker for time travel stories, so I'm very interested.
exodus 4084th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):New Doujin Fighter Game" , posted Mon 5 May 14:16
quote: The news is about a week old, but there's a new fighter named Million Knights Vermillion in development for release within the year. It's being created by NRF, the doujin team that made Bigbang Beat: 1st Impression. Link is here
Hey, this is neat. Looking at the character designs, I see Tamala and her skirt and stockings and think - this is the character I will play. If they follow conventions, she's the one that will use lots of kicks, flip around in the air and stuff, and be the one I'll use. If they're not predictable, I guess that'll be fine, but I'd rather they were!
chazumaru 530th Post

New Red Carpet Member

| "Re(1):New Doujin Fighter Game" , posted Mon 5 May 17:12
quote: The news is about a week old, but there's a new fighter named Million Knights Vermillion in development for release within the year. It's being created by NRF, the doujin team that made Bigbang Beat: 1st Impression.
Unlike most doujin fighters, the game is completely original and not based on any bishoujo titles. NRF's got Senkou no Rondo's Shouji Sogabe to do the character designs, and although they kind of lack in variety, they still look pretty good.
A whopping 80 MB trailer (DivX format) is downloadable from the game's official site. Athough only one character is apparently playable at the current stage, the game looks to be in GGX-like resolution, which hasn't been done yet with a doujin fighter as far as I know.
Link is here
That is pretty interesting. I see it was shown at TAF; does it mean these guys are from the Animation business originally? That would explain the attention to graphics. I only went to one TAF (2006) and it featured a lot of doujin animation obviously, but no games. So it does not seem usual to me that someone would pimp out their games there.
Also Prof, seems you have some knowledge and possibly connections on the subject: what's your take on BigBang Beat not getting licensed for arcades? I was surprised (and very happy) to see that Akatsuki made it, and since then MONSTER also jumped to an arcade release. How come BBB did not make it? It was featured on Ko-hatsu at least as much as Akatsuki, and made a bigger splash on the doujin scene (or at least, that was my impression). I could understand the counter-argument "it does not catter to any niche", but then again, neither does Akatsuki...
Zepy 1463th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(2):New Doujin Fighter Game" , posted Mon 5 May 22:34:
Also thanks for the link Prof, the game looks really good for a doujin game, I don't know how this guy manages to keep finding talented people to work with him.
quote: Also Prof, seems you have some knowledge and possibly connections on the subject: what's your take on BigBang Beat not getting licensed for arcades? I was surprised (and very happy) to see that Akatsuki made it, and since then MONSTER also jumped to an arcade release. How come BBB did not make it? It was featured on Ko-hatsu at least as much as Akatsuki, and made a bigger splash on the doujin scene (or at least, that was my impression). I could understand the counter-argument "it does not catter to any niche", but then again, neither does Akatsuki...
I have a feeling the NRF programmer ARESU wanted to dump the BBB project because it wasn't selling well enough (like how he did with Fate/Sword Dance), which caused a split in the team as team members leave and create the new doujin group AJA.
So BBB is thrown to AJA and AJA becomes responsible for all future support of the game. But since they don't have the programmer ARESU on their team, and ARESU doesn't want to share the game source code, there isn't much they can actually do with the game.
Hence we'll never see an arcade port of BBB.
Also they probably appeared at TAF because TokyoKids is a professional animation studio that has worked on a multitude of anime.
[this message was edited by Zepy on Mon 5 May 23:17] |
shindekudasai 192th Post
Regular Customer
| "Re(5):Re(10):Transformers" , posted Thu 8 May 04:00
I'm not saying I don't like Animated, just that our generation isn't the target audience anymore, despite all the G1 throwbacks. On that note, however, latest screens have shown Swindle, Scrapper, and Mixmaster (somewhere on this page), and the latest spoilers revealed the coming of Waspinator, Omega Supreme (apparently he was the Ark the whole time!), Shockwave (in cognito as an Autobot), and an army of Starscream clones that may or may not include his classic Seeker buddies.
Wither Blister Burn + Peel