Indiana Jones & Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - Forums

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Time Mage
2678th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Indiana Jones & Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" , posted Fri 23 May 02:18post reply

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, I mean. Damn character limit in the titles :P

Well, I just arrived after watching it, and I must say, I really liked it. Don't expect anything new, or surprising. And that's not bad, it's a damn solid, well filmed adventure movie, with a Harrison Ford that doesn't look like he is 60 years old, awesome action scenes, a great female villian, and a 100% Indy feeling in it.

I won't post spoilers, not even under spoiler tags, since it's still too early. We'll discuss the finer details later. Until then, I just can say I loved it!

"News flash big guy: You can wax on wax off all you want I'm still... KICKIN' YOUR ASS!"


755th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):Indiana Jones & Kingdom of the Crystal" , posted Fri 23 May 13:20post reply

That's good to hear, I haven't seen it yet and only expect it to be faithful to the previous non-Temple of Doom movies.

I'm only counting on it being better than Temple of Doom.

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

8496th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Indiana Jones & Kingdom of the Crystal" , posted Fri 23 May 17:19post reply

That's good to hear, I haven't seen it yet and only expect it to be faithful to the previous non-Temple of Doom movies.

What was wrong with the Temple of Doom ? I've seen it at the time, and I don't remember anything particularly wrong with it... (as far as Indiana Jones goes)

Time Mage
2679th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Indiana Jones & Kingdom of the Crystal" , posted Fri 23 May 18:35post reply

It has nothing wrong. But some people think Nazis are the only possible enemies for Indy.

"News flash big guy: You can wax on wax off all you want I'm still... KICKIN' YOUR ASS!"

Maese Spt
419th Post

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"Re(2):Indiana Jones & Kingdom of the Crystal" , posted Sat 24 May 00:30post reply

That's good to hear, I haven't seen it yet and only expect it to be faithful to the previous non-Temple of Doom movies.

I'm only counting on it being better than Temple of Doom.

Which movies? There was only *one* movie prior to Temple of Doom!

3160th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Indiana Jones & Kingdom of the Crystal" , posted Sat 24 May 00:38post reply

In anticipation of Indy 4 I recently re-watched the previous three films starring my favorite antiquities looter. Returning to Temple of Doom I found it to be a lot more pulpy, ugly and insane than I remembered it being. I could respect that.

Here's a nice write-up of the first three films.

2364th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Indiana Jones & Kingdom of the Crystal" , posted Sat 24 May 00:38post reply

Temple of Doom was fine. A little racist and/or typecast but otherwise fine.

One question about KotCS: is Indy older in the story or do they just hide it with Movie Magic(tm)?


Time Mage
2681th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Indiana Jones & Kingdom of the Crystal" , posted Sat 24 May 02:01post reply

One question about KotCS: is Indy older in the story or do they just hide it with Movie Magic(tm)?

He's 20 years older. Like Harrison Ford. But you'll only notice because the film tells you: Indy in action doesn't look old.

"News flash big guy: You can wax on wax off all you want I'm still... KICKIN' YOUR ASS!"

1444th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):Indiana Jones & Kingdom of the Crystal" , posted Sat 24 May 09:40post reply

Temple of Doom was fine. A little racist and/or typecast but otherwise fine.

Of course if you think about it all characters of Indiana Jones are racist/stereotypical.

Indiana is the typical smart-ass American, all the Germans are uber evil Nazis, the Arabs are sword wielding shiekhs, and now the Russians are Boris and Natasha all over again, but that is what made the movies fun in an odd non-PC way.

Undead Fred
2974th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Indiana Jones & Kingdom of the Crystal" , posted Sat 24 May 13:47post reply

Temple of Doom was fine. A little racist and/or typecast but otherwise fine.

Of course if you think about it all characters of Indiana Jones are racist/stereotypical.

Indiana is the typical smart-ass American, all the Germans are uber evil Nazis, the Arabs are sword wielding shiekhs, and now the Russians are Boris and Natasha all over again, but that is what made the movies fun in an odd non-PC way.


I saw this one with my friends from work the other day. I went in with really low expectations, so I wasn't really disappointed. I expected a should-have-quit-while-you-were-ahead movie with a tired, aging Indy and that's what I got. It was well-made, and the Russians were kind of fun, so overall I enjoyed it. I wasn't really on the edge of my seat at any point, but it's okay because I didn't expect to be.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
I was dreading the direction that the movie was going when the Roswell casket showed up, though... the whole alien thing was stupid, in my opinion. And I really wanted to see something freaky happen to the main villain, since the previous main villains usually have melted faces by the time the adventure's over. Catching fire was okay, I guess... I did like the ant pile death, though.

End of Spoiler

Anyway, if you're expecting a great Indy adventure like the old ones, you'll get little spurts of it here and there, but you might leave disappointed. But if you're prepared to just be entertained a bit and then go home like I was, then go for it.

4105th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Indiana Jones & Kingdom of the Crystal" , posted Sat 24 May 15:02post reply

it was dumb, which was what I expected. it was ok to watch!

that's my review, hooray.

1617th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(7):Indiana Jones & Kingdom of the Crystal" , posted Sun 25 May 20:22post reply

(Temple of Doom) has nothing wrong. But some people think Nazis are the only possible enemies for Indy.

It's a little different, but not worse than the other two, IMHO.
On the contrary, it's ok to have some originality/variation, seeing the 4th going back to repeating exactly the 1st and 3rd's formula disappointed me a little (not much because I was already expecting it though).

One question about KotCS: is Indy older in the story or do they just hide it with Movie Magic(tm)?

He's 20 years older. Like Harrison Ford. But you'll only notice because the film tells you: Indy in action doesn't look old.

Yup, they managed the aging really well, IMHO.
As well as Shia's character and Indy's "old/new generation" relationship with him.

If anything, perhaps, the only problem was precisely the "the movie tells you" part. They made so many "you're so old, man" jokes and comments that it got a little tiresome.
You almost end up thinking "yes, we get the joke, Indy's older but still kicking, move along..."

As for my review....

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -

Completely agree with Fred on the alien thing (oh well, extradimensional beings. Wuteva).
I didn't like the ending being so explicit. They HAD to put a flying saucer, hadn't they?
I'd have enjoyed it a lot more if it was left just insinuating the possibility but leaving it as a supernatural thing altogether, just like the previous ones (i.e. neither God himself appeared in the first or third movies, nor Shiva or Kali in the second, even if their existence/presence was heavily implied because of all the Ark's/Shankara Stones'/Grail's supernatural properties.)

End of Spoiler

That, and the plot, while it has never been Indy's strongest point, it felt less worked on (ironic, considering how it took them so long) as the other three. There are quite lots of incongruencies here and there, or things that felt like they were put there just for the heck of it.
See: "indian-ninjas" in cemetery. Or background:

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -

How did the skull get taken out of the 13 guys' chamber in the first place?

Also, no Indy "genius archaeologist" work. Crazy Prof. Oak with the skull had done all the job, all Indy had to do was follow his deductions. And when they were in need, there comes ol' man ploth4x with the skull and solves the problem.

End of Spoiler

Other than that, I really enjoyed it a lot, specially the first half or so, till they go to Peru. The typical Indy scenes were really well executed, the comedy scenes such as the library, were funny, and the nuclear blast scene was so lovely cheesy... XD

In short: bad plot, great execution.
Oh, except the monkeys. That screamed "Lucas' doing!" and "Ewoks!" so badly it hurt. u.u



3164th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Indiana Jones & Kingdom of the Crystal" , posted Mon 26 May 05:57post reply

In short: bad plot, great execution.
Oh, except the monkeys. That screamed "Lucas' doing!" and "Ewoks!" so badly it hurt. u.u

At that point I was hoping that the movie would go into a pointless reference to Aguirre, Wrath of God and have a shot of some poor Commie pondering the Void as he floats down the Amazon with a bunch of monkeys. Then again, the film was a little overstuffed as it was so it's probably just as well that opportunity was passed.

As for me I enjoyed the film but felt it kept losing power the longer it went. The earliest parts were the strongest, with the shot of Indy staring down armageddon being one of the looniest, loveliest images Spielberg has presented in decades. Otherwise the movie was full of nostalgic action, escapes as improbable as the time Jones managed to life raft his way out of an airplane and a return to the family themes found in the last two Indy movies. Crystal Skull evoked a lot of the feelings I had about Last Crusade; it wasn't the greatest thing ever but it was nice to see Dr. Jones punching people again.

My only concern about the movie was that I didn't catch the Wilhelm Scream anywhere. I'm sure it was in there, but where? Did anybody hear it?

4402th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Indiana Jones & Kingdom of the Crystal" , posted Mon 26 May 08:10post reply

One question about KotCS: is Indy older in the story or do they just hide it with Movie Magic(tm)?

He's 20 years older. Like Harrison Ford. But you'll only notice because the film tells you: Indy in action doesn't look old.

Really? I thought they would get a 50 year stunt man for those shots

The only evil of the word; is the one in the heart of men

Undead Fred
2975th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Indiana Jones & Kingdom of the Crystal" , posted Mon 26 May 14:41post reply

My only concern about the movie was that I didn't catch the Wilhelm Scream anywhere. I'm sure it was in there, but where? Did anybody hear it?

Holy hell, it has a NAME?! Sweet!! I had told someone before about that scream, but I didn't know it had a name... that's awesome.

I went to YouTube and found the Wilhelm Scream compilation.

35th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(10):Indiana Jones & Kingdom of the Crystal" , posted Wed 28 May 06:20post reply

Just saw it. It was good, and in line with the previous ones, with the exception of the ruins finale (too explicit).
I wonder

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
the grey saw the exact same -not kind, I'm referring to the model itself, the design- creature in another movie (fire in the sky, maybe?)

End of Spoiler

Undead Fred
2976th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):Indiana Jones & Kingdom of the C" , posted Wed 28 May 11:25post reply

Just saw it. It was good, and in line with the previous ones, with the exception of the ruins finale (too explicit).
I wonder

Talking about your spoiler- well, not like it's an original design or anything.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
It's that old "from eyewitness accounts" alien guy.

End of Spoiler

36th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(3):Re(10):Indiana Jones & Kingdom of the C" , posted Wed 28 May 17:03post reply

Just saw it. It was good, and in line with the previous ones, with the exception of the ruins finale (too explicit).
I wonder
Talking about your spoiler- well, not like it's an original design or anything.

OK, it's the same "standard" in every movie/tv show. But I'm thinking about the design, the facial expressions in particular...I saw them somewhere else, it's not a generic model to me, the same (more or less) exactly model was used in another show.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Or it's just me that had an abduction :P

End of Spoiler

38th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(4):Re(10):Indiana Jones & Kingdom of the C" , posted Thu 29 May 00:14post reply

Just saw it. It was good, and in line with the previous ones, with the exception of the ruins finale (too explicit).
I wonder
Talking about your spoiler- well, not like it's an original design or anything.

OK, it's the same "standard" in every movie/tv show. But I'm thinking about the design, the facial expressions in particular...I saw them somewhere else, it's not a generic model to me, the same (more or less) exactly model was used in another show.

I've heard that the alien design was based on the Close Encounters of the Third Kind aliens

576th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(5):Re(10):Indiana Jones & Kingdom of the C" , posted Fri 30 May 15:26post reply

Just saw it. It was good, and in line with the previous ones, with the exception of the ruins finale (too explicit).
I wonder
Talking about your spoiler- well, not like it's an original design or anything.

OK, it's the same "standard" in every movie/tv show. But I'm thinking about the design, the facial expressions in particular...I saw them somewhere else, it's not a generic model to me, the same (more or less) exactly model was used in another show.

I've heard that the alien design was based on the Close Encounters of the Third Kind aliens

I thought the movie was pretty much utter crap. Total fanservice but in the worst way. I don't think anyone even called him Indiana the whole movie. Just Henry. Temple of Doom is my favorite of the series.

Shia Lebouf is way overexposed. He has like no talent. They shoulda brought back Short Round.

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Undead Fred
2978th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Re(10):Indiana Jones & Kingdom of the C" , posted Sun 1 Jun 07:28post reply

I thought the movie was pretty much utter crap. Total fanservice but in the worst way. I don't think anyone even called him Indiana the whole movie. Just Henry. Temple of Doom is my favorite of the series.

Shia Lebouf is way overexposed. He has like no talent. They shoulda brought back Short Round.

Yeah, I wasn't really excited to see Shia LeBouf show up on the trailers and posters and stuff... He did all right in this movie, but I've got him way too closely associated in my mind with the TransFormers nightmare festival, and the Rear Window rip-off Disturbia... so I don't really like him.

I guess I just took it as yet another bad sign when they were hyping the movie.

1562th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(7):Re(10):Indiana Jones & Kingdom of the C" , posted Sun 1 Jun 09:31post reply


Shia Lebouf is way overexposed. He has like no talent. They shoulda brought back Short Round.
Yeah, I wasn't really excited to see Shia LeBouf show up on the trailers and posters and stuff... He did all right in this movie, but I've got him way too closely associated in my mind with the TransFormers nightmare festival, and the Rear Window rip-off Disturbia... so I don't really like him.

I guess I just took it as yet another bad sign when they were hyping the movie.

Although I really don't like Shia Lebouf, I have to say he didn't annoy me all that much in this movie as he has in others. However, I don't think he really pulled off a convincing greaser.

My overall thoughts on the movie are that I liked it. I agree with the criticisms that it was too explicit and lacked subtlety. The movie could have used some cooler traps are any traps at all really.

432th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(9):Indiana Jones & Kingdom of the Crystal" , posted Sun 8 Jun 17:02post reply


My only concern about the movie was that I didn't catch the Wilhelm Scream anywhere. I'm sure it was in there, but where? Did anybody hear it?

It was used in the warehouse chase at the beginning, IIRC

353th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(10):Indiana Jones & Kingdom of the Crystal" , posted Sun 8 Jun 21:50:post reply

It was used in the warehouse chase at the beginning, IIRC

I didn't know about that, but Wikipedia says: "Heard when Indiana and Mutt are riding a Motorcycle through the university library. A man with glasses screams the Wilhelm".

Disappointing movie overall (not to mention cheap looking at times, despite the probably not-so-low budget). The Fate of Atlantis will remain Indy 4 for me.

[this message was edited by Stifu on Sun 8 Jun 21:51]

3182th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):Indiana Jones & Kingdom of the C" , posted Mon 9 Jun 22:23post reply

It was used in the warehouse chase at the beginning, IIRC
I didn't know about that, but Wikipedia says: "Heard when Indiana and Mutt are riding a Motorcycle through the university library. A man with glasses screams the Wilhelm".

I saw the movie a second time and did hear the scream in the library scene. While it wouldn't surprise me if it was used somewhere else in the movie [it seems strange not to have at least one person belt it out when they are falling off a cliff or some other high location] I didn't notice it.

It seems at this point in my life I'm going to movies in order to hear a specific sound file. What an odd turn of events.