Random thread starring Leonardo DiCaprio - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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3181th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Random thread starring Leonardo DiCaprio" , posted Mon 9 Jun 22:13post reply

The change in tone from the sad incident in Akibahara to the stupid crap I'm linking to is too great a shift for me so I'm starting a new thread instead of posting to the most recent random discussion.

In case you missed it, a SFHD combo video is out.

Leonardo DiCaprio to star in Atari: The Movie.


552th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"new arcade center in paris" , posted Wed 11 Jun 01:12post reply

There was this talk for a while in the French gaming scene that Hokuto Youssef and some of his friends were working on renovating a famous deceased arcade center in the middle of Paris. it seems the arcade center is opening this weekend:
http://versusfightingclub.com/index.php (the site is in French)

I c+p here something a friend sent me, which luckilly happens to be already in English so i do not have to bother translating it for you:

The arcade has a mixture of versus city and astro city machines.

They mainly host a score of top retro fighting games

Versus City

1. Street Fighter 3 - 3rd Strike (CPS3)
2. The King Of Fighters '98 : Ultimate Match (Taito Type X)
3. The Rumble Fish 2 (Atomiswave)

Astro City

* The King Of Fighters 2002
* The King Of Fighters XI
* Hokuto No Ken
* Capcom VS SNK 2
* Super Street Fighter 2X
* Street Fighter Zero 3
* Marvel Super Heroes
* Garou Motw/ Real Bout 2/ SVC Chaos/ Last Blade 2
* KOF 95/ 96/ 97/ 99/ 2000 et 2001
* Breakers Revenge
* Karnov's Revenge
* Fatal Fury Special
* Art Of Fighting 2
* Samurai Spirits 4
* Double Dragon
* If we don`t have the game you want to play we will switch whatever game you want to play!

That last sentence is, hum, suspicious!
But godspeed to them, they are facing an almost impossible mission.
Also, I never really understood what 'godspeed' stands for. The Speed of God?


169th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(1):new arcade center in paris" , posted Wed 11 Jun 04:24post reply

There was this talk for a while in the French gaming scene that Hokuto Youssef and some of his friends were working on renovating a famous deceased arcade center in the middle of Paris. it seems the arcade center is opening this weekend:
http://versusfightingclub.com/index.php (the site is in French)

I c+p here something a friend sent me, which luckilly happens to be already in English so i do not have to bother translating it for you:

The arcade has a mixture of versus city and astro city machines.

They mainly host a score of top retro fighting games

Versus City

1. Street Fighter 3 - 3rd Strike (CPS3)
2. The King Of Fighters '98 : Ultimate Match (Taito Type X)
3. The Rumble Fish 2 (Atomiswave)

Astro City

* The King Of Fighters 2002
* The King Of Fighters XI
* Hokuto No Ken
* Capcom VS SNK 2
* Super Street Fighter 2X
* Street Fighter Zero 3
* Marvel Super Heroes
* Garou Motw/ Real Bout 2/ SVC Chaos/ Last Blade 2
* KOF 95/ 96/ 97/ 99/ 2000 et 2001
* Breakers Revenge
* Karnov's Revenge
* Fatal Fury Special
* Art Of Fighting 2
* Samurai Spirits 4
* Double Dragon
* If we don`t have the game you want to play we will switch whatever game you want to play!

That last sentence is, hum, suspicious!
But godspeed to them, they are facing an almost impossible mission.
Also, I never really understood what 'godspeed' stands for. The Speed of God?

Will they be hosting Shmups, too? I know French gaming network GameOne made all those "History of..." documentaries about various arcade genres.

458th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(1):new arcade center in paris" , posted Wed 11 Jun 04:47:post reply

I don't know if I see this kind of place surviving a long time... I mean, it's not the fact that it's an arcade, and arcades are dead, blah blah. It's the fact that it's a elite's arcade, and their mission statement is to provide an arcade for competition, i.e. very niche.

Maybe there's a market for it in Paris (I'm not familiar with the scene there...) but I can relate to some experiences in Japan.

I've been to some places to just play some games and have fun with a 1 player run, then get raped violently by some random passerby. I tried to avoid this kind of places afterwards.

No wonder I ended up only playing DrumMania for the rest of my stay.

EDIT: just in the name of curiosity, I searched "Godspeed"'s etymology on merriam-webster: Etymology: Middle English god speid, from the phrase God spede you (God prosper you)


[this message was edited by Mokona on Wed 11 Jun 04:50]

553th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(2):new arcade center in paris" , posted Wed 11 Jun 04:51post reply


Will they be hosting Shmups, too? I know French gaming network GameOne made all those "History of..." documentaries about various arcade genres.

Unfortunately, it does not seem so. I think they really focus on the "scoop Hägen-Dazs Fuck the Knicks" community for now. But maybe they will also cater to the Shmup audience in the future?

Iggy also made me realize the arcades will be in the Suburbs, not in Paris itself (although it is the natural "heir" to a famous arcade center in Les Halles).


1448th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):new arcade center in paris" , posted Wed 11 Jun 09:13post reply

Commenting on the SF:HD video, anyone else think while Capcom can claim that it will play like SSFT (except for the changes in the "rebalanced" mode) it will be fundamentally different in the speed and overall feel with the higher resolution and "smoother" movement of the characters on screen?

4127th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):new arcade center in paris" , posted Wed 11 Jun 11:29post reply

Ooooh i'll check out this paris(ian suburb) arcade in two weeks!

2383th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Random thread starring Leonardo DiCapri" , posted Wed 11 Jun 12:25:post reply

Leonardo DiCaprio as this guy?


[this message was edited by Gojira on Wed 11 Jun 12:26]

3650th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):new arcade center in paris" , posted Wed 11 Jun 17:31post reply

Ooooh i'll check out this paris(ian suburb) arcade in two weeks!

If your goind to paris, try this place:


Fortes fortuna juvat...

554th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(5):new arcade center in paris" , posted Wed 11 Jun 18:34post reply



4129th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):new arcade center in paris" , posted Thu 12 Jun 04:01post reply


If your goind to paris, try this place:


I am, and ok! I like getting my ass handed to me by players in every country I visit.

3183th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):new arcade center in paris" , posted Sun 15 Jun 04:11post reply

I'm glad to see that people continue to use the forum to scout out locations of arcades for when they are on vacation. Remember, if you don't drop by an arcade while you are out of town it's a wasted trip!

Speaking of arcade games, some new BlazBlue screens have been posted over at Game Watch. Although the screens don't show anything particularly new they do show more of what has been seen. I continue to wonder just how flashy this game is going to be since even the still screen shots are almost enough strobe light induced seizures.

The new shots of Fate/unlimited codes make it look like a budget title for the DC.

Just curious, but has that dropped beta test for KoF XII ever been rescheduled?

4130th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):new arcade center in paris" , posted Sun 15 Jun 12:31post reply

I'm glad to see that people continue to use the forum to scout out locations of arcades for when they are on vacation. Remember, if you don't drop by an arcade while you are out of town it's a wasted trip!

It's true, I always do it myself! I went to three different arcades in Seoul.
except in holland...I don't think games are even allowed there. they are too friendly.

3651th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):new arcade center in paris" , posted Sun 15 Jun 18:12post reply

Just curious, but has that dropped beta test for KoF XII ever been rescheduled?

Not yet...

Fortes fortuna juvat...

3184th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):new arcade center in paris" , posted Mon 16 Jun 23:15post reply

You have a few more hours to state your case as to why you should be a background character in SF4. Just think, you have a better chance of being in SF4 than T.Hawk.

1446th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(9):new arcade center in paris" , posted Tue 17 Jun 09:35post reply

You have a few more hours to state your case as to why you should be a background character in SF4. Just think, you have a better chance of being in SF4 than T.Hawk.

Heheheh, I hope that there are entries from people pretending to be every post-1992 character from Street Fighter. Surely there is someone in there besides the original boring damn fighters who should be in the game, or a least a background. Or maybe there can be a Stage of Neglect where everyone from Zero and 3S appears, to the agony of series regulars and the bewilderment of the people they're targeting who haven't played SF since 2.


596th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(5):new arcade center in paris" , posted Tue 17 Jun 13:13post reply

Ooooh i'll check out this paris(ian suburb) arcade in two weeks!
If your goind to paris, try this place:


I always wanted to open a place something like this and I hope I'll be able to do soon.


555th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Tecmo again..." , posted Tue 17 Jun 17:29post reply

Tecmo is in deep trouble:

Sued by representatives of the company's labour union.


3699th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Tecmo again..." , posted Tue 17 Jun 22:04post reply

Tecmo is in deep trouble:

Sued by representatives of the company's labour union.

Thanks for the translation because I don't speak chinese

3186th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Tecmo again..." , posted Wed 18 Jun 02:00:post reply

Tecmo is in deep trouble:

Sued by representatives of the company's labour union.

Thanks for the translation because I don't speak chinese

A summary in the Queen's English reports that everyone who is employed by Tecmo is now suing Tecmo. That can't be good.

In unrelated news that is only of interest to me, details about Way of the Samurai 3 are coming out.

EDIT: Sega creates a toy that signals the beginning of the end for the human race.

[this message was edited by Ishmael on Wed 18 Jun 23:42]

214th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Flash confirmed for MK vs DC" , posted Thu 19 Jun 16:17post reply


Just a Person
1178th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(1):Flash AND SONYA confirmed for MK vs DC" , posted Thu 19 Jun 20:27:post reply


And looking at the pictures, not only Flash is confirmed, but also Sonya! YAY!!

(but she should be the one punching Flash, not the opposite...)

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

[this message was edited by Just a Person on Thu 19 Jun 20:28]

8531th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"SSF2HD looks so awesome" , posted Thu 26 Jun 19:38post reply


3194th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):SSF2HD looks so awesome" , posted Thu 26 Jun 23:49post reply


Apologists have stated that this beta is based on an older model of the game and is designed to test the on-line aspects rather than the game itself. If that's the case I'm sure future titles will benefit from this research. But when SFHD presents itself to the world by showcasing how ugly and broken it is I doubt it will ever catch on no matter how nice the connection is.

In other news it looks like Bionic Commando mk.3 is getting an action figure. I guess we're already supposed to love this guy.

4412th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):SSF2HD looks so awesome" , posted Thu 26 Jun 23:59:post reply


The video was taken down (conspiracy! )

The only evil of the word; is the one in the heart of men

[this message was edited by Toxico on Fri 27 Jun 00:00]

2388th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):SSF2HD looks so awesome" , posted Fri 27 Jun 01:25post reply


The video was taken down (conspiracy! )

Works for me?


Iron D
2904th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):SSF2HD looks so awesome" , posted Fri 27 Jun 01:33post reply


The video was taken down (conspiracy! )

Works for me?

Me too, and boy was that uuuuuglyyyyyy. I mean, it's pretty obviously a development version so it's not like it's likely to make it into the final game, but boy did that hurt to look at.


4412th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):SSF2HD looks so awesome" , posted Fri 27 Jun 03:03post reply


The video was taken down (conspiracy! )

Works for me?


The video was taken down (conspiracy! )

The video was down earlier, but now seems to be working.

And, I don't know what's to complain about; this is exactly how I remember every Street Fighter game

The only evil of the word; is the one in the heart of men

1455th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):SSF2HD looks so awesome" , posted Fri 27 Jun 04:08post reply


And, I don't know what's to complain about; this is exactly how I remember every Street Fighter game

Hell I remember just about every SF Tournament being Ryu v.s Ryu, Ryu v.s Ken, Akuma v.s Ryu, and any possible combination

Red Falcon
6017th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):SSF2HD looks so awesome" , posted Sat 28 Jun 02:24:post reply


And, I don't know what's to complain about; this is exactly how I remember every Street Fighter game

Hell I remember just about every SF Tournament being Ryu v.s Ryu, Ryu v.s Ken, Akuma v.s Ryu, and any possible combination

Eh, that GENERALLY isn't how it goes, especially not with ST... MAYBE Hyper or something, although Gouki isn't in that. Besides, Gouki is banned in tournament play. You're more likely to see a lot of O. Sagat, Bison (boxer), or Balrog (claw)...

Best site EVER:Link Here

[this message was edited by Red Falcon on Sat 28 Jun 02:25]

8534th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"zoku-zoku zetsubô" , posted Sun 29 Jun 04:23post reply

I don't know if some people here have followed the best thing that ever came out of Japan last year, but just in case, we should have a definite word on whether or not we will have a 3rd Zetsubô Sensei series in two weeks (and if it is a TV series or an OAD, Shaft is already confirmed).

Basically, it's either that, or the manga is canceled.

35th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(1):zoku-zoku zetsubô" , posted Sun 29 Jun 07:02post reply

I don't know if some people here have followed the best thing that ever came out of Japan last year, but just in case, we should have a definite word on whether or not we will have a 3rd Zetsubô Sensei series in two weeks (and if it is a TV series or an OAD, Shaft is already confirmed).

Basically, it's either that, or the manga is canceled.

Cool, its been a long time since I last watched some anime.
So I've been trying to find sites to direct download zetsubo(torrent won't work in this server) but all I can find is zuko zetsubo. should I just go ahead and watch zuko zetsubo or try looking harder for the 1st season.

8535th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):zoku-zoku zetsubô" , posted Sun 29 Jun 07:32post reply

should I just go ahead and watch zuko zetsubo or try looking harder for the 1st season.

Your head might explode.

43th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(2):zoku-zoku zetsubô" , posted Sun 29 Jun 07:39post reply


So I've been trying to find sites to direct download zetsubo(torrent won't work in this server) but all I can find is zuko zetsubo. should I just go ahead and watch zuko zetsubo or try looking harder for the 1st season.

I've got it if you can suggest a good way to send it.

1476th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Chrono Trigger DS" , posted Wed 2 Jul 11:26:post reply

Chrono Trigger DS 2008 Winter

[this message was edited by Zepy on Wed 2 Jul 11:26]

3709th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Chrono Trigger DS" , posted Wed 2 Jul 11:28post reply

Chrono Trigger DS 2008 Winter

Remake or straight port?

1476th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Chrono Trigger DS" , posted Wed 2 Jul 11:35post reply

Remake or straight port?

No details yet other than the pic, but I'm assuming it's a remake since it's being announced in Jump

1461th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Chrono Trigger DS" , posted Wed 2 Jul 11:36post reply

Chrono Trigger DS 2008 Winter

Remake or straight port?

WOAH! About time! No sign on that tiny amount of text one way or another, sadly. I can't believe this game has only ever gotten one (terrible PSX) port. People will eat this up on DS. Truly one of the all-time greats, and on a technical/story-gameplay balance standpoint, probably even better than VI and VIII, my favorites. Thrilled that it will be getting the (inevitable) attention it deserves again on DS.


1573th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(3):Chrono Trigger DS" , posted Wed 2 Jul 14:20post reply

Chrono Trigger DS 2008 Winter

Remake or straight port?
WOAH! About time! No sign on that tiny amount of text one way or another, sadly. I can't believe this game has only ever gotten one (terrible PSX) port. People will eat this up on DS. Truly one of the all-time greats, and on a technical/story-gameplay balance standpoint, probably even better than VI and VIII, my favorites. Thrilled that it will be getting the (inevitable) attention it deserves again on DS.

Countdown Site

I think this is the most excited I have been for a DS game in a long time.

1083th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(4):Chrono Trigger DS" , posted Wed 2 Jul 14:23post reply

What I really want is a Persona game in the vein of 3 that I can play on the toilet. But since that's not happening at the moment, FFIV in English is just around the corner and CT being announced.. these are also things I want to play on the can!

And the train, I guess, but the train is just a toilet on tracks to me.

Iron D
2908th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Chrono Trigger DS" , posted Wed 2 Jul 17:50post reply

HELL yes! Probably my favorite RPG of all time. This'll also wipe away that awful taste that Chrono Cross left in my mouth.

Man, I HATED that game so much.


1627th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(3):Chrono Trigger DS" , posted Wed 2 Jul 18:17:post reply

Remake or straight port?

No details yet other than the pic, but I'm assuming it's a remake since it's being announced in Jump

From the pics in the other pic seen here, it might rather seem a port. Probably with some tossed in extras, GBA FF-like.

Of course it's too early to tell, but I'm of the pessimistic kind. :p

EDIT: In any case, WOW! Talk about a surprising week, whether the games (CV: Judgement, MM9, CTDS...) end up good or bad.



[this message was edited by Sensenic on Wed 2 Jul 18:18]

52th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(4):Chrono Trigger DS" , posted Wed 2 Jul 18:27post reply

Please SquareEnix, do not make a straight port with some extras...why that crappy Final Fantasy should have redone 2D graphics on PSP and not CT on DS?

8545th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Chrono Trigger DS" , posted Wed 2 Jul 18:36post reply

it might rather seem a port.

It would make no sense, after FF3-4. And, as Zepy said, it's announced in Jump.

This bores me.

1628th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(5):Chrono Trigger DS" , posted Wed 2 Jul 18:47:post reply

Please SquareEnix, do not make a straight port with some extras...why that crappy Final Fantasy should have redone 2D graphics on PSP and not CT on DS?


It would make no sense, after FF3-4. And, as Zepy said, it's announced in Jump.

This bores me.

Wish not granted/It doesn't make sense, then. At least according to 1up.

Hoping they're wrong... u.u

Press release
For now we get
-- Taking advantage of the Nintendo DS hardware, CHRONO TRIGGER makes
its way onto the portable platform with all-new dual screen presentation
and Touch-Screen functionality

-- A brand new dungeon and a Wireless Play mode adds exciting new
dimensions to this timeless classic

Oh, the surprise.
Wireless Play? --> multiplayer? Item shop? Multiplayer Millenial Fair minigames?



[this message was edited by Sensenic on Wed 2 Jul 22:15]

3203th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Chrono Trigger DS" , posted Thu 3 Jul 02:52post reply

Part of me is thrilled because of my love of CT. But another part is worried because CT is one of those games that was done right the first time. Will any additions -such as bouncing the action between two screens- hurt the game? The mixture of excitement and trepidation I'm currently feeling is confusing.

742th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(7):Chrono Trigger DS" , posted Thu 3 Jul 15:21post reply

Part of me is thrilled because of my love of CT. But another part is worried because CT is one of those games that was done right the first time. Will any additions -such as bouncing the action between two screens- hurt the game? The mixture of excitement and trepidation I'm currently feeling is confusing.

Splitting the action into 2 screens doesn't make much sense, it would be the first time they implement that feature in a port like this, right? It's a shame they aren't doing a 3D remake, but at least, if they put in all those nice videos from the PSX version, I'll be happy. Loading times on battles was a bit too much in that version.

I only hope, that finally, this gem is going to be released in Europe. Secret of Evermore was chosen over CT in the SNES period. They took it out of the FF Anthologies and packed FF4 and FF5 together, and FF6 with a demo of FFX. If they dare to screw it again...

374th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(8):Chrono Trigger DS" , posted Fri 4 Jul 11:37post reply

Secret of Evermore was chosen over CT in the SNES period.

Wait, Chrono Trigger never came out in Europe during the SNES period? That's even worse than the US not getting Seiken Densetsu 3! Man, Secret of Evermore is the biggest cock blocker in all of gaming.

54th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(9):Chrono Trigger DS" , posted Fri 4 Jul 19:40post reply

Secret of Evermore was chosen over CT in the SNES period.

Wait, Chrono Trigger never came out in Europe during the SNES period? That's even worse than the US not getting Seiken Densetsu 3! Man, Secret of Evermore is the biggest cock blocker in all of gaming.

Yu, CT never had an official Eu release. Both Snes version and Playstation port are western U/C exsclusives.

1478th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(10):Chrono Trigger DS" , posted Fri 4 Jul 21:34:post reply

Good looking scan

Bonus: Ugly Tales game

[this message was edited by Zepy on Fri 4 Jul 21:36]

1457th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Re(10):Chrono Trigger DS" , posted Sat 5 Jul 01:08post reply

Honestly this does nothing for me. What enticement do I have to buy this rather than just loading the rom on my modded PSP to play?

181th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(3):Re(10):Chrono Trigger DS" , posted Sat 5 Jul 01:56:post reply

Honestly this does nothing for me. What enticement do I have to buy this rather than just loading the rom on my modded PSP to play?

LOADING... (and crappy sound emulation)

I don't mind. But I hope it comes out at a modest price ($30 at most, after all, it's just an enhanced port).

And it better not be done by TOSE.

[this message was edited by sfried on Sat 5 Jul 01:57]

1632th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(4):Re(10):Chrono Trigger DS" , posted Sun 6 Jul 00:26:post reply

Official page has now a countdown.

If whatever it's counting down is seconds (it goes slower to me, but then again this is an old computer and flash animations tend to have some lag u.u ), there are about 6-7 hours left.

EDIT: I can't divide. u.u
2 days to go now.



[this message was edited by Sensenic on Sun 6 Jul 06:22]

558th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"THUNDERFORCE!?" , posted Sun 6 Jul 05:16post reply



183th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(5):Re(10):Chrono Trigger DS" , posted Mon 7 Jul 00:19:post reply

Official page has now a countdown.

If whatever it's counting down is seconds (it goes slower to me, but then again this is an old computer and flash animations tend to have some lag u.u ), there are about 6-7 hours left.

EDIT: I can't divide. u.u
2 days to go now.


[this message was edited by sfried on Mon 7 Jul 00:21]

3205th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Re(10):Chrono Trigger DS" , posted Mon 7 Jul 05:54post reply



Oh yeah, Mode 7 special effects are in full force!

560th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"our generation" , posted Wed 9 Jul 18:04:post reply

These last few days have been interesting...

 1000円 Blue Bomber Nine
+ Tatsucap (see iggy's video thread)
+ Thunder Force VI (by Zolger of SeGaGaGa's fame)
+ Chrono Trigger
+ Production IG & Goemon Team 2D madness
+ That "Nostalgia" RPG for DS with a SegaSaturn staff and PS1 graphics
+ Captain Rainbow focusing on forgotten Famicom characters
+ Namaiki or2 for PSP also fits in that category, I guess

= So far, the Japanese summer news have been really focused on pleasing old nostalgic gamers.

I wonder whether this growing trend will be spotted in the West as well, with the E3 next week. Although I doubt so.


[this message was edited by chazumaru on Wed 9 Jul 18:07]

560th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):our generation" , posted Wed 9 Jul 22:56post reply

Also EICSBFS should talk about NMH and Tsundere Fantasy Force.


379th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(1):our generation" , posted Thu 10 Jul 01:12post reply

These last few days have been interesting...

 1000円 Blue Bomber Nine
+ Tatsucap (see iggy's video thread)
+ Thunder Force VI (by Zolger of SeGaGaGa's fame)
+ Chrono Trigger
+ Production IG & Goemon Team 2D madness
+ That "Nostalgia" RPG for DS with a SegaSaturn staff and PS1 graphics
+ Captain Rainbow focusing on forgotten Famicom characters
+ Namaiki or2 for PSP also fits in that category, I guess

= So far, the Japanese summer news have been really focused on pleasing old nostalgic gamers.

I wonder whether this growing trend will be spotted in the West as well, with the E3 next week. Although I doubt so.

WOW, great links!

Wario looks beyoooootiful.

4140th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):our generation" , posted Thu 10 Jul 02:17post reply

aaaaargh so much to write about and so few working harddrives at home (none, specifically). what to doooooooo

877th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):our generation" , posted Thu 10 Jul 08:31post reply


+ Thunder Force VI (by Zolger of SeGaGaGa's fame)

At last, a reason to unpack my PS2 after a whole year!! This game is gonna rock so hard...

562th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(2):our generation" , posted Thu 10 Jul 22:40:post reply

Excellent detective work by duckroll and jiji about the probable involvement of programmer Yûbi Miku in TF6.

[edit] Speaking of discoveries, did you know the PC-FX and the Virtual Boy shared the same CPU? It suddenly all makes sense!


[this message was edited by chazumaru on Thu 10 Jul 23:12]

4147th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):our generation" , posted Fri 11 Jul 06:56post reply


[edit] Speaking of discoveries, did you know the PC-FX and the Virtual Boy shared the same CPU? It suddenly all makes sense!

wuuuuut, evidence please!

1097th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(4):our generation" , posted Fri 11 Jul 07:10post reply

They're both NEC V810s! It's true! This information delights me. And probably not a lot of other people.

217th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Megaman 9 trailer" , posted Fri 11 Jul 15:54post reply

Still as catchy as ever

I'm pretty stoked for 9, though the cynic in me says don't fall for it. Definitely more exciting than Chrono Trigger DS, a game that I never really "got" like everyone else.

8561th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Megaman 9 trailer" , posted Fri 11 Jul 18:43post reply

I'm pretty stoked for 9, though the cynic in me says don't fall for it.

For the record, the heartless, fun-hating cynic in me says OH MAH GAD THIS IS THE BEST GAME EVER GIMME GIMME GIMME.

3215th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Megaman 9 trailer" , posted Sat 12 Jul 05:00post reply

I'm not even a big Mega Man fan and even I was digging that retro look and sound in the trailer.

In unrelated news, somebody finally got their fricken act together and decided to release an Oneechanbara game in the US.

4148th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Megaman 9 trailer" , posted Sat 12 Jul 05:13post reply

xseed is releasing korg ds-10 and game center CX (as Retro Game Master) in the U.S.

the second one is surprising!

753th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(4):Megaman 9 trailer" , posted Sat 12 Jul 06:07:post reply

xseed is releasing korg ds-10 and game center CX (as Retro Game Master) in the U.S.

the second one is surprising!

What's wrong with the name "Game Center CX"? "Retro Game Master" sounds really hokey...

We are talking about the video game being released, right? Not the episodes on DVD?

[this message was edited by EddyT on Sat 12 Jul 06:07]

185th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(5):Megaman 9 trailer" , posted Sat 12 Jul 08:23post reply

What's wrong with the name "Game Center CX"? "Retro Game Master" sounds really hokey...

Well, at least they didn't name it "The Most Ultimate Extreme Game Challenge" or something even hokeIER.

770th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):Megaman 9 trailer" , posted Sat 12 Jul 12:00post reply

Still as catchy as ever

I'm pretty stoked for 9, though the cynic in me says don't fall for it. Definitely more exciting than Chrono Trigger DS, a game that I never really "got" like everyone else.

It's a trap!!

No, fuck that, I'm buying that game. I was only thinking not too long ago that the old games had it right and then they come out with this.

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

562th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(5):Megaman 9 trailer" , posted Sat 12 Jul 17:54post reply


What's wrong with the name "Game Center CX"? "Retro Game Master" sounds really hokey...

We are talking about the video game being released, right? Not the episodes on DVD?

If I understood correctly, the DVD episodes will be released in the US as "Retro Game Master". The game will be released around the same time and adopt the name of the local DVD release.

Also: Mega Man 9 cover!


753th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(6):Megaman 9 trailer" , posted Sat 12 Jul 18:15post reply


Well, at least they didn't name it "The Most Ultimate Extreme Game Challenge" or something even hokeIER.

Yeah no kidding. I would be happy if someone brought out a subbed version of these DVDs. Probably one of the most interesting TV shows I've seen in recent times. It's real unfortunate that I don't have cable TV out here to watch Game Center CX. I had a free preview of the cable channels during Christmas last year, and saw the "Quest of Ki" live broadcast. It was painful to watch Arino play, but it got very interesting at the end.

Red Falcon
6032th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Megaman 9 trailer" , posted Sun 13 Jul 12:40post reply


Best site EVER:Link Here

1099th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(8):Megaman 9 trailer" , posted Mon 14 Jul 01:36post reply


That hurts me.

433th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(9):Megaman 9 trailer" , posted Mon 14 Jul 14:33post reply


That hurts me.

I knew that setup looked familiar.

1461th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(10):Megaman 9 trailer" , posted Mon 14 Jul 19:34post reply


I knew that setup looked familiar.

Personally the whole video looked familiar to me, more like a "best of" Mega Man that took levels from all of the titles and mashed them together.

Red Falcon
6039th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):Megaman 9 trailer" , posted Thu 17 Jul 15:29:post reply

Box art... By the way, that ISN'T a joke, apparently.

I have written some "period" text for the back of the "box":
"The mad Doctor Wily has rebuilt Monsteropolis! Can the Megaman overcome the 9 seperate societies before Wily converts all of humanity in to mindless androids? Only you can find out by guiding the Megaman with your D-pad! Blast evil monsterborgs with your laser before they blast you! Pick up secret weapons to exploit the weaknesses!"

Come on, everyone join in! Write your OWN box text!

Best site EVER:Link Here

[this message was edited by Red Falcon on Thu 17 Jul 15:38]

3155th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Uh..." , posted Fri 18 Jul 00:27post reply

Box art... By the way, that ISN'T a joke, apparently.

I have written some "period" text for the back of the "box":
"The mad Doctor Wily has rebuilt Monsteropolis! Can the Megaman overcome the 9 seperate societies before Wily converts all of humanity in to mindless androids? Only you can find out by guiding the Megaman with your D-pad! Blast evil monsterborgs with your laser before they blast you! Pick up secret weapons to exploit the weaknesses!"

Come on, everyone join in! Write your OWN box text!

I hope this isn't the image that will be used. We are not in 1986 anymore you know.


3222th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Uh... huh" , posted Fri 18 Jul 01:22post reply

Box art... By the way, that ISN'T a joke, apparently.

I have written some "period" text for the back of the "box":
"The mad Doctor Wily has rebuilt Monsteropolis! Can the Megaman overcome the 9 seperate societies before Wily converts all of humanity in to mindless androids? Only you can find out by guiding the Megaman with your D-pad! Blast evil monsterborgs with your laser before they blast you! Pick up secret weapons to exploit the weaknesses!"

Come on, everyone join in! Write your OWN box text!

I hope this isn't the image that will be used. We are not in 1986 anymore you know.

My only complaint is that the proportions aren't off enough. Without boxy, strangely bent arms or eyes that don't quite line up the box art doesn't quite have that air of authenticity. The gem choker hooked into the shoulder pads, however, is a very nice touch.

Red Falcon
6039th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Uh... huh" , posted Fri 18 Jul 01:45post reply

I hope this isn't the image that will be used. We are not in 1986 anymore you know.
My only complaint is that the proportions aren't off enough. Without boxy, strangely bent arms or eyes that don't quite line up the box art doesn't quite have that air of authenticity. The gem choker hooked into the shoulder pads, however, is a very nice touch.

I love how Wily resembles "Lord Dread" from Captain Power (does anyone else know what I'm talking about? Ha ha ha..) I wonder if that getup will have any genuine game relevance, or is purely "classic cover" fun?

Best site EVER:Link Here

4422th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Uh... huh" , posted Fri 18 Jul 05:10post reply

I love how Wily resembles "Lord Dread" from Captain Power (does anyone else know what I'm talking about? Ha ha ha..) I wonder if that getup will have any genuine game relevance, or is purely "classic cover" fun?

Maybe I have aged nicely, I used to play all the time with the grey bird guy and the merman villain, of course; the bad guys where cooler on both, action figures and on screen CGs.

The only evil of the word; is the one in the heart of men

141th Post

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Regular Customer

"New EXAMU Fighter (Arcana Heart)" , posted Fri 18 Jul 12:33post reply

Daemon Bride (from the same guys who brought you Arcana Heart & sequel)

First scan of EXAMU's new game (which will also be on the EXAMU board) came out recently:


Well, it IS a new, pure 2D fighter, and it seems to be at least some what inspired by "X" (the CLAMP anime/manga). At least, it isn't just more loli.

http://www.examu.co.jp/ex-board/ - EXAMU's arcade board official web (confirms game, as well as other 5 games coming or already out for platform).

According to "Hayama Akito" over at SRK, the machine can be plugged in a PC monitor and you can use PC controllers or Arcade sticks via USB. It could basically be described as more or less as a "Supergun 2.0", it looks like.

More details as they come in. But in any case...2008 is the year of the fighter. It proves itself over and over!

Dokuganryu wa Date jya ne you see?

62th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(1):New EXAMU Fighter (Arcana Heart)" , posted Sat 19 Jul 01:33post reply

Daemon Bride (from the same guys who brought you Arcana Heart & sequel)

First scan of EXAMU's new game (which will also be on the EXAMU board) came out recently:


Well, it IS a new, pure 2D fighter, and it seems to be at least some what inspired by "X" (the CLAMP anime/manga). At least, it isn't just more loli.

http://www.examu.co.jp/ex-board/ - EXAMU's arcade board official web (confirms game, as well as other 5 games coming or already out for platform).

According to "Hayama Akito" over at SRK, the machine can be plugged in a PC monitor and you can use PC controllers or Arcade sticks via USB. It could basically be described as more or less as a "Supergun 2.0", it looks like.

More details as they come in. But in any case...2008 is the year of the fighter. It proves itself over and over!

Maybe I'm the only one who find this angel/demon theme in manga style very boring. This game seems to lack personality in some way, just at first glance.

3226th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):New EXAMU Fighter (Arcana Heart)" , posted Sat 19 Jul 02:44post reply

Shots of this game led me off onto a tangent: I doubt it's going to happen with Daemon Bride but in some fighting game I would like it if the characters actually had to sprout wings when they did aerial combos. A visual like that would go a long way to making me feel like I was in a fight that stretched all the way to the heavens instead of cycling through my jump attack animation as stupidly float through the air.

Red Falcon
6042th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):New EXAMU Fighter (Arcana Heart)" , posted Sat 19 Jul 13:56post reply

According to "Hayama Akito" over at SRK, the machine can be plugged in a PC monitor and you can use PC controllers or Arcade sticks via USB. It could basically be described as more or less as a "Supergun 2.0", it looks like.

Hey hey, new purchase on my agenda?

I hate EXAMU, though. Egregious company.

Best site EVER:Link Here

191th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(2):New EXAMU Fighter (Arcana Heart)" , posted Sat 19 Jul 16:06post reply

I hate EXAMU, though. Egregious company.

Kinda like ZUN?

8574th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):New EXAMU Fighter (Arcana Heart)" , posted Sat 19 Jul 17:24post reply

I hate EXAMU, though. Egregious company.

Are you referring to their products or their business practice?

Red Falcon
6044th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):New EXAMU Fighter (Arcana Heart)" , posted Sun 20 Jul 13:32post reply

Are you referring to their products or their business practice?

Honestly, a bit of both. I don't like Arcana Hearts to begin with, and after the whole Arcana Hearts FULL fiasco, I', really surprised anyone still supports them. Managing to anger both arcade owners AND their fans in one fell swoop is pretty unique! Oh, and the EX-Board is a piece of crap.

Best site EVER:Link Here

1596th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(4):New EXAMU Fighter (Arcana Heart)" , posted Mon 21 Jul 04:05post reply

I don't like Arcana Hearts to begin with, and after the whole Arcana Hearts FULL fiasco,

Then you're probably going to just LOVE Arcana Heart 2: Sugoi.

I think that the announcement for the Sugoi upgrade is like 1 or 2 months later than the Full! one was. I could be wrong.

8575th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):New EXAMU Fighter (Arcana Heart)" , posted Mon 21 Jul 04:35post reply

I think that the announcement for the Sugoi upgrade is like 1 or 2 months later than the Full! one was. I could be wrong.

But judging by the silhouette, the (first ?) new character of Sugocana is going to be at least more original than a maid with Guts'sword. That's two extra month of development well spent.

1597th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(6):New EXAMU Fighter (Arcana Heart)" , posted Mon 21 Jul 07:37post reply

I think that the announcement for the Sugoi upgrade is like 1 or 2 months later than the Full! one was. I could be wrong.

But judging by the silhouette, the (first ?) new character of Sugocana is going to be at least more original than a maid with Guts'sword. That's two extra month of development well spent.

I will only agree if it's at least as good as this:

192th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(8):Milestone Shooting Col coming stateside" , posted Tue 22 Jul 03:07post reply

Looks like UFO is releasing it instead of O3. I also think it was unnecessary for them to give it the "Game Center CX" treatment of renaming entire package to Ultimate Shooting Collection.

1580th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(9):Milestone Shooting Col coming stateside" , posted Tue 22 Jul 15:08post reply

Capcom is crossing over with another iconic Japanese series as Cyborg 009 will appear as an avatar in Street Fighter Online Mouse Generation.

Link Here

3228th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Other SFO stuff" , posted Wed 23 Jul 00:02post reply

Capcom is crossing over with another iconic Japanese series as Cyborg 009 will appear as an avatar in Street Fighter Online Mouse Generation.

Link Here

Speaking of SFO, Batsu is going to be in the game as well. Why is Batsu suddenly the new go-to guy for Capcom?

8579th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Other SFO stuff" , posted Wed 23 Jul 02:45post reply

Why is Batsu suddenly the new go-to guy for Capcom?

I guess because he's rather generic?
If that's a way to hype the Jusgaku franchise to prepare a compilation of the 3 games (or even better, a sequel), I'm all for it.

3718th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Other SFO stuff" , posted Wed 23 Jul 04:34post reply

Why is Batsu suddenly the new go-to guy for Capcom?
I guess because he's rather generic?
If that's a way to hype the Jusgaku franchise to prepare a compilation of the 3 games (or even better, a sequel), I'm all for it.

Wait, 3 games? I only played Rival Schools and Project Justice, is there a third game???

8581th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Other SFO stuff" , posted Wed 23 Jul 04:52post reply

Wait, 3 games? I only played Rival Schools and Project Justice, is there a third game???

There was a sequel to the first date sim which was a bonus game for the first Justice Gakuen.
The sequel also introduced Nagare and Ran, who were playable in the fighting game which was in turn a bonus game to the second date sim. That's why they weren't considered "new" characters in the dreamcast game.

573th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"sugocana" , posted Wed 23 Jul 23:13post reply

Speaking of random, where does "sugocana" comes from? I can understand it means "Sugoi Arcana" and is refering to Arcana hearts, but I didn't really follow, is this the name used to designate the "home" (PS2) version? Is it the unofficial result of a running gag / affective nickname / obscure pun on 2ch?


8584th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):sugocana" , posted Wed 23 Jul 23:30:post reply

Is it the unofficial result of a running gag / affective nickname / obscure pun on 2ch?

It's basically an abbreviation.
Had it been a western game, it would have been called SAH2, without it being official nor affective. On the other hand, kusocana2 has a particular connotation.

[this message was edited by Iggy on Wed 23 Jul 23:32]

574th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(2):sugocana" , posted Thu 24 Jul 01:02post reply

What I meant was, is "Sugoi" to be found somewhere in the official title? i thought the title was just "Arcana Hearts" (and "Arcana Hearts Full!").


8584th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):sugocana" , posted Thu 24 Jul 01:19post reply

What I meant was, is "Sugoi" to be found somewhere in the official title? i thought the title was just "Arcana Hearts" (and "Arcana Hearts Full!").

It's actually the name of Arcana 2's upgrade:
Arcana Heart
Arcana Heart Full!
Arcana Heart 2
Sugoi! Arcana Heart 2 (to be released, new character(s), new arcana(s), new background(s), balance adjustments).

575th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(4):sugocana" , posted Thu 24 Jul 02:12post reply

Ah! I see now, I completely forgot about that upgrade thingy. Merci bien.


64th Post

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Occasional Customer

"BlazBlue new faces" , posted Thu 24 Jul 06:20post reply

Et voilà new characters for BlazBlue!
Lichi Feilin, a chinese girl with long hair and a staff as a weapon, and some obscure creature seeming Kaonashi from Sen To Chihiro (or the Maya enemy in Persona 3).
They both like cool, on Neo-Arcadia: http://www.neo-arcadia.com/News/voir_news.php?action=voirtout

576th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Random post of Braid & BFS" , posted Wed 6 Aug 18:23post reply

◆The XBLA version of Braid is now available for download, if you have 1200 pts (15€ in Europe). Still no exact release date communicated regarding the PC version. I can't wait to be done with work.

◆Now, regarding some recent posts on ic, first there is the Takeshita interview:
Christan did miss one opportunity, as "the man behind Megaman 9" is the third disciple of Fujiwara (creator of Mega man and Makaimura) with Mikami and Inafune. He has been at Capcom for ages!

Takeshita is quite likeable for being absolutely cursed with his games: he was the main guy behind BOF and although many people agree BOF5 finally redeemed the series' existence and a daring effort from capcom, it sealed the franchise's destiny for good. Then he held the entire Gokumakaimura project on his shoulders and even managed the impossible (to get Fujiwara back at Capcom in order to supervise it), yet the game failed to find an audience twice and possibly would have sold three times as much if released only a few months later. He was the patron saint of Takarajima Z (Zack & Wiki), which failed to attract anyone in the US or Japan and barely saved its ass thanks to the European market, despite raving reviews all around. Oh and let's not forget he is the main guy behind Eldorado's Gate. x1000

More specifically, it would have been super interesting to have him compare his experiences on Gokumakaimura and Rockman 9, given the obvious similarities and differences between the two projects.

◆Also, two things about Ikatan:
Regarding your question about cross-dressing protagonists, the heroes of Princess x Princess on PS2 qualify, I believe. However I believe this is not an original game but the adaptation of a yaoi manga/anime. Also a number of protagonists have cross-dressed in video games (outside of H-games, I mean, but maybe Zepy can shed a light on that). Out of the blue, I can remember cloud of FFVII and Kaoru of Mystereet (mentioned on your site in 2006).

The full title of the game is not Ikamono Jiken but Ikamono Tantei (you are mistaking 事件 and 探偵). It has nothing to do with squids; "ikamono tantei" means something along "the faking detective". The joke of the first image comes from the shorted title, "Ikatan", which on a first glance, and knowing this is from cyberfront, looks like the game would be about a loli squid. But that was only a playful red herring (←Iggy trap!).

Cat waggling! Acquire is awesome.


8598th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Random post of Braid & BFS" , posted Wed 6 Aug 19:46post reply

Out of the blue, I can remember cloud of FFVII and Kaoru of Mystereet (mentioned on your site in 2006).

It could be argued that Cloud (and, to a certain point, Kaoru) just dress up (reluctantly, in the case of Cloud and a few others) because the situation requires them to, whereas cross dressing is Ikatan's protagonist main hobby, and it happens that he can use it to his advantage in the game's situation. He would dress up even if nothing required him to (at least, that's what I get from the famitsu page).

I find it interesting gender-studies wise that yaoi fangirls fantasize about male homosexuals that have nothing to do with real gay people (as pointed out in an episode of Zetsubô Sensei), but might (if I don't over read the description) have actually managed to create what appears to be a fairly accurate transvestite character.

578th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(2):Random post of Braid & crossdressing" , posted Wed 6 Aug 20:48:post reply

True, you have a very good point with the difference between the plot forcing the protagonist to crossdress, and a deliberate decision by the protagonist. Is he openly attracted to male characters or is that aspect left uncovered at the moment? I do not really know anything about the percentage of heterosexual men among crossdressers.

I am interested in something else you said: what makes him seemingly "accurate" about the representation of crossdressers? Is he accurate according to Japanese standards, or according to the usual behavior/interests of crossdressers in general, among all cultures? I have really little knowledge on the subject but I was under the impression crossdressing was culturally more relevant in Japanese culture than in most Western cultures, so I guess there could be archetypes of crossdressing that would only apply to Japanese culture.


[this message was edited by chazumaru on Wed 6 Aug 22:02]

8599th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Random post of Braid & crossdressing" , posted Wed 6 Aug 21:47post reply

I do not really know anything about the percentage of heterosexual men among crossdressers.

Neither do I. I could imagine the main character not having any love interest would solve all problems at once (the player could imagine whatever suits her while keeping all the benefits of a yaoi characterization).

I have really little knowledge on the subject but I was under the impression crossdressing was culturally more relevant in Japanese culture than in most Western cultures, so I guess there could be typical archetypes of crossdressing that would only apply to Japanese culture.

Ah, I haven't thought of that; I was thinking about two (french) persons I knew.
One was really... special (transgender, heterosexual when he was a male crossdresser, lesbian afterward, and in both cases a powerful Zabel player even with nails 4cm long) so he may not really apply (but who knows).

The other one was "maybe gay"; he was more of a "gay by default" because he had to answer something to the question, but otherwise didn't really care about sex and was mostly interested in a private fantasy world of his own, which had strict boundaries with the real world (there were times to dress up like a guy and act like one, for work, school or broadly social activities; and times to dress up as a woman, with friends, to go shopping, or for general stress-inducting situations).
He had different behaviors according to his clothes, the shy and reserved guy, and the self-assured, fearless woman.

What I perceived of him (I didn't know him very well) looks rather like what I understand from that game (that I have never played and probably never will).

But then, further rules of Japanese crossdressing may apply.

579th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(4):Random post of Braid & crossdressing" , posted Wed 6 Aug 22:04:post reply

You have interesting friends.

As a reward for your explanation, here is a new sulenoko trailer for you. Please note that it might disappear soon since FamiWave is quite strict about its content being uploaded on Youtube.


[this message was edited by CHAZumaru on Wed 6 Aug 22:11]

3241th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Random post of Braid & crossdressing" , posted Wed 6 Aug 22:57post reply

Where else can you get ninja kitties and an interesting digression into cross-cultural gender studies? This board never disappoints.

IGN, however, continues to find new ways to disappoint.

579th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(6):Random post of Braid & crossdressing" , posted Wed 6 Aug 23:41post reply


The NicoNico dude who patiently collected 10 seconds of each Famicom game in their order of release has now started working on the Super Famicom library. There is also a similar endeavour for Game Boy.

You can also find an impressive number of DS-10 works already.


581th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(7):Random post of Braid & crossdressing" , posted Sat 9 Aug 02:06:post reply

Exoduster hasn't corrected the Ikatan post and now innocent American kids have begun using "Ikamono Jiken" on forums

Kenji Eno interview:
Surprisingly nice piece, even though I can't fathom how the interviewers could possibly pull a straight face during the whole thing.


[this message was edited by chazumaru on Sat 9 Aug 02:08]

252th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(8):Random post of Braid & crossdressing" , posted Sat 9 Aug 03:33post reply


Kenji Eno interview:
Surprisingly nice piece, even though I can't fathom how the interviewers could possibly pull a straight face during the whole thing.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -

]"1UP: Yeah, going over your life right now, I feel like I've done nothing with mine.

KE: Oh, no -- you'll find out about it. The next issue of 1UP will be a homepage! It's a secret...a secret like a beautiful ingredient. The text will be a sex FAQ. The homepage will be a sex FAQ. Kill the Bush! 9/11 was engineered by America, not al-Qaeda!"

End of Spoiler

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

1021th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(9):Random post of Braid & crossdressing" , posted Wed 13 Aug 03:29post reply

I need to play his tentacle rape game.

Play to win.

261th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(10):Random post of Braid & crossdressing" , posted Wed 13 Aug 13:21post reply

I just finished playing Braid for the 360. I can say I love it. The design is top notch. The graphics, the soundtrack, the gameplay. And the story..the story is a puzzle..this game is alive. I wish developers tried making really innovative games like braid in the future. Its a work of art

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"