Let's talk about FFVII Crisis Core - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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Maese Spt
418th Post

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"Let's talk about FFVII Crisis Core" , posted Sat 24 May 00:18post reply

It seems I woke up on a talkative mood today. While I'm at it, let me ask you gentle fellows your opinion.

Lately I am becoming curious about Crisis Core. I dunno why but, after rechecking the designs, watching some of the FMV sequences on youtube, etc., it does not look half bad to me. It is even appealing. It almost seems as a worthy sucessor of Square's golden days.

Also, while I'm kind of embarrased to admit it, I'm enamored with the soundtrack. Most tracks have that air of hopelessness, decadence and gloom that defines the FFVII world for me, but with a cool, sharp touch. Very fitting, indeed.

Maybe it's just pure nostalgia, or perhaps the game struck the right cord on me, but it seems it has "something". I might end up getting a PSP just for playing it.

What do you fellow MMCafers think? I'm sure quite a few of you have played it already. Care to share your thoughts?


865th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):Let's talk about FFVII Crisis Core" , posted Sat 24 May 03:34post reply

It's the only FF game I've ever finished. This sole fact should be enough for you to realize this game is pure bliss...

I must say that, albeit a little lineal (almost no exploration and absence of world map) and short (it took me about 19 hours to finish it), it's a well rounded, intense game both in terms of story and gameplay:

The combat system is quite appealing to me, an all-time Mana and ValkyProfy whore, but the average turn-based RPG fan would likely find it rather dissapointing. IMO, the only thing that hinders the battle system is the Pachislot roulette that gives you random attributes and levels in the middle of battles, but I must admit that helped me a lot to get through the latest levels...

Story-wise, CC sheds light on the events prior to FFVII and that's always welcome (especially for anyone who, like me, was interested on FFVII's plot but never played the actual game). The characters are well modeled and their traits, albeit being a bit stereotypical, are very well defined. I couldn't help but being emotionally involved with Zack and his tragical story, despite the usual "Nomura crap" that permeates the whole plot (frieds forever, the power is inside your heart, etc)...

In short, a really enjoyable game that even made me consider playing the original thing just to know how the rest of the story unfolds... but I guess i'll wait for the PS3 remake. Perhaps should I start playing KH and KHII just to be prepared for the upcoming KH:BoS?

ZOMG Nomura plots feel the mature themes!!!!!

4103th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Let's talk about FFVII Crisis Core" , posted Sat 24 May 09:00post reply

I played this some, oddly. It's got a decent story, and the battle system is ok, though really just amounts to smacking dudes with your sword. The missions are totally useless though - that's what's intented to pad out the game. They're fun to find, but not fun to do, since they're all the exact same thing. FFXII Revenant Wings tried a similar tactic, but varied up the mission goals, which was much more enjoyable, obviously.

but yeah, it's a decent game, nice graphics...if final fantasy is your thing, it's not a bad choice.

2509th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Let's talk about FFVII Crisis Core" , posted Sat 24 May 19:25post reply

Keep in mind, before you listen to anything I say, that I'm not a fan of FF7. I don't hate it, but I might go so far as to say I "dislike" it.

Anyway, I did like Crisis Core, but that doesn't mean it isn't riddled with flaws.

For one, it feels extremely "limited". There are few areas, there's very little exploration and the "dungeons" are often just "walk from point A to point B".

The plot is sort of the same way. Most of your time is spent chasing after villains who keeps running away so you can waste time chasing them again. The story is very "personal", but it's kind of simplistic, too. Also, I felt like some of the developments, in an attempt to fit them into the FF7 world, were kind of like fitting a square peg in a round hole.

On the upside, I ended up liking Zack much more than I ever thought I would, and although I can't say the story as a whole is a huge success, his personal story is both compelling and complete. I like how his render changes after a certain point. It's not that he's gotten older, it's just...he's gone through something important and it changed him. Neat idea.

The battle system is fun and clever, but it's totally hampered by poor difficulty balance. "Normal" mode is so easy you hardly feel like you're playing and "hard" is so grueling that it's more annoying than fun. If they had made normal "easy" and split the difference between normal and hard, then you'd have a good experience.

Still, even on normal you can find some enjoyable challenges in the wealth of sidequests (and the skill system is fun, too). I imagine there's more sidequest than main game in there, actually.

Oh yeah...and the soundtrack is indeed very nice.

Seeing as I didn't like FF7 and had numerous complaints with the game, but still enjoyed it quite a bit, I would highly recommend it to any FF7 fan. Although I suppose if you're a big FF7 fan, then you probably don't think like me and my opinion may be totally invalid.

Random thoughts....

I thought Cloud was really cute and lovable in this game. I don't think he's either in FF7 and he's downgraded to "stupid and detestable" in Advent Children. His development more or less makes sense, but it leaves me frustrated all the same.

Sephiroth was also pretty likable at first, making it frustrating that when he "went crazy" it was just...that simple. "He was cool, then he went crazy and became evil". Like "I was hungry, but then I ate some food and I was full."

The "joke" summons (chocobo/sabotender/etc.) were all awesome. The animations for those probably made me like Zack more than anything else.

Also, I still can't believe there's a scene with Zack in a swimsuit beating off an army of scuba-Gackts with an umbrella as they emerge from the sea.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

412th Post

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"Re(1):Let's talk about FFVII Crisis Core" , posted Sun 25 May 01:12post reply

Pretty much every poster nailed Crisis Core on the head for sure, but it is a likable game. A very simple game at that.

My gripes about the game consisted of the leveling system. Some people liked it and some people really didn't. As it is nice to do some appropriate leveling if you fuse the correct materia together, and have the right equipment the level in the end doesn't really matter.

I'm sure everyone here has attempted to fight Minerva and tried atleast going for the whole Costly punch materia, genji equips and so forth.

To me I find it strange of the point of leveling when the equips will be doing all the talking. Now I won't say it isn't cool to see my stats blasted out beyond belief though I suppose in retrospect the materia has to be leveled in a fashion also.

My final gripe would have to be the missions. Understandably it is a hand held game and great for long trips. I like the fact if your just item hunting, leveling, etc. you have alot to do to keep you busy on a long trip or flight. After a while I felt the missions though get very droning and boring as one said on the thread your going from point A to point B.

Other than that it is a nice game and very simple. I like it but I can only take small doses at a time of it rather than playing hours on end of it.

This song is so true

Maese Spt
420th Post

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"Re(4):Let's talk about FFVII Crisis Core" , posted Sun 25 May 02:34post reply

Thanks for the inputs! You pretty much told me everything I wanted to know, specially Polly. Believe it or not, I use to have your remarks in high regard when deciding which games should I give a try (again, specially Polly's!).

Yeah, FF *was* my thing and I used to love FFVII back in the day, but... well, I dunno if I'm gonna be able to enjoy this kind of stuff again. We'll see.

Oh, the U.S. version is dubbed, right? So, if I want the original voice acting I will have to play the Japanese version, huh?


Also, I still can't believe there's a scene with Zack in a swimsuit beating off an army of scuba-Gackts with an umbrella as they emerge from the sea.

Woah, thank you SO MUCH for letting me know! I mean, if I end up going all the trouble of getting a PSP and all, only to have that... thing popping up on my screen out of the blue, god knows how I would react. My mental balance is already pretty precarious as it is, mind you. At least now I can be somewhat prepared.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Let's talk about FFVII Crisis Core" , posted Sun 25 May 03:58post reply


Also, I still can't believe there's a scene with Zack in a swimsuit beating off an army of scuba-Gackts with an umbrella as they emerge from the sea.

that's my favorite part!
I didn't like the music at all by the way, I thought it was the most generic "hi, I'm some music. here's a guitar"-type stuff I've heard in a Japanese game. It felt very american-attempt-at-cinematic. to me!

In many ways this is a story I would've been content just to watch. I was kind of curious about it, and it kept me going for a bit, til I started playing other stuff, but I wasn't having too much fun with the actual gameplay parts. The battles are much better than traditional turn-based stuff, but the summons and Digital Mind Wave stuff is so powerful that at a certain point I realized I can just mash the attack button and wait til the end, and I'll get tons of autoheals, or use the millions of potions I've picked up. The impetus is on you to make the battles interesting. if you just want to get through them, or even avoid them entirely, that's possible too.

2510th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Let's talk about FFVII Crisis Core" , posted Sun 25 May 07:27post reply


Oh, the U.S. version is dubbed, right? So, if I want the original voice acting I will have to play the Japanese version, huh?

Yes, although it might be worth mentioning that the dub is better than decent. Arguably better than the Japanese... and this is coming from someone who imports games because they can't deal with English dubs. I guess the exception would be Gackt. It's not like he's that great in Japanese, but the English guy just doesn't sound right at all.

That reminds me, I'm actually looking forward to the FF4 English dub, seeing as the Japanese one was so overwhelmingly mediocre.

To backup what Exodus said about it being up to you to make the fights fun, there were a few points where I was so bored that I took a page from Zack's book and started doing squats while I was playing the game.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

4110th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Let's talk about FFVII Crisis Core" , posted Sun 25 May 07:33post reply


Yes, although it might be worth mentioning that the dub is better than decent.

it didn't make me want to die, so that's something!

356th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(5):Let's talk about FFVII Crisis Core" , posted Sun 25 May 09:11:post reply


Yeah, FF *was* my thing and I used to love FFVII back in the day, but... well, I dunno if I'm gonna be able to enjoy this kind of stuff again. We'll see.

I'm curious, do you still remember FF7 fondly? Or do you feel you've completely outgrown a game like that?

Also, what kinds of games do you prefer today?

I'm asking because FF7 seems to be around the time people stopped regarding older games as classic and started regarding them as things to get beyond.

For instance, I think FFVI is still held in high regard, though I'm sure that game has its detractors by now. But for the most part, the 16bit games are remembered fondly while FFVII seems "uncool" to like among many circles. And parts 8-12 don't fare much better.

In the last year I've read many articles referencing FF7 as a game with a bad story (EGM even dedicated an entire article to it).

I'm curious as the where the FFVII hate cames from, and what other people think about it.

I personally enjoyed the game and I bear it no ill will to this day. It had great graphics, OK music and great storytelling for the time. Some parts, such as when you're playing through Cloud's memories and literally retracing his footsteps as he recalls them are far more compelling than most storytelling devices in games since.

Also, I never found Cloud to be especially "emo", especially when compared to characters like Kratos or Max Pain, who are supposed to be champions of masculinity, yet they complain endlessly about their depression and even write in journals.

I suppose alot of longer time gamers also resent the game because it's the start of the Nomura age. I have to admit, I never finished a Final Fantasy since VII and I still prefer the 16bit ones, but I also don't hate the Nomura games.

I guess the negative reaction to FFVII is an inevitable consequence of its popularity and staying power. There are far worse games that sold well, but they didn't make enough of a splash for anyone to remember them.

[this message was edited by nobinobita on Sun 25 May 09:12]

Maese Spt
422th Post

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"Re(6):Let's talk about FFVII Crisis Core" , posted Sun 25 May 16:28post reply

Yes, although it might be worth mentioning that the dub is better than decent. Arguably better than the Japanese... and this is coming from someone who imports games because they can't deal with English dubs.

I know, I know, so I will take your word for it and, at least, try to hear some samples of the English dub before deciding.


I'm curious, do you still remember FF7 fondly? Or do you feel you've completely outgrown a game like that?

Also, what kinds of games do you prefer today?

How can I let pass such an opportunity to talk about my most favourite topic: me? Allow me to explain myself.

Nostalgia is pretty much the only reason for me to continue on gaming world nowadays. I only play once in a while, more due to lack of interest thank lack of time, and save for Gyakuten Saiban and some DS remakes, everything I play is old 16 bit stuff. I used to love RPGs with a passion, but lately I get bored pretty quickly. I cannot bring myself to give a try, let alone finish, a single RPG (either new stuff or old SNES or PSX ones), even if I do find some of them appealing when I see the screenshots and all.

So I think I'm with Exodus when he said it would have been enough for him to just watch the story of Crisis Core, without actually having to play the game.

I have most fond memories of FFVII, and just for pure nostalgic bliss I think I would be able to bear the outdated grapics and the horrible, horrible translation again if I really had to. But not because I have the game in high regard (I do think it was quite outstanding back in the day, tough), but just because I have really good memories of it.

Since I have no tv right now nor any plans on getting one anytime soon, nor do I feel like installing a PSX emullator, I can not replay the original thing even if I wanted to. So I just thought, "hey, perhaps this PSP gaiden version would do the trick". Then again, maybe I will have enough just watching the cutscenes in Youtube.

I suppose it's just the late twenties' crisis, huh.

7142th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Let's talk about FFVII Crisis Core" , posted Sun 25 May 20:13:post reply

For instance, I think FFVI is still held in high regard, though I'm sure that game has its detractors by now. But for the most part, the 16bit games are remembered fondly while FFVII seems "uncool" to like among many circles. And parts 8-12 don't fare much better.
The thing it is, for each awesome thing that FF7 had (Cloud's mind, the Weapon attacks, most of the Midgar part), there were some really annoying things in the middle (the Gold Saucer, Corel Prison, that train bridge, did I mention the stupid Gold Saucer and its music?).

And if you analize it, there's some plotholes (what was Sephiroth doing all the years since Crisis Core, waiting for Cloud to recover?) that make the experience less enjoyable.

But other than that, it is a decent to good game, I don't know why it gets so much RAGE from people nowadays. Maybe because it was overhyped back then? All the alledged changes (some good, some bad, but most needed) it made ot the franchise were already started by Final Fantasy VI.

Oh, and it has the best Cid outside of FFT. No doubts about that.

news - art

[this message was edited by Rid on Sun 25 May 20:16]

8504th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Let's talk about FFVII Crisis Core" , posted Sun 25 May 21:11post reply

Oh, and it has the best Cid outside of FFT. No doubts about that.

Oh, you mean the rude asshole who beat his wife for the mistakes he made in his life ? Riiiiiight.

My hatred for FF7 and Saga Frontier comes from my love of FF6 and RomaSaga. I bought my PS1 for these two games, and for a time they were the only ones I had. Each time I played either, I felt a bit more betrayed, then again, then again. My heart still hasn't recovered.

1436th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(8):Let's talk about FFVII Crisis Core" , posted Tue 27 May 13:16post reply

Oh, and it has the best Cid outside of FFT. No doubts about that.

Oh, you mean the rude asshole who beat his wife for the mistakes he made in his life ? Riiiiiight.

"Sit yer ass down in yer chair and drink yer goddamn tea!" Comparing the English with the original, it's one of the few places where the US translator actually seemed to understand...English.
