Catching up on some classic RPGs - Forums

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"Catching up on some classic RPGs" , posted Wed 11 Jun 17:06:post reply

Lost my job a little while ago, and I'm leaving the state in a few weeks so there's no point in getting another one just yet. So I've been using my time to play the shit out of some games I, for some reason, never really gave a chance before. Summon Night kinda sucked (sweet battle system but grinding for mats got old QUICK), but holy crap, Shining Force (GBA version) is incredible! Could you guys reccomend a few games for me? Particularly any remakes of old RPGs that might have slipped by the radar.

Also what's the deal with Golden Sun? I've heard it praised as the best GBA rpg ever, but the game's beginning and slightly 'rough' engine literally put me to sleep last night, does it really get better?

late-night edit: I'm about ready to dive into Ys for the first time! 2 questions though, I'm a bit confused by all these different ports, what are the best or most definitive versions of the Ys games? And does anyone know wherer to find the elusive English patch for Ys: Oath in Felghana?

[this message was edited by Shindekudasai on Wed 11 Jun 18:13]


216th Post

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"Re(1):TWEWY" , posted Wed 11 Jun 22:05:post reply

While not a classic rpg(just came out). I have been enjoying "The World Ends With You" by Square. Usually I get bored or the story takes stupid turns or cliches. And I usually end up not finishing the game, cause the work put in just isn't worth the outcome.

But TWEWY is a pretty well thought out and enjoyable unique concept from top to bottom. The main character is prick like Squall, but comes off less cliche and has real progressive growth. Would be cool if the sequel took place in other cities around the world.

[this message was edited by Black_Hayato on Wed 11 Jun 22:07]

458th Post

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"Re(1):Catching up on some classic RPGs" , posted Wed 11 Jun 22:58post reply

I remember enjoying Golden Sun a lot...

Anyway, I'm currently playing Lufia II for the SNES and having a blast. I love the puzzle elements in the RPG. The only drawback I can see is that it's really linear (but all RPGs were in that time).


Time Mage
2686th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Catching up on some classic RPGs" , posted Wed 11 Jun 23:45:post reply

The Golden Sun games are fine games, but they lack any soul. The graphics (specially battle graphics) are great, the dungeons, specially in the second one, very well thought, the battles are fun when they have to and fast when they have to, and the music is quite good, too. And despite of that, I don't want to play any more Golden Sun games. Maybe it's the stupid dialogues, the mediocre plot, or the fact that the first one is half a game, ending in a stupid cliffhanger.

However, I enjoyed many parts of them.

EDIT: Firefox grammar check makes me lazy, and I skip the mistakes that are actually a word >_>

"News flash big guy: You can wax on wax off all you want I'm still... KICKIN' YOUR ASS!"

[this message was edited by Time Mage on Thu 12 Jun 03:25]

735th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(3):Catching up on some classic RPGs" , posted Thu 12 Jun 02:38post reply

I enjoyed Golden Sun, but I didn't get very far in the second one... Well, considering I somehow won it in a Nintendo lottery game, it doesn't matter.

I really loved The World Ends With You. Some people are turned off by Neku's "emo" personality, but as mentioned, it evolves so no problem at all. I spent lots of hours with the game without even noticing, and after beating it, you still have lots of thinks to do if you want to. It's very replayable. Tin Pin matches are awesome too! My game of the year?

On a side note, I'm playing Odin Sphere too and I'm very impressed!

If you're going to play Ys, the better is the Ys I & II Eternal remakes for PC. Get 'em and Nightwolves' english patch and you're ready to go!

4128th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Catching up on some classic RPGs" , posted Thu 12 Jun 03:58post reply

I liked summon night (sword craft stories, I assume you mean?) quite a bit, myself.

but to each their own, indeed.

461th Post

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"Re(5):Catching up on some classic RPGs" , posted Thu 12 Jun 09:43post reply

I liked summon night (sword craft stories, I assume you mean?) quite a bit, myself.

but to each their own, indeed.

As did I, but I never had to farm for materials anyway because I'm not the completionist I used to be.

I really wish they'd make a console Swordcraft game, cause man it'd be great. For that matter even just have EX come out here would have been nice.

171th Post

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"Re(6):Catching up on some classic RPGs" , posted Thu 12 Jun 10:02post reply

I really wish they'd make a console Swordcraft game, cause man it'd be great. For that matter even just have EX come out here would have been nice.

How's Summon Night Twin Ages? I've heard they tonned down the difficulty...

1591th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(7):Catching up on some classic RPGs" , posted Thu 12 Jun 12:13post reply

Annual post touting Live-A-Live goes here.
Live-A-Live is great. Get the updated translation patch at

If you are feeling like something a little different, you can also try Dark Law for the SNES, snag the translation patch at Some parts of the game haven't aged well, but I find the attempt at electric guitar heavy music in a 16-bit medieval fantasy RPG somewhat amusing.

I like the setting of Soul Blazer a lot. However, the lack of variety in the combat might be a bit grating.

757th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):Catching up on some classic RPGs" , posted Thu 12 Jun 16:02post reply


late-night edit: I'm about ready to dive into Ys for the first time! 2 questions though, I'm a bit confused by all these different ports, what are the best or most definitive versions of the Ys games? And does anyone know wherer to find the elusive English patch for Ys: Oath in Felghana?

As far as definitive versions go, most of them are the PC Engine versions (Ys I&II, Ys III, Ys IV: The Dawn of Ys). The SNES version of Ys IV (Mask of the Sun) is also worth checking out as it's completely different from The Dawn of Ys. Also the SNES is the only place you're going to find a decent version of Ys V.

Stay away from the PS2 ports of Ys III, IV, and V.

As for the Oath in Felghana translation patch, fat chance. The reason nobody can find it is Nightwolve wanted to get paid for it. Not like you really miss anything if you've played Ys III before.

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

210th Post

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"Re(2):Catching up on some classic RPGs" , posted Thu 12 Jun 16:56post reply

First of all, thanks to everybody for their input! Looks like I'm gonna have my hands full for a few weeks :)

And regarding Felghana, the stupid game wouldn't boot after the first time (when I brashly quit to try and get my controller working... shame, because the 5 minutes that I did get to play were INCREDIBLE!), but I DID manage to get my hands on the patch, so if anyone wants it just let me know and I'll get it out to ya.

2511th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Catching up on some classic RPGs" , posted Thu 12 Jun 18:14post reply


Stay away from the PS2 ports of Ys III, IV, and V.

As for the Oath in Felghana translation patch, fat chance. The reason nobody can find it is Nightwolve wanted to get paid for it. Not like you really miss anything if you've played Ys III before.

Whaaaa!? But "Oath" is a completely different game! I mean, sure...the plot is the same, but who plays Ys for the plot? I was really impressed with the game...enough to possibly recommend passing on Ys 3 and playing it instead. The soundtrack alone almost justifies the entire package.

Of the PS2 remakes, I only played Ys 3. What was wrong with it? I really couldn't tell. It had been quite a while since I'd played Ys 3 when I played it. It seemed roughly the same to me.

Also, what was wrong with 4 and 5? I never liked 5 to begin with, so a system overhaul might be a plus for me.

Please understand that when I say "what was wrong with it" I'm asking innocently. You seem to know better than me.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

1070th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(2):Catching up on some classic RPGs" , posted Thu 12 Jun 21:16post reply

I think Oath stands on its own! I'd rather people play the original Ys III first, because I think they'd appreciate it more then... Ys III was my first Ys game so Oath in Felghana put me in a very special and happy place. I have yet to try the PS2 Ys III, but I've wanted to for quite some time. It looks pretty, even if the gameplay is supposedly not so hot. I also hear terrible things about the 3D-y versions of IV and V for PS2, though.

As for the Oath in Felghana translation patch, fat chance. The reason nobody can find it is Nightwolve wanted to get paid for it. Not like you really miss anything if you've played Ys III before.

Not true. The final version was intended to be free, just like the previous patches. Those who donated were given early versions of the patch, which was eventually leaked leading to the situation we have now. Also, if you can't find it, you're not looking hard enough. It spread pretty far.

Nightwolve and Deuce do great work, but NW does kind of take stuff to extremes. I fear his attempts to keep pirates from using his patches (if more even come in the future, anyway) will lead to horribly invasive stuff.

760th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(3):Catching up on some classic RPGs" , posted Fri 13 Jun 14:06:post reply

Also, if you can't find it, you're not looking hard enough. It spread pretty far.

I don't even want it. As far as I'm concerned Nightwolve is a dick; even if the patch doesn't have something weird on it I'd rather not touch anything that altered my computer made by someone who does questionable things.

Whaaaa!? But "Oath" is a completely different game! I mean, sure...the plot is the same, but who plays Ys for the plot? I was really impressed with the game...enough to possibly recommend passing on Ys 3 and playing it instead. The soundtrack alone almost justifies the entire package.

No, I mean if you've played Ys III you don't need to know what Oath in Felghana's plot is. Oath is obviously superior to Ys III, but in my opinion you can't begin to appreciate just how much better Oath is without having played Ys III first (that in spite of the fact that Ys III was probably the worst of the mainline Ys titles).

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
I was so deliriously pleased to get to fight Chester for instance, not once, but twice. Didn't even miss the fact that you only got to fight Garland (for real) once instead of the redundant two times in Ys III and thought it was neat that they expanded Dularn's role in the game.

End of Spoiler

Ys IV PS2 (which is based on Mask of the Sun... sort of) is actually pretty different: no bumping, terrain layout is major pieces of crap, the art is shit-- generally it's just plain awful. It's nothing like the original Mask of the Sun (which was actually very fun to play). Although I suppose that's why it's called 'A New Theory'.

I actually thought Ys V (SNES) was fairly decent, and I enjoyed playing it (although, all things considering, playing it is like playing a crippled version of Ark of Napishtim). I didn't bother to get Ys V (PS2). From what I heard it's not that much different from Ys IV.

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

[this message was edited by Amakusa on Fri 13 Jun 14:40]

213th Post

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"Off Topic (Dissidia)" , posted Fri 13 Jun 15:59post reply

For some reason I couldn't bring the Dissidia post back to the top, so I thought I'd let you all know Tidus and Jecht are both confirmed. Pics at the Magic Box.

And I am majorly bummed about Oath refusing to load for me, but at least I was able to install I&II Eternal Complete. Oh wellz.

3139th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Catching up on some classic RPGs" , posted Fri 20 Jun 14:13post reply

I really wish they'd make a console Swordcraft game, cause man it'd be great. For that matter even just have EX come out here would have been nice.

How's Summon Night Twin Ages? I've heard they tonned down the difficulty...

"Twin Ages" is okay? Yeah, uh, you start with a bunch of healing items and you get strong spells very early. Don't know why this was done, but eh. I still like "Swordcraft Monogatari" though.

I'm surprised that no one mentioned "Seiken Densetsu III" yet. My youngest brother, who normally isn't much of a role playing game player, is actually having fun with this game because it shows what he loves doing in attacking head on. Oh and I am showing him the best team to do it with in the guys.


172th Post

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"Re(8):Catching up on some classic RPGs" , posted Fri 20 Jun 14:42post reply

"Twin Ages" is okay? Yeah, uh, you start with a bunch of healing items and you get strong spells very early. Don't know why this was done, but eh. I still like "Swordcraft Monogatari" though.

Two of the Swordcraft Story games have been localized, you know?

Anyways, I went ahead and got Etrian Odyssey 2.

3141th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Catching up on some classic RPGs" , posted Sat 21 Jun 02:33post reply

"Twin Ages" is okay? Yeah, uh, you start with a bunch of healing items and you get strong spells very early. Don't know why this was done, but eh. I still like "Swordcraft Monogatari" though.
Two of the Swordcraft Story games have been localized, you know?

Anyways, I went ahead and got Etrian Odyssey 2.

Yeah, I'm aware of that.

Maybe Father Time caught up on me, but I could have sworn that the original "SN" game is coming out for the DS? Can't remember what's the date. Don't quote me on that. Oh, okay, you can quote me on that.


215th Post

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"Re(8):Catching up on some classic RPGs" , posted Sat 21 Jun 17:17post reply

SD3 was the shiznit, yo! The first time I played it I couldn't imagine why it was never brought to the US, especially considering the ongoing popularity of Secret of Mana at the time. Whatever - that's Square's loss. What's your favorite team? I liked Hawkeye, Angela and Riesz, though sometimes I throw Duran in there somewhere. I'm actually playing Sword of Mana right now - awesome remake, but I'm a little saddened that they took so much out that was in the original (like my Chocobot!), but I guess it had to be done to make it more like a Mana and less like a Final Fantasy. Has anyone played Children of Mana, and if so can you tell me if it's really a sequel to Seiken 3? And how are Dawn/Heroes of Mana?

8523th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Catching up on some classic RPGs" , posted Sat 21 Jun 17:23post reply

Has anyone played Children of Mana, and if so can you tell me if it's really a sequel to Seiken 3? And how are Dawn/Heroes of Mana?

Bad, and boring, and don't even mention the PS2 game.
They killed the series.

1473th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(9):Catching up on some classic RPGs" , posted Sat 21 Jun 20:00post reply

Children of Mana was the only game that I tried and played to the end. That was horrible.

216th Post

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"Re(10):Catching up on some classic RPGs" , posted Sat 21 Jun 21:21post reply

Wow, sorry to hear the Mana sequels aren't living up to the old games (but not surprising for Squenix). What in particular didn't you like/just how are they different?

1448th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Re(10):Catching up on some classic RPGs" , posted Sun 22 Jun 00:42post reply

Wow, sorry to hear the Mana sequels aren't living up to the old games (but not surprising for Squenix). What in particular didn't you like/just how are they different?

I think the later Seiken/Mana games are almost universally despised by individuals with a steady eye, from what I hear. As far as I know, they consistently avoid giving people what they want, which is another grand multiplayer action RPG like Seiken 2/SOM. The problem is that they're not even avoiding the old formula for some high art or to challenge their audience to try a new thing, I guess--they seem to fail at every new genre and engine they've put the series into, from what I've seen.

At least Shimomura Youko writes magnificent music for it, but as far as I can tell, the series survives on the mid-nineties triumphs of 2 (and possibly 3, depending on who you ask), though it may be The End at the rate they're going. I think Seiken 4 had a consistent 1.5 star rating on Amazon Japan, which was kind of hilarious.


3144th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Catching up on some classic RPGs" , posted Sun 22 Jun 11:52:post reply

SD3 was the shiznit, yo! The first time I played it I couldn't imagine why it was never brought to the US, especially considering the ongoing popularity of Secret of Mana at the time. Whatever - that's Square's loss. What's your favorite team? I liked Hawkeye, Angela and Riesz, though sometimes I throw Duran in there somewhere. I'm actually playing Sword of Mana right now - awesome remake, but I'm a little saddened that they took so much out that was in the original (like my Chocobot!), but I guess it had to be done to make it more like a Mana and less like a Final Fantasy. Has anyone played Children of Mana, and if so can you tell me if it's really a sequel to Seiken 3? And how are Dawn/Heroes of Mana?

It wasn't brought to the U.S. because it contains way too many bugs. One example is that critical hits are very rare. Also, Duran's shields don't work properly.

First time around, I used the girls. Funny thing is that I only used 5 walnuts at most. Don't ask how. It's much harder with the guys, but I think that statement's more so true if you go dark all the way. Why couldn't Hawkeye heal? He should be doing this instead of Kevin! Bah!

Oh. Hawkeye-Duran-Riesz. For some reason, I like that team.

I think pretty much everyone said it. After "III", the series went downhill for the most part. Oh well.


[this message was edited by Seija on Sun 22 Jun 12:59]

761th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(10):Catching up on some classic RPGs" , posted Sun 22 Jun 18:24post reply


It wasn't brought to the U.S. because it contains way too many bugs. One example is that critical hits are very rare. Also, Duran's shields don't work properly.

I guess I never noticed the critical hit thing; I also never used Duran. The one time I did play it I used Riesz Charlotte and Kevin, and I made Riesz a Dragon Knight because the FAQ I read said Jormungander sucked (and that turned out to be patently false because poison is helluva broken in that game).

Don't remember too much about the game other than the God Beasts; I fought the Moon Beast on the Moon day, which was a really stupid thing to do.

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

3144th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):Catching up on some classic RPGs" , posted Mon 23 Jun 01:39post reply


It wasn't brought to the U.S. because it contains way too many bugs. One example is that critical hits are very rare. Also, Duran's shields don't work properly.

I guess I never noticed the critical hit thing; I also never used Duran. The one time I did play it I used Riesz Charlotte and Kevin, and I made Riesz a Dragon Knight because the FAQ I read said Jormungander sucked (and that turned out to be patently false because poison is helluva broken in that game).

Don't remember too much about the game other than the God Beasts; I fought the Moon Beast on the Moon day, which was a really stupid thing to do.

Jormungander is good against standard enemies. Against bosses however, that's a different story. You will not give bosses status changes. Statistics changes, yes. Status changes, no.
