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Maou 1444th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(4):Soul Calibur 4 BURNS wood" , posted Sun 8 Jun 08:08
quote: Soul charging is out? I say good riddance. I almost never used it anyway, except maybe when I had a weapon that got a bonus from SCing. Nooooooooo. Seriously? The charge may have been ruined in 3, like everything else, but it was super-strategic in 2 given how quickly it could be done. The sheer number of moves that could made into firey unblockables with a full charge was crucial...so if you were Nightmare (and I was), you'd use your range game to keep people away, attempt to full charge now and again, rush with an invincible Rook Splitter...
The way I see it, that's exactly what made SC2 that much less fun to play. It's like playing Street Fighter against people who have no better strategy than to jam MP the whole time to build meter then unleash a super. :\
Nah, the thing was, you had to be good to know when to charge or else you just got slugged, seeing as how level 1 and level 2 charges were basically pointless. Topping it off is the fact that the firey invicibles were still guard impact-able, so it was a fun twist to keep you on your toes.
Seija 3159th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Uh..." , posted Thu 31 Jul 12:13:
I have the game. Yes, I know about the guest artists placing in their characters and I know that the "Star Wars" characters are here. Unfortunately, this game carries the flaws of both "II" and "III" as well as flaws I don't need to have added on.
In regards of "II's" flaws or flaw rather, it is another gimmick game. Having Yoda and the other "Star Wars" characters makes the game feel more weirder than what I wanted it to be. Really, I would have been more gung ho about a "Star Wars" fighting game from N-B. If Konami can make a decent fighting game with a popular American series, so can N-B.
For "III's" flaws, the move lists have more of "III's" feel. A big reason why I hated "III" was and still is the amount of changes in the move lists. You can customize characters here, but you still don't get the flexibilty you want. I don't think I will ever be able to make Ellis. (You can make Tracy, but have her with Talim's move set? That makes it feel kind of silly, don't you think?)
"IV's" story mode is way too short. You choose between Normal and Hard, but really, it feels like Easy and Hard. Arcade mode feels harder and I will never know why. I love Soul Charges and I am disgusted that they are no longer here. I don't like the voice changes at all either. The game is probably more of a fanservice game than a "Dead or Alive" game because if you penetrate through your opponent enough, you can see their under garments, which can be pretty disturbing. This game feels more like a jigsaw puzzle than a video game, which is not a good thing, and since I mentioned puzzles, the addition of a grading system really is a puzzle to me. On a side note, when you do an X-hit combo, it is shown as "X Combos".
You can play against people online. I'll give it that. Too bad I rarely do this. Also, it has a better side quest than the tactic one, but I don't like it either. Hilde seems like an interesting character, but I'm having a hard time playing as her and it doesn't help either that the number of new characters here doesn't make up for the wait. At least most of the useless characters in "III" are gone.
Is it worse than "III"? I personally say so. Of course, this is just me. I swear. There needs to be a "Battle Arena Toushinden V" now.
quote: I have heard that the game has SF2-esque music changes to intensify the atmosphere once a character is low on life. Can anyone confirm this?
I don't remember this? I'll have to check.
[this message was edited by Seija on Thu 31 Jul 12:22] |
Seija 3159th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Anyone got it yet?" , posted Thu 31 Jul 14:05
quote: Yeah, I'd prefer having Darth Vader over Yoda, and Yoda's pretty clunky to me... And yeah, the music does change when you're low on life. That was pretty cool.
Having skipped 3, I have no idea how much better those new characters are since I never played with them when they were introduced... Overall, I'm really enjoying the game. I don't know if hardcore SC players will hate the game or not, though.
I forgot to mention something. There are no input interactions. So, if you like those, unfortunately, you will be disappointed.
Iggy 8595th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(6):Anyone got it yet?" , posted Fri 1 Aug 16:49
To me, it's better than 3 and 2, but I hated both of them so it doesn't account for much. Most of the moves that have disappeared in 3 (the ones I liked, though) are still gone, which saddens me to no end. Maybe that means the characters have all sorts of new moves that I haven't discovered (I played it at a friend's), maybe it means they are really screwed AGAIN for the sake of it.
That's for the unimportant details. More interesting : Ivy's new VA is OK, but I don't like Taki's. Wakamoto is a little bit tamer than usual, which might be better for a fighting game but then, he's playing Yoshimitsu so maybe he should have gone a bit wilder. I don't remember Astaroth was so talkative. I would have rather him to just shut up, especially because is VA is lame. Male characters don't seem to have naughty bits. Finally, the game might be a good doll set, but they have to add more clothes (and clothes from older, better games) to this. Maybe add Li-long, Edgemaster and the maids back and it will be fine.
Oh, and if only we could have had an option to make the Star Wars characters and background just vanish from the game like they never existed, it would have been perfect.
Just a Person 1201th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(7):Anyone got it yet?" , posted Sun 3 Aug 03:44
quote: Maybe add Li-long, Edgemaster and the maids back and it will be fine.
Oh, and if only we could have had an option to make the Star Wars characters and background just vanish from the game like they never existed, it would have been perfect.
I read a review about SCIV from a guy who works at EGM Brazil and it was pretty positive. But I just think Namco-Bandai should have added Li Long and Hwang in the game. Unlike the maids, or Necrid, or whoever, both of them actually played significant roles in the SC saga, it would be fair to give them an appropriate return.
Anyway, you complained about Vader, Yoda and Starkiller... what about the manga bonus chicks? You know, Scheherazade, Ashlotte and those other gals?
I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.
hikarutilmitt 465th Post

Gold Customer
| "Re(10):Anyone got it yet?" , posted Sun 3 Aug 10:50
quote: They're kind of inconsequential as they're just direct clones of other characters, from what I've been reading. They're just another option if you don't want to be Astaroth, Cervantes, Nightmare, etc.
I actually like the Astaroth clone, but since I also like Astaroth, I'll never actually play with her. The Cervantes clone who reminds me of Kitana for a reason is a good neta with her lack of hygiene and her breasts who lost their fight against gravity. The other 4 look pretty bad, but at least they don't take a full spot like the Star Wars character so you can totally forget they exist.
At least for the most part they generally look better in-game than in the artwork (which is usually good, anyway, but...). The obvious exception being Algol Fear because she just sticks out like a sore thumb, model, textures and all.
Hilde is interesting, she has quick short range and somewhat slower long range, but they have totally different properties instead of it just being like Rock/Roth/Mina/Kilik and having them smack you real quick with their weapon and doing nothing.
Undead Fred 2981th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(10):Anyone got it yet?" , posted Mon 4 Aug 12:50
quote: They're kind of inconsequential as they're just direct clones of other characters, from what I've been reading. They're just another option if you don't want to be Astaroth, Cervantes, Nightmare, etc.
I actually like the Astaroth clone, but since I also like Astaroth, I'll never actually play with her. The Cervantes clone who reminds me of Kitana for a reason is a good neta with her lack of hygiene and her breasts who lost their fight against gravity. The other 4 look pretty bad, but at least they don't take a full spot like the Star Wars character so you can totally forget they exist.
Yeah, they're totally clones, but I like their designs, so I use them now and again. Mostly Ashlotte since she's the creepiest, and she also has Astaroth's movelist (one of my "regulars"). So it worked just fine for me.
I'm sure they'll follow the path of the other clones if they make more SC's and eventually become their own character, though.